Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

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Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009 Page 19

by Unknown

“Oh, you want me to fuck with more than your mind, pet. Admit it.”

  Dai jerked back, losing some hair in the bargain. “Drop dead.”

  Sakurai laughed and plucked the hair strands from his fingers. “I’ve been walking this earth for four centuries, so that isn’t very likely.” He placed his hand atop Dai’s head and shoved him to his knees. “Lick it all.”

  Dai ran his tongue over the spot, fairly sure he was going to wear a hole in the material. The cum burned on his tongue and in his throat, but he liked the taste, and how it seemed to make his skin prickle with an energy he couldn’t begin to explain. Shit . . . he loved it.

  Working downwards, he lapped up every last drop. And somewhere along the line, Sakurai had stopped holding his head in place, so he moved further and even sucked on the tip of Sakurai’s boot to make sure he got it all. Dai tugged his fly open to the sound of Sakurai’s throaty laughter.

  Dai was lifted up by his throat and shoved backwards on to the narrow, twinsized bed. His gasp for breath was cut short as Sakurai pressed down on top of him and covered his mouth his own. Moaning against those full, hungry lips, Dai reached up and wrapped his arms around the back of Sakurai’s neck to pull him closer still.

  He tried to spread his legs, but his pants were bunched above his knees. Sakurai reached between them and broke the kiss long enough to roughly tug off Dai’s boots and tear off the jeans.

  “Fuck you, you say,” Sakurai breathed. “Let’s try that.”

  Dai damn near came when the vampire settled back on his heels and used the nail of his index finger to shred his nylon briefs. Dai flinched and squirmed when Sakurai skimmed that nail across his aching cock, scooping inside the opening to draw out a bead of precum.

  Licking it like one would lick honey, Sakurai gave him that infuriating smirk. “Oh but you do taste sweet, pet.” He trailed his fingers lightly across Dai’s hips. “I’m almost tempted to suck you off. Almost.” With fluid grace he moved from the bed and pulled off his own boots and leather pants. “Now, how shall we do it? You’re quite partial to roughness, but alas I have no restraints and I daresay you aren’t carrying your handcuffs. It’s such a pity this bed isn’t equipped like the one lingering in the far reaches of your mind.”

  The vampire simply stood there staring down at Dai as an artist might examine a subject he was about to paint. That look was reminiscent of the way Susan Lenzer looked at him, full of hunger and lust, but Sakurai’s gaze was far more powerful and touched Dai deep where nothing ever had.

  “Yes,” Sakurai hissed stroking his finely sculpted chin.

  Without warning, he flipped Dai over onto his stomach and yanked his legs apart.

  “Mortal emotions are such fucking inconvenient things,” Sakurai breathed. He traced the marks left from their love play with the flats of his palms and found himself leaning down to kiss and lick each one.

  “Oh shit,” Dai moaned.

  Sakurai gave his ass a hard slap. “Be quiet! Don’t say a word unless I tell you to.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Strike that . . . or at the very least, reverse it.”

  Sakurai studied the prone man before him again and fought the annoying tug at his insides. Dai was an insignificant mortal piece of shit. Nothing but a toy to play with and eventually feed off of. He had no time to waste on any other thoughts.

  He could love the pleasure this human body could provide, but loving the man himself was another thing entirely. Sakurai threw his head back and laughed. The fact he even entertained such an idea—that he’dlove anyone—was too fucking amusing.

  Kill him now before it’s too late. Sakurai snapped his head forward, his mirth dying with the words of warning dominating his thoughts. He started down at Dai as the young man stirred underneath him, spreading his legs further apart whether he meant to consciously or not. Dai was inviting him to enter, submitting to it and loving it.

  So, fuck him first and then kill him. Sakurai traced one of the fresh bruises on Dai’s back with a bloody forefinger, bringing out a moan of pleasure from the sexually starved young man.

  “That’s exactly what you are,” Sakurai mused softly. “Starving, hungry for something that tests the limits of your desire and what your body can take.” So different this one was from other mortals, even from the masochists who’d enjoyed their short-lived stays in the House of Ecstasy. Maybe that’s why Sakurai wanted, needed Dai to live.

