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Cowboy Christmas Jubilee

Page 21

by Dylann Crush

  Kenzie tugged on his jeans. “Jinx isn’t a morning person.”

  “Really?” He played along. “Seems to me she gets up very early in the morning.”

  “Nah, I just stay up late, old man.”

  “Hey, I can stay up pretty late too.”

  Jinx raised an eyebrow at him while a sly grin spread over her face. Oh, it was on. He’d take a great deal of pleasure in reminding her just how late and how early he’d be willing to get up for her.

  “Kenzie, honey, your bus is going to be here in a few minutes,” Jinx reminded them.

  “But we’re hooking today, right?” Her lip stuck out in that pout he loved and hated.

  Before he could respond, Jinx put her hands on Kenzie’s shoulders and twirled her around. With a gentle nudge, she sent Kenzie in the direction of the mudroom. “Get your boots on and grab your backpack. Lunch is almost ready. And no one is hooking or playing hooky today.”

  Good God. First Kenzie wanted to be pregnant, and now she wanted to spend a Friday hooking. He’d have to have a serious talk with his little girl. But first, to convince Jinx to drop whatever plans she had for the day and play with him instead.

  “Come on.” He put a hand on the top of Kenzie’s head. “Which boots do you want to wear today?”

  “The ones like Jinx has.” Kenzie skipped ahead to pull two heavy-soled black boots from the shoe bin.

  “Where did you get those?” He cast a glance toward Jinx, who shrugged.

  “Jinx got ’em for me. They’re just like hers.” The big black boots swallowed her little feet, a stark contrast to the hot-pink ropers she usually wore.

  “Hmm.” Eyes narrowed, he tried to determine how he felt about his little girl channeling her inner Goth.

  “Do you like them, Daddy?” Kenzie twisted first one foot, then the other, showing off her new footwear.

  “I’m sure they’ll grow on me.” He swooped her up, cradled her in his arms, and blew a raspberry on her neck. Her squeal of laughter cemented this moment in his brain. This is what life could be like if he let it. He and Kenzie didn’t have to be on their own anymore. Instead of shutting everyone out and doing things on his own like he had been for the past seven years, maybe it was time to take a chance and put himself out there. He’d thought about it while he was up in Dallas. It was time to officially ask Jinx to stay.

  Jinx walked over, Kenzie’s pink Disney princess lunch box in hand, and dropped a kiss on his squirming daughter’s forehead. “Lunch is ready.”

  Kenzie reached for her insulated lunch box, but Jinx didn’t release her grip.

  “Promise me you’ll eat your growing food before you have the cookie?” A smile lingered under the mock stern look.

  Kenzie nodded. “I promise.”

  “Good.” Jinx let go. “Now you and your daddy better get down the driveway before the bus leaves you again.”

  “Again?” Cash set Kenzie on the ground. “What’s this about again?”

  “Come on, Daddy!” Kenzie wrapped her hand around his, pulling him toward the hooks holding their coats.

  He twisted back to make eye contact with Jinx over Kenzie’s head. “I’ll be back.”

  She swatted at him with a dish towel. “I’m counting on it, cowboy.”

  Warmth radiated from his chest, an unfamiliar but not unwelcome sensation. When did he get so lucky?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  By the time Cash returned, she’d finished cleaning up the kitchen and managed to sneak in a quick shower. He shut the door behind him, not even bothering to take off his boots.

  “Okay, what do you want to do today? I can take you into Austin to do a little Christmas shopping. I need to pick up some stuff for Kenzie, and I could treat you to lunch.” He put a hand on the counter on either side of her, trapping her backside against him. “Or we can just hang out here all day.”

  “I can’t play hooky with you today. You might not have to go to work, but I do.” Jinx squirmed under Cash’s touch. God, when he did that thing with his mouth on her neck, she could feel her resolve wash away as easy as water down a drain.

  “But you work nights. Why do you have to go in this morning?” He brushed her hair out of his way, clearing the path for more kisses.

  “You keep that up, and I’ll get fired.” She twisted around to face him. Her arms encircled his neck, and she leaned into him. Solid. Like a rock. He could be her rock if she’d let him. It would be so nice to be able to count on someone for a change. Cash could be that someone for her, she knew it.

