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Destroyed by a Dangerous Man

Page 6

by Cleo Peitsche

  He cupped his hand over the top of my head, then snaked his other arm around my waist and roughly pulled me toward him.

  I felt the top of his hand scraping against the SUV’s roof.

  Then his hands slid down my body. Possessive and firm, sure of what he wanted. He positioned me just over his hips.

  The heat of his cock… I could feel it between my legs.

  Whimpering, I tried to settle my weight down, but Corbin held me in place.

  “Not like that,” he whispered. “Touch yourself.”

  He didn’t need to tell me twice.

  I lowered my hand and had to force it between his cock and my pussy. That was how close together we were. It might as well have been ten feet for all the good it was doing me.

  My fingers brushed over my sex, and I started rubbing tight swirls around my clit.

  Corbin’s erection was hot and hard against the back of my hand.

  “Come on,” I pleaded.

  I was close, but I wanted him inside me, stretching me. I rocked my hips, and every time his cock bumped into my thigh or the curve of my buttock, I groaned.

  Frustrated, I reached for him with wet fingers.


  My thighs were starting to cramp from the effort of holding myself up. The scent of my arousal was proof of how desperate I was.

  I reached for him again.

  “No,” Corbin said, warning in his voice. “And for that, you don’t get to come. Not yet.”

  He captured my wrists and forced them to the small of my back, holding them there with one hand.

  “That’s better,” he said. He fisted his cock and brushed the tip against my cleft.

  “Oh, fuck.” I shook all over.

  “Is that what you wanted? Do you feel better?”

  “More,” I pleaded.

  He traced the thick tip between my folds but stopped short of my clit. My hips tilted toward him. “Please, Corbin. Please.”

  “You disobeyed me. I won’t reward you for that.”

  And there was nothing I could do to make him satisfy me.

  Corbin had me exactly where he wanted: teetering on the edge and out of my mind.

  I groaned and tried to jerk my wrists free, but he was too strong and kept them pinned to my back. My skin was damp with sweat.

  “Would you like me to tease you some more?”

  He could drag this out for hours. I knew that. The smart answer was no, giving me a chance to retreat and lick my wounds.

  Despite the low light, the blurry sight of his hand choking his girth was irresistible.

  “Maybe once more,” I said, simultaneously ashamed of my weakness and excited to feel his skin on my most sensitive flesh.

  This time, he pressed his length against the side of my thigh. He was unbelievably hard and thick.

  I could feel everything—the head, the shaft, the slow, steady pulse.

  He was so close to being inside me that my frenzied, desperate mind couldn’t comprehend that he wasn’t, and that he wouldn’t be.

  Slowly, he moved up. Slowly.

  I held myself still. I just needed more, a little bit more, and then I would be happy.

  “I could get off by rubbing myself right here. Would you like that? Should I fuck you like this, without ever entering you? And then shoot my come onto your pussy without letting you orgasm?”

  The tip of his cock skipped lightly over my folds, and I cried out.

  I wanted him to stop. I needed him to keep going.

  “Yeah. I’ll fuck you like this. When my come hits your clit, you might come. It’s worth finding out, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I said. It was the best deal I’d be getting; I knew that.

  “Maybe later.” He began wrangling his large erection back into his pants. He was surprisingly adept with one hand.

  “What? Why?”

  He released my wrists. “Because the cleaners are here.”


  I scrambled back over to the passenger’s seat. “I can’t believe you were looking out the window the whole time.”

  My jeans, underwear, and shoes were a tangled mess, difficult to sort out in the darkness.

  “They’re looking at the truck,” Corbin said. “They don’t seem inclined to walk over. Not yet, at least.”

  Panting, I fumbled into my jeans. It wasn’t easy, because my skin was damp; the denim kept wanting to stick.

  Finally I got myself back together and jumped out of the truck. I shivered. I felt like a lobster that had gone from the pot to the freezer. A quick glance showed that the windows were partially steamed up.

  Yeah, nothing suspicious about that.

  Two cars were parked near the entrance. One woman was smoking a cigarette. The other was pulling her hair into a ponytail.

  “Excuse me!” I called out as I jogged across the empty lot. Behind me, I heard the door open and close as Corbin got out.

  The first woman gave me a quick up-and-down as she tapped ash onto the ground. “We’re not open.”

  “I know. I’m Audrey Stroop. Our company was hired to investigate the—”

  “I was wondering when someone was going to talk to us about that.” The second woman came to stand beside her coworker.

  They looked a lot alike. Early twenties, skinny in a way that seemed more malnourished than fashionable. I suspected they were related. Cousins, maybe.

  “Are you the ones who discovered the mascot was missing?”

  They both nodded. “And we found its body.” The first woman took a long drag on her cigarette.

  Body. Like it was a real person. Maybe it was because Corbin had left me frustrated, but I found myself getting annoyed with them.

  “Can you walk us through it?” Corbin asked.

  I wasn’t surprised to hear his voice; I’d known he was coming up behind me because I’d seen it in the reactions of the two women. At the moment, it wouldn’t have mattered if they were lingerie models offering him a lap dance and a beer. I just wanted to get this interview over with.