  Gasping, Sakurai pulled away and knelt at the foot of the bed. “This is some very weird shit,” he murmured. “Fuck!”

  Clamping his eyes shut, Sakurai placed his hands over his ears as if that would stop the nagging voice within him. It was a voice he knew only too well—that of Kuro, the samurai who’d turned him and his adopted brother into vampires. Kuro was a tough task master but he’d taught many valuable lessons. And the first lesson was mortals are for food. Very few were worth the trouble to be of use for anything else.

  But this one . . . this strong, passionate one . . . .

  Daisuke turned enough to look over his shoulder. “What are you up to?”

  “Shut up!” Sakurai got off the bed, angrily tossing his hair back from his face. He paced the perimeter of the bed much the way he stalked prey when in his wolf form.

  Shivering, Dai sat up into a kneeling position, his back to Sakurai. “You shut the fuck up,” he said quietly, his fingers knotting in the rumpled sheets. “You’re the one fucking with my head—my life.”

  “I’m fucking withyou?” Sakurai seethed. “You’re the one infecting my brain with all this—shit!” He swiped back his hair and pointed an accusing finger at Dai’s back. “I should kill you, you know that?”

  Dai glared over his shoulder. “Why the fuck not? That’s all you are anyway, a goddamn murderer.”

  Sakurai’s mouth hung open.

  “Come again?” He cocked his head to one side and squinted at Dai through the strands of hair that fell across his face. “Since coming to this shithole city, I haven’t killed anyone—that’s part of the fucking problem!” He started pacing again and added in a mumble, “No one who’d be missed, anyway.”

  “You trying to tell me you didn’t have something to do with the two women practically mauled to death in the building across from mine?” Dai spat.

  “Why the hell would I lie to someone like you—a meaningless no one?”

  “Because you’re a bastard!” Daisuke clenched his jaw. “Why the hell would I give a shit about someone like you—a sick fuck?”

  Sakurai returned to the bed, grabbed the back of Dai’s neck and pulled the man down to the mattress. He glared down at the fragile mortal before him, studying the stubborn set of the jaw, the fury blazing in those dark eyes . . . the bruises scattered over his well-toned body. He released his hold on Daisuke and strode across the room to stare out the window, though he saw nothing other than his own anger reflected back at him from the glass pane. He heard the bed creak behind him and caught a glimpse of Dai pulling his pants and boots back on. “Stay away from that woman. She isn’t to be trusted.”

  “That Mistress Viktoria bitch? No shit, Sherlock.”

  “No, the other. The blond. Susan.” He turned and leaned back against the window sill. “She’s using you and not only for sex. She’s working for someone. Two men.” He made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “Diamond, Brady, something. I don’t really give a fuck.”

  “Shit . . . Diaz and Brandt.”

  “Those are the ones,” Sakurai said, his words dripping with apathy.

  “Susan is working for them?”

  “Brilliant deduction.” Sakurai rested his head against the glass. “You really earned your rank, Detective.” He closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see the young man’s reflection. It was bad enough Daisuke’s scent was everywhere, on Sakurai himself, even, but now the mortal’s emotions were too easy to feel.

  “Oh, fuck off,” Dai retorted.

  Sakurai sighed. Having Dai suck up his semen wasn’t the smartes
t idea of the night. The exchange of fluids was already intensifying the bond between them.

  A bond. Sakurai groaned and buried his face in his hands. He loathed having ever stepped foot in New York. Well, at least that’s the story he’d keep telling himself.

  “Would you mind putting some fucking clothes on?” Dai suddenly snapped.

  “Why? Is the sight of my cock too tempting for you?” Sakurai opened his eyes and turned. He stroked himself, observing the way Daisuke’s gaze followed every languid motion. He laughed. Laughed from true amusement for the first time in he didn’t know how long. “Oh, I don’t know,” he said giving himself another lazy stroke for good measure. “I rather like the freedom of being naked. I always have.” With a bemused grin he walked forward, thoroughly enchanted by the way Daisuke kept forcing himself to look away, only to turn back and stare once again.

