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The Lady's Chocolatier: a Victorian-era romance novella

Page 9

by Sandra Sookoo

  Did he refer to her business undertakings or what had occurred between him and her? Evangeline had no time to ponder, for no sooner had the words faded than he kissed her. Yet it was more than that. The press of his lips against hers wasn’t urgent, but neither was it the perfunctory pecks he used to give her. She curled one hand into his lapel as her knees wobbled. This was the Jasper Winslow she’d known years before? Surprise kept her eyes open. He hadn’t closed his either and watched her while their connection remained unbroken.

  Gently and so tender as if a sudden movement would startle her, he slipped his hand to the back of her head and cradled her skull, pulling her closer with the veriest tug. The hand at her hip maneuvered around to rest at the small of her back and secured her against him. Not tight enough that she couldn’t escape if she wanted to.

  That was the question. Did she wish to run? Confusion clouded her mind as she tried to decide. Everything was so… muddled now.

  And still he looked at her, questions deep in those stormy gray depths. “Shall I continue, Evangeline?” His barely-there inquiry caused his lips to stroke hers and left tickling sensations behind.

  Her heart squeezed that he was willing to wait for her permission. “I…” She slid her other hand up his chest to curl around his nape. This intimate meeting was so different than anything she’d experienced with him before that curiosity wouldn’t let her alone. “Please.”

  Jasper didn’t waste time. He claimed her lips and moved along them in a languorous search, for what, she couldn’t say. The silken glide of his tongue’s tip loosed a host of tremors along her spine, and when she gasped at the unexpected pleasure, he pushed that organ inside her mouth. Evangeline met him and a duel ensued, full of silk and satin heat.

  It was delightful and magical all at once.

  When he pulled away and broke the embrace, she groaned in disappointment. Why did he stop when she needed so much more from him? “Did I not have the correct deportment or style such an embrace requires?” She’d only kissed like that once before with her previous fiancé, and those kisses had been enjoyable, of course, and had introduced her to the more intense side of courtship and romance. But he hadn’t drawn such heat from her or cause blatant desire to bloom and grow low in her belly like Jasper did.

  “You were everything perfect.”

  “Then why did you stop?” She took a deep breath, hoping to regulate her breathing.

  His grin was decidedly lopsided. “Because if we don’t, there is every possibility that kiss will lead to other, more satisfying, endeavors.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes widened and heat slapped her cheeks. She wetted her lips. The sweet taste of sugar he must have added to his tea lingered on her palate. “Do you not, uh, wish to do… that… with me?” Embarrassment burned through her face at her audacity to ask such a question.

  “Ah, my dear.” Jasper shoved a hand into his hair, leaving the dark strands in furrowed rows. “That is neither here nor there, don’t you think?” He turned away and headed back to the sofa he’d abandoned when she’d entered the parlor. “You don’t feel there is anything between us now. If I were to act on my desire, it would be taking an advantage of you where I have no right, and after everything, I am a gentleman.”

  Her heart, that once-fortified organ she’d hidden from everyone for fear of being hurt, cracked out of its shell and a piece flew into his keeping. “I…” His words echoed in her mind. …you don’t feel there is anything between us… Did that mean he did? She cleared her throat as slow-moving panic climbed her throat. “I should probably dress for sleep.” This was no good, this battle between being unfulfilled and terrified he’d push for a future, but what was the lesser of two evils: falling for him again or throwing caution to the wind and giving life to her curiosity and how exactly he would take advantage? Then her thoughts swung the other way. A relationship with any man right now would hinder her chance of finding freedom. Confusion raged within her. Why did this complication not make itself known until she’d reconnected with him on that dratted train platform?

  Jasper reached the sofa and then faced her. His eyes were no less intense than they ever were and that knowing glint cut into her musings. “Do you require assistance in removing the corset?”

