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Assassin Affairs

Page 7

by R. S. Smith

  “That's nice, Joanna. I like the way my name sounds when it crosses your lips. Say it again.”


  Laura used her knife to cut the straps on Joanna's top. “Now persuade me to let you kiss me.”

  Not wanting to risk upsetting this new friend as the tip of the blade tickled her neck, she said, “Laura, you have me so excited, I hope you'll let me kiss you. Please, please!”

  “Okay, but kiss me like you really mean it.”

  Joanna gently embraced her and began the most sensual kiss she could muster as she felt Laura's fingers exploring. She had never experienced such a thing with another woman and was embarrassed at being aroused. Soon she felt Laura's finger slip inside her, and then a second. “Oooohhhh,” she panted, tightening her clench.

  “I bet you didn't expect anything like this tonight, did you, honey?” asked Laura with a wry smirk.

  “No, Laura, I hope I’m making you happy.”

  “It's a good start, darling.”

  “What do you mean 'start'?”

  “Use your imagination. I know you know what makes a woman purr. We've got another hour until daylight. C'mon, dare to expand your comfort zone, love,” she whispered, as she nibbled at her earlobe.

  “I'm not sure what you want me to do, Laura.”

  She whispered specifics into Joanna's ear, her wet fingers toying with her lips.

  “Oh my. I've never done that.”

  “All the better.”

  “It's difficult for me to move with that knife at my throat.”

  Laura folded up the knife and handed it to Joanna. “Here, you can hold it if that will help. Remember that your chances of getting the kid back are better if I'm a happy girl, than they are with those agents out in the other room. You want me smiling when I go out that window.”

  Nearly an hour later, just as the sun was about to break over the horizon, Laura said, “You did good tonight. I'll be expecting seconds when I deliver your kid. Agreed?”


  “A little more enthusiasm please.”

  “Yes, Laura. I swear I'll do whatever you ask if you bring her home alive.”

  “Good, that motivates me as much as the money, almost. Here's a burner cell phone. It's got my number programmed into it. Keep it turned on at all times in case I need to contact you. Call me anytime, sweet-cheeks. She then picked up the silver case, crawled out the window and smiled as she disappeared into the predawn night.

  As Joanna laid back in a state of exhaustion, wondering if the last few hours had really happened or if it had all been yet another one of her erotic dreams, the phone rang.

  “Ms. Jennings, this is Commissioner Gravina. Please forgive the early hour, but I knew you'd want to hear right away. We just received a a written ransom request from Lionel. He enclosed a photograph of Jessica showing that she's still alive. He's demanding a million dollars and wants you to deliver it to him alone and in person in a remote part of Colorado.”

  The Commissioner left out a few details, one of which was the fact that the FBI already had a rescue plan in the works. He knew she would probably not approve, preferring to be in charge of any recovery attempt. The other was that the photo was of Jessica sitting nude on Lionel's lap, with a big grin showing off her braces. The expression on her face, however, was clearly one of distress.

  Joanna promptly relayed her limited information to Laura. Having her own independent sources, Laura obtained a copy of the updated FBI file. Under normal circumstances, she would have used her established team in Los Angeles for such a mission. They had all worked well together on numerous similar cases. However, with things now focusing on Colorado, she determined it a good time to renew some old acquaintances.

  A year earlier, she had encountered a couple named Renée and Danny while on an assignment in New York City. Actually, they had been her initial targets, but due to extraordinary circumstances, she had found them to be worthy fellow-contractors and great sex partners. Danny had been in Special Forces and had spent time as a detective on a small city's police force. Renée had been an assassin for a prominent, notorious New York mobster. Destiny had brought them together.

  After a leave of absence from her marriage to join them in a most-agreeable sexual threesome for several months, Laura had figured it best to leave them behind and return to a normal home-life with her husband. This had proved to be a less-than-fulfilling choice. Her special friends had decided to give up their old lifestyle and had relocated to Danny's mountain cabin, somewhere in Colorado, to lead a more normal life and possibly have some kids. She had their emergency contact number and welcomed the excuse to reconnect with them. The next morning she sat with the couple, each in a large rocking chair on their front porch, overlooking a nearby scenic lake. There were no neighbors.

