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Spurred Fate: Book Two: Black Claw Ranch

Page 10

by Lane, Cecilia



  Her inner badger tried to snatch control, but she was too far gone. Hunter had her bound to him. There wasn’t room for anything else in her head.

  Hunter tangled his fingers with hers and stretched her hands above her head. She was his entirely for the taking, and good gravy, he took.

  He bent his head and ravished her breasts with licks and tiny bites that bubbled pleasure in her veins. When she nearly contorted herself arching her back and giving him every inch, he dragged a hand down her arm and over her collarbone. Between her breasts, down her navel. Ragged pants filled the night by the time she realized what he intended.

  Joss was lost. Hunter’s eyes glowed pure gold in the night. Inhuman, unearthly. Sexy. She couldn’t look away even when his fingers brushed against her clit and sent fire searing through her limbs.

  “Fuck, Joss, you look so fucking good, darlin’,” he growled in such a deep tone she could hardly make out the words.

  That, too, shivered bliss up her spine. Pressure built in her body. She moaned when he connected their bodies deeply, and panted when he pulled them apart.

  Joss threw her arms around his shoulders and dragged him down, crashing her lips against his just as pleasure exploded, rippling waves of pure ecstasy through her and around his cock.

  He froze, buried deep inside her, and throbbed hot release. Aftershocks sparked up and down her body as they clung to each other for what felt like the most perfect eternity.

  When he finally pushed back and brushed the hair out of his eyes, the grin he beamed at her was cocky and full of sin.

  “Hello, badger.” He tucked his fingers under her chin and stroked his thumb down her throat. “You’re growling.”

  “Am not.” Her skin felt too tight.

  Hunter pressed his lips to her ear. “You are, and it’s fucking sexy. Let’s shift. Then I’m taking you back home and fucking you until you scream.”

  Joss’s mouth went dry at the naked plans. No games, no pestering, just straight desire to get close again. Her thighs involuntarily tightened around him.

  The scary part was what he intended before. “You want to shift? Now?”

  He shrugged and planted a kiss on her shoulder. “Why not? We’re already naked, you’re growling up a storm. My bear wants to run. There’s no one around. Let’s do it.”

  Huh. Just like that. Simple. No arranging a visit to a park or making sure the neighbors weren’t peeking over the fence. She didn’t need to hide.

  Again, because of Hunter’s words, something rearranged itself in her chest and she breathed a little easier.

  “Okay,” she agreed. “But I don’t know what she’ll do. Last time she took control, I fought a bear!” Mortifying. She wasn’t to be trusted. All her suppressed anger over Cal and his family’s shenanigans burst out of her when Hunter’s ex started in on him. She’d wanted to save him from all the hurt she endured from loving the wrong person.

  Which made him what? The right one?

  Her badger ratcheted up the rumblings.

  “Sexy little badger.” Hunter’s lips twitched. “I think she’ll listen to me.”

  Hunter eased back to sit on his feet. He rolled his shoulders, then fell to his hands and knees with a burst of cracks and pops of changing limbs. Blond fur slid through his pores and filled in his coat as his shape bulked up right before her eyes.

  With a chuff, the bear prodded her with his nose.

  Joss giggled. Her heart wanted to burst out of her chest, she felt so good.

  She poked at the inner half of herself. The badger crouched down, waiting for something to happen. Here goes nothing.

  The first crack of bone made her whimper. Then her badger was there, pushing forward to save her from the hurt. In her head, she stepped aside and let the inner animal take her place.

  With a shake of bristling fur, she rolled to her feet and rubbed her face against the bear’s leg. He licked her fur, then turned into the night. Several feet away, he stopped and looked over his shoulder.

  He waited for her. In the night, in life, he gave her as much time as she needed to figure herself out.

  Joss shook herself. She’d had enough of sitting on the sidelines and waiting for someone to wave her in. She hurried to catch up.