  “Actually, I do not. This one fastens…” She sucked in a breath and didn’t tell him the hooks were on the front and easy for her to manipulate. If he didn’t remember, she wouldn’t enlighten him. “You still wish to help in such a task?” Her body vibrated with anticipation to feel his touch once more. Perhaps she was more daring than she’d thought, for she couldn’t wait to have him close, regardless of the fact her convoluted thoughts centered on him.

  “Very much.” The words, so low-pitched, were almost lost to the sound of the steady rain against the windows. “I’m strong enough to withstand your siren’s song.”

  Evangeline’s jaw dropped. He thought she had that sort of allure? “All right.” How much trouble could they find then? After all, the bedroom and its bed were steps away, and they weren’t moving toward them. Not that she would ever think to lead him on. She came around one of the sofas with tentative steps. “But the other corset is even more risqué than this one. It’s cut lower and shows more—”

  “Hush.” Jasper joined her in front of one of the chairs. “Don’t tempt me more than you already have.” He dropped his hands upon her shoulders. “Turn.”

  She gave into a smile as she did his bidding. How long would it take him to discover the truth? She didn’t care. Just knowing he had to battle desire sent curls of pleasure unfurling in her belly. There was a certain feminine satisfaction in that. “No doubt you’ve been tempted by a woman during the years we’ve been apart.” Yet one part of her hoped he hadn’t played the rogue. “Someone like me can easily be forgotten.”

  “Don’t underestimate your worth.” His breath warmed her nape. “Aside from the woman in Paris, I have been celibate. My attention has mostly been on my work. After you…” A long pause followed the broken admission. “Well, nevermind.” He slid his hands up and down the back of the corset before resting them on her hips. “Where are the hooks?”

  “On the front.” She shot what she hoped was a cheeky grin over her shoulder, but the heat imparted from his hold distracted her. Her pulse accelerated and she took a few shallow breaths. Did he still harbor feelings for her? Oh, dear Lord, this is becoming too murky. “Shall I turn around again?”

  “That would be helpful.” When she did so, he set to work on the first few hooks, starting at the top, hidden by folds of fabric. “While we’re on the subject of corsets, it is not the cut of the garment or the trim that makes it so enticing for a man.”

  As the hooks fell before his nimble fingers, Evangeline’s skin warmed. He was so close but yet so far. Manipulating the fastenings on a corset was not the same as being caressed. “What does, then?”

  “The woman wearing it.” The corset opened. It fell at their feet with a soft thud. “No matter what she dons, her smile, the twinkle in her eyes, the way her lips curve with a smile, the sound of her laughter are what captivates a man.” He set his hands at her hips and slid them upward to her waist. “The very shape of her will always be her most beautiful features.”

  She forced a swallow into her suddenly tight throat. “What are you trying to tell me, Jasper?” The heat from his skin seeped through the thin cotton of her camisole. Slowly, oh so slowly, he edged his hands upward until he brushed the curve of her breasts. “I cannot bear this talking in riddles.” Did he think those things about her?

  “When you demonstrate how your corsets look for your clients, spin them a tale, make them see the romance attached to such a garment.”

  Cold disappointment crashed down her spine. Obviously, he did not. Those words were part and parcel of a spiel for the sell. “I will try.” She dropped her gaze and concentrated on the knot of his thin black cravat. “I appreciate your insight.”

  “I meant those words for you, too, Evie.”
He fitted a finger beneath her chin and raised her head until their gazes met. Sincerity shone in his gray depths. “Don’t devalue yourself based on what you wish your life was like. You have much to give the world yet. Enjoy what your life is now.”

  Tears sprang into her eyes. Why couldn’t he have said such meaningful things years ago when she could have used his support the most? Guilt twisted in her gut. Of course, he wouldn’t have. She’d broken off their association; she’d made certain they could never come back together. “Thank you.” On impulse, she threw her arms about his shoulders and hugged him. “I have missed you.” That, at least, was the truth. “I’m glad for your friendship… after everything.”