  He seized Dai by the shirt and hauled him to his feet, pulling him at once into a tight embrace. Their lips met, and though Daisuke tried to turn his head it wasn’t long before he stopped fighting. His lips parted, giving Sakurai the free access he sought. The kiss was long and deep and Sakurai explored every inch of the mortal man’s mouth, savoring his heat and taste, the young man’s passion and pent up desires inflaming his own. Sliding his fingers up into Dai’s hair to cradle his head and hold it firmly, he stroked his tongue across one fang and let the blood flow between them.

  When Daisuke realized what was happening he tried to struggle again, but Sakurai held fast until he was certain enough had been given. Dai jerked back and slipped to the floor. “What the fuck! You crazy bastard. Don’t you dare turn me into a fucking monster!”

  “Don’t be an ass,” Sakurai said, licking a trickle of blood from his lower lip. He reached for his pants and pulled them on then did the same with his boots. “I was helping you heal.” He picked up his own shirt from the floor and smoothed out the wrinkles with his hand then put it back on. “Lift your shirt and look in the mirror.”

  Dai did. He gaped at his reflection. “You’re fucking me.” Dai stared as the reddish-purple bruises faded into his natural skin tone.

  “Not tonight, apparently.” Sakurai sighed.

  “Don’t you get enough of that while I’m sleeping, you fuck?” Dai asked over his shoulder, not really as pissy as his choice of words suggested. He turned back to the mirror and rubbed his perfectly healed and now unbruised shoulder.

  “I guessed it would be more fun with you awake,” Sakurai said dryly. “I didn’t realize how much of a bitch you’d be about it.” He shoved the window open and perched on the ledge. “There’s still that rape idea though.”

  “Vampires have to sleep sometime, right?” Dai whispered.

  Sakurai laughed. “You do have big balls, dai-dai.”

  Dai grabbed himself. “You saw ‘em,Papi. You know how big they are.” Holy shit was he losing his mind? Here he was joking with a motherfucking vampire for chrissakes like he was his best friend. Dai pulled his shirt down and ran his fingers through his hair. He stared at Sakurai and wondered how it was that this skell, this monster, wasn’t setting off all his gut instincts the way most criminals did. He waited for the bastard to jump into his head and say some snarky shit but he didn’t.

  “Are you leaving? You had your fun. You can get the fuck out of my mother’s house now.”

  “But I like it here. And she could use some protection couldn’t she?”

  “What do you know? What the fuck is going to happen?”

  Sakurai shrugged. “I don’t know anything for certain but I have hunches now and again, not unlike yourself.”

  “Hunches my ass. And you’re not the type to waste your time watching out for someone on a gut feeling.”

  “I have a ‘type’?” Sakurai laughed.

  “Stop bullshitting me.” Dai frowned. “You don’t really give a fuck, but I do. Why does Mom need your protection?”

  Sakurai’s eyebrow twitched, his outward show of being annoyed, Dai guessed. “Because you get a little too distracted with the fake cocks you have lying around your apartment.”

  “Jesus Christ!” Dai clenched his hands into fists. “Just answer my questions straight-up for once. And while you’re at it, what the hell did you do with my TV set?”

  Dark Whispers Sheridan and Cain 2009

  Chapter Seventeen

  “I watched it,” Sakurai answered flatly. “And yes I watched that lovely video disc. We were good together,dai-dai. Very good together.” He licked his lips.

  “Fucking asshole,” Dai said. He exited the room, slamming the door behind him. He went down to the kitchen and straightened up the mess, leaving his mother a note that he’d dropped the tea pot. He also attributed the now-loose newel post at the bottom of the stairs to his tripping as he came down from the bathroom.

  “You’re forgetting something, Daisuke,” Sakurai called from the top of the stairs as Dai opened the front door.


  The vampire pointed as he came down, holding himself in that same fucking regal way. Dai looked and saw his cell phone under the small table near the living room doorway. He picked it up and checked to make sure it was working. “Thanks,” he mumbled, watching as his cat ran down the stairs and jumped onto Sakurai’s shoulders. The vampire reached up and scratched Dude behind the ears.

  Dai patted his leg. “Come on boy, time to go home.” He reached for the cat, but Dude lashed out, clawing Dai’s hand. “You little shit.” He gasped as he watched the small cuts heal themselves. He glared up at Sakurai. “You did turn me into a fucking monster!”

