Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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Robin Hood Visits Brazil Page 15

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Chapter 24

  Back at camp, Wade with a grimace, endured the pain as a Seal dug out the bullet from a small caliber 223 rifle. He was the only causality, but he heard one Seal say: "he'll carry that scar for life. After this he'll have no trouble finding women."

  While he was being tended to, the 'merry men' discussing the mission just completed. The searched for things done wrong and found that all things being equal, is was a good job. On the other hand, when Erin Scarsdale discovered the battle field, he gave off a high pitched roar that echoed across the river sending countless birds scurring to hide.

  He'd flown in to make sure all was as it should be. What he found was four of his men dead and the remaining guards dead as well. There was no sign of the boss man Che Costa anywhere. He sat in his car contemplating the next move when a local man came up reporting a fisherman found a body floating in the river. He'd brought him back to town. Erin followed the man to town where a crowd had gathered near the dock area.

  The body was gathering flies and it had pockmarks of bites all over it. The first thing noticed was the tattoo on his chest: Robin was Here. The second thing noticed his dick was missing. Erin wondered about that action until he noticed a family holding onto their young daughter with smiles on their faces. It didn't take Erin long to put two and two together.

  He left to call Pedro in Rio. The news would not be happily received. As a matter of fact, Pedro wasn't in the country. He'd been trying to reach Perez but his office reported he'd not shown up and had disappeared. Simply put, Pedro took the money and ran. Erin, however, not quite sure what to do flew to Belem to see Lord Perez.

  As it turned out, Erin was early and Perez was on his way back blindfolded to the carrier. From there he'd be shuffled off to his condo in the middle of the night. Erin, on the other hand, decided to take what money they had, gather up his boys and ditch this country of Brazil.

  Perez was unceremoniously dumped off in front of his condo around midnight wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. Agent Jones was still smiling as he'd received a tattoo gun from Billy and wrote on Lord Perez's chest: "Robin was Here."

  Perez ripped off the duct tape from his eyes and stomped into his condo. The security guards were deathly afraid that Perez had returned from the dead. He was mumbling incoherently, walking bowlegged from his still swollen testes, and gingerly rubbing his newly tattooed chest.

  The captain of the security hurried to escort him to his condo. The captain noticed he smelled bad, but said nothing as the elevator whisked them to the top floor.

  Perez said, "Captain, get me something to eat and be quick about it. I'm going to shower and see if you can find Amanda to come here."

  An hour later Amanda arrived. She put on an act that would have been Oscar time. She tended to him like a good nurse. A doctor was called and he brought with him some sleeping pills that knocked him out for almost twenty four hours. During this whole time, Amanda was celebrating inside her young body. While he slept, she took a look at his private parts. Her eyebrows shot up seeing the testicles still swollen. The doctor told Perez that his testes should recover in a month or so. She'd heard the doctor say somebody had tied a rubber around his scrotum making the two eggs swell up from lack of nutrients. Whatever the cause, Amanda rejoiced.


  Wendy and Agent Jones loved the idea of a plantation resident. When the contractors arrived, they were ready to make shit happen, as Jones stated.

  Meanwhile, the Batt Team, minus Wendy and Jones were sailing the yacht up river for a nice view of the Amazon River. A local river guide from the university answered any and all questions concerning flora and fauna.

  Mike was busy on the phone talking to Brad. "I hear what you say Brad. Give me a day or two to put people in place and when James T comes back, I'll hitch a ride down with him. By the way, how did the raid go last night?"

  "Perfect in everyway Mike. Our only causality was Wade who took a bullet in the shoulder. Let's see how he carries the initiation mark into the future. I've a meeting with Miguel and Ana tonight for some back ground on Ramon Valzez. This operation here will be a horse of another color that's for sure. This guy is entrenched in legit business with a sideline of drug trafficking Anyway, for now I'm at the San Paulo Hilton with a hefty pet deposit. Oh, tell Billy to clean out Lord Perez and have some hundred million or so deposited into the Master's bank in China. Additionally Mike have him deposit fifty million into your project in Port Orford."


