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Daniel's Story

Page 2

by Paul Kelly


  Alison stared at the article and a surge of fear ran down her spine. It was as if by premonition, she had the feeling that the man who had the accident was the same man she had met that evening in the cafe. Cramer Road area ... Cramer Road ... that was where Daniel had said he lived. Could it be Daniel, she wondered ... and if it was, how could she find out? In her lunch hour she telephoned the police to enquire what she could about the accident, but they wanted to know if she was a relative.

  "I'm his fiancee," she lied and waited for the response.

  "Good. Can you tell us his name please?"

  Alison waited for a moment, not knowing how to answer that question. She wasn't even sure if the man who was involved in the accident was Daniel and even then, she didn't know his other name.

  "It's Daniel," she gasped. I'm ... I'm too upset to talk about anything at the moment. Can I ... can I go to see him please," she stuttered and started to cry, hoping the police would fall for her acting ability and it worked when the policeman on the other end of the line told her that her fiancee was in ward seven at the Northfield and asked her to come to the police station as soon as she could.

  Later that afternoon, without reporting to the cafe manager that she would not be working that afternoon, she made her way to the hospital. It took her only a few minutes to find ward seven, even if the corridors were long and complicated with different department names signed everywhere.

  "Sister, may I speak to ..."

  "Yes, dear. What can I do for you.?"

  Alison thought for a moment and her wildest imaginations were taking over.

  "Can I speak to my fiancee please," she stammered, "He's had a hit and run accident last night ... in Cramer Road, I believe."

  The Ward Sister smiled and hung her head in sympathy simultaneously.

  "Of course dear, he's in bed three, just there on your right, but he may not recognise you yet. Normally we wouldn't allow visitors to him, but seeing as you are ... who you are, I'm sure that's alright, but do please be careful. He has had a rough time and his head is well bandaged."

  "Will he be alright?"

  "It's early days yet, but he seems to have improved in the short time he has been in here. I'll be at my desk there at the end of the ward if you need anything."

  Alison walked into the ward and approached bed three with trepidation, wondering what she would do if the person in that bed wasn't who she thought it was.

  The man in the bed could have been anyone, she thought at first, but when she leaned down to look at the face, she knew instantly it was Daniel. The eyes, although closed told her all she needed to know. She wanted to kiss him. Well that's what fiancees do, isn't it, she thought, but as she looked about her, it seemed that every eye in that ward was watching her. Within a few moments, the patient in bed three moved and groaned, before he opened his eyes.

  "Oh! God ... where am I?" he asked and tried to sit up, but the ward Sister came quickly, rushing across from her desk in the ward and came to his assistance.

  "That's alright," she said softly. "Nothing to worry about. You'll be fine in a day or two and look, you have a visitor.

  Alison stood back a little, feeling very embarrassed and hoped the Sister would not mention that she was his fiance and she didn't ... well, not at that moment, but as she settled Daniel down again in his bed, she whispered something in his ear which made the patient sit up.

  "What? What was that you said? Fiancee ... Whose fiancée?"

  The Sister smiled benevolently at Alison.

  "He's still a little stunned dear, but he'll be alright in a few moments. Just take his hand. He will understand then."

  Alison sat on the edge of the bed and took Daniel's hand in hers, but she was trembling as she did so.

  "I wanted to see you and to make sure you were alright," she whispered, "The only way they would let me in to see you was if I was a relative."

  Daniel turned to face her and there was anger in his eyes.

  "Being my sister would have been sufficient," he drawled, "But why did you want to see me? I had an accident. Why don't people leave it like that?"

  Alison was lost for words and she coughed as she tried to apologise.

  "I'm sorry ... but how are you feeling? You look awful with all those bandages around your head. Why all I can see are your eyes and your mouth."

  "I'm alright," he replied coldly, "So could you please leave me now. I think I had better get some sleep."

  Alison let Daniel’s hand slip from hers as she walked away from the bed, but she was sore at heart. How could she tell this man how she felt? How could she tell him something that she didn't even understand herself? She felt a fool as she left the hospital. She didn't know Daniel's surname or his address ... only that he lived in the Cramer Road area ... She knew little or nothing about him and yet she could not deny how she felt. It was all so strange and if it wasn't so serious she would have laughed aloud. It was all so ridiculous and she wandered home, feeling and realizing that she was making a fool of herself.

  The telephone sounded dead when she tried to get a line, as soon as she arrived back at the flat. That was all she needed at a time like this.

  "Hello ... hello," she called out but there was no response until a few moments later when she could hear a dull sound on the other end of the line. "Is anybody there? Hello." she called out again.

  "Yes, can I help you," came the reply and Alison quickly asked to be connected to Northfield Hospital please. I'm sorry I don't have the number."

  "No trouble madam, I'll connect you straight away."

  Alison waited only a few minutes before a voice came through on the other end, but again she was perplexed. It was more trouble than she had anticipated ... this phoning to enquire about a person whose name you didn't know. In fact to enquire about a person that you didn't know either. So again she put on the act and started to sob.

