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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

Page 6

by Waggoner, Robert C.


  Mike sat in one of Brad's suite chairs drinking a cup of Brazilian coffee. Rocky was happy to see him and as a matter of fact, so was Brad. Brad brought him up to date on the first strike against Lord Perez with two of Tony's men killing four of the bad guys leaving the rumor Robin Hood was in town.

  "I wonder Brad, what will Lord Perez do or how will he react to losing some cash and some men," asked Mike.

  "I've no idea, but we had to start somewhere. It just so happened that a regional boss murdered an old prominent farmer. Felix, Tony's number two men, talked to the oldest daughter and it was at that point, Felix took some revenge. He felt it was opportunistic. He also took out two soldiers who'd been raping young girls in town. He left spreading about three grand amongst the townspeople and some for the church.

  The next incident took place in the same town with four soldiers including a lieutenant who packed a whip. Tony's number 2 and 3 killed three soldiers and let the townspeople whip the lieutenant almost to death. The helicopter had almost fifty grand US for gas payment. Number 2 took the cash, gave some to the town, and brought the rest back here. They left the lieutenant alive to tell the story of Robin Hood and his merry men.

  We've a rented warehouse on the port. It's fully equipped with Billy and Alice at the controls of state of the art computer system. Billy will systematically bleed Lord Perez to death leaving him broke. Most of the monies will be bled back into programs for the farmers. If I'm not mistaken, that's where you come in Mr. Brimstone from Chicago," said Brad smiling.

  "I'm now an expert on coffee and Brazil nuts. I'm in the market to lease land for crop production. I've two Seals watching my backside. Speaking of Seals, we've had so many volunteers it's almost laughable. I thought to begin with we'd have twenty five come down. That would put five at five locations. I hope that fits your plans Brad."

  "Perfect Mike. We're trying to find a guide now to locate covert sites for camping. At each site we'd have a stealth helicopter and rubber stealth boats. We'd have as a plan a hit and run tactic. That's all subject to change if needed by on site operation.

  What we desperately need is Lord Perez's regional locations of governing sites. We know that Bruno was one and we've no idea who else; or for that matter, how many more. Ground work will reveal the answers. We need half dozen good guides who speak English; or at least an interpreter.

  Also we've a carrier in port with supplies and hardware galore. When we have our sites, we'll transport the supplies for stocking our camps. Can you think of anything we've missed or need Mike," asked Brad.

  "Not just now, but let's stir the old crap bucket and see what it smells like in the next week or so. Now I'd love to see our new warehouse and get some maps from Billy."

  Tony had furnished Brad with a driver. He was waiting in the underground parking trying to stay cool. Brad loved the way Mike looked in his tropical light weight suit of pale yellow. Instead of a tie, he had a tropical shirt on. A sleek pair of Birkenstocks met the walk between barefoot feet and ground. Also around his neck a heavy gold chain hung along with a Rolex on his wrist gave the impression of money. Pity the pickpocket or feller that tried to remove either wallet, chain or watch. It wasn't over a fifteen minute drive to the warehouse. When Mike walked in he was impressed. Tony greeted him warmly and made a remark on his dress. When Billy saw Mike he almost turned green with envy, but Alice gave him a big frown telling Billy his personality didn't fit the program quite yet.

  They all went to Billy's computer room where he proudly showed off his hardware. Alice went to work printing out color maps of the Amazon River and its major tributaries. Alice was way ahead of the game having roll up cases for transportation of maps.

  Billy asked Mike, "What name are you using so I can set up a bank account for you at Banco do Brasil." Mike told him and handed Billy his passport for copy. By the time you return to your hotel you'll be all set with just over five million in your account."

  "Thanks Billy. I'll pass a little seed money around for land acquisition and information. I'll also lease a warehouse to begin operation of exporting my product. Tony, I'll need some labor and some or two of your guys to watch the warehouse. I'll have a Seal or two, but your guys know the ropes better than we do. I'll find a river boat that has luxury written all over it for VIPs to rub elbows on. Well, I'm a little jet lagged so will stay over tonight and have dinner with you guys."