  Lord Perez woke up a day later with a splitting hangover. He was all alone in his condo. With a groggy mind, he went to the shower. After a long hot shower, which stung his recent tattoo, he dressed casual for the day. His balls were still sore as hell as he put on sweat pants for excess room. After that he went down to his office to find everything appeared normal with his secretary working away and Amanda looking busy. He asked both to come in to his office.

  After gingerly sitting down, he asked, "What has happened since I left?"

  "Some strange calls came in Lord. First was Pedro who said he was called out of country on business. The next call came from a strange sounding voice that said to tell you his mother is sick and he must go back to Africa right away. He also said that Fonte Boa is a waste land.

  Next we have your stockbroker in a panic saying or wondering why you totally liquidated all of your stocks and bonds. Additionally your lawyers and bankers want a meeting right away this morning at ten am. They'll be here on time."

  Lord looked at the wall clock and it was 9:30 am. He said, "Get me some breakfast please." Amanda made a call and told him his breakfast was on the way. He waved both girls away and sat contemplating what had happened to his life in just a very short time. His first thought was this whole thing was the fault of this Robin Hood guy.


  While Perez was wondering what the hell happened, Brad was making a secure call to the CIA Director Phil Addie. "What a surprise Brad. You and your team are making some noise in the Southern hemisphere. How's it going?"

  We're winding up one drug lord and will move our operation to San Paulo for the second guy. I'm wondering Phil if you still have need of more miners in Africa. I've a new man that is chomping at the bit to do some real physical work."

  "Indeed we need all the help we can get. They don't seem to last long under the trying conditions. Even though, the prior recruits are still alive from the last report I received. Now give me the address and name of this new recruit and he's on the way." Brad gave him Francisco Perez condo address and that was the end of that story.


  At ten am, Perez's bankers and lawyers came in looking like they'd see ghosts. First it was the head banker saying, "Your bank balance is zero Mr. Perez. Your creditors are banging on our door. I suggest you transfer some fresh cash from your off shore accounts."

  The law firm that represented Perez spoke up saying, "We got word that your accounts were hacked and all accounts that we have on record are at zero. Someone or a group of hackers have virtually cleaned you out Mr. Perez. Unless you've some hidden cash somewhere, and it better be substantial, you're broke Mr. Perez. We also got word that two of your warehouses here in Belem have been raided by government agents. It would seem, Mr. Perez, you're in deep trouble financially."

  Lord Perez couldn't believe what he was hearing. He heard that all of his bank accounts had been hacked into by computer thieves and his stocks were all sold off with the monies disappearing into strange bank accounts. He stood up and asked, "Let me see if I've got this straight. All of you are saying I'm dead broke. This can't be happening. Go find this hacker guy and get my money back."

  "We've nowhere to start Mr. Perez. We've already heard some creditors have placed liens on this building. That's all we have to report Perez."

  Perez watched all of them walk out the door without even a good bye. Amanda came in and said because the door was open, that she and the secretary heard it all. Let me give you a shoulder rub Lord and a stiff
shot of rum. Your secretary said she'd a headache and left the office. Now sit down and relax and let me help you in time of need." Amanda fetched his drink and while he drank it she rubbed his shoulders. They she said, "Lay on the desk Lord and let me rub some lotion on your injured privates."

  He did as instructed trying to not think of what he'd heard about his empire down the toilet. Anyway, with pants down, he cautiously laid down on the desk. Amanda had some oil and she begins to gently rub his unit. Also at the same time she took her other hand and in his middle drawer a stainless silver letter opener had been previously seen by her. His unit came up struggling to reach upward. She said to him, "You remember your boss man Bruno Lord?"

  "Yea he was my boss in the Manaus area. He was killed by Robin's men."