  "I am sorry to trouble you, but I am most anxious about Daniel, my fiancee ... He is the one who had the road accident in the Cramer Road area and he's in ward seven. Can you help me please?"

  "Ah! yes, madam. Mr. Roberts, isn't it? Would you like to speak to him. He is much improved since you came to see him."

  Alison was at a loss as to what to say next. She was delighted with the good news, but she knew that Daniel Roberts wouldn't welcome a visit from her.

  "Well ... we've only been engaged for a short while and I wanted to get him some clean pyjamas and things, but I've lost my key to our flat. In fact I've only been there once and I know its stupid of me, but I can't remember the number. Can you help me please?"

  There was a long pause before the voice came through again.

  "Certainly madam. It's fourteen Sunrise Close. What a lovely address, I think. Is there anything else I can do for you madam?"

  “Sunrise Close,” Alison replied and wondered if that was in the Cramer Road area."No thank you, you have been too kind already."

  "Will I tell Mr. Roberts you have called madam?"

  Alison hesitated again. This acting business was hard work, she thought.

  "No, please don't do that; I want to make it a surprise, but thank you again. Good day."

  When she replaced the telephone, she ran to the bathroom and rinsed her face in cold water, before she checked the address of Sunrise Close in the street directory.

  “Sunnybrook lane, Sunnybrook Road ... ah” Sunrise Close ... She had found it and it was round the corner from Cramer Road.

  "Nice to meet you Mr. Roberts of fourteen Sunrise Close, but I wish you were a little more responsive to the feelings of my heart." she called out
into the air as she danced around her little kitchen.

  Later that day she heard that the hit-and-run driver had been found, but that Daniel had refused to press charges, saying that he felt dizzy that day and may have fallen against the car.

  Chapter Four

  Alison telephoned the hospital every day for the next eight days, as she was afraid to visit Daniel again, thinking he might be in the same frame of mind that he was when she last saw him and then on the ninth day she was told that he had discharged himself and the hospital wouldn't be responsible for anything that happened to him after that.

  "I think he was very low because of his accident," a voice told Alison on the phone "and also, nobody seems to have visited him in all the time he has been with us," the voice from the hospital continued and Alison wanted to contradict that voice to say that she certainly DID visit him on that first day of his being in there, but as an afterthought, she considered it might be best to keep quiet about that. The very thought of that visit made her blush anyway and besides, she now had the name and address of her 'fiancee', so she could playact more easily now, even if she blushed again with embarrassment at the thought.


  Two days later, after a long and agonising stay away from the telephone, she met Rosie as her friend was coming on duty at the cafe and Alison was leaving. Alison preferred the evening shift, as it took her mind off the worries she had gone through recently after her divorce, but as the cafe ran two shifts, one afternoon and the other in the evening for the waitresses, the boss himself, old ‘bossyboots’ as they called him, did the earlier shift until noon, however she thought the shifts had to be shared. and it was her time for the afternoon

  "Hi Rosie." Alison called out as she left one of the tables,"you’ve had a busy morning, I understand from old bossyboots, but it hasn't been too bad since I came on this afternoon, so you should have a reasonably quiet evening, I should imagine."

  Rosie looked glum as she took off her coat and slung it over a chair in the waitresses dressing room. bossyboots was the name they gave the cafe boss, Mr. Humphries, but he was never the bossy type, by any means. The cafe staff just thought it was an appropriate name to give him ...

  "You're looking a bit down, Rosie. Is everything O.K?" asked Alison as Rosie past her without saying anything and Alison guessed she was having more 'boyfriend trouble' which put Rosie down more than anything else. "You should be alright in your shift, Rosie. I think the football team have an evening's celebrations later on and ... " but before Alison could say another word, Rosie bucked up and ran to the mirror to check her face.

  "Oh! gawd," she exclaimed, pulling her eyelids down, "I look a mess too. I should have taken no notice of that stupid sod this morning. Giving me a line he was and how was I to know that his father didn't own a restaurant in the West End, where I could have become manageress if I played my cards right ... I should have guessed what card game he was thinking of. Will I ever learn Alison?"

  Alison laughed. She liked Rosie, but she was well aware of the difficulties her friend would have to endure if she imagined that every man who looked twice at her, would be the eternal dream of her life.

  "Maybe you'll feel better later then when the team come strolling in and you can have your pick."

  "Can I borrow your lippy, darlin'? I've forgotten mine in the rush to get here. I hope that creep isn't still at my flat when I get back," added Rosie making a face in the mirror.

  "You've been with him all afternoon then, I suppose?"

  "And all night too, need you ask?"

  Alison smiled again but she was worried for her friend. She knew how it was with her and Ken when they first met. It seemed that the world was full of brightness and light in those days, but Alison didn't want to think of those times. She left the cafe and rushed home, looking a million times at the telephone and doing nothing else. Was she repeating a 'Rosie theme?' ... Was she playing with fire again, she wondered, before she fell asleep on the sofa.

