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Sinful Intentions

Page 15

by Crystal Rhodes

  He had formed that impression instantly when they were first introduced. Jamison’s smile might have seemed sincere to the others, but he wasn’t fooled. In an effort to appear friendly, Jamison had made the request that they call him by the less formal nickname of R.J. It appeared to be an effort to break the tension between the three of them. He and Nedra had declined. Not another word had been exchanged after that, but Sin’s first impression was only enhanced as the two men now sat staring each other down. Royce was the first to look away as he turned his attention to the papers on the table.

  Returning his attention to the subject at hand, Sin didn’t like what he was hearing in this meeting. They had walked in hoping that the two parties could come up with a mutual agreement that might be acceptable to all involved, but Jamison still wanted the termination of the Reasoners’ paternal rights and sole legal and physical custody of Trevor. This would mean that he and Nedra might never see their son again. That was totally unacceptable.

  Donovan Murdock had assured them that such an arrangement should also be unacceptable to the court. Trevor was thriving in a loving home where he lived with his biological brother. If the court was to tear him away from such a stable environment, it would be psychologically damaging for the child, and they could prove it. If needed, a list of child psychologists had been lined up to testify to that fact. However, Murdock was honest in informing them that since Jamison was a biological father denied previous access to his son since birth through no fault of his own, it might be best to avoid court at all cost. The judge’s sympathy could be prejudiced toward the birth father.

  Murdock had advised them to bargain for as much legal and physical custody as they could maintain, offering liberal visitation rights for Jamison. However, he had further advised them that the best that they might be able to get was joint legal and physical custody of their son. If that were the scenario, it would mean that Trevor would live with both them and with Jamison part-time and all decisions about his welfare would be by mutual agreement.

  Despite their attorney’s advice, Sin had still been resistant to sharing any form of custody with this stranger. However, he understood their lawyer’s reasoning. Having been much too familiar with the court system in the early years of his life, he didnfully trust it. Reason told him that if they went to court they might be forced to provide Jamison with some form of access to Trevor, so arbitration might be the better course of action, but he vowed to fight like hell to maintain as much control over him as possible.

  He and Nedra were at odds about how far they were willing to bargain. Spurred by too much Christian charity, her position was a little too benevolent for Sin. She felt that Jamison had a right to get to know Trevor, and she wanted their offer to be more flexible in working out a custody agreement. Sin didn’t like it. He wanted limited, fixed scheduled visitation rights with supervision by a third party for Jamison, citing that they knew nothing about him

  The latter was a matter that they had sought to remedy. Just as Jamison had hired someone to investigate them, they had done the same. Donovan was using a private detective who usually worked with him to do the job, but the results up to this point had revealed little other than some parking tickets. On the public record, Royce Jamison was a choirboy. That rang alarm bells for both Sin and Donovan. They both knew better.

  “The man has a baby by a crack addict prostitute, but there’s no record of his having broken any other rules in his entire life,” Sin had noted skeptically. “Tell me another fairy tale. And what’s this about his being on the board of directors of his father’s company? That’s his only job?”

  He and Nedra had been in Donovan’s office over an hour reviewing the investigator’s report and preparing for the meeting with Jamison and his attorney.

  The counselor raised a perceptive brow. “When one has the kind of money that Jamison’s father has, indiscretions can conveniently disappear and employment is easily come by. As it states, the younger Mr. Jamison lives off a generous trust fund. His annual income off the interest alone is more than most working people make in years.”

  “It seems that Royce attended quite a few boarding schools in his youth.” Nedra shuffled through the report with a keen eye.

  “So you noticed that,” Donovan quipped. His eyes met Sin’s briefly, silently complimenting him on the astuteness of his spouse. She was on top of it. “Whatever occurred at each of these schools is going to take time to uncover. His record is clean according to their files. Personal interviews would have to be conducted to find out what really happened that got him moved around so much. Each school says that he simply transferred. I’ve still got my man on this, believe me, he’ll dig up the dirt. Until then, we’ve got to go with what we have.”

