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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

Page 3

by Waggoner, Robert C.

When Brad had a moment he went to see the Master. Unlike some Asians, he hit the mute button on the remote for the TV. Brad bowed and sat down on the floor across from him. "Master, you honor us with your visit. How can I make it more comfortable for you," Brad said with slight neck bow.

  "I sense conflict between continents. I think you might need my assistance. Besides my gold is quickly disappearing like the snow in mountains in July. We've expanded our schools and enrollment has increased."

  "It's true there is conflict coming soon to South America and Brazil in particular. The president of Brazil is here along with our president for an important meeting after dinner. We'd be honored if you attended Master," said Brad.

  "Send Park to get me and I'll be there. Besides I need to observe your two children while they eat. Few people know that certain traits can be determined by how a person feeds itself. Never mind that as I'm back to watching some guy fly through the air without wings. American movies are, how you say, entertaining."

  Ana had had a hard time eating sitting on the floor. Sujin moved her kitchen table into the living room for her and Sam to sit at. Ana thanked Sujin profusely.

  Dinner was ready and Mr. Park went to fetch the Master. All guests and team members were seated when the Master came in. Mike in particular was watching for an expression on the Brazilian president's face when she first caught sight of the Chinese Master.

  Needless to say, he wasn't disappointed with the Master gliding through the door. Mike said later, jokingly, he thought she would suck the table cloth off the table when she sucked in so much air. Her hand flew to her neck and Miguel came alive looking at the Master with suspicion.

  The Master, dressed in his usual attire of Chinese light cotton clothes that reminded most Westerners of pajamas. The traditional green dragon was embroidered front and rear. Black slippers on his small feet were worn year around.

  In a flash he was sitting at the head of a floor table slurping some hot green tea. When the beef soup came he ignored it and his dinner was rice and fish. Meanwhile, Brad had Sujin sitting to the Master's left with Ranju and he sat to his right with Brian. Both parents knew full well the Master was observing the two kids along with the parents. They'd get a report later.

  While all were enjoying dinner, Ana asked Sam, "Are you familiar with the old Chinese man over there with the dragon pajamas?"

  Sam laughed and said, "From what I know, and that's quite a bit, Brad told me the old Chinese Master is probably the most deadly assassin in the world today. He's a contract killer that only receives payment in gold. All of the monies go towards schools and religious sites. His home is in Western China. Somehow, and I'm not privy to the information, Brad found him when he was recovering from an almost fatal wound in Afghanistan. Brad, or I should we, contract him on occasion to take care of some unwanted individuals.

  Ana, I'm a witness to his prowess one time in the White House. He saved our Secretary of Defense from assassination. We have it on tape or you wouldn't believe it if I told you what he did to save our secretary. Anyway, you've nothing to fear and before this mission is over, you'll probably be very thankful and grateful he's on your side."

  Miguel heard every word said. He thought that was a rather boastful claim that from what he could see, a frail withered old man with a scraggly beard and pony tail. He couldn't weight more than fifty kilos. However, it was rumored that Brad Pratt was not to be messed with. Tony had told both he and Ana the story how his knee was ruined.

  Chapter 6

  The clean up was accomplished in a hurry so the meeting wouldn't be disrupted with dishes being washed. Mike and Wade set up the chairs. Nancy was in conversation with both Brad and the president. The American president in particular had a concerned look on his face while Brad stood indescribably neutral.

  Once the chairs were in place and all found a seat, Brad stood near the front door and said, "If this team gets any larger, will have to build a conference room with speakers." That coming from a usual stoic Brad Pratt resulted in a round of laugher including the two presidents. "Okay, we've a situation that requires our attention. What I can say is this: a serious drug problem is growing exponentially in Brazil. What was learned from the western side of South America and Mexico has been copied in Brazil. I've been told that some very powerful and wealthy drug lords flaunt their power with an increasing detrimental effect upon Brazil in particular. We have to stop this rape of the citizens whose lives are at the mercy of the system they live under. Now let me turn this over to Madam President Ana who will give you more background and then Tony will put forth his ideas."

