Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

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Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009 Page 18

by Unknown

  “This one is a pussy compared to his brother.”

  “Half brother,” Brandt corrected. “I guess Matsui has that ancient samurai blood in him. All this little shit has is Chinese laundry soap in his veins.”

  Wei spat at Diaz and got backhanded with the butt of the cop’s gun.

  “Little shit,” Diaz snarled, wiping the saliva from his cheek. He glanced over at Brandt as Wei tried to push up from the floor. “Let’s see if he can take it up the ass as good as Matsui can.”

  He pulled out his own nickel-plated 9mm and moved forward.

  “Easy there,” Brandt said and put a firm hand on Diaz’s shoulder. “We’re here to play nice.”

  “Kiss my dick, both of you,” Wei snarled. He spat up the blood pooling in his mouth. He’d bitten his tongue when he hit the floor.

  “Now, now, Mr. Chen.” Brandt bent down and pulled him up by the hair. “We want to help you with your little problem.”

  “Bite it.” Wei flipped him off. “I know what cops want when they say they’re going to help.”

  Brandt shoved him up against the pillar and then stepped back, his gun still out and ready. “We’re here to help with yourother problem.”


  “Yourvampire problem,” Daiz said. Wei gave them one of those so-fucking innocent-looks, the kind any cop would recognize as fake. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

  Chapter Fifteen

  “What the fuck,” Dai grumbled when the doorbell rang after nine. He was going to ignore it but decided it might be Wei Wei. In fact, he hoped to hell it was Wei. He looked through the security hole.


  “Um, Susan. How are you?” He opened the door.

  She flashed him a sugary smile. “I’ll be better once you let me in so we can share

  this pizza and maybe a little midnight snack.”

  Dai held the partially opened door in place with his body. “No . . . I mean, I can’t.

  I was headed over to my Mom’s. She’s having some trouble with her sink leaking. I was

  gonna fix it.”

  “I’ll come along. I haven’t seen her ages.”

  “No. She isn’t feeling well and she’d feel bad if you caught the flu or whatever.” Susan’s pretty face took on the look of the Wicked Witch of the West. “Fine. I get

  the hint.”

  With a sneer she turned on her heels and strode down the hall, stuffing the small

  pizza box into the little chrome trashcan near the elevator.

  Dai closed the door and leaned back against it. Running his hand through his

  tousled hair, he sighed. He didn’t know why he felt so bad. They didn’t have a thing

  going now. And it wasn’t as if Susan was the Virgin Mary, either. She’d dated a hell of a

  lot of guys from the department since she came out of the Academy with him. Hell, if

  she had a black book, he’d probably be on page four.

  He slid the deadbolt back in place then dropped down onto the sofa. A framed

  photo hanging on the wall near the TV caught his eye. He reallyshould stop over at his

  Mom’s, especially with the weird shit Wei was getting into. Maybe now he could convince her to get that alarm system installed. He couldn’t tell her about the fucking vampires, but he could cite enough figures from recent months on the street to prove to

  her that, contrary to what the mayor said, crime was not really down.

  A trilling purr caught Dai’s attention as he pulled his boots on. He scooped up

  the cat, cradling him on his lap and scratching his belly. “Hey Dude, wanna go for a

  ride? Want to go visitobbasan? The cat actually looked like he was smiling as he nuzzled

  Dai’s chin and purred loudly. “Stupid Dude. You are not really her furry grandson.”

  * * * * *

  The cat went crazy as soon as Dai turned the GTO onto his mom’s street. “Dude! Dude! Stop jumping around. You rip that seat and I’ll rip six of those nine lives!” The closer they got, the more agitated Stupid Dude acted. In fact, he reminded Dai of the totally whacked out playful kitten he’d once been. He was always bouncing off the walls—literally—thus earning his unique name.

  “Okay Dude, okay we’re here.” Dai said, prying the cat off his shoulder as he took the key from the ignition. Stupid Dude bolted out of the car, nearly getting run over in his rush to get onto the front porch. He jumped onto the window ledge, then onto the porch. And then back up to the window again, by the time Dai made it to the front door.