  “I’m related to your boss.” He thrust his hands into the back pockets of her jeans, kneading her ass. “I’m sure she’d let it slide if you were a little late.”

  This man, dammit, he drove her crazy. “I have ten minutes before I have to leave. The director of the women’s foundation is coming by to pick up the check from the auction today, along with the bags of donations, and then I wanted to get some work done on Kenzie’s walls.” She wasn’t going to mention the stack of gift cards she’d hidden within the bags of clothes Charlie had pulled together. They weren’t doing anyone any good stashed under the kitchen cabinet in the bunkhouse. Plus, she was anxious to get rid of more of them and break ties with her past.

  She laced her fingers together behind his neck. “Unless you want me toodling around in your truck all day, you’ll have to drive me.”

  He nuzzled the sensitive spot on her neck, his whiskers scratching her skin. “Ten minutes is a long time.”

  “Is it?”

  “Oh yeah. I can do a lot in ten minutes.”


  He urged her backward, toward the kitchen table. “Sure. In ten minutes, I can mount a horse, rope a calf, and have enough time left over to down a beer.”

  “I’m not impressed.” Her butt hit the edge of the table. “What else can you do in ten minutes?”

  “I can take down a bad guy, cuff him up, and deliver him to the county jail. Better?” He edged a thigh in between her legs, his mouth continuing to make contact with her collarbone, her jaw, her cheek.

  “Still not impressed.” Her eyes drifted closed as he palmed her breast through the thin fabric of her T-shirt.

  “Damn, woman. What’s it going to take?” He smiled against her neck. “In ten minutes, I bet I can make you come at least twice on this kitchen table.”

  She arched into him. “Now you’re talking.”

  His hands went under her shirt, edging it up, over her head. Desire darkened his brown eyes to almost black. He traced the outline of the hourglass tattoo that wrapped around her rib cage. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  She unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs. “You better get busy, cowboy. You’ve already wasted two minutes yapping.”

  He licked his lips, whipped his shirt over his head, and forced her backward until her bare back met the rigid wood of the table. Within seconds, he’d removed any remaining barrier between them. Leaning over her, wearing nothing but a smile and a condom, he set a hand on either side of her and thrust. She pulled her knees up to wrap her legs around his waist. Her hands gripped the edge of the table to keep from sliding across the top as he drove into her again.

  She opened for him, taking everything he gave her. This man, this incredible man, was offering her things she’d never thought she’d deserve. She’d take it. Take every last bit of what he wanted to give her, for however long it lasted. She was done running, done fighting. She wanted to be a part of his life, to try to build a future. To look forward for a change, instead of always looking behind her. Emotion swelled inside her, and she let the last barrier fall away.

  As she exploded around him, her hands gripped his arms, and she levered herself up, clinging to his chest like they were the last two people on the face of the earth. Like he was the only one who could save her.

  His hands
cupped her ass as he carried her to the bedroom. They fell to the bed, still entwined. She pushed him onto his back, taking control, slowing things down. Up and down, she slid over him, drawing him in, relishing the low groan rumbling through his chest. His hands gripped her hips, urging her to move faster. She toyed with him, speeding up for a few moments, then coming to a grinding halt.

  He wouldn’t stand for that. Flipping her over, he rained kisses down on her neck. She met him thrust for thrust, building toward the inevitable release. The release she craved.

  Finally, she crested again. Her body paused, her hips suspended in midair. She let the feeling wash over her, not wanting to disturb the swell of intense pleasure sweeping over every inch of her.

  Cash cradled her, held her tight against him, waiting for her to finish. When she let her hips drift back toward the bed, he increased his rhythm, finding his own release. A groan ripped through him, and she clenched around him, wanting to give him the same pleasure he’d given her. He stilled, his breath coming in short bursts against her ear.

  She opened her eyes. A smug grin was plastered on his face.

  “What are you so proud of?” she asked.

  He twisted his wrist her way, showing off his watch. “Seven minutes.”

  Jinx shook her head. “Doesn’t count, cowboy.”

