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Wrestlin' Christmas: (Sweet Western Holiday Romance) (Rodeo Romance Book 2)

Page 19

by Hatfield, Shanna

  Struck with sudden inspiration, Kaley grabbed a stamp pad, a few supplies, and two sheets of thick white paper. “What do you think about having our boys do a craft project right now?”

  “Show me what to do, crafty lady.” Kenzie waved her arm theatrically toward the hallway.

  Their giggles preceded them as they entered the kitchen.

  “What are we making?” Kenzie asked as Kaley removed the centerpiece and tablecloth from the kitchen table.

  “Reindeer.” Kaley set the paper on the table and opened the stamp pad. She set down some red pompoms and a box with little googly eyes. Plugging in a hot glue gun, she left it on the kitchen counter where one of the boys wouldn’t be able to grab it.

  She wet a dishtowel at the sink and draped it over a kitchen chair. Quickly surveying the supplies, she decided she was ready.

  “Let’s get the boys.”

  At the living room doorway, she called for Jacob and Gideon to come to the kitchen. The two little boys ran to her, followed by two much bigger boys.

  “What are you doing?” Cort asked as Kaley set Jacob on the table near the craft supplies and rolled up the legs of his jeans. After removing his socks, she coated each foot with ink from the brown stamp pad then asked Cort to pick him up.

  Cort did as she asked while Jacob looked at them both as if they’d lost their minds.

  “Hold him over that sheet of paper. When I say so, ease him down until his feet touch it,” Kaley instructed, moving so she could position Jacob’s feet.

  When his footprints were exactly where she wanted them, she pressed his feet onto the paper. Cort lifted the boy and sat on a barstool with Jacob on his lap, wiping the ink off his feet. Jacob giggled the whole time, making Cort assume it tickled.

  “Liked that, did you?” He helped Jacob put on his socks then rolled down the legs of his jeans.

  Jacob nodded his head, watching Kaley and Kenzie ink Gideon’s feet. Tate held his son while the women each took one of the toddler’s wriggling feet and pushed them onto the sheet of paper.

  “You girls still haven’t said what you’re doing, other than inking feet. Wouldn’t fingerprints be better?” Cort asked as Tate tried to hold Gideon still long enough to clean the ink off his feet. He and Kenzie finally went at it as a team and got the job done. Together they worked to put socks on the wiggly boy’s feet. Kenzie sighed in relief when she sat Gideon down by Jacob.

  Skillfully drawing antlers on the sides of the tiny toe prints, Kaley had the boys help her glue eyes and a red nose on the feet, making it look like reindeer.

  “That is the cutest thing ever.” Kenzie motioned for Tate to get a closer look.

  “I see, Dewdrop. It’s cute,” Tate agreed, gazing over his wife’s shoulder. “Can you put the name and date on there? It seems like it would be a good keepsake that way.”

  “Great idea.” Kaley handed Kenzie a pen.

  The woman shook her head and handed it back to Kaley. “Your handwriting is so much prettier than mine. Would you mind writing on Gideon’s?”

  Kaley blushed at the compliment but filled in the information on both Jacob and Gideon’s paper.

  Jacob nodded his head excitedly and Gideon clapped his hands.

  “Gid’s deer. Jake’s deer. We gots deers!”

  “You sure do.” Cort picked up a boy under each arm and tickled them as he carried them back to the living room.

  “About this date tomorrow night…” Kenzie turned to Kaley and smiled at her friend. “Here’s what I think…”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Cort sat in the living room, anxiously jiggling his foot while feigning interest in a show on the television.

  Impatiently waiting for almost fifteen minutes for Kaley to appear so they could leave for their date, it seemed more like an hour.

  He should have offered to take Jacob to Tate and Kenzie’s before he did the feeding so she had more time to get ready.

  Instead, she drove Jacob over to the Morgan Ranch while he did the evening chores. As he finished up at the barn, he saw her pull into the carport.

  The sound of running water filled the quiet of the kitchen when he returned to the house. Under the assumption Kaley showered, visions that thought generated made Cort’s mouth water.