  “Hey mom, it’s just me,” Dai called out, opening the door. The cat made a mad dash to the kitchen. He smiled when he heard his mother laugh. Good Lord, what was the city putting in the water today? She wasn’t just laughing, she sounded like a teenager giggling over a hot new boyfriend.

  “You need to stop spoiling my cat . . . .” The words died upon Dai’s lips when he entered the kitchen and saw Sakurai, the fucker, sitting at the kitchen table holding Dude. The cat was licking the vampire’s face as though they were the best friends in the world. And his mom had that same giddiness about her. Dai watched in open-mouthed horror as she refilled a large mug before Sakurai.

  What. The. Fuck.

  “Dai!” His mom grinned up at him. She looked happier than he’d remembered seeing her in a long time. A real long time.

  “I’m so glad you came by, I’d like you to meet Liu.”

  Dai watched her look over at the fucker, who was now scratching under Dude’s chin while the cat purred and meowed like he’d gotten into some really good catnip.

  “He’s renting a room.”

  “What?” Dai shouted. “Are you fucking me?”

  “Daisuke!” His mom glared at him. “Watch your manners!”

  “It’s all right, Mrs. Matsui.” Sakurai laughed. “It’s part of his charm, I’m sure.”

  And she actually laughed back. Dai glanced out the window to see if the sky was turning red with the coming Apocalypse or some shit. No way in hell did his mom ever find anything about his swearing ‘charming’.

  “And get the fuck off my cat!” Dai suddenly burst out, infuriated by the way Sakurai kept rubbing Dude.

  “Sayuri likes the attention.” Sakurai grinned at Dai, his tongue darting out between his teeth. “You’ve neglected him, dai-dai.”

  “I’m not your little brother, asshole,” Dai muttered as he moved to stand beside his mother. He slipped his arm protectively around her shoulder and glared at Sakurai. “Leave. You’re not wanted here.”

  His mother pulled away. She looked at him then to Sakurai. “You two know each other then?’


  “Yes. A bit,” Sakurai added. “I believe our paths crossed once or twice in Chinatown.”

  Keiko took her cup to the sink then rinsed her hands and took her purse from one of the kitchen cabinets. “Well then, since you two have already met, I think I’ll join Mrs. Walker in seeing that late movie.”

  She smiled at the bastard vampire and Dai wondered just what he’d done to fuck with her mind. “Make yourself at home Sakurai-san. Daisuke, you be hospitable.”

  As soon as his mother’s car pulled out of the driveway, Dai pulled his Glock. “Get the fuck out. Now.”

  In the blink of an eye, Sakurai had Dai pinned against the refrigerator, his hand squeezing the pressure point in Dai’s wrist until he dropped the gun. Sakurai snatched it before it hit the floor. “I like it here.”

  “If you hurt my mother, I swear to God—”

  “What? You’ll kill me? You can try, but it won’t be easy.” He handed Dai the gun. “Go ahead and shoot. You know you want to. You know you want to see if I truly am a vampire or if I’m --what’s the term? Right. Some fucked up EDP.”

  Dai’s heart pounded in his chest and though he hated himself for it he felt his cock begin to grow hard. “What do you want? Why are you here?”

don’t know. And that’s entirely your fault.”

  The vampire pressed close, his fingers trailing up Dai’s heaving chest to caress then clamp around his throat. “I was summoned to New York to help someone with a bit of a problem and I came here to this house to find out about you.”

  Dai met Sakurai’s hard stare and accepted the tightening of his fingers with no outward sign of discomfort.

  “You disturb me and I don’t like it,” Sakurai said at last. “I don’t like it one bit.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Sakurai smirked. His hand slid from Dai’s throat. His fingers tangled in the cotton of Dai’s shirt and he yanked forward, pivoting and throwing Dai face down onto the old wooden table. He shoved Dai’s legs apart and settled himself between them, his hand pressing down on the small of Dai’s back. He leaned forward and his long, black hair cascaded across Dais’ cheek like a silken waterfall.

  “I have no use for weakling mortals and I have no use for you.” The vampire gave an obscene, throaty laugh. “No use beyond the obvious of course,” he said, flicking his hot tongue across Dai’s ear.