  "I'll send two guys from our team Mike," said Tony. We've been training for this for more than two years. Our guys are more than ready to flex their wings, so to speak. They'll do the job for you."

  "I've no doubt Tony about your men. I expect an assassination attempt before long. As soon as Lord Perez sees my action, taking his farmer's away from coca production; he'll probably hire a real hit man from out of country. Alert your boys to that end of things."

  I'll have Felix; my number 2 watch your warehouse Mike. He's a good one. You can rely on him and he'll know where to find what you are seeking. For some reason, natives here talk to him very easily and confidentially. Hey, sorry, but I've got to report to Ana our last incident up river."

  Later that night, under orders from Brad, after Billy showed the Master the map of the Amazon River, the Master went to Lord Perez's condo office to see if there were any maps available for copying. Both Brad and Billy saw the Master take a bony finger and trace the river to the west. At each good size city or town, he ran his finger under the name. A half hour later, just after midnight, Brad dropped the Master off a few blocks from the high rise where Lord Perez held court.

  At 6 am the Master returned to the hotel. Brad was still awake, but Billy was snoring on a sofa. There was a map of the Amazon River, from the beginning to the discharge into the Atlantic, lie on a large table that Brad had delivered especially for group meetings.

  When the Master arrived he took a high lighter and circled each region and then drew an outline of that particular region. When he finished there were eight regions that clearly represented the illegal growing of coca. Ironically, with a red pen the Master wrote down a name for each region. Brad was quietly pleased as the Master left for his room to watch a movie. Brad made sure a bowl of hot noodles, rice and a fish soup were sent to his room.

  Billy woke up and moseyed over to see what Brad was looking at. Billy rubbed his eyes and said, "Holy shit Batman, what a nice present for us. Thanks you great and honorable Master."

  Alice made sure the food got to the Master. When she entered, he was watching TV as usual. She'd quit wondering a long time ago when he slept; if ever. She'd never seen him sleeping. Brad had told her one time that he'll meditate but at two different levels. One is a partial sleep mode and the other is a conscience level surrounding the environment he's presently in. Alice really didn't understand it very well, but then she was less than thirty years old. Billy said the Master was over a hundred years old.

  When she sat the bowls down next to him, he reached out and touched her wrist sending bolts of pleasure up her arms spreading out over her entire body. She bowed and left hearing a slurping sound as the door closed.

  Later after she told Billy, he said, "That was a thank you from him to you for bringing him some much needed nourishment."

  Brad sat looking at the map for the next hour or so. He was thinking a simultaneous attack on each region. However, before that could ever happen they'd need to get their covert camps established. Also a recon of the region, who was the boss man and his dwelling; and determining the strength of the security at the central location. Brad also thought that if no attack before hand, the less they'd face upon a first strike effort. However, that could be dismissed if need be.

  After room service for breakfast, both he and Rocky went for a walk to think it out. While sitting at the port area where hundreds of tourists shopped, Brad called the carrier commander. They agreed to meet onboard at noon.

  The carrier wasn't so far away that Brad had no reason for a driver. When he arrived at dockside, an aid was wa
iting for him. Brad followed the aid to the Captain's cabin. A knock was responded by a gruff voice of enter.

  Brad saw Captain Lance Showland typical of a career officer: rather tall with a slim body and large head sporting a full head of grey streaked black hair. His light blue eyes twinkled when happy and turned dark and distant when riled. He shook Brad's hand showing him a chair next to his desk. One could say that the captain's cabin was spacious, but on any ship, the commanders' quarters were cozy; not spacious.

  "I'm happy to meet you Colonel Pratt. Your father said to expect you. I think we're carrying what you need for your mission, but let me tell you what we have before we have lunch together. The captain had a list and read it off. What Brad needed to hear was they'd ten rubber stealth boats; five stealth helicopters and camp supplies for five camps. The details were in a file that Lance gave Brad. "Sir we've about twenty five Seals coming and five of them are checked out on your new stealth helicopters. The five will come aboard and then around two am, will fly out taking with the supplies they'll need. I'm hoping the five helicopters can lift the supplies without having to make two trips."

