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Page 9

by Lebellier, Lola

  “You can’t be serious,” Corin stated.

  “Hmm, and yet, I definitely am,” Kateline replied. “It’s not as if it’s unheard of now. Look at Piers and myself.It’s not as if we’re not guilty of doing the same—Selena’s really the only one who doesn’t do it… well, unless you count Cyril, but he couldn’t even begin to train one of Alvah’s students if he wanted to. Now, there were other students with large amounts of mana before I became Petra’s vessel, so it wasn’t as if I was really the only option. In fact, they’ve only recently become as scarce as they are in most sectors. It’s mainly due to Aless’s destruction, but I digress….”

  Aless had killed a good portion of the clan. He had lost control and gone on a wild slaughter. “So what’s happening now?”

  Kateline shrugged, climbing back on to her old spot. “We’re trying to figure out why the restraints have been shattering. Aless is under extreme watch from all ends to ensure this doesn’t happen again. If it’s going to happen to anyone it’s probably going to be him first.”

  “But he took me out of the monastery to train me!” Corin pointed out.

  Kateline snorted. “Did you really think you were alone?” Kateline asked, laughing a bit. “No, we’ve been sending Piers to keep an eye on you. It wouldn’t do anyone any good to have Aless lose it and try to slaughter you in the woods. Piers just happens to be the only guardian who isn’t doing something important.”

  Corin flushed bright red, thinking of the events earlier in the day. That meant Piers had seen when…. He swallowed, biting his lip nervously.

  “Hey, for what it’s worth, Piers hasn’t given anyone any details,” Kateline replied, winking, “and believe me, I’ve been asking.”

  “Remind me to thank Piers later,” he muttered. “Kateline… do you think it’s safe for me to… you know… continue interacting with Aless…?”

  Kateline glanced back at her scroll. “Hmm, that’s an interesting question to give me. As Selena’s only female friend, I am inclined to say that, no, you should not,”she elaborated, “but Aless seems to be fascinated with you, honestly. He’s been staring at you since day one. Besides, from the way you’re blushing I can tell you’re going to do it anyways. For what it’s worth I think it’ll do no harm.”

  “He kissed me today,” Corin blurted out, blushing bright red.

  “Did he now?” Kateline asked. “Well that’s surprising. I say you have a free pass. If you really are interested, pursue this. Aless seems to share your feelings.”

  “And it’ll be safe?” Corin asked. “With Aless being the way he is?”

  Kateline smiled. “I will say this: he’s unpredictable, and that’s not always the best trait in a person. A bad wave can kill even an experienced sailor.”

  “What do you mean?” Corin asked.

  “I’m saying to be careful, plain and simple,” Kateline replied, sparing another glance toward Corin. “If you think something’s off, you’re probably right. Admittedly I don’t know him too well, but on his rampage he killed many people close to me, including my parents. I was in favor of stripping him of his guardianship and permanently exiling him.”

  “W-what?” Corin asked, staring with wide eyes. “I’m so sorry for your loss, but… what punishments were suggested for Aless?”

  Kateline sighed. “Aless is very lucky Piers was present during those meetings. Neither Selena nor myself really had much knowledge in what it meant to lead the clan, so our punishments were… far harsher than Cyril’s or Piers’s, to say the least. I was originally in favor of a public execution. Selena was the one who convinced me that stripping him of his guardianship and throwing him out of the clan would be better.”

  “By the spirits,” Corin replied, staring in shock.

  “As I said, he’s very fortunate Piers was present during the discussions. Cyril wanted to trap him under the Water Temple for ten winters, if I recall… Piers managed to talk him down to an exile, instead,” she explained.

  “I can barely believe it,” Corin muttered.

  “I hated Aless for a long time,” Kateline explained. “Between you and me, it’s the only reason I haven’t been bothering Selena about the way she’s been treating him. I can understand where she’s coming from…. We both lost a lot of people to him that night, but I grew out of my hatred. Selena never did.”

  Corin bowed. “Thank you,” he replied. “This is a lot to take in… I think I’ll retire to my chambers now. Thank you for your answers, Kateline.”