  “Motherfucking son of a bitch!” Dai roared. Every muscle in his body tensed. His cock, especially, and the ache there made him groan out loud. Shit--the more pissed off he got, the bigger the hard-on.

  “Which I find very flattering, by the way,” Sakurai cackled in his ear. “You’ve got a pretty good-sized piece. Are you upset that you’llneverput it inside me?”

  That fucking did it.

  Dai grabbed a handful of Sakurai’s hair—forcing himself not to think about how soft and nice to the touch it was—and held him fast. Twisting on to his side, Dai grabbed the porcelain teapot of hot water and smashed it against the side of Sakurai’s head.

  Yeah, it was a pussy move, but it caught the other man by surprise. Before Sakurai could shake it off, Dai pushed away from the table and out from under him. He launched at Sakurai, shoving him backwards against the kitchen sink.

  “You like big pieces, huh shithead?” Dai snarled and pressed the end of the Glock under Sakurai’s chin. “How about tasting some lead from this ‘piece’!” Oh, hell no, he wasn’t turned on by this. The way his cock tried to shove out through his jeans was a fluke.

  The fucker smirked. And laughed. “Oh Daisuke, you are a rare treat. But so foolish. Surely you must realize how your body and mind both betray you.” The simple tug he gave to the back of Dai’s shirt sent him sprawling across the floor. Before he could get up Sakurai hauled him off the floor and tossed him through the swinging door that led to the back entry hall.

  Dai was ready when Sakurai came through the door, strutting like the fucking Lord of the Manor. He charged, knocking the vampire back into the kitchen. Harkening back to the days of his youth, when he’d been a scrappy street kid, Dai began pummeling Sakurai with his fists, only to find himself flying back through the door and onto the hard hall floor in less than a minute.

  “You’re pissing me off, boy!” Sakurai roared before lifting Dai by the shirt and landing one punch that made Dai’s vision dim to gray.

  “Son of a . . . bitch . . . .” Dai’s words came out slurred. He shook his head and tried to focus on one of the two blurry Sakurais he saw in front of him, hoping he’d picked the real one. “You thinkyou’re pissed, you haven’t seen shit yet.”

  “This was charming before; now you’re just starting to grate on my nerves.” Sakurai frowned, for once that cock-assed smile gone from his face. Dai couldn’t resist snickering at his expense.

  “Hey, fuck you, remember?” Dai clawed at Sakurai’s hand, trying to break away from the man’s iron grip. “That’s not supposed to be a compliment.”

  “But it’s a very good suggestion,” Sakurai hissed. “I think I’ll take you up on it.” He dropped Dai flat on his ass. Dai hit the floor hard, his teeth clacking together. Before he could move, Sakurai took him by the collar and dragged him kicking across the carpet toward the staircase.

  “Oh, fuck no!” Fully back to his senses, Dai grabbed on to the banister and held on with all his strength. “Jerk it off on your own, dickhead!”I don’t want this, I don’t want this. He tried to convince himself, but God, who was he kidding? If he wasn’t so busy holding on to the railing, he’d be rubbing his own cock raw right now.

  “Oh fuck yes,” Sakurai corrected, jerking Dai by the waist of his jeans. The newel post began to give and Dai let go, regretting it the next instant when he sailed up the stairs and hit the landing with a painful thud.

  His body battered like it hadn’t been in years, he nonetheless picked himself up as that smug fucker took his own sweet time climbing the staircase. Dai might have laughed if the situation weren’t so pathetic. Here he was, looking around for a weapon —any weapon—and coming up empty. Nothing would stop Sakurai, the bastard, and now Dai had been reduced to considering darting across the hall and trying to bolt himself in his room.

  “Don’t bother. I’ll only kick it off the fucking hinges,” Sakurai growled as he reached the top of the stairs.

  Dai leaned heavily against the small lacquered cabinet against the wall behind him. “So you’re gonna be the big man and rape me, right? Oh yeah, that will destroy me, all right. Do what you want. I’ll still find a way to kill you.”

  “Promises, promises.” Sakurai rolled his eyes. “That’s another one I’ve heard before, trust me.” He strode along the hall, stripping off his black shirt as he walked.

