Robin Hood Visits Brazil

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by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "I see your dilemma," said James as he munched the final piece of toast. "I'm sure they're using small single engine planes stripped down to carry the most cargo. You know that's a long haul across Brazil from Bolivia to here. I'd guess at least one or two stops for refueling even with extra tanks. Let me see now what can be done--------ah, maybe an intimidation by the Air Force flying in front turning the planes around? If they fly at night, can radar pick them up flying so close to the ground," asked James.

  "There must be a way to ground these aircraft and stop the flow of drugs by air from the west," said a beginning to look frustrated Brad Pratt.

  "Let's give it some more thought Brad," said James T. "a little stewing time might produce results.

  "Thanks James and now we have a meeting to attend. If you can see your way clear, can you stick around for a day or two," asked a calmer Brad.

  "Can do that very thing," said a grinning James T. rubbing his full tummy.


  Miguel picked up the Batt Team at 9:30 am for a short ride to the safe house. The informer was very nervous seeing a group of white Americans. Brad noticed he was about in his late thirties and carried himself well. When he spoke it showed he was educated. For an ice breaker, Brad asked how he managed to be recruited into the employ of a drug lord.

  He spoke reasonably good English. "I'm an accountant by training. I went to work for Ramon Valzez almost ten years ago. At first I did my job and didn't pay any attention as to what this or that product was being shipped out. Well, about five years ago, there was a big problem with the amount shipped and the amount received on the other end. Ramon was angry. He took me and we went to a giant warehouse near the airport. It was my job to confirm the box numbers against my inventory. It was soon discovered that about every tenth box was missing. Every box he said had five kilos in each one. He made the very scared workers weigh each box. The second box weighed only four kilos. He ripped it open to discover one kilo bag missing. That's when I saw the contents were all white powder. It didn't take me long to put two and two together.

  Anyway to make a long story short, I was put on the location twice a month to record the incoming product. He doubled my salary to keep my mouth quiet. We heard the thief was discovered and he was pushed out of a small plane at five thousand feet. For years I worked there seeing tons of cocaine being shipped out of Brazil by container. I learned the product came in by small plane to an outlying airport. Over the years I also discovered where it was coming from. I thought it best to get out of the business while I could. Well, here I am."

  "You said a shipment would come in twice a month. Was that on a regular basis and on the same day as previous times?"

  "Most of the time it came in on a Friday night. Sometimes if a mechanical problem, it came in the day following. There were usually three aircraft each time with about three hundred kilos on board. It only took a few minutes to off load a plane and it took off right away. An hour later the next one came in and so forth. They never turned the plane's engine off."

  "Were they the same planes each time," asked Brad.

  "Yes, they were. It was my job to watch and count the clear plastic sacks coming off the plane. A light was on in the plane so I could see the pilot each time. In the years I was there, all three pilots were the same ones. I could also see they were armed and a rifle stood up next to his seat. The copilot's seat was removed."

  Did you ever hear a pilot speak and if so, what language did you hear," asked Nancy jumping in giving Brad a minute to think.

  "All three spoke Portuguese mam."

  "How often did you see Valzez when the product arrived," asked Mike

  "At first, right after the thefts, he was there a lot of the time. Today he rarely shows up, but he always contacts me for accountability."

  "What do you think he'll do now that you've disappeared," asked Brad.

  "I'd suspect he's very nervous. I'm happy I've no family or they'd be dead by now. He's a smart man and will probably change landing sites right away. Or at least change the days of delivery. I would also suspect he might even change the method of shipping to other countries."

  "Describe the boxes and how they were labeled," asked Brad.

  "He owns an electrical manufacturing company. Under the guise of electronics the product is mixed in with the other boxes. Each product box has a special number for ID. That, method will change also."

  "The men who work in the warehouse, are they aware of the product being shipped out," asked Wade.

  "Not necessarily so. Some are old established workers who know about the drugs, but are deathly afraid to speak about it to anyone. Others who are just causal workers think it's just a job in a warehouse."

  "Does Ramon have a personal body guard or guards," asked Mike.

  "He has a driver and a personal guard who is scary looking."

  "I think that'll do it for now. Does anyone have any other questions for this fine citizen," asked Brad. He looked around and then stood up to go. Brad liked this guy and thought he'd fit into the Manaus operation very well counting coffee beans.

  Chapter 26

  Back at the hotel, around the conference table in a room that was provided by the hotel, complete with internet and HD screens on two walls for video, the team wondered what would come next. Brad said, "The only thing we have to bank on is three aircraft come twice a month to deliver product. We have to assume the airport location has been changed as well as the delivery dates and times. Billy locate all the airports within fifty miles of this place, but mostly west in relatively rural areas. I've a feeling he's off loading at a remote location and trucking or using vans to his warehouse. We need spotters I guess. The real question is that when we do obtain the information, time, place and so on, what happens," asked Brad.

