American Rebels
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Dalrymple, Colonel
Dames School
Dartmouth, Lord
Dartmouth (vessel)
Davenport, James
Deane, Silas
de Berdt, Dennys
Declaration of Grievances
Declaration of Independence
antislavery provisions
copies of the
debate over
drafting of
plan for
read aloud in Massachusetts
signing of
support for
vote on
Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms
Dickinson, John
against independence
Dickinson, Philemon
Divine providence
Dorchester, Mass.
Dorchester Heights
Duane, James
duties on imported goods
East India Company
economic depression
Edenton, N.C.
Edes, Benjamin
Edes, Peter
Edes and Gill
Edwards, Jonathan
effigies, set afire
Eleanor (vessel)
elite class
England/English. See Britain/British
English language
enlistment, terms of
Essex Gazette
Exeter, New Hampshire
Factory Hall (Liberty Assembly Hall) Boston
Falcon (British warship)
Falmouth, bombardment of
Faneuil, Benjamin
Faneuil Hall, Boston
Field, Joseph
fires in Boston, Hancock’s generosity to victims of
Fitcher (a fellow named)
flag, American, with thirteen stripes
Flucker, Thomas
Flynt, Dorothy (m. Quincy)
Flynt, Henry
Fort Chambly
Fort Ticonderoga
artillery captured at
Fothergill, Dr. John
support for America
Franklin, Ben
later life
Franklin, William
freedom of the press
freedom suits
Freeman, Isaac
French and Indian War
furnishings, imported
Gage, General Thomas
collaborators with
orders to
troops of
Garrick, David
Gay, Ebenezer
George III
ascension to throne
denounced in Declaration of Independence
petitions to
prejudiced against the colonists
rejects petition
speech of November 1774
speech of October 1775
German immigrants
German mercenaries
Gerrish, Samuel
Gerry, Elbridge
Gill, John
girls, education of
Golden Hill
Goldfinch, John
Gorham, Maine
government, system of
governmental power, arbitrary
governors of states, elected
Grape Island
Gray, Harrison
Gray, Samuel
Great Awakening (New Lights) ministry
Green Dragon Tavern
Greenleaf, John Hancock
Greenleaf, Joseph
Greenleaf, Stephen
Greenleaf, William
Grenville, George
Gridley, Benjamin
Griffin’s Wharf
Griffiths, Dorcas
recipe for
seizure of
stockpile of
Guy Fawkes Day
Haley (ship)
Hall, Dr. Lyman
Hallowell, Benjamin
Hancock, Ebenezer
Hancock, John (b. 1737, son of Rev. John Hancock)
admiring crowds upon his return from Philadelphia
adopted by uncle Thomas
arrest and prosecution for smuggling
babies named after
background of
benefactor of Boston
business of
captain of the Cadet Corps for Boston
clashes with Gov. Gage
death threats to
and Declaration of Independence
delegate to Congress
dinner parties
early life and position
eludes capture after Battle of Lexington
enemies of
in England as young man to acquire polish and meet trade agents
family life
fearful of the mob
feast celebrating departure of Gov. Bernard
fleet of
gives alarm that British are marching
greets Gov. Gage
at Harvard
help in war supplies
honors to
horrified by violence of mobs
Indian name given to
inherits from Thomas Hancock
leads Congress
leads Provincial Congress
letters from, intercepted and printed in Tory newspapers
the Liberty case
mansion on Beacon Hill
military preparations
move to Boston
opposes Hutchinson
order to be arrested
pamphleting of
in Philadelphia
political career
portrait of
protests Hutchinson
shipping fleet