  “Anyway . . . .” Sakurai twisted the cloth and draped it around the back of Dai’s neck as he held on to the two ends. He jerked Dai forward away from the cabinet so their lips almost touched. “It’s not really rape if youwant me to do it.”

  Dai groaned, despite the precarious situation he found himself in. “The hell I want it!” he choked out and clutched at the twisted cloth around his neck to keep himself from ripping open his fly and working his hands on what was quickly becoming a very hard, aching erection.


  Damn it—the smirk was back on Sakurai’s face.

  The latch on the bedroom door—his bedroom door—sprung the moment Sakurai shoved him against it. Dai swung back with the door, Sakurai still with him.

  “Oh Daisuke, I must admit that you are unlike any mortal I’ve had the great misfortune to encounter. And that, my pet, is what’s kept you alive and may very well continue to do so.” Twisting the shirt cloth with one hand, Sakurai reached down with the other and ripped Dai’s T-shirt from his body then raked his index finger along the muscled rise of Dai’s shoulder, his eyes gleaming as the blood pooled along the cut.

  “Oh shit,” Dai whispered as the vampire’s tongue stroked along his hot flesh, lapping up the blood. His could only stare when Sakurai lifted his lead and slowly licked his blood-tinged lips.

  “You have no idea how good you taste. No idea at all.”

  Dai said nothing. He couldn’t if he wanted to. But he looked down as his cat sauntered past.

  Sakurai laughed. “Such a good son, worried that your mother may come home and find your drained corpse waiting for her.”

  “You fucker. I swear---”

  “You’ll kill me. Yes, I know.” Sakurai flicked his tongue out and teased Dai’s lips. “Don’t worry. I’ve become rather fond of your mother—another amazing thing about you Matsuis I’m not entirely comfortable with. I wouldn’t be so boorish as to insult her hospitality in such a crude way. However . . . .” His voice trailed off and he traced a path down Dai’s torso until he reached his belted waist.

  He pulled Dai further into the room. “I’m not above fucking her little boy until he can’t take anymore.”

  He stepped back, folded his arms across his bare chest and fixed Dai with the same commanding stare he’d worn at the club that night with Mikail. “Strip.”

  Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

  Chapter Sixteen


  “What did you say?” Sakurai cocked his head to one side and raised an eyebrow
. “Let me spell it out for you--F-U-C-K -Y-O-U.” Dai was breathing heavy, drops

  of sweat beading on his nose and cheeks.

  Sakurai unfolded his arms and took a few steps to close the bedroom. The lock clicked into place. “I’ll only ask you one more time—undress. Now.”

  A lame and only half-hearted protest formed on Dai’s lips. But Sakurai was slowly pulling down the zipper on the front of his own pants, the leather straining against a very large, very prominent bulge that only now Dai noticed.

  “Oh God,” he moaned.

  Sakurai traced a finger over the thick and fully erect cock jutting out of his unzipped pants. He rubbed his thumb over the swollen, pink head, before gripping and tugging at the shaft. Dai felt every one of those strokes on his own cock until he was about two seconds away from having an orgasm without even touching himself.

  Shuddering and sighing, Sakurai ejaculated into his hand. Cum oozed over his fingers and down the front of his pants, glistening on the skin-tight black leather. Some of it dripped down on to the tip of a pointed boot and Sakurai threw his head back with dusky laugh.

  Dai trembled with the effort it took to contain his own ejaculation. “But you are determined to resist me aren’t you, Daisuke?”

  “Fuck yeah.”

  Sakurai laughed again. He wiped some of the cum onto his pant leg then raised his hand to his lips and licked his fingers clean, his dark gaze locked onto Dai’s. “Tell me. Tell me you don’t want to taste it.”

  “I’d throw up.”

  “Let’s see, shall we?”

  With steps so quick they were a blur, Sakurai crossed the space between them and seized Dai by the hair, pushing him down to bend at the waist and shoving his face to the spot on his thigh where he’d just wiped the bulk of the semen. “Lick it, bitch.”

  It’s not me, it’s him fucking with my mind, Dai told himself as his tongue darted out to taste the sticky fluid. He shuddered and gave in, letting himself lick harder.


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