  Chapter 13

  “Hunter,” Joss gasped. Her fingers tightened in his hair. “Hunter, please.”

  By the Broken, he loved it when she begged. Those were the sweetest sounds in the world.

  He slid his fingers deep and curled them just as he caught her clit between his lips. Her back arched off the bed and her hips bucked against his mouth. He growled, hands clasping around her thighs to hold her open for his ministrations.

  Punishment, maybe? Pleasure, surely. He’d woken her from a deep sleep with his head between her legs, and she’d turned it right around on him. This was what she got for swallowing him down without complaint.

  Her cry echoed through his home. “No more,” she gasped. “Let me catch my breath, at least.”

  He pressed a kiss to her hip, then crawled up her body. Her stomach hollowed with each heavy breath she dragged into her lungs. Wild eyes and wild hair completed the well-loved look he couldn’t resist the moment his eyes shot open and realized he shared a bed with his mate.


  Not marked—yet—but she stayed the night. They’d run for hours before he finally turned them back to his hut. Loft, she insisted. Hut, he countered. By the Broken, he loved they already had banter.

  After he’d followed up on his promises and pulled three more screaming orgasms from her lips, she’d curled up against his chest and fallen asleep. He didn’t know exactly when he’d slipped into dreamless slumber himself, but the peace reverberating within his chest was something he’d never experienced before.

  She was everything. All the wrongs in his life led him to this moment, to her.

  “Isn’t it weird being with someone with such a similar name as your ex?”

  Silly little minx. Badger. Whatever.

  Her lack of filter was hilarious to behold. Not like Tansey’s where she popped off offensive shit without notice. Joss’s was awkwardly sweet, especially combined with her lack of curse words.

  He’d gotten two more of those out of her before she closed her eyes.

  Hunter kissed a line across her shoulder to hide his laugh. Fuck, that was where he needed her to bear his mark. “Mmm. You’re right. I guess we’ll just have to rename you like a stray brought home from the pound.”

  She pushed him away, trying to contain her smile. “I am not a stray.”

  “No, you’re now Fifi Featherbottom the Third.” She choked on her giggle. “Don’t like that one? What about Zinnia? Princess?”

  Joss crossed her arms over her chest and faked a pout. “I am not a princess. I am a queen.”

  He buried his nose in the crook of her neck. “Fuck yeah, you are,” he growled.

  Before he could go any further, the loud blaring of his alarm screamed at them from across the room. He’d put it there to force his ass out of bed instead of slamming a hand over it and falling back asleep. That was biting him in the rear when all he wanted was to shut off the noise and sink back into his mate.

  He groaned at the beeps. “We should be late. We should never leave here again.” He landed his hand on her ass with a smack that made her squeal in delight. “This is why food delivery was created.”

  “Hunter,” she hissed in the cutest shocked tone in the world.

  Her eyes blew wide. He wasn’t sure if that look or the tone made him harder. She was wild in bed, but talking about it made her blush.

  He planned to send her dirty texts all damn day.

  “Okay, okay.” He raised his hands in acceptance, then grumbled as he rolled out of bed. He flicked off the annoying alarm, then turned to find bright green eyes staring at him. He raised a finger at her. “No fair. You can’t look like that and expect me to do anything but you all day.”<
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  She giggled and dove under the blankets.

  Naturally, he jumped back into bed to cage her in and excavate her from her soft imprisonment.

  Only after a long shower that only ended because the water turned cold, did they finally get dressed. Joss hurried through finger combing her hair and tying it into some complicated looking thing, a tiny frown furrowing her forehead as she glanced at the clock repeatedly. Hunter couldn’t help but lean against the doorframe and watch, heart bursting in his chest and bear running triumphantly through his mind.

  She was exactly where she belonged. He just had to convince her to stay.

  When they were finally ready to head up to the main house, he met her at the door and pushed it closed. “Hey.”

