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Daniel's Story

Page 5

by Paul Kelly

  Alison hugged the telephone close to her lips.

  "Try to be calm, Daniel and let me know as soon as you can, if I can do anything to help. Anything at all."

  "That's very kind Alison, but I think Rene feels she has everything under control, although she is a bag of nerves and I know it's no use arguing with her. You see, Dillon is my life and nothing else matters to me and as I have already told you, when I came round from the operation in the hospital, I wanted to die. It was the thought of Dillon being left alone that made me wish otherwise."

  It was when Daniel said that and Alison thought on the serious condition of his mind, that she began to think there was no way she could ever figure in Daniel's life. She might have been able to fight against another woman, but what chance did she have against a child.

  "I'll do anything I can, you know that," she said in conclusion and put the telephone down, but what she couldn't understand was why Rene should suddenly be so interested in her son when she didn't show much regard for the little boy before. Perhaps it took illness to make people really consider their values and then what about Frieda? How would she feel when she heard, if she hadn't done already, that Dillon was so ill? She remembered that Daniel had told her how Frieda hated children, but he only discovered that after he had married her. Apparently they had discussed having a child soon after they got married, but the marriage only lasted eighteen months and although Daniel was in love with Frieda at that time, it seemed things were different for her when she told people at the school where she was teaching music, that Daniel had been cruel to her and had even beaten and raped her on occasions.

  It seemed that she had planned the divorce long before Daniel knew anything about it and only handed him a letter on the morning she was moving out of the house, in which she said she was not coming back.

  Chapter Nine

  Alison went about her flat in a daze. She was unable to do anything to help either Daniel or his little boy Dillon and she felt so inadequate and useless, just sitting about when she felt she could be doing so much. She was glad when the late afternoon came and she could go to the cafe to be on duty in the late shift. It was in this shift that she first met Daniel and at the back of her mind, she hoped that perhaps history might repeat itself and she might see him again.

  As she came on duty, the nodded to Rosie and hoped she wouldn't ask her too many questions, even if she knew that was a little too much to expect from her friend.

  "Seen the boyfriend?" asked Rosie with a wide grin on her face and Alison closed her eyes tightly. This was the one question she did not want to be asked.

  "No ... no, I haven't see him," she replied and Rosie stared at her in surprise.

  "Well if that's the guy who was in here less than an hour ago and asking for Miss Alison, he certainly hasn't lost any interest. Why don't you phone him? He's very dishy, you know and if you don't want him, just let me know."

  Alison needed no further prompting as she kissed Rosie and made for the phone in seconds.

  "Hello ... Hello is that ... .?"

  "Yes Alison, It's me,” replied Daniel, “I wanted to see you and I went to the cafe as I didn't know which shift you would be on. Are you alright?"

  "Yes, yes, I'm fine, but more to the point how is Dillon? How are you?"

  "Dillon is still very ill I am afraid and Rene is driving me wild with her various 'cures' and what should be done next, regardless of what the doctors are saying. I think if my little son was allowed to rest more, he would improve, but you can't tell fussy Rene that. She knows what's best in every situation, or so she tells me."

  "Oh! dear, I am sorry. You are in an awkward situation, aren't you? Is there no way you can entice Rene away from Dillon?"

  "I've tried, but I think I will really have to put my foot down and tell her to get the hell out of it. There'll be sparks flying if I do that but I can't see any other way. That's why I wanted to see you. You're a woman and you could probably suggest a better solution, can you?"

  "So you've noticed I'm a woman, have you?" Alison gibed and there was a snigger heard on the phone.

  "I lost my white stick a few years back," he said, "I must remember to get another one."

  "Perhaps if we can meet, if you have time, I might be able to think of something," she said, but Daniel didn't answer her straight away. "Are you there?" she asked and she could hear him cough.

  "Yes, that might be a good idea. Its just that I'm stuck for time with most of that being taken up by the visits to the hospital. Could you come to the hospital ? Is that possible?"

  "I could, but don't you think Rene might object?"

  "Rene won't be there until tomorrow," he said and she thought he might be hoping that if she could come to the hospital, it would be that same day.

  "I'll get the sack if I make any more excuses for not working at the cafe," she said and Daniel apologised.

  "I'm sorry Alison. I understand."

  "No, my job is only part time anyway and I've been thinking of changing for some time now, so I'll get there about three o'clock if that's O.K."

  "If you're sure, but please don't get into any trouble with your boss. He seems a nice guy."

  "No, that's alright. I'll see him now and I'll be at the hospital as I said, Bye for now."

  Alison did see Mr. Humphries, as she said she would and much as he was sorry she was leaving, he understood her predicament.

  "It's that young man I saw you talking with the other day, isn't it?" he asked and Alison nodded. "I think you're in love with him. Am I right?" he said and Alison nodded again.

  "I hope he's in love with me," she added as she slung her jacket across her shoulders'

  "If the eyes have anything to do with it," said old Humphries "I think you're on to a winner. I wish you all the best."