  Hastily blocking them from his mind, he discarded his chore clothes at the kitchen door, made a beeline for his room, and jumped into the shower. After shaving for the second time that day, he slapped on aftershave, combed his hair, and dressed in newer jeans with a pressed shirt and a sports coat. Freshly shined boots finished his outfit. A glance in the mirror confirmed his appearance was passable.

  As he recalled Kaley’s comment about not seeing him wear a suit, he briefly considered putting on the one he owned but changed his mind. Quickly stuffing his wallet, phone, and keys into his pockets, he rushed out to the living room and sat down to wait.

  The arm of the couch caught the beat of his drumming fingers while he checked his watch for the fourth time in as many minutes.

  A sigh escaped him as he studied the colorful holiday jars on the coffee table. He dipped his fingers into one, pulled out a piece of candy, removed the foil wrapper, and took a bite.

  Smooth milk chocolate filled his mouth, bringing a sense of satisfied calm while it melted on his tongue.

  In need of a distraction, he fingered the glass balls in one jar, considered eating a candy cane and thought better of it, then picked up a fragrant stick of cinnamon.

  Curious, he wondered if it would taste like the cinnamon rolls Kaley made the other day or the cinnamon toothpicks he liked to chew. He sniffed it and studied the rough bark exterior.

  A subtle flavor teased his mouth when he ran his tongue along the edge of the stick. The pungent scent pervaded his senses as he held it beneath his nose, sniffing it again.

  Girlish giggles from the doorway made him drop the cinnamon on the coffee table.

  Embarrassed Kaley caught him licking her decorations, Cort quickly jumped to his feet, hoping his face wasn’t as red as the jar from which he’d snitched the piece of candy.

  Concerns over his humiliation dissipated as his shirt collar tightened threateningly around his neck. If it didn’t choke him to death, he might expire from the scorching heat searing through him at the sight of Kaley.

  In his wildest dreams, he never expected to see her transform into the sophisticated woman standing at the edge of the room. A thorough once-over started at the top of her head and worked down to her toes. The vision she created caused his blood to roar through his veins and made his heart thump erratically in his chest.

  Loose curls bounced around her shoulders and down her back, beckoning his hands to get lost in the shiny locks. The modest black dress she wore glided over her curves to her knees, tempting him to run his hands along each one. Long legs appeared even longer in a pair of strappy high heels meant to drive a man crazy. She wore more makeup than usual, accenting her striking blue eyes, and the fragrance of her enthralling perfume teased his nose.

  Uncertain if his feet would function or his voice work, he stood rooted to the floor.

  Kaley’s grin broadened as she took a step toward him and he finally regained the ability to speak.

  “Wow, Kaley! You look amazing. Better than amazing. Just… Wow!” Cort felt like a blithering idiot. He’d never had any problem charming women with a tongue that could be as silvery as his eyes.

  While his brain short-circuited, he struggled to find words to express himself. He didn’t know what it was about the alluring woman, but she managed to kick every single one of his senses into overdrive.

  Used to being around all types of females, including women who were exceedingly beautiful, outgoing, and even those who dressed provocatively, none of them created the level of intense desire he felt for Kaley.

  “Thank you, kind sir. You look pretty snappy yourself.” Kaley blushed at his perusal, surreptitiously studying him in return.

  The light gray of Cort’s shirt com
bined with the charcoal gray of his jacket created the perfect combination to highlight the color of his eyes. He’d made an effort at taming his thick, short hair and she could tell he shaved. Her fingers ached to run over his taut, tan skin, especially the dimple in his chin.

  Her eyes traveled downward, taking in his dark blue jeans and polished boots before returning to his handsome face.

  There was no denying Cort was an incredibly attractive man. Kaley had trouble believing he wanted to take her out on a date when he obviously could choose any woman he wanted.

  When their gazes tangled, Cort tensely brushed his sweaty palms along the sides of his jeans. He hadn’t been this nervous since his first date when he was fifteen. Not even the down-to-the-wire scores at the rodeo finals had made him this ill at ease.