  Sin hadn’t argued. Unknown to Nedra or Donovan, he had made a telephone call to a friend in high places shortly after they received the letter from Jamison’s attorney. His friend had put some of his top men on a discrete investigation of Royce Jamison’s past, and after meeting the man, he was glad that call had been made. It seems that Jamison’s attorney was pulling out all the stops in his battle for Trevor’s custody.

  After the preliminary greetings, Edward Thompson, Jamison’s legal representative, reiterated what his client wanted and informed them that their counter offer was unacceptable.

  “Then why did you suggest this meeting?” Donovan asked, confused and perturbed by his colleague’s strategy.

  “My client wanted to meet your clients.”

  “For what?” Nedra asked. Her eyes shifted to Jamison who had sat back in his chair, relaxed. He seemed to be studying her closely. When Sin looked up with the same question in his eyes, Jamison’s attention shifted to Thompson. He inclined his head, giving him permission to continue.

  Withdrawing several sheets of paper from his open briefcase, Thompson passed them around to everyone at the table as he spoke.

  “It seems that it is no secret that Mr. and Mrs. Reasoner were involved in an illicit affair prior to their marriage…”

  “Illicit affair!” Nedra nearly jumped out of her chair. Donovan restrained her with a touch as he addressed Thompson.

  “There was nothing illicit about the relationship that this couple enjoyed. Neither of them was married.”

  Thompson’s tone was accusatory. “Mrs. Reasoner was a minister of a church that was prominent in the Oakland community, and she was supposedly a role model for its members. However, according to some former parishioners, her sexual escapades with Mr. Reasoner as an unmarried woman left her moral character in question.”

  Sin forced himself to remain impassive. Sputtering with rage, Nedra turned to him with blazing eyes, waiting for his reaction. He took her hand and squeezed it gently, but remained silent.

  Thompson addressed his next salvo in his direction. “And as for you, Mr. Reasoner. Your exploits were well documented in the Bay Area newspapers.”

  “As were the results,” Sin responded coolly.

  “Nevertheless,” Thompson countered, “the reputations of both you and your wife are in question and…”

  “Wait a minute, Thompson,” Donovan interrupted him angrily. “I see where you’re going with this, and you can forget it! Sinclair and Nedra Reasoner are exemplary parents that have proven their love and devotion to their three children…”

  The argument had raged for about five minutes, quieting down only when Thompson directed everyone’s attention to the report on the Reasoners that they were presently reading.

  Most of it was positive, but there were areas that were less than flattering that were highlighted. Sin gave a knowing smile as he continued to skim through the report. Jamison’s day was coming. He couldn’t wait to get the dirt on him!

  Royce wished that he could concentrate on the papers before him as easily as the others. Actually, he hadn’t read them and wasn’t much interested. His father wanted the boy, and he knew that his father always got what he wanted. It didn’t matter what kind of people the Reasoners
were, except for the delicious Mrs. Reasoner. He wondered how she was in bed. What he wouldn’t give to have those long brown legs wrapped around him. Royce shifted uncomfortably in his seat as his attention moved discretely to her husband.

  He didn’t like this guy. He was too cool, too good looking, too in control. He gave the appearance of having an air of sophistication, but the private investigator that his father had hired had relayed Reasoners’ story. He hadn’t listened too closely because at the time he hadn’t been interested in anything about either of these people, but he did know that Sinclair Reasoner came from the streets. No amount of class that he may have acquired over the years would negate that. The man had come in contact with the law quite a few times in his life. How he ended up with someone like Nedra was beyond him. She was way out of his league, and he suspected that Reasoner knew it. He would bet all of the money that he had that if the man had any weak spots, he knew what—or rather who—it was.