  He dropped down next to her and flung his arm over his head. “What in the hell do you mean it doesn’t count? From what I could tell, you came twice, just like I said you would.”

  Propping herself up on an elbow, she nudged a finger into his chest. “You said you’d make me come twice on the kitchen table.”

  Comprehension swept over him, lighting up another kind of grin. He grabbed her finger. “That’s a technicality.”

  She kissed the scruff of his jawline before she climbed off the bed. “More like a technical foul. Sorry, doesn’t count.”

  “Wait a minute.” Cash sat up. “You can’t be serious.”

  She cast a smile over her shoulder as she walked toward the kitchen to retrieve her clothes. “If you’re nice to me, maybe I’ll let you have another shot at it later.”

  His deep rumble of laughter sent tingles racing through her, from the tips of her toes upward. “Oh, it’s on, babe. It’s on.”

  She laughed, relishing the lightness that filled her. She’d made the right decision. As crazy as the idea of staying put for a change was, her place was here with Cash. For as long as he and Kenzie would have her. Now she just needed to figure out how to tell him she’d decided to stay.

  * * *

  Cash threaded his fingers with Jinx’s while Kenzie gripped his other hand. He liked the feel of being sandwiched between the two of them. Based on the sideways glances and nods he’d caught as they walked through the crowd at the second weekend of the Jingle Bell Jamboree, most of the town felt the same way.

  “Y’all want some hot cocoa?” Cash nodded toward a tent where members of the Holiday Chamber of Commerce handed out steaming paper cups to people passing by.

  “With marshmallows?” Kenzie asked.

  “Of course.” He led them over to a table lined with cups.

  Twinkle lights wrapped around the edges and legs of the tent. Glittery ornaments hung down. He bonked his head on one when he leaned in to grab a cup of cocoa for Kenzie.

  “Watch yourself there.” Maybelle, the resident hairdresser and senior square dance champion, smiled and pointed up. “Looks like you owe someone a kiss.”

  Cash glanced up. A sprig of mistletoe hung directly overhead. He glanced toward Jinx, who gave a slight shake of her head. “Aw, come here, Tadpole.”

  Kenzie took a step back. “Don’t kiss me, Daddy. Kiss Jinx.”

  He cocked his head, raising an eyebrow at Jinx. “Whaddaya say?”

  She bit her lower lip, probably debating whether or not she wanted to go all in with him. After all, the Kissmas Cam was watching.

  Her voice came out barely more than a whisper. “Okay.”

  His heart thumped against his chest. He set the cup of cocoa down on the table. Pulling her close, he wrapped one arm behind her back, then dipped her low. Kenzie jumped up and down, clapping her hands. Cash met Jinx’s lips with his. She molded against him, surrendering herself to the kiss.

  A chorus of claps sounded around them. He reached up and took his cowboy hat off, then used it to shield their kiss from the audience that had gathered.

  Jinx pulled away first. He set her upright but kept hold of her hand. She squeezed, giving him a smile that conveyed the new intimacy they shared.

  “My turn!” Kenzie crashed into their legs, wrapping an arm around each of them. “Kiss me now!”

  Jinx laughed, a peal of laughter that brightened his already cheery mood.

  “On three?” Cash leaned down. Jinx nodded and did the same, both of them lining up to catch Kenzie on a cheek. “One, two, three.” They planted smacking smooches on the soft cheeks of his baby girl.

  Kenzie thrust an arm around each of their shoulders and lifted her feet off the ground. She dangled in midair while she giggled in delight.

  “Well, ain’t this the picture-perfect scene?” Dwight stopped in front of them, passing the ever-present toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other.

  “Hey, Dwight.” Cash stood, Kenzie hanging from her grip around his neck.

  Dwight nodded. “Deputy. Hey, Jinx.”

  “Hi. Are you having fun at the festival?”

  “Yeah. You haven’t been around lately. Wanted to let you know that part came in.”

  Jinx shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Oh. Thanks.”

  “Bike should be ready next week.” He lifted a brow. “Figured you’re still in a big ole hurry to get it finished.”