  “It’s no trouble,” Kateline replied, “but before you go, I have a favor to ask of you.” She began hopping down again and bending over, grabbing a book from the floor. “When you have time, give this a read if you can. It’s Centrallian, but no one has known the dialect thus far.”

  “And you think it could be mine?” Corin asked, flicking open the book idly.

  “I was born into the monastery. I can barely tell Far East from Far West,” she replied, laughing. “If you can’t, it really isn’t an issue, just bring it back as soon as you’re done.”

  Corin bowed, quickly darting out of the room with his book clutched to his chest.

  Chapter 13

  PIERS sighed deeply, letting his eyes flutter open. His shirt had been thrown to the side, along with his boots and coat. Selena lay on his chest, long, loose curls covering her in a small blanket.

  Corona was calmed by warmth and contact, as Piers had learned over the years, and having Selena curl up on his chest was the perfect way to keep the demon at bay. Although, Piers noted with a small smile, Corona didn’t seem to stop heating the room, which proved to have interesting results.

  Selena was normally a conservative girl, always covering herself in layers of dresses, vests, capes, leggings, boots… really anything to ensure she didn’t show more than an inch of skin. Heck—she had panicked when he had shortened her dresses from knee length earlier in the week.

  However, with the heat in the room, Selena had reluctantly been forced to strip down as the day went on, eventually leaving her in only a shortened dress. He and Corona could agree on some things, it seemed, at least when it involved scantily clad girls.

  Selena panted, burying her face in the crook of Piers’s neck. “I wasted an entire day,” she complained half-heartedly.

  Piers molded one of his hands over her lower back, pulling her even closer. “I think protecting the clan is a worthwhile cause,” he countered. “Corona’s quiet for now.”

  “Didn’t train….” she muttered, pressing herself against Piers. “Wonder what my student did.”

  “You both needed a break,” Piers answered, playing with Selena’s hair. “Just for today, don’t talk about him. I miss being able to speak to just you.”

  Piers could feel Selena flush against his neck. “I’m hot,” she complained, sweat beading off her skin.

  “So take off your dress,” Piers helpfully suggested, moving his free hand to Selena’s thigh.

  “Zephyr,” she replied, panting. “He’d take over if we tried. Not all spirits stay still during sex.”

  “I know that,” he answered, “and I won’t take advantage. Don’t you have any faith in me?”

  Selena straddled Piers’s hips and sat up, reaching for the buttons on her dress, pausing momentarily. “I’m not one of your students,” she started, “so don’t think you can use me and throw me out, either.”

  Piers chuckled, moving his hands to the front of her dress and pulling open a few of the buttons. “Of course you’re not,” he answered, pulling it offSelena’s shoulders and tossing it to the side. “Do you honestly think I’d treat them as well as you? I’ve already chosen you, Lena, don’t forget that.”

  Selena flushed bright red, crossing her hands over her chest immediately. “You still sleep with them, though.”

  “Only because we can’t. At least not without you going feral and trying to kill me,” Piers joked, pushing her back down.

  Selena placed her head down on Piers’s chest. “N
o one knows, right?”

  “Not unless you’ve told anyone.” Piers sighed, wondering why the guardians all seemed to lie to one another so much. “Everyone suspects it, though. Why can’t we just tell them?”

  “It’s forbidden for guardians to be with other guardians during this time…. Or did you forget filling the barracks with lava when you were with Kateline?” she asked.

  “It’s not like anyone cares,” Piers answered, “and I could stop sleeping with apprentices, you know. I can tell it still bothers you.”

  “I’m fine with it…. It calms Corona, I know,” Selena replied, moving a hand onto Piers’s arm, idly rubbing around his restraint.

  Piers smiled. “I can’t wait until your restraints are formed.”

  “Yeah,” Selena muttered, exhaustion flowing through her body, “me neither.”

  “I’ll make it amazing, I promise,” Piers promised, rolling Selena onto her side. “It’ll be the best day of your life.”

  Selena smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer, allowing herself to be calmed by her lover’s touch.