  That evening she went for a stroll past fourteen Sunrise Close, but there were no lights in the house that she could see. Perhaps he sits in the back room somewhere, she thought ... or he may not be at home. She stayed watching the house for what seemed ages and then as she was about to go, the front door of fourteen Sunrise Close opened and a man appeared. Alison strained to see what the man looked like. Could it be Daniel? She wasn't sure but as he closed the door and turned into the street, she recognised him by his walk. It surprised her to realize that she knew so much of this man's habits in the short time she had met him.

  Slowly she walked up the street behind him, wondering what she should do next. She could hardly run up to him and say, “Hi, Mr. Roberts. I hope you're feeling better,” could she? and yet, that was precisely what she wanted to do. Two minutes later, he stopped and she stopped. They both stood still for a few seconds and then Daniel turned round.

  "Are you following me by any chance?" he asked and Alison coughed.

  "Oh! It's you again." he went on. "Why can't you leave me alone. This amounts to stalking, you know and that is a criminal offence."

  Alison could feel the blood rushing to her head. She had no answer to give him. No explanation for following him. Well, none that he would understand.

  "I am sorry, I was concerned for you." she said and lowered her head.

  "But I told you I was alright. Why can't you believe me and leave me alone." he barked and Alison began to cry.

  "Hi there. No need for this. I don't even know you and you certainly don't know me." he said, but he came towards Alison as he spoke and reached out his hand.

  "I don't understand you. Why are you crying?"

  Alison could take no more. She turned immediately and ran as fast as she could, leaving Daniel standing on the pavement with his mouth open.

  When she got back to her flat she threw herself across the bed and cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  When Alison arrived for work at the cafe the next afternoon, she was met by Mr. Humphries who rushed up to her before she could even get through the door.

  "There's a bloke looking for you, Alison," he said, "but if its what I think it is, I don't want any shenanigan in your work time, understand? Do what you like when you’re on your free time, but..."

  The manager's conversation was cut short as Daniel appeared in the doorway.

  Alison stared at him and wanted the ground to open up under her, but he smiled.

  "I should be grateful for your concern and I apologize for my rudeness last evening" he said, "but I really do not want anyone to worry about me. I am alright."

  Alison continued to stare at him and Mr. Humphries threw his hands up in the air.

  "Would you two settle your differences over coffee or something." he snapped. Don't stand there like a couple of idiots. You'll frighten the customers."

  "But ... " Alison stuttered, knowing that she was on duty at that time, but old Humphries waved his hands in the air again and told her he would continue serving until she settled her differences.

  Daniel and she sat down and again, she went scarlet as she looked at him. It was he who broke the silence.

  "I can't pretend to know what's going on in your mind, but please, just ignore me from now on. I came to the cafe this morning as I was worried when you ran off as you did."

  Mr. Humphries chimed in at this juncture.

  "He's been here since nine o’ clock this morning, so get yourselves settled and let’s get on with living, " he snorted sarcastically.

  Alison wanted to cry, but she knew she must stay strong if she was to help Daniel in any way. It was obvious he didn't want a cry-baby. She wanted to look into his eyes and tell him how she felt; tell him that this feeling she had for him was something she had never experienced before, but would he believe her? He seemed so adamant to remain independent of a
ny help.

  "I am O.K.," he said again, "Please believe me. I don't need any help."

  Alison looked at him again and noticed a small scar above his eye which she guessed must have been from his accident and he touched his head as if he could tell what she was thinking. "I'm alright now that I have been discharged from hospital," he said, but involuntarily Alison contradicted him when he said that.

  "You discharged yourself," she said and immediately realized she had given her secret away; the secret that she had been enquiring about him at the hospital and which she didn't want him to know.

  "You are incorrigible," he snapped, "You will not give up, will you? and why are you doing this when you don't even know me. You know nothing of my life."

  "No ... " she said sharply, "But I WANT to know. I need to know about you as I know you are in need of help regardless of what you say."

  Daniel shook his head slowly when she said that and to her surprise, he smiled at her.

  "So you are some sort of a Salvationist, are you? Some sort of magician where you can sort anybody's life and put everything into place? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, MADAM?"

  Alison looked down, but she felt a strength that she hadn't known before.

  "I am a human being," she replied, "A woman ... just that, but I can tell that something is worrying you ... upsetting you greatly and I am sorry if I made a fool of myself by thinking you might appreciate a little help"

  Daniel turned away from her when she said that and he looked out of the cafe window."

  "Can I buy you a coffee?" he asked and bossyboots Humphries, who had been listening to everything that was being said, threw his arms in the air.

  "My God, will I ever get off duty," he screamed and Alison got up from where she was sitting to apologise to Daniel.

  "No," Humphries called out, "Who am I to interfere with young love?" and with that he stomped his way into the back room of the cafe leaving Alison and Daniel alone. "I'll bring the coffees," he shouted from the distance.


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