signature of
signing the Declaration of Independence
speeches of
stays in Boston, uneasily
talk with friends about politics
and Tea Party
threatened with condign punishment
travel to Congress in Philadelphia
volunteers to join Washington’s army
at Warren’s oration
at war’s end
wealth of
wedding with Dolly
woos Dolly
work of, in Congress
works against the Stamp Act
works against Townsend Acts
works on nonimportation
later life
Hancock, Bishop John
Hancock, Rev. John (b. 1702)
death and funeral of
sermons of
Hancock, John George Washington
Hancock, Lydia (d. Hancock)
Hancock, Lydia (m. Hancock). See Henchman, Lydia
Hancock, Mary
Hancock, Thomas
books of
death of
early career
tutelage of John Hancock
Hancock family
Hancock’s Wharf, Boston
Harmony (vessel)
Harnett, Cornelius
Harrison, Benjamin (Virginia delegate)
Harrison (ships)
Harvard college
changes to
entrance exams
ministers trained by
Harvard Law School
Hawke, Mary (m. Hancock)
Hayley (ship)
Henchman, Daniel
Henchman, Lydia (m. Hancock)
death of
Henry, Patrick
High Treason and Misdemeanors
Hill, Amelia
Hill, Anna
Hill, Hannah (m. Quincy)
later life
Hill, Henry
ter life
Hill, Thomas
Hillsborough, Lord
Holyoke, Edward
Hooper, William
housebreaking by mobs
House of Hancock
Howe, Lord Richard
Howe, Lord William
Hutchinson, Anne
Hutchinson, Edward
Hutchinson, Elisha
Hutchinson, Sarah
Hutchinson, Susanna
Hutchinson, Thomas
as chief justice
house of, attacked and ruined
mob threats
packet of letters scandal
speech in court about the Stamp Act
speech on right of Parliament
Hutchinson, Thomas Jr.
Hutchinson, William
Hutchinson family
import duties
Inches, Henderson
Inches, Sally
indentured servants
independence from England
cause of
declaration of
delegates in favor of
idea of
middle and southern colonies support for
necessity for not a goal of some
use of term
wish for, denied
at Continental Congress
Intolerable Acts
Iroquois Confederacy
Jackson, Edward
James II
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffries, John
Jesus Maria and Joseph (a Spanish galleon)
bribes of
salaries of
jurors, refusal to serve as
Justinian, Emperor
Kilroy, Mathew
allegiance to
loyalty to
name not mentioned in Thanksgiving Proclamation
petitions to
King George’s War
Kirk, Thomas
Kittery, Connecticut
Knox, Henry
favoring white men
rule of
Law Commonplace books
Leavitt, Elisha
Lechmere, Richard
Lee, Arthur
Lee, Charles
Lee, Richard Henry
Resolution for Independence
Lee, William
Lee (schooner)
legal maxims
Leonard, Daniel
“Let every man do what is right in his own eyes” (Hancock)
“Letters of a Farmer”
Leverett, John
Lexington, Mass.
“once lost is lost forever”
Liberty (ship)
liberty poles
Liberty Trees
lighthouses, setting fire to
Lillie, Theophilius
Lincoln, Bela
death of
Lincoln, Mass.
Lively (British navy ship)
Livingston, Robert
Lloyd, Dr. James
Lloyd, Rebecca
local produce and manufactures
Locke, John
American exiles in
differences from Boston
Long Room Club
Lovell, James
Lovell, John
Lowell, Elizabeth
Lowell, John
bribes to
departures of
ex-friends of Adams
protected by governor
shunned or threatened
taking refuge in Boston
Loyall Nine
Lydia (ship)
Lynch, Thomas
Mackintosh, Ebenezer
Magna Carta
mail, screening and interception of
mandamus councilors
Marblehead, Mass.
marches of protest
Mare-Mont (Merrymount)
Marlborough, Mass.