  "I think we need to intercept before it reaches here at a refueling station,'' said Mike."I know that doesn't solve the problem, but let's work from there. At least initially we destroy almost a thousand kilos of cocaine. If we destroy the aircraft and dispose of the pilots, what happens?"

  "They just hire more pilots and buy more planes," said Alice for the first time speaking her piece. "Also they could relocate the final destination point to somewhere else in this giant country. The product could be delivered to the coast next to---say---Argentina and then containerized for shipping by truck to a port in San Paulo area."

  "We're in deep ca ca here folks," said Mike. "We need a unique plan and I mean unique in the true sense of the word."

  "I've an idea," said Wade, "that might work. What if we take out the first three pilots and they're replaced by other pilots. Those new pilots will only be given the refueling airports to land at. We then make those pilots disappear leaving the planes sitting there at the airport. Most pilots will go take a wiz somewhere and then we take him out. The guy refueling waits and waits."

  "You might be on to something Wade," said Brad sitting up at attention. "Let's work this out a little. Okay, our original three pilots are usually about an hour apart. The first guy lands and has the guy fill up his plane while he does his business or smokes a Marlboro." Brad looked at Billy and smiled.

  Billy gave Brad a—one for you—mark in the air. "We kidnap the pilot and what's to do with the plane sitting there?"

  "We leave it there just as it sits. When the next plane comes, the pilot will go look for his buddy. He disappears and then the last guy comes in wondering why two planes are sitting at the airport and no pilots around. He asks the guy who shrugs his shoulders thinking maybe some ghosts are out there. This pilot vacillates wondering what he should do. Maybe he slowly walks out where they disappeared. I'd say the fill up guy is busy pumping gas, but looking at the pilot.

  The pilot looks around and then he hears a moaning sound. The next thing the gas man discovers is, the third pilot is missing! Okay team tear it apart or fill in the blanks," said a happier Brad.

  Wade sported an ear to ear grin that he'd contributed a real plan to the team. He wanted to
be in on the action, but with his shoulder healing, he'd have to leave the heavy work to someone else.

  "Billy get on those airports about seven hours out of Bolivia. After that we'll need to place observers in those places for spotting planes."

  "Without any preamble, Billy and Alice used Google Earth for starters. A few minutes later Billy had his laptop plugged into the wall monitor showing the western part of Brazil and Bolivia. He said, "Here is the airport within the parameters of fuel capacity. The fuel stop would possibly be Pedro Gomes off BR 163. I'd bet a dollar on that is the refueling place."

  Brad called a halt to the meeting for a lunch break and a break to relax the mind. After he ordered he went to the lobby area and called home. It was calling home that kept his life in order. He thought when you hear the voice of your spouse, and the sound of your kids in the background, that's life in a world distant from the world of drugs and drug lords or terrorists. "How you doing my husband," said Sujin after she answered the phone.

  "We're doing good. One down and one to go. I'd guess I'm home in a month or so. Wade took a bullet to the shoulder, but he's fine. Billy and Alice announced their engagement."

  "That's nice to hear. Billy needs a family and someone he can love. Alice is a nice girl and she's good for him. All is well here. Park is working hard on the cottages you asked for. I hired a surveyor to mark it off. Your mother is a big help with this project. Julie said a grand opening when you all come home."

  "I've got to go sweet wife. Give the kids a big hug and kiss for me. You too. Love is written over our house. I'll be home soon."

  Brad sat there thinking about how far away from home he was and what his job really was. He felt like he was a giant policeman whose beat was the entire planet Earth. Just in the last couple years he and his team had been from down under in Australia to India, or Asia, to Europe chasing bad guys. Not to mention in America itself. Now they were in South America helping Brazil fight for its right to live in a free and democratic country without drug lords playing a key role in the system. Brad took a deep breath and wonders what he and his team faced next.

  While he sat there in contemplation, Tony, Felix, Whymare and Angie walked in. Brad jumped up with a smile and a hand shake. "Well done Robin of Brazil. We've cleaned house a little bit and need to sweep the rest of the filth out of the country as well. Your reputation is growing Tony. We're in the process of making a plan to take out the drug lord Ramon Valzez. Follow me to our conference room and have something to eat."

  They walked into a room full of chatter about this and that as concerns the upcoming plan to stop the flow of cocaine from other countries into Brazil. The chatter ceased and sounds of greetings occurred. Lunch was ordered and while they ate, Brad nodded to Wade to tell his plan. After Wade made his plan clear, Tony sat thinking about it. The idea of kidnapping the pilots was a good one. Creating superstition was even better. Having ghost planes sitting there without a pilot was a super idea. The more he thought about it the better it sounded.

  After Brad gave Tony and his team time to think about it, he said, "Let me fill you in on what the informer had to say earlier this morning." After repeating what the informer had to say, Brad continued saying, "To discover the new schedule we'll need spotters at the airport in question and warehouse employees who will spy for us. I was thinking of some of your men Tony going to work in the warehouse where they prepare the drug for shipment. Also, it's been brought up that we need to have a replacement for a CEO when Ramon disappears to run the company. He needs to be above board and a true honest person. I think Ana and Miguel will find that person for us. Meanwhile, behind the scenes we'll back ground check the board of directors of his parent company to make sure they accept the new CEO. Billy and Alice will take care of that nasty job of digging some dirt on each member of the board."

