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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

Page 13

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "Sounds good Felix. The town is small so be causal. Don't throw too much money around, but let it be known you're looking for farmers and coffee beans," said Tony.

  "If it looks promising, I can have James T. fly me up and make a big splash around town. Or I could take a long trip in my yacht," said Mike cracking up with the notion of sailing a thousand klicks up river.


  In Belem, Brad was watching the clock to see if Lord Perez was going to do a major sell off of stocks and bonds. Brad had already backdoor the Lord with Billy at the helm of selling millions of dollars of stocks and bonds. That was just in case Perez didn’t comply.

  It was just after 2 pm when Brad rang up Perez's cell phone. The phone Brad used was untraceable thanks to the CIA guys. When Lord Perez saw the strange number, he hesitated for a few seconds. However, his curiosity got the better of him. He said in English, "Hello."

  "Your time is running out Perez. Don't make the mistake of reneging on our agreement. It's rumored you like women and that sex is a big part of your daily life. If you don't sell off, I promise you that you'll lose your balls period. I see by my time piece you've thirty minutes to get the job moving. Like they say in America Perez, 'you can run, but you can't hide.'"

  "I'll take the chance on losing my balls asshole. I've some new security set up and I'll wait for you tonight with bated breath. Meanwhile, tell your friend Robin Hood he's about to become history."

  "Now let me understand you correctly Lord Perez, you're defying my order to sell off three hundred million dollars worth of stocks and bonds. Is that right?"

  "You got that right. I'll not lower myself to your level, but I'm waiting for you."

  Brad hung up shaking his head. He made another call to the carrier to request a helicopter for later that night. Meanwhile, he went to see Billy and Alice.

  Billy told Brad that Lord Perez had a code system devised to order a sell off if either one, he or the stock broker, saw or foresaw a market crash. Billy had hacked into that code. At 3 pm exactly, Billy sent the stock broker the coded message to sell off three hundred million of stocks and bonds with the funds going into his off shore accounts.

  In the stockbroker's office, Raphael Lopez, received the coded message. He didn't need to verify it as that code was only known to both he and Perez. He shrugged his shoulders and put the wheels in motion.

  In San Paulo it didn't take long to see a sell off was taking place. Stock prices followed suit as a lot of company stock was taking a major hit. Nobody knew who was doing the panic selling, but it started a crash of the market that only stopped when the market shut down at 5 pm.

  By that time Lord Perez had sold over two hundred million dollars worth of stock. Those funds were transferred to his off shore accounts. Billy smiled as he funneled the funds into Brazilian government accounts. Lord Perez had no idea what happened. He'd learn it from Brad awhile later.

  Brad went to see Captain Lance on the carrier. "Colonel it's nice to see you again. The men are enjoying the tropical pleasures of Brazil. How can I help you this time around?"

  "I need a ride to the top of a condo in the city not so far from here. I've to see a reluctant drug lord. I'd like to bring him back to here for the rest of the night and then be flown out the next day. He'll be blind folded and put him in the brig please. Make sure nobody speaks a word to him in English. He can assume he's on a ship, but what ship is not known. The next day, I'd like him flown to the location I'll leave with you later. Have two Seals accompany him along with the pilot making three Seals."

  "I got it. Tonight you'll fly to a condo, kidnap the drug lord, bring him here, lock him up for the night and then at just before daylight we fly him to the location you'll provide me?"

  "Perfect captain. I'll also tape his mouth as he'll complain about the pain in his scrotum. I've promised him he'd lose his balls if he didn't cooperate. He just needs to think he's losing them for a few hours. Okay, thanks captain."

  Brad went back to the hotel and had dinner with Nancy, Billy and Alice. Billy said, "I almost feel sorry for Perez. When he finds out what happened, he'll likely wet his pants. I'm not sure what the total is but more than two hundred million was liquidated and sent to his off shore accounts. We sent the money just after it hit the banks and sent it to the accounts we were sent. I hope it will be used wisely."