  "I think they can do that without any problems. We'll use nets to carry the supplies. Now let's go to the mess hall and have something to eat. I'm rather curious as to what you're doing, but also know you can't tell me everything. You father said to accommodate you any way we could. Now follow me for a special lunch just for your pleasure."

  Captain Lance was grinning as a bowl of kalbetong was set in front of Brad. Brad was shocked, but when Lance said, "We've a South Korean cook Brad. We know you're married to a South Korean lady. I thought it nice we surprised you with what we've come to find out one of your favorite dishes. For me, they've made a meatloaf from my wife's receipt. Eat hardy colonel. Your reputation proceeds you and all the men aboard would love to shake your hand; but we both know that's not possible.

  We've green tea to drink as well. I'm slowly liking the Korean food. The green tea is especially nice. If you can, tell me what this special mission is all about."

  Captain Showland, I can say this, we've the go ahead from the Brazilian government to help rid this country of the drug production and those who run the various enterprises. The 'how' you don't want to know. The results will be seen or viewed when the news carries the reports of native farmers planting cash crops other than illicit drugs. As you know the drug lords of Mexico have been run out and we'd like to see the same thing happen here.

  It takes a combined concerted effort by many to seek an end to the drug trade. You and your carrier are part of that effort. I can tell you this: our government and the Brazilian government, at the highest levels, are totally aware of what's going on. If, when the helicopters are ready to depart, and if there's some tourists around, recruit some of your crew to cause a distraction sir."

  "Not to worry colonel. Those stealth choppers will leave totally undetected. I wish you good luck and God speed. I also thank you for the intel. We wait with bated breath for news of the drug lords disposed of."

  Chapter 12

  Mike was enjoying lunch with Felix at his hotel. Felix had good English and seemed to catch on quickly as to what Mike was doing. Felix had already sent word out to recruit some guides up and down the river. Amanda's brother Ramon was contacting all of his friends to find some river guides. Felix had given him a cell phone to call him when needed. He'd also given Ramon a pocket full of money to tempt any person with verifiable experience.

  After lunch the two new friends went warehouse hunting. Regardless of where in the world you are money talks. By early evening, Mike had his warehouse. Whymare was put in charge of remodeling and outfitting the warehouse. The office needed the proper furnishing and computer system. A forklift and such things to make it appear bona fide complete with a giant sign advertising Mike's business: Brimstone's Import & Export Co.

  Next on the list was to visit the local bank for introduction. To hide the fact he wasn't there in person to open the account, Mike informed the manager that he'd used the bank in Belem to open his business account.

  It worked perfect especially when the manager saw the large dollar balance staring at him. Mike went to work with a line that would embarrass most people, but for Mike, it was like acting on Broadway.

  "Mike," said Felix, after he finished talking to someone on his cell phone, "would you like to meet Ramon who is the brother of Amanda?"

  "Indeed I would Felix. He's the one you told me about that will find us some guides for the river?"

  "Yes, his father was murdered by a boss man not so far from here. I avenged the murder along with two of his soldiers. His sister is going to spy on Lord Perez."

  "I think we need that luxury cruiser for river inspection Felix. Let's get on that job right away. Money will convince a reluctant seller. Hire some kids to comb the port area and marinas for any pleasure craft 20 meters or longer."

  "Already in the works Mike. Let's take a walk to a place I know where we can meet Ramon in private. We don't want to be seen with him just yet. We can't risk him being tagged as a spy."

  "At Ramon's aunt's small café, Mike and Felix sat in the back room at the same table he'd previously sat with Amanda. Ramon came in with a pensive look on his face. It wasn't surprising the look on his face as these were troubling time for him and family.