  "He came to our farm and argued with my father. He shot and killed my father right before our very eyes. I vowed at that time to come to Belem and avenge my father." Amanda pumped harder on his sore privates. His penis was fully gorged with blood now, but the pain from his testicles was becoming severe.

  "You are the daughter of someone Bruno murdered," he asked rather distantly.

  "Yes, I am you rotten no good murdering bastard," and with that she sunk the letter opener into his stomach to the hilt. He screamed in pain. "How does it feel to have pain you can do nothing about Lord Asshole."

  "You really are a spy. My God, how stupid I really am."

  Strangely, at that moment, three CIA agents came in and spoke to Amanda in her language. "We know who you are Amanda. You've done a great service as a spy and without your information; it would have been more difficult to bring this guy down. Now we're taking him away where he can't ever again in his life hurt anybody or anything."

  "Will he live from my stabbing him," asked Amanda backing away from the monster he was moaning in pain laying on his desk for the last time.

  "Yes, he'll live, but after placing him in his new home, he'll never see the light of day again. Good bye Amanda. God be with you always.

  Chapter 25

  It was seen and heard that all the regions that Perez held for coca production, were shut down and those that worked for him left the area. In Manaus, the business men and bankers were happy he'd left, but sad for their bottom lines. However, with the advent of renewed interest in coffee beans and other products, the economic situation gradually came back.

  Mike left the yacht for Agent Jones and Wendy. After that it would be sold with funds going into the government programs for the farmers.

  After the river ride, the entire team, including the computers, except Mike, left for the new city of Ribeirao Preto situated between Rio and San Paulo to the north. It is a city of a half million citizens. Brad met them at the airport in a rented van. He'd a driver provided by the government. Like in Belem, Brad required the top floor of a five star hotel for various reasons.

  At a small conference room, Brad held a meeting. "Okay, first our Seals are returning to the carrier for some R & R while they sail down here. We don't know what we're up against at the present time, but I've some information provided by Ana and Miguel last night concerning Ramon Valzez.

  Apparently an informer asked for safety and security if he provided information concerning the drug lord Valzez. This informant is safely tucked away in a safe house in a remote, but populated area. From what he reports, Valzez is the buyer of cocaine from both Bolivia and Peru with some from western Brazil. It's reported the product is flown into an airport near Ribeirao Preto. From there it's packed away in containers for shipment internationally, but predominately the Gulf Coast of America.

  His beginning was as a pilot flying drugs from Bolivia to Brazil. He had a partner who transported the product to New Orleans. He was and is a frugal man who slowly, buy steadily built a large legal business from drugs. Today he's worth billions; I'm told. Most all of that wealth is in legal operations. However, his cash flow continues with cocaine, according to this informant. It will be our job to make a plan to stop this illegal flow of drugs and put a plug into Ramon Valzez operation. What we don't need is to break this guy as he employees thousands of workers. What we need is have him disappear leaving behind a legitimate business person without the added income from cocaine."

  "So the first thing we need is a person who can step into his shoes and run the businesses without missing a beat.

  "I'd guess Mr. Valzez was lost in a private plane in the wilds of Brazil," said Billy.

  "That's one idea Billy. Let's think about more possibilities. If for example, he was lost in the jungle, then some problems might occur in his business operations until the body was discovered or…………….."

  "How about he has a deal he can't pass up with a company that's he's always admired. A meeting is set up and he's murdered by a gang of thieves who were just there at this place to rob it. It was more accidental than planned. Well, it's a thought," said Nancy.

  "It's well known he's a drug lord. If we just take him out, someone will just replace him. What we need is to stop the transportation of product by airplane," said Brad.

  "Let's use surface to air missiles," said Wade with his arm in a sling.

  "I think you're on the right track, but maybe that's a little harsh,'' said Brad. ''However, let's think along those lines of disabling the air transportation system. It's one thing to disable, but that is fixable, so we must have another means of deterrent."

  "I'm not sure I follow," said Billy with a perplex look on his face.