  Alison arrived at the hospital ten minutes before three o'clock to find Daniel pacing up and down outside the ward where she was told she would find Dillon.

  "I thought ... I thought," she said to the Ward Sister, "I thought as I wasn't a relative I might have difficulty in seeing the little boy," she said, but the Sister only smiled.

  "We've had instructions ... strict instructions from the Master there," she replied, pointing to Daniel, "that you should be allowed in as soon as you arrived. You're Alison, aren't you?"

  "Yes, I'm Alison and thank you Sister."

  "Dillon's bed is just near the door here. The screens are only a precaution, so don't worry. They should be removed in a day or two."

  Alison made her way very cautiously towards Dillon's bed and peeped in behind the screens, as Daniel followed close behind.

  "He's been asleep for ages, it seems," he whispered, " but I think his temperature has come down. It was very high when he came in,"

  "How long has he been in hospital now, Daniel?"

  "This is his fourth day."

  "So you think there is a marked improvement?"

  "Yes, it seems there has been this morning ... and the first day that Rene isn't here,"

  "Can I do anything?" Alison stuttered in her efforts to please, "I mean, I didn't know what to bring Dillon as I wasn't sure if he could eat or anything, but I can go down to the hospital canteen and get something there."

  Daniel smiled and Alison could see his white even teeth again between those gorgeous lips that were meant to be kissed, before she came out of her dream in an instant.

  "No, Dillon is not eating at the moment and he has a drip in somewhere under those blankets,” muttered Daniel, “so I guess they're keeping him from getting dehydrated."

  "Poor little boy. He looks so helpless lying there, doesn't he?" she said and at that moment, Daniel touched her arm as he looked down the corridor.

  "Oh" gawd," he exclaimed with alarm, "Rene's coming back and I thought she wou
ldn't be coming in today."

  "Daniel, what should I do?" asked Alison, "Will she be thinking what I'm thinking and ask me what I'm doing here?"

  "Don't worry. Just leave everything to me." he replied and gave Rene a rather sour smile as she came into the ward.

  "I thought I might not be able to make it today," she said, "And anyway, I'm told by Sister that he is a little better. Is he conscious yet?"

  Daniel did not answer immediately as he watched Rene making her usual daily inspection of Dillon's bed, straightening the sheets and puffing up the pillows, whether they needed that attention or not. It was a routine with her and Daniel suspected that Rene knew better than the nurses how to do that sort of thing. Alison stood aside and it was only a after a few moments that Rene noticed her.

  "You a social worker or something?" she enquired and Alison shook her head.

  "Im ... I'm," but before she could say another word, Daniel butted in.

  "This is a friend of mine," he said with a defiance that surprised Alison, "I asked her to come to see Dillon as they have met before and he likes her."

  Rene looked Alison up and down.

  "I don't care who she is," she added as if Alison didn't exist,"as long as she doesn't disturb my little boy."

  Daniel took Alison's hand and Rene gave her another furtive look.

  "You two an item?" she asked and screwed her face up, but Daniel assured her that he and Alison were just good friends and that even if they were what she suggested they might be, it was a matter that didn't concern her at all."

  “Oh! don't think about me," Rene replied shrugging her shoulders. "As if you ever did. I don't care what you get up to. You're a free lance now as I am . .Thank God."

  Alison looked at Rene in surprise. It seemed to her then that Rene didn't have any feelings for Daniel. She could understand that she and Daniel were divorced, but her attitude showed no regard for him at all whatsoever. Surely she must have loved him at one time, she thought, but Daniel took what Rene had to say with disdain. It was only when Rene went to wash her hands in the ward that he made any comment to Alison.

  "Truth be known, Rene never ever had any feelings for me and I wonder why I ever married her. I was young and I thought I was in love, so you see why I have warned you about your feelings? You could be imagining things when you say you are in love with me."

  Alison looked steadily at him.

  "I am not a child. I am mature enough to know my own feelings and besides, I too had been in a loveless marriage before, you know."

  Daniel was about to expound on his theory about love when Rene returned to Dillon's bedside. She looked about her as she stood next to Alison, as if she was about to tell her something that she didn't want anyone else to hear.

  "You're not in love with him, are you?" she asked and Alison stared back at her in dismay.

  "If I am, I don't think it is any concern of yours now," she replied, but Rene seemed to ignore Alison's answer.

  "I thought I was, but that was a long time ago" she went on, "and I've had three relationships since I left him, but none of them have been 'love'. Love is a word that should be thrown out of the dictionary. It's only for the likes of fiction novels like Barbara Cartland stuff and not for real life. You believe me. If you want to sleep with him, go ahead, but I warn you, you won't get any satisfaction there. He's no use in bed."

  Alison became angry with Rene, but she was afraid to enlarge on her protest in the event that Daniel might hear their conversation, however, at that moment, Daniel suggested he should go to the canteen and get them all a drink.

  "Listen to what I'm telling you," Rene went on, "Dillon here is a lovely little boy, but he was a mistake. He was never planned and never really wanted. I could never bond with him and I am here now because I hate to think of him suffering, but he's welcome to stay with his father as long as he keeps in good health. I never wanted children and I'm having a fine better life now being free from all that shit."