Marsh, Anne (m. Quincy)
Marsh, Joseph
Marshall, James
Massachusettensis (anonymous Tory)
chief justice
control of by Parliament
delegation to Continental Congress
General Court
House of Representatives
nonimportation in
resistance to Gage’s control
Supreme (Superior) Court
vote for independence
See also Provincial Congress of Massachusetts
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Massachusetts Gazette
Massachusetts Spy
massacres. See also Boston Massacre
Maverick, Samuel
Mayhew, Jonathan
McKean, Thomas
merchants, trading British goods
prohibition of
Mohawk Indians
patriots dressed as
Molasses Act of 1733
Molineux, William
Montgomery, Hugh
Montgomery, Richard
Morris, Corbyn
Morris, Robert
Morton, John
Morton, Thomas
Mount Wollaston
mansion on
Quincy mansion on
Munroe, William
Murray, John, Earl of Dunmore
Nancy (British brig)
Native Americans. See Indians
Nautilus (British warship)
negroes. See blacks
New England
radicals of
trade of
New England Club (in London)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Lights preachers
Newton, Isaac
New York city
New York colony
Ninety-two, the Glorious
nonviolent protests
North, Frederick Lord
North, the (colonies)
North Carolina
North Meeting Church, Boston
North Parish Church, Braintree
Norton, Elizabeth (m. Quincy)
Old North Church, Boston
Old Ship Church, Hingham
Old South Meeting House, Boston
Olive Branch Petition
Oliver, Andrew
effigy of
Oliver, Peter
impeachment of
“One if by land, two if by sea”
original sin
Otis, James Jr.
Otis, Mercy (m. Warren)
Paine, Robert Treat
Paine, Thomas
Common Sense
paintings. See portrait paintings
Palfrey, William
Acts of
bill on Crown salaries and British constitution
colonists not represented in
control of Massachusetts colony
corruption of
friends of America in
Intolerable Acts passed by
loyalty to
opening of, by king
petitions to
power and right of
repeals the Stamp Act
taxation by
writs of assistance granted by
Passonagessit (hill)
patriotic fervor
Patty (servant)
Penn, Richard
Percy, Lord
Perkins, Daniel
personal responsibility
State House
Phillips, Abigail (m. Quincy)
later life
Phillips, Hannah
Phillips, Mary
Phillips, William
Phillips, William Jr.
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth
Pitcairn, John
Pitt, William
Plowden, Sir Edmund
Polly (British ship)
Poor, Salem
Port, Miss Jane
Porter, Rev. John
portrait paintings
Powder Alarm
Pratt, Benjamin
Pratt, Charles
Preston, Thomas
trial of
Price, Richard
Priestley, Joseph
private buildings, requisition of
private judgment, right of
property, sanctity of
protest marches
Provincial Congress of Massachusetts
public works
Putnam, James
Putnam, Rufus
Quebec City
Quebec province
Quero (ship)
Quincy, Abigail (d. Josiah Quincy Jr.)
death of
Quincy, Abigail (m. Josiah Quincy Jr.). See Phillips, Abigail
Quincy, Abraham
Quincy, Daniel
Quincy, Dorothy (Dolly) (m. Hancock)
style of
wedding of
Quincy, Edmund (Ned)
died in a shipwreck
at Harvard
and religious scandal
Quincy, Edmund I
Quincy, Edmund II
Quincy, Edmund III
death and funeral of
Quincy, Edmund IV
Braintree home
business of
Spanish bounty riches
later life
Quincy, Edmund V
Quincy, Edward
Quincy, Elizabeth (d. Josiah Quincy and Elizabeth Waldron)
Quincy, Elizabeth (m. Sewell)
Quincy, Elizabeth (m. Smith)
Quincy, Esther (m. Sewall)
later life
Quincy, Frances
Quincy, Hannah (d. Samuel Quincy and Hannah Hill)
Quincy, Hannah (m. Lincoln)
later life
Quincy, Henry
Quincy, Colonel John
and religious scandal
Quincy, Josiah
business of
journal of
new house of
political writings of
and religious scandal
Spanish bounty riches
later life
Quincy, Josiah III
later life
Quincy, Josiah Jr.
body of
charm of
courtroom manner
death of
in England to plead colonists’ cause
last will and testament
legal practice
on list of men to be apprehended
return to America
trip to the South
wedding of
writings of
Quincy, Judith
Quincy, Katy
Quincy, Nancy
Quincy, Norton
Quincy, Quincy, and Jackson (company)