  Ana stood up and she noticed the Master sat against the wall with Brian in his lap. She said, "I want to thank you in advance and also a nice time has been both rewarding and enlightening. Brad has stated our case fairly well. We've two very powerful drug lords in Brazil. One in particular, known as Lord Perez, wields power so great he can manipulate our stock exchange. Also our currency exchange rate is vulnerable to his whims. So far he's not exercised any real problems because in doing so would also affect his wealth. We understand he's diversifying into other countries to safeguard his wealth.

  The other drug lord, Ramon Valzez resides in the southeast portion of Brazil. He's the opposite of Lord Perez in that he maintains a low profile and is, from what we gather, brutal to anyone who crosses or stands up to him.

  We don't have the wherewithal to take on these kinds of people. We've come here with our hands out for help. Brazil has always been a friend of the United States and will continue that way far into the future. I can take questions, but don’t have any idea how to cut these guys down to size," Ana said looking around the room of faces that showed honest concern for her plight.

  Tony stood up and said, "We know the reasons why we need to take these guys out, but the how is what we need to discuss tonight. The simple answer would be to take out the two drug lords, but that would only be vacant for a short period of time. Others are waiting in the wings for just that opportunity. What we need is to show these bad guys that it isn't in their best interest to enter the drug world. I'm suggesting for an opening discussion is we start at the bottom of the food chain and work up to the top." Tony looked around the room for some feedback and surprising the first to voice his question was Wade.

  "Tony, can you enlighten us how the system works from start to finish?"

  "The startup system has been in place for years from Mexico to South America. A farmer, for example, is contacted about growing some coco plants. All necessary things are provided: plants, tools, and the how to grow is freely given. The clincher is some hard cash to seal the deal. The one thing all growers of cocaine need is gasoline for the initial process. After that the product is transported to another facility where the finish washing takes place.

  As you know, the tropics have a year around growing season. The item most needed is gas. Farmers need that all the time. He has to go to a place where they sell gas. Those places are located on the Amazon River. We've refrained for inquiry how that system works, but we think the farmer takes his container to the gas station and returns by boat to his farm. A paradox occurs in that if we shut down the gas suppliers, the local economy falls flat. The sad part is the farmers, once hooked, can't break free. The drug people practically starve the farmers.

  The real crux is what do these farmers replace the cash coca crop with? That needs addressing by the Brazilian government. There're some ideas that are being tossed around, such as coffee, peanuts and other cash crops."

  Tony looked around and Nancy stood up and asked, "How to we begin Tony. In other words, we fly down there, huddle in your office and wait for orders. What are your orders Robin?"

  That brought a round of laughter including Brad. Tony said, "We've some very well trained staff and they'll quietly insert themselves into the system of intel gathering. What we need is names, places of the chain of command from top to bottom with our two major drug lords."

  "It appears to me that some of us
will go as tourists," said Mike.

  "Excellent idea and if we could place someone inside Lord Perez's office building, so much the better. What we need is some person whose been directly involved in having a family member killed or violated in some horrible way," said Angie. "In other words, like me, somebody who's not afraid to use their body for information. I know it sounds horrible, but the torture is no worse than starving in the mountains wishing for some rice to eat."

  "Anyone else have anything they liked to toss into the ring," asked Tony.

  "Tony," said Sam, "we'll authorize what we can to support you and Brad's team down there. I'll get a hold of Brad's father right away. We can station or have one of our smaller carriers visit the Brazilian waters. I'm told, but haven't seen, we've some really cool stealth choppers. This, by the way, is the only place I can use the word: 'cool'."

  Brad smiled and added, "We must be careful in all things regarding our intention down there. We'd like the word to go around that we can help, but refrain from promising a pocket full of money. We'll need some really fast and stealthy boats to run the rivers. I'm thinking we also will need covert camps in certain places for our teams to take cover in, if needed.