  "I'm not sure when he'll find out as I'm kidnapping him tonight and eventually delivering him to Mike's new plantation where Agent Jones and Wendy are going to oversee the operation. We'll keep him under wraps for awhile. I'm notifying Perez that he's my meat whenever I want him. We'll play it by ear as time goes on. Meanwhile his business will go on as they will think he's hiding for a days to build his strength up.

  "I sent the message you ordered Brad," said Alice. All of his staff will think he's on location at one of his regional hubs."

  "Thanks Alice. I want this guy to suffer some anguish and to experience how it feels to have someone putting the thumb on your life. Also to realize what hunger really is. In English we say, cut him down a peg or two. My grandmother used to say that to me. Anyway, a few days of roughing it won't hurt the guy much anyway. When he realizes he's not the Lord and just a human being, is the day he can be shipped off for some time at hard labor," said Brad.


  Brad and Rocky once again dressed in camo gear, but without the Master went to the carrier as Nancy was the driver. Once on board, the pilot was ready with a grin on his face knowing it was time for action. He saluted Brad and Brad gave him one back.

  Needless to say, the only sound was a slight whine as the aircraft prepared for lift off. Brad had order a stout rope for the return trip to carry the package. It took less than ten minutes to fly to the Condominio Edificio that housed Lord Perez.

  Silently they landed softly on top. Apparently Lord Perez never considered an invasion by roof top. They parked alongside his Bell helicopter. Brad and Rocky jumped down and disappeared through the door way and down the stairs very quietly. Brad expected and rightly so that at least two guards would be stationed at his doorway. But instead of the new blood old blood guarded the doors at less than half their attention. Apparently the new blood left for the regional hubs leaving the Lord relatively unprotected.

  Brad had a golf ball in his cargo pocket and when he was in position, and Rocky in position, he rolled the golf ball in front of the two guards. Both watched the ball for the second or two he needed to pounce upon one guard while Rocky made sure the other guy never moved. Brad put his guard to sleep and then put Rocky's guy asleep. He dragged both guards from the doorway and then saw a new type of lock on the door.

  Brad had anticipated the new lock and withdrew a new high tech hand held laser cutter. In less than a minute the door was free to swing open. Rocky was on alert and told Brad at least one guard was inside the living area. With stealth, he moved into the living room to find the guard awake standing at the balcony looking out over the port area and city. Brad walked up and gave him a squeeze on the neck. He held onto the guard to let him down easy. He really didn't want to make any noise.

  Rocky knew the way very well. He took the high sign from his master and leaped upon the bed straddling the Lord. Perez woke up seeing a mouth full of deadly canine teeth and he heard the deep throated growl as well.

  "You don't seem to listen very well Perez. Why is that? I'll bet your mother had a hard time raising you. Well some of you guys must learn the hard way. Now the first thing I want you to do is stick out your hands so I can put some of these handy plastic ties on your wrists. After that I want you to place your hands behind your head. Okay, first the wrists –ah that's got it and now sit up on the side of the bed putting your hands over the head. Hold it right there while I take this very long plastic tie and put it around your neck and loop it through the wrist ties. Nice, real nice. Now lay back down. Brad slowly put on some synthetic surgical gloves. He wanted Perez to see what he was doing.

  From out of his cargo pocket he to
ok a long rubber hose, the kind kids use for sling shots, and wrapped it around Perez's balls. He gave it a tight squeeze and heard him grown in pain. Up to that point, Perez hadn't said a word. Brad thought he might be in shock. After the rubber snubber on his bag of eggs, Brad put some duct tape across his mouth and eyes.

  He hoisted Perez up and led him to the roof. Brad said, "You really must get a good security system Perez. I doubt it took me three minutes to way lay your guards, open your pitiful door, dispose of the inside guard and then, meet you in your charming bedroom.

  When they reached the roof, a brisk wind greeted both making the captive shudder a little from the cool breeze upon his naked body. Brad gave the 'wind er up' sign and tied Perez under the arms with the stout rope. Next Brad and Rocky climbed in while lift off took place. If the guard at the balcony had been awake, he might have seen a dark shape with a long dark line and an object dangling from the end flying through the air. However, nobody was awake and nobody saw a thing.