  “Like the cinnamon stick?” Kaley asked with an impish grin. Cort chuckled at her teasing and the tension between them ebbed.

  “Not particularly. I thought it would taste like cinnamon rolls or my toothpicks.” Cort walked hand in hand with Kaley to the kitchen door where she left a black dress coat draped over a chair.

  “You would be wrong in that assumption, as you discovered.” Kaley grinned over her shoulder as he held the coat and she slipped her arms in the sleeves. Cort gently pulled her hair from inside the coat and settled it over the collar.

  When he kissed her neck, right below her ear, he grinned as a tremor of pleasure passed over her while his hands rested on her shoulders.

  To clear his head, he took a step away from her, digging a small box out of his jacket pocket and holding it out to her. “I got you a little something.”

  “You didn’t have to get me anything. The opportunity to go out with you is gift enough.” Kaley stared at the small black velvet box in her hand.

  “Just open the box.”

  The lid creaked as she tipped it back. Kaley’s eyes widened with delight at the glittering snowflake pin made of rhinestones set in silver. It twinkled radiantly in the kitchen light.

  “Cort, it’s gorgeous.” Eagerly removing it from the box, she fastened it to the front of her coat. After giving him a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek, she gazed at the pin reflecting the kitchen light. “It’s perfect.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” Cort opened the back door while Kaley pulled on her gloves and picked up a small black evening bag. “Ready to go?”

  “I am.” She stepped outside while Cort locked the door behind them then accepted the arm he held out to her as they moved down the walk together.

  Buford glanced at them curiously from his doghouse. Cort told him to keep watch over the place while they were gone. The dog woofed, but didn’t leave his warm spot to walk with them to the truck.

  “You are so beautiful, Kaley.” Cort desperately wanted to steal a kiss or two, or a dozen, as he helped her into the pickup. She blushed but gave him a coy, inviting glance.

  Thoughts of staying home with her, alone, flew through his head. Briefly considering it as an option, it would only lead to trouble, so he ran around to the driver’s side and slid behind the wheel.

  They talked about random topics on their way to the Tri-Cities to an upscale restaurant located along the river.

  Cort escorted Kaley inside, once again astounded by her femininity and loveliness. He noticed several men watching her as they made their way to the table the hostess indicated in front of a large window with a great view.

  Possessively positioning his hand at the small of her back as they walked through the restaurant, he helped remove her coat and draped it over the back of a chair then seated her at the table before taking a seat across from her.

  “This is so nice, Cort. Thank you for bringing me here.” Kaley glanced appreciatively around the restaurant. Outside, lights reflected off the water of the river, drawing Kaley’s interest. The nicest place Dean had ever taken her was the Olive Garden to celebrate their anniversary just before Jacob’s birth.

  A throat cleared and drew her attention to the server standing next to their table, holding out a menu to her.

  “I’m so sorry.” A faint blush pinked her cheeks as Kaley accepted the menu.

  “Don’t worry about it, hon. It’s hard not to admire the view.” The woman winked at her while inclining her head toward Cort.

  Kaley smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

  “Now, what can I get you two to drink?”

  She ordered hot tea while Cort requested a Dr. Pepper. The server left with a promise to return soon with their drinks while they read the menus.

  “Have you eaten here before?” Kaley studied the many entrée selections available on the menu.

  “A few times. The food is always good.” Cort skimmed the menu, deciding on a steak. “Do you like seafood?”

  “I’ve had fish and chips before.” Kaley felt completely out of her element. Even though she grew up in Seattle where fresh seafood was abundant, she lacked the opportunity to enjoy it. She’d never experienced much in the way of seafood, living as she did with people who thought canned tuna was exotic. “What would you recommend?”

  “You like pasta, don’t you?” he asked, remembering Kaley seemed to particularly enjoy it when she made it at home.

  “I do.” She hid her surprise that Cort noticed she liked the carb-laden noodles she sometimes served for dinner. Dean and Ed wanted potatoes at every meal and Kaley hadn’t dared make anything other than the things they liked. When she no longer had to cook to please them, she began making food she relished.