  Before she could react, he cupped her cheeks and tilted her face toward his. Bright green eyes slid closed and her lips parted with a sigh as he sipped at her slowly and thoroughly. He needed to imprint himself on her somehow. It was the only way to keep his bear steady. Coated in his scent and craving his touch had to be enough until she was ready for more.

  He eased back with a final smack. “I’ll see you later.”

  Joss blinked at him. Her eyebrows shot together and paired with confusion in her scent. “Oh. Okay?”

  He offered her a crooked smile and pulled the door open. A tiny swat on her backside got her moving. “Get to work, Fifi.”

  “Princess,” she negotiated.

  He lifted his chin and stared down his nose. “Queenie. Don’t sell yourself short.”

  She was off his porch before she turned around again. The confusion and slice of worry threading through her scent riled up his bear. Hunter tried to soothe the beast. He meant no harm to their mate.

  He jogged down the steps and caught up to her with a grin. “Fancy meeting you here. You going this way? We should walk together.”

  “What are you doing?” she asked with a barked laugh.

  He threw his arm over her shoulder and dipped his mouth to her ear. “I wanted to get an extra kiss before the day begins and stare at your ass.”

  She swallowed back most of her moan. The bit he caught made him want to duck between buildings and wrap her around his waist.

  “You’re the worst.” Joss looped an arm around him and pressed her cheek close with a happy sigh as they stumbled their way to the kitchen door.

  Sweet fuck, the morning was perfect. He needed a lifetime of them. He didn’t care where. Black Claw, preferably. Texas, or Minnesota, or the other side of the world if she wanted. Just as long as he had his fill of her every damn day for the rest of his life.

  “Wait a second.” He pulled her to a stop before she turned the knob. A glance over his shoulder showed him the yard dead quiet.


  “I just want one more moment with you.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “You’re the one still standing here.”

  “You’re right. I’m just going to slip inside—”

  He cut her off with a hard kiss that backed her against the door. His cock jumped to life between them, but he ignored that as much as he could with her body pressed against him. He focused entirely on kissing her until her nails bit into his skin.

  “You’re right. You should get on inside,” he drawled. He dropped his lips to her neck and breathed into her ear. “I’ll be thinking about getting inside you all day.”

  Her lips parted in a gasp. Red covered her cheeks, but it was only hot, cinnamon arousal that hit his nose. Hunter stepped back and grinned.

  They were the last to arrive. All eyes turned to them as she stepped through the door with him following close behind. And fuck ‘em, he didn’t bother hiding his smug smile.

  Yeah, they’d spent the night together. Fuck no, he didn’t regret a thing.

  What surprised him was the lack of howls or whistles or jeers. They’d given Ethan and Tansey a load of shit when she’d first been brought back to the ranch. Tansey slung it right back at them. Joss wasn’t that sort of girl, so he was happy when they kept it to looks alone. Sly, interested, or just plain uncaring. But they didn’t cause a scene and embarrass his mate.

  Maybe they were turning a bit civilized under Tansey’s reign. Hunter knew where the real power stemmed.

  Joss hurried upstairs to change, then joined Tansey at the stove. Together they worked magic. Eggs and bacon and steaks appeared out of thin air and sizzled into deliciousness under their watchful eyes. Piles of food loaded onto plates and slid across the counter toward the hungry mouths waiting to start their day.

  It was the clan’s only breakfast, and the first the ladies would serve for the morning.

  He couldn’t take his eyes off Joss. She flitted from one task to another with ease. She had some sixth sense when it came to food. Any hint of strain she carried disappeared as soon as she stood in front of a stove and prepared a minor masterpiece. She loved what she did, and he loved watching her.

  Then something shifted.

  Joss reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. The hand she used to stir a batch of scrambled eggs slowed, then faltered. A frown dragged down her lips and erased the glow she’d worn all morning—the glow he’d put there.

  Tansey slunk up to her side and leaned in, annoyance slicing through her scent. “Tell him no. He doesn’t deserve anything,” she hissed.

  “I know, I know,” Joss mumbled.