  After introductions were out of the way, Ramon said, "I've two places for you to look at for a hidden camp that has about or at least a thousand or more square meters. Both have small creeks running into the river where you can hide a boat or boats. There're a lot of trees around, but I've some friends who can clear an area for more room."

  "We need a boat to go look," said Felix.

  "I've a friend at the dock whose is set to take us there whenever you want to go. I told him maybe tomorrow at daylight would be a good time," said Ramon.

  "Let's make that a date," said Mike. "Now Ramon, we need to have more of these camps up the river almost to the border. Do you or does any of your river friends have contacts up the river?"

  "The river Mike is our source of communication as us farmers don't have cell phones. Messages are sent by river boats."

  "We need to keep this very quiet. If word got out, our people in the camps would be at risk. Talk only to friends who can keep their mouths shut," said Felix.

  "Believe me when I say nobody will talk not even for money. His life wouldn't be worth two Reals if he talked.

  Felix looked at Mike and Mike nodded to continue. Felix gave Ramon a few hundred dollars to encourage friends to find some covert sites up the river and or up the major tributaries as well. On the way out, Felix gave the aunt a generous tip. The aunt was all smiles as she felt things were going to change for the better very soon.

  The next morning very early, as the day was just breaking; Felix and Mike were standing on the dock talking to Ramon's river guide. Ramon hadn't shown up yet, but had called to say he was running a little late. About ten minutes later he showed up with a friend. While they waited, Mike looked the boat over from the dock. It was a two story affair, with both decks open for air. It was an old wooden craft that made about 8 knots downstream and maybe 6 knots upstream. If you were in a hurry, never take a river boat. Captain Rico was a rather jovial guy who, under his smiling exterior, was all business behind those dark brown eyes. Mike liked him from the get-go. Rico told him later that his boat was 27 meters long powered by a six cylinder diesel. He'd a crew of five but today he'd only the engineer down below to man the water pumps and keep the motor running. Mike, after seeing and hearing all there was about most of these river boats, wished they or this one had at least one more trip in it.

  "Sorry I'm late but my friend here needed to talk to his friend who knows another place on the river. We've the location and a rough map. We're ready when you are," said Ramon. Mike had his maps with him and while they chugged down the river. By Mikes estimate, they'd be at the first location in about two hours.

  Mike watched the river b
ank on the south side which is where they were traveling close to. For Mike it looked like one endless quagmire of jungle growth. However, according to Billy and his maps, there were clearings. However, it all looked the same to Mike. After a while, Mike felt the boat slow down and point to the shore. Ramon and friend were in the wheel house with Felix. Felix came running down and said, "Believe it or not Mike there's a large creek behind those overhanging trees. Ramon and his friend will paddle the boat for you to see what is behind and up the creek a ways."

  It wasn't easy going over the side to a canoe that was tipsy as hell. However, the natives knew what to do and in no time they were paddling to the opening made by a rather fast flowing creek. Ramon's friend lifted the limbs and five minutes later they were paddling up a creek. Mike's eyes opened wide when they came to a clearing that was surrounded by tall trees. Actually the clearing was clean or void of trees, but undergrowth was prevalent. Once on land Mike walked around checking the place out.

  Ten minutes later he decided it was perfect. "Felix, this is just what the doctor ordered. Let's mark this location using my GPS. What we need are some guys to clear the area so a chopper can land. I'm not sure how far above the river we are, but what if we get a ton of rain?"

  "I think we're fine Mike. The creek is about a meter and half below the land here. I think we can chance it; what do you think?"

  "It's a done deal Felix. I've written down the coordinates and all we have left to do here is mark it on our map. Let's go check the other one out."

  They went up river for about six hours against the flow making headway slow. What they found was the next site was even better than the first one. It too was marked and it was dark by the time the river boat landed back in port at Manaus.

  On the way back, Mike instructed both Ramon and Felix how to use the GPS to mark a place on the river. From that point on, Felix and his partner Whymare were assigned to locate and fix the sites.


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