  He played his hands up and down her back. Electric energy followed in his wake. “I live to serve.”

  The longer they remained locked in the embrace, the more her desire for him grew. Her nipples hardened, and every tiny movement she made caused them to rasp against the lace on her camisole. Need streaked through her, pooling between her thighs. She stifled a moan. Evangeline pulled away so she could peer into his face. “Will you kiss me again?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said in a fair imitation of what she’d said to him earlier and he retreated a couple of steps until the backs of his knees hit the chair.



  “Since we cleared all misunderstandings between us, honesty is best.”

  Jasper nodded. He brushed his knuckles over one of her taut nipples and grinned when she gasped. “I am afraid that if I touch you, kiss you again, I won’t be able to control my impulses. I want you to leave my home with your reputation intact.”

  Hope lifted her heart. And then a wicked streak gripped her. “I am a woman grown and have a mind of my own.” Evangeline planted a hand against his chest and gave him a firm shove. He tumbled ungracefully into the chair. “What if I said I don’t care as much for my reputation as I once did?” Giving into whim, she slid onto his lap, and daring to test her wings, she straddled him. “Perhaps I merely need to take what I want.”

  For the moment, she ignored her ambitions and her wont for independence. Right now, there was only him, for she highly doubted she could have both.

  Chapter Eight

  I am in serious trouble.

  What Jasper had hoped was a gambit to make Evangeline see the confidence she already had inside of her had changed into his own seduction.

  “What do you mean by this?” His voice cracked on the last word, and in an effort to put his hands somewhere, he rested them on the generous curves of her hips. The elusive floral perfume she wore wafted around him and further helped to cloud his judgment. No matter how self-possessed he thought he was, she had always had the power to bring him to his knees.

  “I’ve never known you to be slow.” One of her blonde eyebrows arched. “I want another kiss, and since you refused me, citing morals, I have decided to take one due to curiosity.”

  Damnation. Her boldness enhanced his growing arousal. Where had she learned that, for he’d wager she’d never lain with a man. That supposition made him bite back a groan. I can be the one who introduces her to coitus. He adored that she wasn’t a meek and mild miss, but the longer she pressed herself against him, the bigger the possibility that she’d notice the evidence of his desire. And then what? Would her newfound courage desert her when presented with raw facts?

  In the end, just as he’d said, he wasn’t strong enough to deny her. “I suppose I cannot refuse a lady’s request.”

  For he wanted that kiss as much as she.

  Evangeline’s grin could light up the night sky. “How very gentlemanly of you.” She leaned closer and brushed a lock of hair from his forehead. Her light touch coupled with her warm curves nestled in his hands and lap worked to separate him from his honorable intentions.

  “Let us both hope I remain such ten minutes from now.” It took little effort to cover her lips with his. When she uttered a sound of surrender at the back of her throat, he was lost.

  Why had he not taken the chance when they’d courted? Even now they could have enjoyed five years of marriage, perhaps had a child or two. Reality intruded and took the edge off his ardor. Those thoughts meant nothing, for she’d run from him and had taken all of his dreams with her.

  Now he had new ones. That revelation left him reeling and he pulled slightly away, breaking their embrace. Marriage, starting a family, having a traditional existence were what he’d envisioned for his life back then. Never had he asked what she’d wanted out of hers. He’d merely assumed she’d wished for the same.

  Dash it all! That would change starting from this moment.

  “I would think you could at least attend me while I’m kissing you,” she said, frustration and amusement mixing in her throaty whisper.

  Jasper stared into her face and he grinned. “My apologies. It won’t happen again.” This time, he settled her more comfortably in his arms and applied himself to a second kiss with gusto. Her lips, soft and plush, were heaven. Her fingers threaded in his hair kept him focused on the embrace. And her curves. Dear God, Evangeline’s voluptuous swells of breast and hip called to him, tempted his fingers until he could no longer resist.