  Corbin must have been inches behind me; now I could feel his heat. If I took a step back, I imagined his rock-hard cock would press into my back.

  “I saw it first,” the second woman informed Corbin.

  “I saw it first,” said the first one. “I was the first one in the door—”

  “Ok, so she saw Booze was missing, but I’m the one who discovered the body.”

  “But I took the photos.”

  How had I known they were going to be annoying? Though, given my physical state, they could have been the nicest people on the planet and I still would have wanted them to disappear.

  “So, the head was here,” the second woman said, pointing to a spot a few feet away from the door.

  “Huh,” I said. “From the photos, I thought it was right in front of the entrance.”

  “Not enough light. We moved him over there for the photos.”

  “And the rest of it?” Corbin asked.

  “Just in a jumble.”

  “Did you hear a car?”

  They both shook their heads. “We came outside for a quick smoke. I was first, like I said, and they were there.”

  “Who was the next person to show up to work that day?” I asked.

  “Elodie,” said the second woman. “But she doesn’t come until after she takes her kids to school.”

  “If you don’t mind, we’re going to look around inside,” Corbin said.

  The women shrugged. The second woman opened the door. “Let us go in first to turn on the lights,” she said. “You stay here.”

  Both women moved away.

  Corbin pulled me into his arms, turning me so that I was facing him. He slipped a hand down between my legs.

  He rubbed a rough, hard circle right where I needed it most. It was exactly what I’d been craving in the truck.

  Even though I wanted to slap him or yell, my traitorous body melted against him. His other thumb brushed over my mouth, then he k
issed me gently. “As soon as we’re finished here, I’m going to fuck the hell out of you.”

  Then he let me go.

  While the employees—Phoebe and Bev—fell over themselves to talk about how weird and traumatic the whole experience with Booze the Bear had been, I listened with my arms folded over my chest.

  It wasn’t fair that Corbin could tease me like this. Yes, I loved it, but only if I knew I’d be getting sex soon.

  There was about zero chance of him fucking me in the parking lot now that people were around, though I would have let him. I was doomed to at least an hour of suffering.

  “We’re going to take a look around,” Corbin said. “Just ignore us. Act like we’re not here. If we need you, we’ll find you.”

  “I thought I was the one in charge,” I grumbled as the women walked off.

  Corbin’s grin only made me more furious. “Tell me what to do.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Fuck me,” I said.

  Immediately, Corbin reached for me, and I had to take a big step back.

  His grin widened. “I thought you wanted—”

  “I don’t even know what we’re doing here,” I snapped.

  “The office,” he said. “Might as well see what we can dig up.”

  We passed through the kitchen.

  It had been cleaned, which surprised me. Critter Chomp seemed like the kind of place where the staff would let a month’s worth of grease build up before using a shovel to remove the worst of it.

  I made a mental note to let Veronica know how clean it was, and that she could order all the heart-stopping greasy fare she wanted without having to worry about food contamination.

  The office door was closed, and when Corbin tried to open it, we learned it was locked.

  “What do you want to do, boss?” A wicked look crossed his face. “I could fuck you against it until it yields, if your thoughts are still in that direction.”

  “Hilarious. How long would it take to get in?”

  He frowned, turned toward the door, then said, “Under a minute.”

  “Tell me you have the tools in the truck.”

  He looked offended. “What kind of man do you think I am? Hey—where are you going?”

  “To see if one of the cleaners will open it for us,” I said over my shoulder.

  “Baby.” There was a commanding note in his deep voice.

  I turned back to see that he was holding the exact tools I’d asked about.

  “Really, what kind of man do you think I am? Am I ever not prepared?”

  He was lucky he was so hot. He really, really was.

  The sixty-second estimate was pretty accurate, though I didn’t time him.

  Corbin flipped on the lights.

  I went straight for the boxes. Lifting a lid, I looked inside and saw, to my great disappointment, that the box was filled with glassware. I picked a few more boxes at random.

  They were all glassware.

  Corbin was looking around in the desk. Then he turned his attention to the security setup. “Thought so,” he said. He played with a cable, used his fingers to pinch one end—my nipples twinged in sympathy—and then messed with the connection.

  “What are you doing?”

  He stepped back. “Fixing it for them.”


  “Because it’s the only way to be certain about what’s wrong with it,” he said. He turned a switch on the back. “And… look.”

  Three of the four feeds became clear on the screen. The fourth remained blurry.

  “Which one is that?” I asked. “The front door?”

  Corbin nodded. “Someone must have screwed with the camera itself.”

  “You’d think they’d want to obscure the back door. Whatever they’re doing, it’s either happening during business hours, in front of everyone, or during that tiny window at night. Any other insights?”


  “Excuse me.” Bev had entered the office. “No one is allowed in here.”

  “Oh,” I said. “Sorry, we didn’t realize.” I flipped open one last box.

  It wasn’t glassware. It was stacks of paper.

  Bev made a shooing gesture. “Letting you in here is against the rules. I don’t want to get in trouble.”