  Royce gave an indiscernible smile as he watched Sinclair. This was a man who was deeply in love with his wife; a blind man could see that. That meant there was only one thing that could ruffle his feathers. Royce’s eyes slid back to Nedra. But who could blame him. If he had someone that hot in his bed…

  Sin felt frustrated, caught between a rock and a hard place, especially since meeting this Jamison character. How this joker had fathered a child as wonderful as Trevor was beyond his comprehension. Obviously, miracles did happen. He didn’t want him to have Trevor at all, but how could he look his son in the eyes if one day his youngest discovered that it was he who had denied him access to his biological father? How would it affect their relationship? But, would there be one if Jamison stepped in? He couldn’t stand this guy!

  Sin raised his eyes to give Jamison a stony stare and instantly froze. He blinked, and then blinked again, certain that he had misconstrued what he was seeing, but nothing had changed. Royce Jamison’s eyes were glued on Nedra who was preoccupied with reading and unaware of the desire in their depths. Sin was very aware of it, and the chill that coursed through his veins was rapidly turning to fire. His breathing became labored. His hands tightened into fists. All reason was rapidly disappearing as he prepared to leap across the table and beat the man to a pulp. The rage building up inside of him was so pronounced that at first he didn’t hear Nedra whisper his name. She increased her volume.

  “Sinclair.” Her voice drew the attention of the two attorneys, but not her husband’s as he continued to stare across the table at Jamison who looked from her to him and back again. His face was blank.

  Heat radiated from Sin’s body like a furnace. He was as stiff as a board. Nedra started to get anxious as she spoke louder. “Sinclair, may I speak to you outside, please.”

  This time her voice did register, and he turned to her as if in a trance. She could see that he was trying to focus, but was not successful. Grabbing him by his arm, Nedra all but pulled him out of the chair as she made her apologies for the interruption and exited with a robot-like Sin in tow. She led him down the hallway into an empty alcove where they could enjoy some privacy. There she whirled on him.

  “What in the world is wrong with you?”

  She had finished reading the information provided by Jamison’s attorney when prompted by an uneasy feeling she had glanced over at her husband. What she saw had stunned her. He was looking across the table at Jamison as if he would attack him any second. She had never seen such an expression on Sin’s face. It was almost animalistic, and it frightened her. The attorneys had started to bicker again and didn’t seem to notice Sin’s change in demeanor, while Jamison appeared to have been alerted only by her addressing Sin. She had taken that opportunity to excuse herself before everyone in the room became aware of his behavior. She noticed that he had followed her to their present location like a zombie. Even now he didn’t seem quite like himself. She repeated her question.

  “What’s wrong with you, Sin? What’s going on?”

  Slumping on a nearby bench, he covered his face with his hands in an effort to regain some semblance of normalcy. His body was tense, still reacting to the rage he felt at finding Jamison ogling his wife.

  “If looks could kill, that man would be dead now.” Nedra shook her head in frustration. “Hon, I know that this entire situation is upsetting for us both, but we’ve got to be cool. Royce Jamison’s claim to our son won’t disappear, and giving him killer stares is not going to help the situation. It’s already grave enough.”

  “I know. I know.” Dropping his hands between his legs, Sin gave a heavy sigh. “You’re right. It’s just that…”

  It was what? The fact that another man was looking at Nedra? That happened all of the time. She was a beautiful woman. He was used to it, but not from this man. Not from Royce Jamison. How dare he? He wanted his son and his wife! The man had to be crazy. Nedra was as much a part of him as the heart beating in his chest. He couldn’t breathe without her, and the man who thought that he could come between them was a dead man. He didn’t like Royce Jamison anyway, so killing him would mean little to him. On the streets in his youth, he had committed himself to kill or die for much less. Sin massaged his temples as Nedra slid down beside him and put a comforting arm around his shoulder.

  “Baby, I know this is hard, but remember we’ve got to stay strong.”

  “I know.” Squeezing her free hand, he gave her a weak smile. “It’s cool. I’m okay now. I just let him get to me, that’s all. I’ll go to the bathroom, throw some water on my face. I’ll be okay.”

  Nedra kissed him on the cheek. “All right. I’ll go back in and hold down the fort. They’re not going to get away with this smear thing. I can tell you that.”