  When they landed on the carrier, Perez was shaking violently as some Seals took him to the brig. Brad thought that Amanda ought to be here to see her boss suffering from his own making.

  Brad left the coordinates with the pilot and went back to his hotel for a sleep.

  At 6 am Brad talked to Mike. "Mike I've a package coming your way. It will arrive mid morning by air to your plantation where our guests are setting up house. I've a live package that needs attention for a couple days. I'll be there around noon to see your new plantation and area."

  "I'll put the wheels in motion Brad. Your package is trussed up?"

  "Indeed it is Mike. Leave the rubber snubber in place until I get there. He needs to think his jewels are being castrated. Some water is okay, but no food. He needs reminding of how some of his native farmers live on a daily basis.

  After sitting in a cold steel iron room, Lord Perez though this was the end of his life. His testicles hurt something awful. His arms and hands the same. The rope had rubbed his skin raw. The only thing he could do was sit curled up in a fetal position seeing nothing and smelling what he thought was a ship as the ocean aroma drifted to his nose.

  Sleep was out of the question. He tried to grunt a noise to capture someone's attention to have them bring a drink of water to his parched throat. After what seemed days instead of hours, a clanging sound occurred. He perked up as he heard keys in a lock jangling. He prayed to his god that he could finally have something to drink.

  Perez struggled to sit up and his privates were numb with the pain mostly gone. However, the pain in his arms was excruciating. Also he felt some numbness in his arms. He tried to make some sounds, but all that was heard sounded like a moaning noise. After that he felt some strong hands grab him and walking out the door was very painful. He was led up some stairs with one guy in front and another behind pushing his butt up the stairs. He heard a door open and a fresh sea breeze made him shiver. Once again he felt a rope being tired around his upper chest. He moaned in protest, but nothing was said to him.

  After they tied him off, he was left alone standing there as bow legged as he possibly could. Suddenly he gave off a grunt as the rope tightened lifting him off the ground or deck; he knew not what it was. He twisted and turned as he was pulled faster and faster. That was the last thing Lord Perez remembered as he must have passed out. When he woke up he was laying prostrate on the ground hearing some birds in the area. Next he heard some people talking in English. He was surprised his hands and arms were free, but they wouldn't respond to orders.

  "Perez," a voice was said to him. "I see you're still alive and it appears your balls have survived as well. However, by the looks of them, it might be awhile before you find some use in the sorry looking swelled up testes."

  Brad ripped off the duct tape from his mouth and eyes. He screamed in pain as some skin went with the tape. The bright sunny day peppered his eyes with daggers. His lips were so dry and his mouth even drier. "Here have sip of water Perez," said Brad with a bandana over his face. His eyes were the only part of his face Perez would see when his eyes adjusted to the light of the day. He rubbed his chest with a hand that struggled to obey his commands.

  He drank with relish but his warden didn't allow him to drink much at all. In a gravelly voice he said, "Where am I?"

  "You're alive for the time being Perez. I wonder now if you would like to reconsider divesting some stock," ask Brad.

  "If it will save my life, take it all," said a voice that was coming back slowly.

  "We have already Perez. We've no more use for you. However, after a few days here of meditation on your part, I'm thinking of recommending to Robin Hood that we turn you lose to watch the activities from the comfort of your office. There's nothing you can do to stop good from overcoming evil. We're the good and you're the evil. All of life's pleasures have ended. I've orders to let you watch the walls of your empire crumble away to nothing. Those two men over there will watch over you that you don't harm yourself in anyway. If you'd like to run away, be my guest. I'm sure any farmer in the region would love to have you for a guest. Your dress is a little lacking and the big R on your chest is somewhat appealing to who knows what. Also when a farmer's wife or kids see those swollen testicles—well, I'm at a loss for words right now."

  "This old plantation will provide a roof over your head for a few days. I'm very sorry we forgot to bring any provisions for you. Oh, by the way, those two guys are highly trained killers. Make a move and you're a dead man for sure. I'll see you in your dreams Perez. And one more thing, did you know we had or have the code to your stockbroker? Hundreds of millions went down the toilet that you once had. Cheers Perez."