  "I like it all," said Tony. "The first thing we'll do is make sure there are at least two job opening at the warehouse and two workers to fulfill the vacancy. Next I'll send some men to the west as spotters and also two men to Bolivia. I see on the wall the map of the airport in Bolivia where we suspect the origin is of the product. I wonder if the product from Peru is flown down to this location. If so, that would be a break for us."

  "Let's get things moving with Billy and Alice digging into the board. But first we need to find who is on the board. I think we need some government help in that arena. Nancy would you look into that with Ana for starters. Next we need to dig into Ramon Valzez to see where his fortune lies. Mike take a look at Valzez's security, if you can. Miguel can help you out I think. I believe, from what I hear, this drug lord is a bit sharper and more ruthless that Lord Perez. Let's be extra cautious here so we don't make a mistake that could be fatal. I think we can systematically take him down from the top to the bottom. While we remove his security system of guards, we'll take him out when we've a replacement to run his business. I want his off shore or banking to return to where it came from. At the same time, I'd like to see developed a branch residence for Tony's merry men. That location and the one in Belem would provide protection for further drug lords entering the country to do business.

  Tony, I realize it’s a big chunk of real estate to monitor, but we've funds to spend for the set up and operation of said security force."

  "Brad, what say you and I cruise by Ramon's residence and look at his office building where he runs his empire from? That way we can get a feel for his operation. Maybe Tony should go with us?"

  "Good idea Mike. Make it so. I'd like a look see the country anyway. Meanwhile all of you have something to do so let's meet again this evening."

  Brad asked the Master if he wanted to see the new country and to view the bad guys' house. Brad told him they would enter the house some night and kidnap the owner. There might be gold inside the house and maybe not. No guarantee. The Master looked at Brad and then back to his big screen TV. He used the remote and walked out the door.

  First they went to look at his residence. It was located in an old colonial neighborhood with giant mansions set in similar sized trees. It really was quite a nice scene. Valzez's place was marked my security men placed around the entire half block area. A high cement wall surrounded the entire residence. Security cameras were statically placed where guards could be seen. The massive front Iron Gate had two guards stationed with weapons clearly evident.

  The van only made one trip around and left the area. The guards were alert and seemed more professional than Perez's security guards. Brad did see the Master look the place over and then went back starring at the surrounding area.

  Valzez office building was about ten stories high. A bronze sign with the company's logo and name sat above the glass doors. "RV Enterprises Inc." was the name of his company. No guards were present. Later they would find guards inside with shotguns making sure all was safe.

  After that they drove north and a little west to see the land use. Most all was in crop production. As the area was noted for its growing climate, it also purported a manufacturing industrial area. This was where Valzez had a warehouse for shipping usually by rail containers to port.

  His warehouse was typical of the other warehouses in the industrial area. Upon closer inspection, however, a guard or two was seen with a handgun and security uniform to denote the presence of security.

  Having seen enough they drove back to the hotel. After witnessing hundreds of hectares under cultivation, it was time to view some maps of the nearby airports.


  "I called you in captain," said Valzez, " to discuss our security after one of my accountants disappeared. My sources tell me he's turned informer. If that is true, then we make a plan to thwart any and all attempts to take me down. Here's what I want to happen: first change airport locations for product coming from the west. Also I'll change the arrival dates and times to coincide with pickup. Next will be a change in packaging to another coded system for shipping. Usually we ship by rail and now we'll ship by both rail and truck. I'll send word
to Tigre airport that we'll have a Monday delivery at around 5 am. Have our vans and men pick up the product and take it to our warehouse. Finally, put all of your men on high alert captain. Let me tell you a story so you'll know what I'm warning you about.

  Lord Perez in Belem is no more. He was worth over five billion USD. In a few weeks his production regions up and down the Amazon were destroyed by a mythical figure called Robin Hood and his merry men. You might think this funny, but this group of men wiped him out and he was taken away by white men in suits. Across his bare chest was the tattoo: 'Robin was Here'.

  It was commonly known he controlled that area of Brazil while I controlled this area of Brazil. I fear an attack coming captain. We must remain vigilant and on guard from attack. Okay, that's all for now. Set up what I told you for pickup at the new airport for product. This time we'll use Batatais airport."


  James T. was flying two men of Tony's team to Bolivia in his twin. It was a long haul, but with two pilots, one resting and one flying, in twelve hours they were at Tigre airport. They refueled and flew back to base in Ribeirao Preto.

  With state of the art cell phones and a pocket full of money, the spotters did a recon of the area. Nobody paid any attention to them. If the truth were know, the locals thought they were drug buyers, as their dress so indicated.



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