  “We’re leaving anyway,” Corbin said. He put a hand on my shoulder and almost pushed me through the kitchen and out into the main part of the bar.

  Phoebe was way down on the other end.

  “And Bev’s still in the office,” Corbin said. “Good.”

  He steered me into the men’s room.


  Like most women, I hadn’t spent huge amounts of time in men’s bathrooms, not when I was sober, at least. Whenever I did glance inside one, I was always struck by how strange they were.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Giving you what you wanted.” The sincerity in his blue-green eyes was burning a hole through me. “I don’t want you to fire me.”

  “Yeah, right,” I said, rolling my eyes. “No one hired you. You make more money in a day than I make in a year.”

  “In an hour, actually,” he said, walking into me, pushing me up against the wall. The surface was rough and cool. “I make more money in an hour than you do in a year.”

  He yanked down my jeans and spun me 180 degrees.

  It wasn’t romantic, not with the smell of urinal cakes and cheap air freshener around us. The bulbs buzzing overhead cast a harsh and unflattering light.

  But I was happier to be there than I would have been in any luxury hotel.

  “Don’t move,” he said.

  He walked away and flipped the light switch. Without windows, there was nothing I could see other than strips of bright light at the top and bottom of the door.

  His soft footsteps approached. It was an overwhelming sensation, knowing he was there in the dark, coming for me. Aware that my jeans were down.

  When his hand touched my thigh, I jumped.

  “It’s just me,” he whispered into my ear. Of course he knew I knew that, but the way he said it reminded me of how safe I was with him.

  “Maybe I’m wrong,” he said as he thrust his knee between my legs and forced them as far apart as my clothing would permit, “but I’ve been getting a certain vibe from you this morning.”

  My heart pounded. “What kind of vibe?”

  “Difficult to put my finger on it.” He slowly pulled down my panties. “I’d say… it’s almost like you crave cock.”

  I huffed out a quiet laugh, and Corbin covered my mouth.

  “It’s for your own safety,” he said as he lined his cock up with my very wet, very ready slit. “You see, I’m going to fuck you hard.”

  He drove his hips forward, his thick girth forcing its way into me. I cried out in the grip of an instant full-body orgasm.

  The kind that felt so good it almost hurt.

  It was so overdue that the moment the spasms faded, I was already desperately horny again.

  “Good thing I did this,” Corbin said, pressing his hand tighter over my lips. “If anyone had heard, they would have called the cops. All I did was put my dick in you, girl. Is that all it takes to get you off?”

  Corbin could say whatever he wanted when my pussy was stuffed full of him. I didn’t care how cocky he was—he’d earned it. And I didn’t care what degrading names he called me—I liked them.

  What I did mind was when he wouldn’t do what he was supposed to, and at the moment he wasn’t moving.

  I tried to fuck myself on his cock, but he didn’t cooperate.

  “Patience,” he whispered. “Let’s enjoy this. You’re so full of fire, but when I fuck you, everything changes. You burn hotter.”

  His cock pulsed inside me, and the sensation made my pussy clench.

  “Yeah,” he said. “Like that. When I’m just inside you, not moving… God, that’s hot. I can’t appreciate it as much when I’m fucking you hard.”

  God! I wanted to scream out
. Stop talking and fuck me, already!

  He pulled back until just the tip was inside me. That thick, thick head of his cock. With a grunt, he slammed forward, burying himself deep.

  Then, finally, he began fucking me. Fast, deep strokes, all the way in.

  Corbin’s cock was too long for me.

  Sometimes he hurt me with it. Sometimes he didn’t give me enough.

  But he always made me want more.

  “I’m going to touch you now, make you really come. Don’t worry about falling over, about screaming. I’ve got you, baby.”

  I closed my eyes, and the darkness became absolute.

  I could hear him breathing, and my own breaths, too. The rustle of clothing. A shoe scuffing the floor.

  Corbin’s other hand traveled down until his finger glided over my clit.

  One touch, and I was lost.

  A second touch, and I would have sold my soul to make the moment last forever.

  “Come for me, baby,” he whispered, his voice deep and sexy and demanding. The stubble of his jaw and chin scraped the side of my face. “Come for me now.”

  And I did. My pussy squeezed his cock hard, and I felt him pumping inside me as he drained his balls.

  After he’d finished, he stayed where he was. I felt like I was throbbing around him. Slowly, he removed his hand from my mouth.

  “Sometimes,” he said, brushing aside my hair and kissing my neck. “Sometimes I wish I weren’t so attracted to you.”

  “What?” I asked, and I was smiling. All the tension that had been eating away at me was gone.

  “Yeah. I didn’t want to fuck you just now, but when you try to get all bossy about sex, when you get so desperate for it that you can’t function, then I know it’s going to be exceptionally good.”

  “Wow,” I said. “Corbin Lagos has a weakness?”

  He kissed my neck again. “You’re only now figuring out that you’re my weakness? Were you not paying attention when I told you that before? But you’re my strength, too. Never forget that.”


  I wasn’t an expert on walks of shame.

  Before Corbin, I’d fucked any guy I wanted, whenever I wanted, and as long as the sex was good, I’d never felt bad about it.


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