  ALESSlaid his head against a tree. Training Corin, despite Corin’s natural strength, was by far the most frustrating, irritating task Aless had ever attempted to do. How did Selena, by far the most irritable of the guardians, manage to deal with such a student? He took back some of his previous opinions; that woman must have the patience of a goddess.

  Today seemed particularly bad, Aless noted with a frown. He remembered Corin being at least slightly better than this….

  Corin furrowed his brow, trying to focus his energy on a basic water spell. Sneaking out at night had been a mistake despite how useless the information he got might have been. He sighed; he could barely keep himself awake now!

  He frowned, closing his eyes and making another desperate attempt to raise some of the water, but to no avail. He weakly opened his eyes, turning to Aless with a frustrated expression. Master Selena was harsh, but she never scolded him for being unable to complete a spell. All throughout the morning, Aless had been getting more and more irritable, having already yelled at Corin once or twice.

  Corin had assumed Aless would be nicer, if his behavior earlier in the week had been any indication, at least. And after that kiss yesterday? Corin couldn’t get over the confusion flooding through him.

  “Look,” Aless said, “you’re clearly exhausted. This isn’t working.”

  “I’m sorry.” Corin apologized, flushing.

  Aless sighed. “No, it’s fine, I’ve been rough on you lately. Let’s just take a bit to talk, okay?”he offered.

  “Thank you,” he answered, imagining the kiss once again, looking at Aless curiously.

  Aless sat down beside the river, mirroring his position the first day he brought Corin out to train. “Yesterday was a bit of a scare, wasn’t it?”

  “I don’t know. I heard it got under control fairly quickly,” Corin replied, sitting down beside Aless. “After the meeting I couldn’t find Master Selena. Do you think she got hurt?”

  “You should’ve come and grabbed me, I would’ve trained with you more,” Aless replied. “I think she was staying with Piers to ensure he didn’t have another episode.”

  “One of my friends hasn’t seen me in a while, she wanted to train with me,” Corin replied.

  Aless shrugged. “You still could have sought me out. I would’ve enjoyed the extra time.”

  “Master Aless,” he began, thinking back to yesterday’s events. “I… I need to ask you something.”

  “I thought we had been over this, you can call me Aless, the ‘Master’ isn’t needed.”

  Corin shook his head, looking Aless in the eyes. “It doesn’t matter right now. Look, Mas—er, Aless, why did you kiss me yesterday?”

  Aless flushed at this, remembering the force that pulled him close to Corin the day before. He had expected it to come up, but after the incident with Piers? Well, he had largely, as embarrassing as it was, forgotten to come up with an excuse.

  Aless rubbed his temples. “You remember what I said about your mana?”

  “I’ve heard it from almost everyone at this point. I have mana that I can’t use, I get that.”

  “You’ve been becoming more assertive since I met you. I like that,” he commented, placing a hand on Corin’s thigh.

  “T-thank you?” Corin said, trying to not stare at the hand.

  “And that’s what happened,” Aless stated. “Our mana has the ability to call out to various things. Water will come to me when Serac is at the surface. Your mana called out to me. There’s no other way I can phrase it.”

  “My mana called for you to kiss me?” Corin asked.

  “Sort of. That’s the best way to describe it. It was pulling me to you….”

  “How can you tell?” Corin asked. “I don’t have a spirit within me. That can’t be true.”

  Aless shrugged, moving his hand up Corin’s thigh. “It can happen from the mana itself, not necessarily from a spirit. But it called to me, I could feel that and I had to answer it. I didn’t intend to offend you.”

  “I wasn’t offended….” Corin trailed off, blushing. “But… I was curious. It was my mana, then?”

  “Partially,” Aless confirmed, turning to face Corin. “I would not have been as… upfront with my actions had your mana not called out to me.”

  Corin’s jaw dropped. “W-what do you mean?” he asked. Aless was so close to him—it was making him nervous. He found it difficult to look Aless in the eyes.

  Aless moved a hand to play with one of Corin’s pointed ears. “I suppose I should have been more direct from the start. Corin, would you mind if I kissed you again?”