  “Did you guys miss me?” she asked in a suggestive tone.

  “We did,” both responded.

  “It feels good having you here with us,” said Renée. “Is this visit business or pleasure, Laura? You know we've quit that line of work.”

  “It could be either one or it could be both. No good intention goes unpunished, and going back with my husband was just like a punishment. I've often fantasized about our old times together. I had an encounter last night that really brought things into perspective for me.”

  “Is this the business or the pleasure part?” asked Danny with a chuckle.

  “I've had a big case fall into my lap. It could be worth a million dollars for each of you if you can help me retrieve a kidnapped girl.”

  “Is it the one that's been in the news, that TV star's kid?”

  “That's the one, and she's being held somewhere here in Colorado. The FBI just got this photo of her with her captor.” She handed them her copy of the file.

  “Oh, she's cute,” said Renée. “Isn't she just darling, Danny?”

  He nodded.

  “Her mom's not bad either. I introduced her to the lifestyle last night,” admitted Laura, with the hint of a blush.

  Renée was the one who had introduced Laura to the bisexual pleasures and said, “Wow, Laura, I'm getting excited just considering all the possibilities here.”

  “I know what you mean, hon.” said Laura. “The mom has promised me seconds when I deliver the kid.”

  Not wanting to be left out of the discussion, Danny chimed in, “Let's save the kid, and then keep her here with us for awhile. She'll need some time to unwind from her traumatic experience. In her vulnerable state, we can indoctrinate her to our vices, then have mommy come here and earn her back, along with the payment.”

  “You're just kidding, right?” asked Laura. “There's a probable multimillion dollar payment here, Danny. Let's not do anything to put that at risk.”

  “I think he's mocking us now,” added Renée, looking over at him with an expression of wonderment.

  “It would be wicked fun,” he said.

  “Are we that wicked?” asked Laura.

  Renée reexamined the photo with keen interest and then shrugged her shoulders as if to say maybe.

  “Joanna did agree to do whatever I ask if I return her daughter alive,” said Laura. “I never imagined this scenario, but it's kind of tantalizing. Once we've got our money, I'm open to anything. So, are you guys in?”

  “Did you ever want to run through the woods naked, Laura?” Danny asked.

  “Sounds fun.”

  “See that boat dock at the bottom of the hill?”


  “How about when I say “GO”, we all strip naked and race downhill through the woods to the dock? Last one there is sex slave for the night to the other two.”

  “You in, Renée?” she asked.


  “Wait a minute. We don't have time for this!” exclaimed Laura. “We're on a time table here. We have to beat the FBI to her if we want to be the ones who rescue this girl and get our payment. There's a bonus it in if this guy suffers an agonizing death.”

  “We haven't said we'd help you yet,” said Danny. “We already have money and we agreed to give up that business.”

  “It's a lot of money, more than I implied. She's paying ten million when her daughter is returned to her.”

  “We want even shares,” said Danny. Renée nodded in agreement.

  “Half, I've give you guys half. That's two and a half million each. It's my contract. You guys wouldn't even have the option if it weren't for me.”

  “Look at that photograph again,” said Danny. “I know where he is. What's that worth?”

  “How could you know that?” Laura asked.

  “I've lived up here on and off for nine years. I know the area. The window shade in the photo's background is open. I recognize that hilltop. I can get us close to where they are in an hour.”

  “Oh, okay, an even split,” she conceded.

  “What's the bonus?” Renée inquired.

  “She didn't say, but I'm sure it's worthwhile.”

  “Maybe it's sexual,” Danny snickered. “Either way, we get an even share.”

  “Okay, let's get going. I've got all my surveillance gear in the SUV I rented from the airport. I assume you guys have weapons.”