  Hunter’s stomach sank. She still carried his scent, but she’d been marked by another.

  His bear pushed to the surface, ready to tear into anyone that touched her. Skin or heart, it didn’t matter to his inner beast. The competition needed to go. Preferably in a bloody defeat that served as a warning to anyone else that tried to steal her from him.

  Hunter frowned and pushed back on his murderous instinct.

  She needed time. He was prepared to give it to her. Between then, he hoped to keep stripping her down and proving over and over how good they were together.

  Whatever she saw on her screen worried him. Was she prepared to let her ex go? He wanted to trust that she wouldn’t go running back the moment the man crooked his finger.

  Hope and reality didn’t always line up. She had a past with the man. Real, strong ties. The kind that started with a kiss and ended with a vow. Those ran deeper than a couple kisses on the trail and fucking under the stars.

  Fuck. Too many thoughts rolled through him. Too many doubts made him a thundercloud. He was all in again, just like always. He couldn’t avoid setting himself up to be destroyed.

  She needed time, and all he wanted to do was rip into the fucker trying to steal his woman. He could pretend at being a gentleman, but that darkness lurked under his phony exterior. He was the same out-of-control asshole who clawed up a human for getting between him and a girl. He should have been put down years ago.

  Joss deserved better. She deserved more.

  His bear roared at him. Red hazed his vision. His gums ached and his fingernails poked into his thighs where he drove them to keep from scratching up the table.

  “Gotta go see to Trooper,” he announced loudly and shoved away from the table. He pasted a smile on his face, but knew it looked crazy from the worry souring the smell of the room. “Thanks for the meal.”

  Too big? Too fake? Fuck it. He had to get out of there. He had to get himself together. Maybe talk to his old man, make his bear understand a night didn’t equal a lifetime. Something. Anything. He had to stay steady.

  Hunter weaved his way around the others. He heard his name once, maybe a second time, but blood pounded hard in his ears. Claws savaged his insides. His bear wanted out, to rip and shred, and he was the one punished for not allowing it to happen.

  He tugged off his boots as he went. His bear pulsed inside him. Fur slid and receded as he tried to keep control of himself. It was a losing battle, but he had to get away from the ranch and witnesses and Joss. Out of sight, he let his bear rip through his skin with a roar.

  Joss was lig
ht and he was drawn to her like a month to a flame.

  He fled so he didn’t burn up.

  Chapter 14

  Joss moved through fog gathering the plates and mugs after the last guest pushed away from the table. A group of them milled in the great room planning the last minute details for a trip into town, while another handful elected to wait a few hours and head to the shores of the lake for the afternoon.

  She left them to their planning and hoped none asked her a question. She wasn’t in a position to listen or answer or do anything but gnaw on her lower lip with worry while shooting another look toward the nearest window.

  Hunter was out there, somewhere. Upset over something she was reasonably sure had to do with the texts she’d received that morning. Maybe there was another explanation, but she wasn’t convinced. The timeline between those words flashing across her screen and Hunter shoving outside while reeking of fur was too much of a coincidence.

  I’d do anything for your forgiveness.

  I need to see you again.

  What was just an annoyance had become an unwanted complication.

  Joss shook herself and tried to ignore the oily feeling in her stomach. Sharp points in her head were signs of her badger’s objection to playing nice as the first guests descended the staircase. They didn’t matter, the beast seemed to insist. Well, her employment contract and insufferable need to please people said otherwise.

  Tansey gave her a knowing look and handed her a cup of coffee as soon as her hands were free. “Spill.”

  Joss glanced out the window again. “I really should go—”

  “You really should have a cup of coffee with me. We’ve had a busy few days already, and it’s only going to get crazier as we wind down to the ceremony.” Tansey sipped her coffee and stared her down over the rim. “Spill. You stayed out last night.”

  “Yes, Mom, I did,” Joss chided with a roll of her eyes fit for any annoyed teenage girl.


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