  Alison wanted to cry. She looked towards the bed where Dillon was lying and hoped the little boy had never heard the conversation she was having with Rene.

  "I don't want to hear any more on this subject," she said to Rene,"and I think you should be ashamed of yourself talking as you do. If you didn't love Daniel and you say what you do about Dillon, I'm surprised that you are here now." Rene grinned.

  "Are you married?" she asked Alison and waited anxiously for an answer.

  "No ... I'm divorced," said Alison feeling guilty that she should have to discuss her personal life with such a woman as Rene.

  "Any kids?" Rene went on, sniffing as if it was of no real concern.

  "No, but as I have said, I don't want to talk about this any more, so if you don't mind ..."

  "You were wise not to have any," Rene continued, ignoring Alison's protest. "kids only bring you heartache, even if you can't bond with them. Men don't understand what it's like to have children. They don't have to endure the nine months waiting, do they? They shag you in a second and then think they've done all there is to do."

  Alison had heard enough.

  "Why do you dislike Daniel as you do," she asked, but Rene shook her head, "I don't dislike him. He's a good man as far as men go. We don't quarrel now that we are divorced, not like we did when we thought we were in love. No, I don't dislike him. We're better friends now than we ever were, but I don't want him as a husband, that's all."

  “I'm going to the canteen to see Daniel," said Alison, "I don't want to stay here one minute longer."

  Rene shrugged her shoulders again and turned towards Dillon's bed.

  "There, there now darling" she said, "I think your gonna like daddy's new girl friend, quite a lot," but Dillon never moved.


  Alison met Daniel in the hospital canteen, just as he was leaving with three beakers of coffee in his hand.

  "Have you spoken to Rene?" he asked, knowing full well that she would have done as Rene was not the type of person to hold any kind of curiosity in her mind without expressing a view on it.

  "Yes," she replied but she didn't want to elaborate on the conversation they had together, however she need hardly have worried on that score as Daniel already guessed.

  "She been telling you of her recent affair?" he asked and Alison raised her eyebrows in surprise.

  "You know about that?" she enquired with avid curiosity and Daniel nodded.

  "Rene is quite proud of her lifestyle now," he said, "she's a free spirit. Always has been and always will be. Not the marrying kind, as I am sure you have guessed by now." Alison sighed heavily. She had never met anyone like Rene before. Well not one who would boast about her affairs as if they were achievements of some kind. She felt very sorry for Daniel, but she couldn't tell him why.

  "I had better get back to Dillon now," said Daniel, "and to me lovely ex, of course,"

  When they did arrive back at the bedside of the little boy, Rene was sitting reading a newspaper and looked quite content and rather pleased with herself.

  "I think he's feeling a lot better," she said, nodding towards Dillon in the bed. "I'm sure I saw his eyes open a little while ago, but when I spoke to him, he closed them again and rolled over on his side.

  "Did you call the Sister?"

  "No, why should I? I can do anything for Dillon when he comes round."

  "But Rene," Daniel implored feeling the inadequacy of his suggestion. "the Ward Sister knows more about Dillon than you do and it is she who should follow the progress, if there is one. Call her now and don't sit there looking like an idiot."

  "How dare you call me an idiot, why for two pins I would ..."

  Daniel stared into her eyes,

  "Well for two pins bloody well do it then. Whatever you want to do. Just clear off. I've had as much as I can take of you today."<
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  Rene grabbed her handbag which she had deposited at the foot of Dillon's bed and stuck her newspaper under her arm before she stormed off through the ward doors and along the corridor, grunting some obscenities as she went.

  "I'm sorry if I sounded rude, Alison, but I just can't take any more of Rene's nonsense. She doesn't like illness of any kind and I don't think she's too fond of Dillon, come to that. I'm sorry. We must seem to be a strange lot to you."

  Alison put her hand on Daniels's arm and he didn't pull away.

  "I understand," she said softly, "I'll stay with Dillon for a little while if you need some fresh air." but Daniel rubbed his brow with his hand.

  "I'm O.K. but I would like to go and see the Sister if you could hold on for a little while longer."

  Needless to say, Alison was only too pleased to stay as long as was necessary and besides, she remembered again that she had decided to give up her job at the cafe and Daniel went into the duty room to speak to the Ward Sister.

  Chapter Ten

  Alison was awakened very early the following morning and as it was Saturday when she didn't work at the cafe, she couldn't understand who would want to get her up at such an early hour. She threw her housecoat over her pyjamas and rushed to open the front door.

  "Who is it?" she called out afraid of who might be there. Could it be the police? or Daniel, which she very much doubted against her wish that it could be him, but no-one answered. She called again and a feeble voice called her name

  "It's Rosie here. Can I come in. I have something to tell you."

  Alison opened the door quickly to find Rosie standing in tears on her doorstep.

  "Rosie, whatever is the matter. Come in quickly. You'll catch your death of cold standing shivering there."


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