  “We always have guns,” said Renée, “Lots of guns.”

  “We race first. Remember the deal, last one to arrive naked on the boat dock is sex slave for the night to the other two.”

  “We don't have time for that now, Danny. That dock is a quarter-mile away, and besides, it's chilly here.”

  “Don't be such a wus, Laura. The run will warm you up. We've got twelve hours before it's night time. We'll race now, party tonight. The cool air will make those nipples nice and firm. There's a cleared, winding path, so you won't even need your shoes.”

  “Oh, all right.”

  “Ready, set....GO!”

  Laura let out a shriek as they all began stripping and as each raced to beat the other two down the treed incline. Danny led the way; flannel shirts, jeans and shoes littered the downward trail. Each was exhausted as they neared the finish line. Danny turned and looked back at the two woman bounding down the hillside toward him, still undressing. As he paused to admire the view, both passed him by, then collapsed onto the old, wooden pier breathless.

  “What did you stop for, Danny?” one of them asked.

  “The view was too good to miss. Two beautiful women tearing over their clothes as they raced toward me, every part of their nice bodies bouncing up and down. It was so awesome, a memory I will take to my grave.”

  “Well,” Laura said panting, trying to catch her breathe, “you're gonna pay for that tonight. You'd better save your strength, buddy, because it's been a long time for me and I need a lot of servicing. Plan on being busy all night long!”

  “I look forward to it,” he said with a smirk.

  “Me too”, said Renée. “I've got towels in the boathouse, Laura. If you want to see Danny all shriveled up, feel free to push him into the water, it's ice cold. The shrinkage will give you a sight you'll long remember, too.”

  The next sound heard was one of Danny splashing into the frigid lake shouting “Aggghhhhh!!”

  Using the photo of Lionel and Jessica and the hilltop view for guidance, it was about three hours later when they located a mountainside cabin that seemed a prime candidate.

  “How do we find out if this is the right place?” asked Renée. “All the window shades are drawn, except for that one on the cabin's lakeside, but it's too high to see into. Should I pretend to be lost and knock on the door?”

  “No, hon, I did say I stowed my gear in the back of the truck. I brought my thermal detection unit, it will show us how many live bodies are inside,” said Laura.

  It didn't take her long to set it up.

  “I see two warm bodies. One appears to be sitting at a table, the other is upright against a wall.”

  “Maybe he hung her up as a decoration or a trophy. Laura, what do we know about this guy?” asked Danny.

  “The file says he's spent a lot of time institutionalized, he calls his penis Mr. Lenny, he has the emotional and mental development of a ten-year-old. He's probably sitting there reading comic books or watching cartoons. I doubt he even has a gun. It should be a cakewalk. Wait a minute, he's on the move! He's moving her from the wall to the bed.”

  “Oh, let me see!” said Renée.

  All three stared at the thermal visual as the two interacted on the bed. “Oh my God, I think I see Mr. Lenny!” one shouted. They all chuckled admiringly.

  “We'd better get up there,” said Danny. “I've seen enough. Let's see if the windows or doors are unlocked, or if we have to smash in one of them.”

  “Let's try to sneak in and watch,” said Renée. “How many chances do we get to make lasting visual memories?”

  “Quite a lot today,” laughed Laura, looking at Danny's crotch.

  “Very funny,” he snarled.

  A short while later, they tip-toed onto the cabin's front porch. The windows and front door were locked. Renée tried peaking through the draped windows. There was a tiny opening.

  “You guys, they're both naked,” she whispered.

  “I want to see, too,” said Laura, nudging her aside. Each began pushing the other to get a better view and soon Lionel heard the commotion.

  “Who's out there?!”

  “He might be armed,” said Danny as he forced his way inside, weapon drawn. His two companions followed. Moments later they had Lionel restrained on the floor.

  “Who are you?” the girl asked. “You don't look like police.”

  “Your mother hired us,” said Laura.