  “Right. Next week.” Cash felt the shift in her vibe, like she’d just stepped ten feet away, although she hadn’t moved. The virtual distance between them widened.

  “Well, y’all have a good night.” Dwight tipped his ball cap before he wandered away.

  Kenzie snagged the cocoa off the table and gripped it with both hands, oblivious to what had just happened. “Where are the marshmallows, Daddy?”

  “Over here, sweetheart.” Maybelle rounded the table to lead Kenzie to a big bowl of star-shaped marshmallows.

  Cash jammed his hands into his front pockets. “So, next week. That’s…uh…soon.”

  “Yeah, it is.” Jinx wheeled away. “I wasn’t exactly planning on having this conversation right now.”

  “Hey.” Cash caught up to her. “You’ve been nothing but up-front about where you stand on this from the get-go.”

  “You’re right. I have.”

  He reached for her hands, drawing them together between them. The thought of her leaving now, when things had just started to heat up between them, made him cringe inside. But that was his problem, not hers. He’d known all along she didn’t have plans to stick around. Sure, he’d hoped, but it was time to man up and face the facts.

  “You’ve got to go. I know that.” He kissed her hands. Every part of him wanted to ask her to stay. But he’d done that once, a lifetime ago, and he realized he couldn’t do it again.

  “I do?”

  The questioning tone caught him off guard. He met her gaze, searching for meaning in the depths of her eyes. “Don’t you?”

  “Do I?”

  He sucked at head games. Was she being a smart-ass, or was there a chance she might have changed her mind? Only one way to find out. “Are you fucking with me?”

  She grinned. “Not yet. I figured we ought to keep that to the privacy of your home. Or the bunkhouse, assuming you’ll let me stay there until I can find a place of my own.”

  Silence stretched between them while her words sank in. “Don’t jerk me around here. I don’t think my heart could take it. You’re really thinking about st
icking around?”

  Her shoulders rose as she took a deep inhale. He held his breath while he waited for an answer. With her head tilted to the side, she gave a slight shrug. “Would that be okay?”

  “Would that be okay? Hell, that would be fantastic. I’ve been dying to ask you, but it has to be your call. You sure about this?” He hadn’t thought she’d ever come to that decision. He’d hoped, even offered a half-assed prayer to whomever might be looking down on him from above, that she’d come to her senses. But he didn’t really think it would happen.

  “I don’t want to be in the way. Kenzie’s got to be your priority. I know what it’s like to have someone come in and tear a family apart.”

  “Oh, baby.” He brushed her hair away from the side of her face. “Kenzie loves you.”

  Her head jerked up at the mention of the l-word. He wanted her to know though. He’d been so scared of spooking her, he hadn’t wanted to push things too far.

  She squeezed his hands in hers. “She’s a special kid. I really lo—care about her too.” Her eyes offered an apology, like she was sorry she couldn’t bring herself to say the actual word.

  Cash nodded. “She is. And so are you. You don’t have to say it, Jinx. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for you to trust your feelings. We’ve got time. Lots of it, okay?”

  A tear rolled down one cheek. She nodded, then wiped it away. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “What ever happened with Kenzie’s mom?”

  He snugged her against him. “You sure you want to know? It’s not a happy ending.”

  “I figured. But hey, I specialize in unhappy endings, so lay it on me.”

  Cash let out a long breath. “All right. We dated in college. But she didn’t want to move to the sticks, so we broke up after graduation. Over the years, we hooked up on occasion, and she got pregnant.” He stopped, glancing at her for some sign to continue.

  She nodded. “Go on.”

  “I wanted to do the right thing, so I convinced her to move back here with me. We were going to wait until after the baby came to get married. But after Kenzie arrived, she decided she couldn’t hack it. She missed her friends, missed her family.” He hung his head. “We had an awful fight. I told her she had to stay, that she didn’t have a choice. She took Kenzie up to Dallas. I kept thinking she’d come back. Finally, I went up to get her, but I couldn’t find them anywhere. Turns out Lori Lynne had left Kenzie with some people she’d just met so she could go out with some guy she’d been dating online. The people turned Kenzie over to child protective services.”


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