  How about this one: Mike as an affluent American businessman with the intention of buying land for coffee growing and also leasing land for coffee or peanuts. We can use the drug lord's money by hacking into an account and steal a few million without his knowledge. What say you about all what you've heard tonight team?"

  Mike was grinning from ear to ear. For an outgoing gregarious person like Mike, who makes friends out of enemies, this was heaven sent. He could go around by boat or helicopter then report when info needed sending. "I'm ready when the go signal is given," said Mike.

  "Okay let's sleep on all what has transpired and meet again in the morning. By then Billy and Alice should have a lot of information to share with us. Besides, it's a really nice night for the coast of Oregon. I plan on a run. Is anyone game," asked Brad.

  Brad looked over at the Master, but he and Brian were gone. Nobody saw him leave, but Brad knew he was in good hands. Sandy gave off a woof, as Rocky was outside on guard duty. Nancy raised her hand and Agent Jones was next. Mike had already gone downstairs to change out his jeans to running gear. Sujin decided a little night jogging might be on order for both her and Ranju.

  The two presidents sat talking with Brad's mother and Wendy. The baby doctor had told Wendy that because of a few things she'd best not run, but could very well exercise or swimming would be good. What Agent Jones heard that he immediately wanted to put in a swimming pool! Wendy scoffed at the idea and Jones relented.

  Ana asked Sam, "Do you think this is a winnable exercise we're about to embark upon?"

  "I'm not the one to ask that question to Ana. Brad is the only one that can give you that answer. He's never failed Ana; and the upcoming mission will, for all intense and purposes, be a success. However, it will be up to you and your government to put forth the money and effort it takes to keep those drug lords at bay. Mexico did it through very hard work and bloodshed. One drawback is that when Mexico ran the drug lords out, they went south to other countries that were ripe for the picking; like Brazil. If they're run out of Brazil, where can they go?"

  Wendy said, "Get a job like the rest of the world. Humans are both greedy and gullible. If someone whispers into their ears about something for nothing or next to nothing, they're off and running giving the farm away to get something with no effort. Well, sorry I got off on a tangent."

  "No, no Wendy you're dead right," said Sam. For example, we've opened our doors to immigration, but I hear that the majority of them think when they step off the plane the government is going to support them for life! Where is God's name do they get these crazy ideas?"

  "When the Mexicans came up here to pick fruit and vegetables, they worked hard for little money. Those immigrates deserve our help, but not a hand out for nothing. Well, let's not talk about this now as we're here to try and solve a humanitarian endeavor of immense proportions. The fact is people in cities don't eat unless it's grown by a farmer. That farmer should make a fair wage for his work and a fair price for his product. Growing illegal drugs is not in our book of life."


  On the beach, next to the surf, runners were jogging north to the jetty. Sitting on top of a sea stack by the name of Fish Rock, sat the Master and his little charge, Brian. The Master had his back to the ocean to block the constant on shore wind. The Master saw the team running up the beach. Brian looked and pointed saying "Da Da".

  Brad looked up as he ran by and waved. The other team members wondered who he was waving at, but the vibrations he and the Master felt were nonexistent to the other team members. Brad was still a neophyte compared to the Master feeling the vibrations of evil out there lurking for someone or something to exploit.

  But for now, breathing the pungent salt air and smelling the ever present seaweed decaying, pumped him full of adrenalin. The other members felt his power and with symbiotic awareness, pushed their bodies even harder to become stronger. This was their time to prepare for a mission fraught with extreme danger.

  At the jetty wall, Brad and team turned for home. Mike said, "Okay you wuss buckets, last one to the door of the Round House has to clean the chicken house." Even before he spoke those last words, all the members had leaped out ahead of him. The race was on.