  “Why don’t you try the seafood fettuccini? I think you might enjoy it,” he suggested as the server approached them with their drinks.

  “Are you two ready to order?” Her smile was friendly as she set down Cort’s glass of soda and Kaley’s cup of tea.

  “I think we are.” Cort tipped his head to Kaley, indicating she should place her order first. She followed his suggestion for the fettuccini and grinned when he ordered a rib eye steak, cooked just past rare. She gave him a curious glance when he ordered a small plate of seared scallops and asked to have them served with the breadbasket.

  “Have you had scallops before?” he asked as she stirred sugar into her tea.

  “Not that I remember.”

  “Prepare to have your tastebuds tantalized, Kaley, girl.”

  An hour later, full and extraordinarily content, Kaley grinned at Cort.

  Her meal had been a treat, the good food only a small part of what made dinner special. Spending time with Cort at a romantic table for two had been one of the nicest experiences she’d ever had.

  Dressed in the little black dress and high heels Kenzie insisted she buy the day after Thanksgiving, she was glad she’d given in to her friend’s suggestion to purchase the clothes.

  For the first time in her life, she thought she had an idea how Cinderella felt at the ball. Unlike Cinderella, though, her handsome prince would see her home and kiss her good night before life returned to normal.

  Thoughts of Cort’s kisses made her temperature soar while her cheeks flooded with heat.

  “You okay?” Cort reached across the table and placed the back of his hand on her cheek. The contact of his work-roughened hand to her smooth skin didn’t help her cool down in the least. “Are you allergic to anything?”

  “No. I’m fine.” Desperate for him not to notice her intense attraction, she grabbed his hand in hers. The sensational touch of his big, warm palm against hers wasn’t the best way to redirect her wayward thoughts. “You were right. The scallops were fantastic — so rich and buttery. I think they melted in my mouth.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed them. You liked the pasta?”

  The waitress brought their bill. Cort thanked her and handed her his credit card before turning his attention back to Kaley.

  “It was very good. You seemed to enjoy your steak.” He’d given her a bite of the still-pink beef. To her surprise, the meat was extremely tender and full of flavor. Ed and Dean always insisted meat should be cooked
well done. She’d stopped making it any other way.

  “I did, but it’s hard not to enjoy a good piece of beef.” Cort signed the receipt before putting his credit card back in his wallet and rising to his feet. He held Kaley’s coat while she slipped it on, placing his hand to the small of her back again as they walked out of the restaurant.

  Cort took her hand in his as they meandered along the row of parked vehicles. “Would you like to go to the movies?” He breathed in the nippy night air, hoping she’d agree. Although it had warmed slightly, the temperature hovered just above freezing. He could see the puffs of white their breath made as they spoke.

  “I’d love to.” Kaley squeezed his hand and smiled at him affectionately. “The last time I went was right after Dean and I got married.”

  “You’re kidding me.” Cort gave her an incredulous look as they stood next to his truck. He tried to ignore the way moonlight played across her face, drawing his interest to her lips.

  “Nope. The last movie I saw at a theater freaked me out so much, I couldn’t sleep for days afterward.” Kaley accepted his help as she settled herself in the passenger seat and pulled her coat around her legs. Cort would have preferred she’d left those fabulous gams exposed, but wisely refrained from commenting.

  “We need to fix that, right away.” He slid behind the wheel and drove to the movie theater near the mall. After parking the truck, he hurried around to help her down, keeping an arm around her waist as they crossed the parking lot. Swiftly reviewing their options, they decided on a comedy. Cort purchased tickets and they went inside the theater.

  While Kaley visited the restroom, he purchased a big cup of soda and an even bigger bucket of popcorn.

  “Wow, that’s a lot of popcorn.” She raised an eyebrow at him as they walked into the theater and found seats on the top row. Since it was a weekday, the theater was mostly empty.

  “I like popcorn with my movie.” Cort held out the bucket so she could take a handful.

  Before the movie started, she removed her coat and turned slightly so she leaned against his side. She ended up holding the popcorn while Cort wrapped an arm around her.


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