  “Go get ‘em, tiger.” Sin kissed her on the tip of her nose. They got up and headed down the hall, separating as he turned into the bathroom, and she continued toward the meeting room.

  Sin stood at the sink, wet a paper towel and swiped it across his face. The coolness felt good. He was upset with himself for letting Jamison get to him. He had been one second away from reverting to his old street brawling days. He hadn’t felt that angry in a long time.

  Drying his face, he tossed the paper towels in the trash and turned to leave. The bathroom door opened and Royce Jamison entered. Both men looked surprised to see each other. Without a hint of recognition, Sin moved passed him and opened the bathroom door. Royce gave a sinister smile and addressed his retreating figure.

  “I bet she’s a good piece of…”

  The blow to his mouth came hard and fast, spinning him around. The second blow to his stomach was powerful enough to send Royce tumbling backward out of the door into the hallway. He fell on his butt with a thump. Letting out a yelp of pain that echoed through the empty hallways, he lifted his arm as he tried to protect himself from the next anticipated blow. It came swiftly. Jerking him up from the floor by the jacket lapels, Sin threw him against the wall and began pounding him with relentless purpose.

  Alerted by the noise outside the room, Nedra followed Donovan into the hallway with Edward Thompson on her heels. What she saw stopped her in her tracks. Royce Jamison was slumped against the wall, barely able to stand as her husband hammered him with vicious blows to his body. Jamison’s efforts to protect himself were feeble at best. He was outmatched, and it was obvious that Sin was on a deadly mission. Nedra stood horrified.

  In an effort to halt his actions, she tried to call his name, but the words stuck in her throat. She tried to scream, but it came out in a garbled gasp. It took a concerted effort on the part of both Donovan and Thompson to drag Sin from his defeated victim. Once released, Jamison slid to the floor like a limp, rag doll.

  The two attorneys struggled hard to keep Sin restrained as he fought to break free. His face was contorted with rage as he directed an expletive at the barely conscious man on the floor.

  “You say her name and I’ll kill you! Look at her again, and I swear you’re a dead man! Do you hear me, Jamison? Do you hear me?”
Sin’s breathing was erratic. Spit spewed from his mouth. His body was drenched in sweat. He was a man out of control, and he was deadly.

  Nedra had never seen him like this. It frightened her. She didn’t know what to do. The struggle of the two smaller men to keep a hold of Sin was becoming more and more difficult as he tossed them around like matchsticks. Shouts and curses filled the air, coming from clients and attorneys alike. People spilled from their offices, drawn by the commotion, while Jamison sat groaning in pain. The entire scene was chaotic, and in the mist of it all, Sin broke free of the attorneys, once again headed for Jamison. At a loss as to how she could help her enraged husband, in that split second Nedra prayed for guidance. Stepping in front of him, in desperation she threw her arms around his waist a second before he reached his victim. Burying her face in his chest, she held him as tightly as she could.

  “I love you, Sinclair. I love you, baby. Don’t! Please don’t.” Her words were said softly. She repeated them over and over in her effort to get through to him.

  In the fog of the rage that consumed him, Nedra’s voice emerged. It was filled with fear, desperation and love. Slowly, the cloud lifted. Sin shook his head to clear it, and in the interim heard the groans and curses coming from the man sitting on the floor with his back being supported by the wall. In that moment of clarity, what he had done hit him.

  Nedra’s arms stayed wrapped around her husband until she felt his body relax. She looked up at him, and their eyes met. The gravity of the situation was etched on his face. He closed his eyes briefly in an effort to gain complete control of himself. This was bad—really bad.

  Using the wall as an anchor, Royce eased to his feet slowly assisted by his attorney.

  “I’m going to sue you for everything you’ve got, Reasoner!” he rasped, wiping the blood from his nose with a coat sleeve. Every bone in his body was aching. He felt as if a train had hit him. “And I’m going to see to it personally that you go to jail.”


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