  If they had limited time together, then he’d do his level best to imprint these memories on her so she couldn’t so easily forget him. Once more he broke the kiss, but trailed his lips along the underside of her jaw while he slid his hands down her back and cupped her rounded buttocks. The heat of her warmed his palms; the satin glide of her skin beneath his lips drove all common sense from him.

  When he encountered the hollow at her collarbones, he teased the spot with his tongue. She sighed, arched her back, thrusting her breasts closer. The pink tips of her hardened nipples peeked through the thin cotton of the camisole, and he couldn’t resist. “Oh Evie, you are splendid.” He lowered his head and took one of those tempting buds between his lips.

  Evangeline drew in a shuddering breath and let it go on a sigh. “Mmm.” She straightened her spine, which gave him greater access. “I had no idea how good—oh!” Her eyes widened as he rubbed the flat of his tongue over her cotton-covered nub.

  “This is just a taste of the wonders that await you once you find a man you might give your heart to, and marry.” He transferred his attention to the other breast and plied it with the same attention until she was nearly whimpering with need.

  “No.” She placed her hands on either side of his head and guided his lips to hers once more. After a few heated seconds of tongues tangling and her squirming, which made his burgeoning situation more immediate, she wrenched away. “Why must love muck it all up? Why must I wed when I can experience intercourse without that lauded state?” She punctuated the questions with another quick kiss. “I know my own mind. I am fully cognizant of the implications that will follow.”

  “That might be true, but if you fall into bed with every man who interests you, you will quickly be labeled a dirty puzzle.” At the moment, he didn’t much care if she were called a promiscuous woman as he palmed her generous breasts. The plump flesh filled his hands and fired his imagination. What he wouldn’t do to slide them both to the floor, separate her from her lace-edged drawers and find her honeyed heat with his fingers.

  “What does it matter?” she countered, and one of her hands wandered down his chest to linger dangerously close to his waistband. “I have read enough novels and have had scandalous talks with my friends to know what happens during the act. Why shouldn’t I want to experience it? I do not need marriage for that, neither do I wish for mediocre.”

  Hellfire and brimstone.

  Why did they need to have this conversation now? “You may believe you are independent enough to skirt tradition and society’s dictates, but on this, I am adamant and do not want to see you used and defiled.” He teased her nipples with the pads of his thumbs, and when she moaned in approval he grinned but quickly came to his senses. Wasn’t that what he was doing
now? His stilled his fingers but didn’t remove his hands from her person. “Men will bed you readily enough, but will leave you when they tire of you.” That thought sobered him and sent spikes of cold jealousy spearing through his chest. “I couldn’t bear to know that’s what had become of your life.” The jealousy fled in the face of the fierce protection that raged now. He would do everything in his power to shield her from those men. “You are meant for better things than an easy mark for some man’s prick.”

  That was the truth, and speaking it aloud was as effective as throwing a bucket of cold water on the seduction he’d wanted and planned for.

  “Better things as in being little more than a man’s breeder or a glorified housekeeper?”

  “No! Men who would care for you—love you—won’t treat you like an object. They’ll help you, support your dreams.” Why couldn’t she see this? “Men like… me.”

  “I don’t wish to risk it.” She shook her head without acknowledging his suggestion. “Please, Jasper.” The whispered plea almost had him resuming his activity. When she brushed her fingers over his rampant length pressed against the front of his trousers, two pitiful layers of fabric separating them, he sucked in a breath. “I want this, and why shouldn’t I do such an act with you, a man I already know and have history with, instead of someone I do not?”

  Her reasoning held more logic than it should, but even still, this wasn’t part of his plan. He’d assumed he would bed her after she’d promised to be his wife. “No.” Jasper gathered her hands and held them behind her back. Not smart, that, for her breasts thrust tight into the thin camisole, tempting, oh so tempting. He glued his gaze to hers. “I cannot indulge your request for the simple fact that once the storm outside passes, you will leave. I refuse to have my world upended again. I barely survived the last time.”


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