  Jessica began kicking Lionel. “This asshole has been really nasty with me! He keeps saying he wants a 'Lenny licking', then he punishes me for not doing it right, and that's not even the half of it!” She had the bruises to show for it.

  Her three new friends each found a seat and watched as she kicked and punched.

  “Do any of you have a knife?” she asked.

  Each of the three produced one. Laura's was the biggest.

  “Penis envy?” asked Danny.

  Jessica began sticking him with the blade, first his arms, then his legs. “Maybe I'll cut out his eyes.”

  “Your mother did say she'd like some proof that he suffered at the end. You'd be earning us our bonus. Personally, it's not his eyes I'd like to take back to her,” hinted Laura.

  Young Jessie's eyes lit up as they moved over to Lionel's special appendage. “Man up, Mr. Lenny. Stand up and give us all a farewell salute so that everyone can see what I've had to put up with the last few days. Atta boy, oh yes. Look at this everyone!”

  “Oh my, talk about the day's visual memories!” one of them said.

  “No, no, don't do that!” Lionel pleaded. “I'm sorry, I'll let you go home if you want. I was only having some fun. What was the harm, you were having fun, too!” In his confused mind, threatening people with a knife was his way of making friends and he perceived the pleasure as being mutual.

  His eyes opened wide as his one-time captive slowly inched her blade down across his stomach. She toyed with the offending Lenny as she pondered its destiny.

  “Let's see, should I cut off half? What do you think, baby?”

  “No, no!”

  “Oh, okay, you're right. I'll take the whole thing,” she purred.

  “No, stop! Please!” He began squirming violently.

  “Would you guys mind holding him still for me?”

  After an agonizing ten minutes, Lenny and Lionel experienced separation. Laura placed Mr. Lenny into his new plastic bag home and tucked him away.

  “Where are your clothes, sweetie?”

  “He made me shred them, and then he had me burn them in the fireplace.”

  “Here's one of his shirts you can wear for now,” said Danny. “We'll take you back to our place. It's not too far from here. You can call your mom from there if you want. There's no cell phone reception up here.”

  “Do I have to? I'm not ready to go home yet. I'd rather keep her worried for a while longer. Once I'm home, she'll just go off on another film-shoot in Europe and dump me on her boring friends again. When I finish high school this year, I'm leaving.”

  “You can stay with us for now, Jessie,” offered Renée. “You need some time to unwind, relax and get some semblance of normality again. Danny can take you fishing if you want. We'll cook your favorite meals for you. How does that sound?

  A few hours later, the foursome was settling in at their cabin.

  “Is it okay if I take off this shirt? It smells too much like Lionel,”Jessie said.

  “Do whatever you want, kid. This is your time for you.”

  All three watched intently as she undid each button, then stuffed the offending shirt into the trashcan.

  “Would you like something to eat, honey, or maybe a shower? You can help yourself to any of my clothes,” offered Renée. “We're about the same size. You can have the bedroom while you're here, the three of us will be staying out here in the main room.”

  The next three days were spent getting to know one another. Danny took her fishing, she helped with the cooking and shared her life's story with them. Her mom had considered her an accident and never fully appreciated her. Her desire for now was to keep the rest of the world thinking she was still Lionel's prisoner somewhere unknown in the mountains. They went along with her wishes.

  On the third night, the four of them relaxed in the lamp-lit cabin, passing around a joint in front of the fireplace.

  “It's nice the way you guys are all so close,” Jessie said.

  “We go back a long way. We've all shared some intense experiences.”

  “I want to be a close friend, too.”

  “You are, dear,” one of them replied.

  “No, I mean a 'special friend' like you are with each other, and I've seen the way you each look at me. You're like hungry lions eying a piece of raw meat. I'm not sure why.”

  “You're a cute kid. We like you,” said Danny.

  “It's too bad you're all my mom's age. My friends and I have clothing-optional parties, but they're all my age. The most we've ever done is some oral stuff. I was a virgin until Lionel came along.”


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