  A regular helicopter came in for the pickup. When Brad looked back, Perez was slowly stumbling to the old house. But for some reason, Brad couldn't feel sorry for him.

  Chapter 23

  Ramon and his two friends came back to report that indeed they found two sites worth looking at. Both were within twenty klicks of Fonte Boa. Tony was excited to be in on the action for a change. Romon reported they'd cleared an area large enough to land a helicopter.

  That was music to the ears as Tony and Robert, with GPS coordinates flew at night to look the two sites over. With night vision goggles they could clearly see a nice area cleared and with a creek or small river running nearby.

  After they'd reach camp, preparations were under way to move locations up the river. By daylight that next morning, camp was full of supplies with men working setting up house. Spirits were high as word filtered down about the plight of Lord Perez. High fives and whoops rang out through the jungle. It could be seen and said, that the ultimate demise of a drug lord might be in the making.

  Brad was with Mike and Tony in Mike's new coffee warehouse that rapidly lost its storage capacity. "You know, we need to market this product to make room for some more. Wade, I think is our man. He speaks a little of the local language and he's prone to a gift for gab. I think what we really need is a coffee bean expert on the payroll. Now having said that, let's discuss what needs to happen in the long run here. We've established a market for the local farmer's product. We need a manager to operate this facility and surrounding properties.

  I've called a boating trip for my friends here in Manaus for this evening. It might be good to introduce Tony to these guys. Even though they did business with Perez, they are mostly above board. I don't think they need to be scared of Robin Hood, but have respect for his redeeming the natives from tyranny. I'm not sure of my vocabulary; I cheated on my university tests." That made all laugh and look around at everyone. Mike was unique in the true sense of the word.

  "Besides, as we complete our work here, we've got another formidable foe not so far away as the crow flies. Brad what is your take on this mission so far and what should we be looking at in the days to come?"

  "I like the idea of having a manager here overlooking our operation as concerns crop production and growing. That person should be a native from Brazil. We can keep t
he cash flowing, but I think that in the long run, maybe it's possible to have this business part of a public company. I realize co-ops are mostly fickle, but it's worth a look see. We need to meet up with President Ana and discuss these things with her. Meanwhile, Tony, after a day or two, take Perez back to his condo to let him stew. Let's concentrate on taking out the rest of these Regional Hubs of Perez's."

  "Tony, or Robin, I should say, it's time you took over this mission. I'd move into the new refurbished colonial that Nancy found. Hire and train what you need to keep any further drug kingpins from entering the Amazon region. In a week or so we'll pack up and move our operation to Sao Paulo. Meanwhile, let's hit his last remaining centers once and for all.

  In the meantime, Agent Jones and Wendy will camp out at the plantation. Mike, make sure they have a cook and some domestic help. Just carrying water is a no-no for ladies in waiting. They can move in as soon as Perez is flown out of there blind folded I might add. Somebody give him a pair of pants, but let all see the big R on his chest."

  Mike called James T. for a passenger and his dog for a ride to Belem. Then Mike called his friends Paulo and Diego for an evening cruise again. They both readily agreed. The next day Mike made a plan to sail up the Amazon to Fonte Boa. He called Nancy, Billy and Alice to see if they'd like to tag along. Wade was busy playing Seal so he remained behind.

  Brad flew to Belem with a report on things to come. Mike had called him from Manaus while he was in the air. Brad agreed a trip up the river would be good for the team. Meanwhile, he was going to chat with Billy and Alice then with the Master, fly to San Paulo to meet with Chief of Security Miguel Lopez and the president. James T. said he'd gladly fly them to San Paulo.

  Meanwhile, Brad called Captain Lance Showland to inform him of the plan to move the operation to San Paulo. He'd find dock space in the Port of Santos. The only problem was fuel for the helicopters. They were using two at the present time. What was needed was an airport for refuel or storage tanks delivered to their camp.


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