  "We can't shoot them down as that would cause an international incident of sorts. If we, say, sugar the gas tank, it's just a matter of replacing the engine. What we need is a new idea that would keep the planes on the ground or on another mission or job. Besides, we don't know who owns the planes? What we need as a beginning is a chat with a pilot. I think Mike is the man for that job."

  "I'd like to hear more or hear again what the informer had to say," said Nancy. "He must have more background on certain subjects not asked by Miguel or his team."

  "I agree with you a hundred percent Nancy. I've scheduled a meeting with Miguel and the informer for tomorrow morning. Make up a list of questions and we'll see what he has to say. We need the location of pick up, or origin, in Bolivia and Peru. Also in Brazil we should be able to locate that area as it would be south of the Amazon River. I'm going to ask, once we find out the plane schedule, for AWACS to fly the route of small planes on their radar. That would give us locations on both ends," said Brad.

  "I've an idea Brad," said Wade. "I've been thinking about replacing the drug lord permanently. First we find a replacement for him as CEO of the company. I presume he has a board of directors and a CFO. He surely must have someone who can run the operation without him for even a few days. Let's assume he has a board of directors. If so, then we need a full background check on each one. We're looking for skeletons in the closet kind of thing. Somehow we make it known we've a replacement if something happens to the big boss man.

  Okay, we've a replacement for him waiting in the wings. The next thing we do is kidnap the boss and bingo we move our man in," he said back grinning looking around for approval.

  "That's not bad Wade, but even if he's gone, the cocaine business continues with another buyer stepping in. We need to shut down the total operation somehow. Our problem is the farmers or growers are too isolated for us to help them much. If we take out the air transportation, then they just use the rivers. On paper and talking about it seems like it's a no win scenario. I myself don't believe for a minute that there isn't an alternative lurking somewhere to satisfy an end to a means," said Brad. He saw his team lower their heads wondering what the answer might be. He didn't ask for an alternative, quite the contrary, he just stated the case.

  Dinner came and the mood changed somewhat as Billy lightened the mood by announcing that he and Alice were seriously thinking about becoming engaged. Alice bowed her increasingly red face as the rest of the team clapped. Rocky gave off a woof and laid his big paws on Billy's lap.r />
  Brad felt especially pleased for Billy. He'd maintained his personality, but had kicked the smoking habit with the help of the Master. Alice had seen something other women ignored about Billy. It was her find and their loss. Her philosophy was look deeper that just what's on the surface. Besides, and she tried hard not to abuse her power, she had him wrapped around her little finger. He knew it and didn't care. All he had before was Brad and family. His father still lingered in an old military hospital in Seattle. Now he had both a potential family of his own, plus an extended family as well. After dinner and a late swim in the hotel pool, he and Alice sealed the deal.

  Mike came in just as breakfast was being served. He and James T. were starving they told the group. Mike recapped the last day or so telling all that he'd, with outside help, found a manager for the warehouse. With Billy's help, all saw Billy smile; they'd connected with a coffee bean wholesaler who was reputable. Also work was coming along nicely at the two plantations with Ramon and Amanda overseeing the operation working closely with Agent Jones and Wendy. Both were taking courses at the university at night while working during the day time.

  After Mike finished his American style breakfast in walked James T. who seemed right at home with ham and eggs on his plate. Brad was finished and he said to James T. "Pardon the interruption, but as a pilot and owner of aircraft we need your expertise on a situation we're facing James T."

  James looked up from his breakfast with toast in his hand and said, "I'm here to answer what I can Brad. Talk while I eat and I'll respond when you finish."

  Brad gave him the overview of the transportation by air of cocaine ready for market, being shipped by air from Bolivia and Peru to Ribeirao Preto, where it's loaded on containers. From that point it's shipped out of the Port of Santos. "What we need James is a way to stop that flow of drugs to the Gulf States and to Europe. There're a lot of unanswered questions. Such as, who owns the planes, who are the pilots, who maintains the craft and what fee is being used to risk transporting illicit drugs."


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