  The next morning, Mike was raking used straw and replacing it with fresh. He had Brian to help as he gathered the eggs for breakfast. Brad and Billy were standing outside watching the coop being cleaned. Both Brad and Billy knew that Mike had come in last on purpose. That was the kind of guy he was. He relished seeing the rest of the running team with their tongues hanging out from the run back from the jetty.

  Chapter 7

  The morning meeting really didn't have anything revealing. Before the meeting Brad had been talking to his father, the Secretary of the Navy. Brad told him he'd fly back east and fill him in on what he desired. "The president called me Brad and I've a few ideas to kick around with you. See you soon and give mother a hug for me please."

  Brad gave a navy report to the breakfast eaters. Mr. Park had made scrambled eggs with diced veggies. Sujin and Brad's mother made a pot of Korean noodles. At the head of the table sat the Master with Brian in his lap eating rice and noodles. Brian didn't much care for the eggs as too many onions went against his young palate.

  Sam ate with relish and said, "Now I've to return to the daily grind of running a country. The worst part is tending to all of the hotspots that flare up on a daily basis. The leaders of the world are nothing but firemen putting out fires that erupt. Of course the Middle East is always flaming and that wanabe dictator in North Korea is a real pain in the backside. As we're among friends here, the North Korean leader must have found a way to remove our implant for controlling him. Few know that Brad almost lost his life in North Korea. We're thankful the Mr. Park came to his rescue. Well, now we embark on another important mission to save some ordinary citizens from the bad guys.

  Ana, I wish you the best as we'll not risk anyone seeing us together again. Brad will make your flight arrangements. Sujin and all of you, I thank you for your wonderful hospitality. I bid you farewell," said Sam as he left the Round House escorted by Rocky to his waiting car and to his final destination at Andrews Air Base.

  After the president left, the remaining members got down to business making plans for the trip to South America. Brad was waiting for Billy to give a computer report. In particular, Brad had given Billy instructions to hack into Lord Perez's bank and steal a few million for pocket money for the team members. Billy was smiling when he and Alice came to breakfast. He nodded to Brad. "Okay Billy, what do you have that your grinning about," asked Brad.

  "We found it relatively simply to break into Lord Perez's offshore accounts. In normal people speak, we moved some funds around to make it look like a regular movement, but then we transferred a few mil to our o
wn accounts. After that we set up some bank accounts in Brazil for our use. Alice has some new passports for all of us and they can be had at our American embassy in Brasilia. A CIA agent will deliver to us covertly at a prearranged location when we alert them.

  "Petrobeas Oil Co. is on the list of semi-private companies that Lord Perez quietly controls. Directly and indirectly he is a major stock holder. Consequently he can extend credit up and down the Amazon for his drug washing with gasoline. We're assuming, and when confirmed by fact, farmers or natives can go to any Petrobeas gas station and fill up. Again we're assuming a real person comes along afterwards or periodically to pay the station owner. I think that person is the one we tag as a person in the chain leading to Perez."

  "Okay that's good for now Billy and Alice. Good job. Pack up and fly with me to Washington where you'll load up on computers for the trip to Tony's office.

  Mike will meet us in Brazil. He's some stops to make on the way down south.

  Nancy and Wade will fly with me. As Wendy seems unable to do much but waddle, maybe it's best for Agent Jones and Wendy to stay home and protect the home front. However, as tourists, and with the bump in front, might be a nice cover.

  The Master will go with me and Rocky. I'm not sure there's much more we can do here so let's go east then south and see what happens. Ana and Miguel will go with us to Andrews. Okay, let's do it."

  Chapter 8

  Brad and Sujin took the opportunity before he left to have some quiet time alone together. They both lay on the floor futon talking about the kids and what the Master had related quietly to Sujin. "Brad he told me Brian is or will be a special little human with exceptional abilities handed down by his parents. He would like in a few years to take him to China for schooling. I told him we'd talk about it. The only thing he said about Ranju was she had very intense eyes that looked deep into the soul of a person."


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