  Corin’s eyes widened—he couldn’t believe what was happening. He slowly shook his head, staring directly at Aless.

  Aless leaned forward, connecting their lips. This was the moment he had been waiting for. Finally Selena’s attractive student, the one with the aura like no other, was his. He pressed down slightly harder, attempting to deepen the kiss.Aless pulled away, pressing his forehead against Corin’s. “You can touch me as much as you like. Provided I’m granted the same pleasure,”he finished, pressing his lips against Corin’s again, this time with more desperation.

  Aless was drowning in sensations. He had no idea if Corin knew it, but he had flared his mana again and it was intoxicating. He generally had some self-control when it came to seducing someone, particularly someone much younger than him, but he couldn’t stop himself.

  He slid his tongue along Corin’s bottom lip, and the younger man instantly parted his mouth. Aless buried one of his hands in Corin’s hair—he couldn’t get enough contact, couldn’t get close enough to the younger man. He felt the heat building up inside him again, and he flushed in embarrassment.

  His control was slipping. Corin was squirming and whimpering under him and Aless couldn’t catch his breath. Aless pulled away, white beginning to dot his vision. He placed his face beside Corin’s and bit down on his neck, finally shuddering and feeling his release, somehow more intense than the incident in the temple.

  He rolled off Corin, taking a deep breath. Now that had been embarrassing. It was one thing to climax from someone’s energy alone, particularly one that felt like an aphrodisiac, but when making out with someone? Corin hadn’t even been hard.

  Corin paused, rolling onto his side and staring at Aless, his lips still tingling. “… Did you just…?”

  “Yes,” Aless replied, blushing and covering his eyes. “I swear this doesn’t normally happen.”

  “It’s fine. I’m just… I’m happy,” he insisted, suddenly transfixed by Aless’s neck restraint. He had seen his thigh ones earlier, but never really taken a moment to examine the one around his neck. Aless was still trying to catch his breath, which gave Corin the perfect opportunity to focus on it.

  However, as soon as he read the markings on them his eyes widened hugely and he had to fight to maintain his composure. The co
llar mentioned sacrifice, as far as he could tell, and spoke of a tragedy he’d heard in a myth a few years back. He couldn’t quite remember the tale itself, but he knew he recognized it from somewhere.

  But why would a tale be inscribed on a collar? Corin sighed, placing his head on Aless’s shoulder. He’d have to ask Master Selena later, or perhaps Kateline. It surely meant something.

  Chapter 14

  “MASTER Zephyr still isn’t back, is she?” Adelle asked, appearing over Corin’s shoulder, reading the book he had propped on his lap.

  Corin immediately jumped up from his spot in the barracks, allowing the book to fall off and slam onto the floor. He flushed bright red.

  He had been daydreaming. Ever since the morning, with Aless pushing him against the ground, touching his legs and biting his neck….

  “Master Serac said she was still watching over Master Corona,” he answered, quickly scampering to pick his book up again.

  “I’m surprised you’re not spending the afternoon with your dear Master Serac,” she teased.

  “W-what?” Corin stuttered.

  Adelle laughed. “I think Master Zephyr is the only one who doesn’t know. Everyone’s talking about the mysterious Water Guardian taking a young student out every morning, and judging by the mark on your neck, I’m getting the feeling the rumors are fairly true.”

  Corin immediately pulled his collar up. “How did they find out?”

  “People saw you two walking out together in the morning. Zephyr be blessed no one was stupid enough to report you to Master Selena herself,” she answered, tugging down his collar and examining his neck. “Wow, so when did this happen?”

  “This morning….” Corin murmured, immensely embarrassed. “Don’t you have training to do?”

  “I wanted to check in with you. What are you reading, anyways?” She asked, thankfully having the courtesy not to grab it off Corin’s lap.

  “It’s an old Centrallian story. Kateline asked me to translate,” he replied, passing the thick book to Adelle. Corin sighed, knowing the old fablehad to be more significant than that. The tale in the book matched the scripture from Aless’s collar, a fact that confused Corin immensely.


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