  “Oh please. You rely on far too many stereotypes. The effects are temporary. Very temporary, so don’t go getting any more injuries after this.”


  “That’s bastard-sama to you.”

  Dai rolled his eyes and headed to the door once again. He paused with his hand on the knob. “If you do anything to my mother . . . .”

  “I will look after her as though she is my own.”

  Dai watched Sakurai, and though he hated to admit it, the simple words rang true. He nodded then left.

  Too many thoughts kept running around in Dai’s head. He kept going back to that night with Sakurai in the club, and then to their ‘meeting’ with the Mistress. Susan, on one hand, was someone he wished he could block all together. But this news that she was involved with Brandt and Diaz meant he had to be on guard while he tried to sort out what the hell was going on.

  Would Diaz and Brandt get someone else from the PD involved in their blackmail scheme to trap Wei? Especially someone he’d had a relationship with--if you could even call what he and Susan had a realrelationship. Facts were facts though-Susan was too close to be someone they could rely on to help without being biased in some way.

  So why the hell was she mixed up in this? Shit . . . no wonder all the cozying up and the I-want-sex attitude. Being the asshole that he was, he fell for it.

  “Shit.” While walking to the car, he flipped open the cell. Someone had tried calling while he was upstairs with Sakurai--the number was saved in the call log, but it wasn’t one he recognized. Maybe it was Wei, trying to reach him from a pay phone. Dai tried the number, and when no one answered he tried Wei’s apartment. No answer after eight rings there, either.

  Wei was probably at that club again. “Fuck it.” Dai dropped into the GTO and revved the engine. For now, the kid was safe. Sakurai had said as much the last time they were all at theResurrection. But tomorrow Dai would haul his brother’s ass out of there, even if he had to drag him out kicking and screaming . . . even if Wei hated him afterward.

  * * * * *

  “Damn it.” Wei grumbled. So much for his big brother being the responsible one. Why the hell have a cell phone if he wasn’t going to answer it?

  Behind him, he knew those two dickheads were keeping an eye on him as he walked. Living on these streets made Wei a lot sharper than most people, at least where some things were concerned. He didn’t
trust them or the vampires anymore--he didn’t trust anyone but Dai, and now that he needed his help, his brother was nowhere to be found.

  The easy answer—find a way to get to Dai’s apartment and hole up there until he got home. “Ge ge, don’t let me down this time.” He practically prayed the words as he wiped some of the dried blood from his nose and hailed a taxi. He breathed a sigh of relief as he slipped in the backseat.

  “Fancy meeting you here, Wei Qing.”

  Wei jumped so hard he nearly hit his head on the roof of the taxi. “Yun. Where did you come from?”

  “You would have known that answer but . . . .”

  Wei swallowed hard. “But what?” His gaze darted to the taxi driver, who seemed impervious to the fact that he now had two passengers.

  “You have disappointed us. Greatly.”

  “But how? I haven’t done anything.”

  “You were supposed to get us something. Deliver us a token of your loyalty.” “I-I was going to. I was on my way—”

  “To your brother’s. You were on your way to hide behind your belovedge-ge the way you did when you were children.”

  “No I—”

  Yun placed his hand over Wei’s mouth and leaned in closely. “Enough lies.

  “You were also talking to those men—don’t lie, I said.” Yun’s calm expression twisted into an ugly snarl when Wei tried to shake his head to deny it. “Pissing me off now would be a very big mistake.”

  Wei got the idea and swallowed. He nodded as much as he could with the way Yun was gripping his face.

  “Do you know they’re not even what they appear to be?” the vampire asked, but from his tone, didn’t really expect an answer. “They’re crooks, Wei Qing. Bigger ones than you, I’m afraid. They wanted to use you to get to your brother, and worse for you-to get tous.”

  Yun smiled. “And you would’ve led them to us, wouldn’t you? To save yourself from these ‘terrible vampires’.”

  Wei drew back as far away from Yun as he could, his back smashed up against the window. “Hey! Stop the car!” he shouted to the driver. “Oh shit . . . .” The guy at the wheel wasn’t a man at all—it was one of thosethings Yun always had around—a demon. The thing twisted its head around almost a hundred and eighty fucking degrees to give Wei one of the cruelest smiles he’d ever seen.


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