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His Forgotten Love (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 4)

Page 10

by Donalyn Maurer

  Good Lord!

  Kore has on a red, long-sleeved lace dress that comes up a little above mid-thigh. Jenny is wearing a silver, glittery spandex number that comes up even higher than Kore’s and damn that girl's body has it going on! Jaycee has on a super short black number that is oversized at the top and hanging off one shoulder but once it hits her waist, it hugs her curves and boy, does that woman have a butt on her. The dress stops shy of her mid-thigh. Abigail is wearing the sexiest of us all. Her dress is a deep blue and it barely covers her lady bits. It has fringes along the bottom hem and it’s sleeveless. She looks amazing.

  Oh man. Nick is going to flip.

  Mine, it’s the most conservative. Its white ivory lace with beading coming up mid-thigh and it’s sleeveless like Abigail’s dress.

  “Let’s hit the shoe department then Victoria's Secret. We need to get going or we’re going to have the bride late to her own wedding.” Abigail warns.

  At the shoe department after a short argument with Abigail on how high I can safely wear heels without killing myself and anyone within five feet radius of me, we agree on three and a half inch heels. I admit they’re beautiful and sexy and I can’t wait to attempt to wear them. They have multiple straps going all the way up my ankle and they shine like diamonds.

  We head back through the mall and after some quick measurements by the clerk; I end up buying a couple of sexy bras and panties. One set in black and the other ivory, only this bra is strapless. I grab a sexy, white corset with garter, and thigh high hose with matching solid lace cheeky panties for our first night together. But as I’m walking toward the counter I notice a sweet and sexy black baby doll flyaway nightie on a mannequin. It’s daring but I think about Jesse and it driving him crazy so I pick out my size and matching sheer black cheeky panties. I take all my things to the checkout, and in a rush we grab our bags and race back to our cars.

  Jaycee makes a call to the men to see what they’re doing. She informs us they’re at Jesse’s house getting ready. We decide to head to my parent's home in New Braunfels. The plan is to all meet at the courthouse at three o’clock. I have butterflies in my tummy and a huge smile on my face. Every little bit I remind myself how crazy all this is but shake it off. I’m so happy and I trust Jesse. I can’t believe after the way I lived the last two years this is happening.

  Jaycee pulls into the driveway of my parent's home and parks behind my mom. Their home is a beautiful old house in the historical part of New Braunfels. My mind floods with memories, happy and sad. My stomach shivers from being back here. It’s a two-story gray and white traditional wood home with huge front porch and old fashioned turret on one side of the upstairs. That turret was Cody’s room. Him being the oldest and it being the largest, he got that one. My room sat between his and Patrick’s that was at the other end of the upstairs.

  My parents closed in part of a huge back patio downstairs and made their own bedroom with ensuite. Their room is so beautiful. It has a lovely sitting area and my dad went all out for their bathroom. The coolest part was the gigantic mirror that ran along the side wall. It has a beautiful wood frame and ran almost to the top near the ceiling.

  We exit our cars and it’s then I realize there’s no American flag flying out front and my mood turns sad. I stop and stare at the empty flagpole. There are also no Christmas lights or any holiday decorations in the yard. Not even a Christmas wreath hanging on the door. I slowly make my way up the path to the door and after walking inside the home I ran from two years ago, my heart saddens even more. There’s no Christmas tree or decorations inside either. All my dad’s military plaques, awards and medals are missing from the walls. The last pictures hanging of Cody and I are the same ones that were hanging before his death and before I ran away. I see a few candid shots of Patrick and Jenny but no updated ones of my parents either.

  I turn around and my mom is observing me with sad eyes. I pull her into a hug and again apologize.

  “I should have warned you. I’m sorry. Your room is exactly the same too. So is Cody’s. Nothing has changed.” I barely comprehend her words as I look around.

  In a daze, I make my way upstairs and down the hall to my room. I stand in front of my door before slowing reaching down and turning the knob. When it opens, emotions flood me as I enter. She’s wasn’t exaggerating. Nothing has changed. I make my way through the room and to my corkboard hanging on the wall. I run my finger across the pictures I have pinned. Photos of Patrick and Cody are pinned everywhere and a few of me and some high school friends I haven’t talked to in years. There’s also a few of my dad and I and my mom with all of us. I run my fingers across one of Cody and me playing and singing with huge smiles on our face. A sad laugh bursts out of my mouth at the memory. Our parents are cracking up as we pretend to be them and sing, You’re The Reason Our Kids Are Ugly.

  “I couldn’t get that song out of my head for days.” A soft chuckle rumbles behind me. I turn and my dad's standing there, his smile holds a touch of sadness like mine.

  “Hey, Dad, what are you doing here?” I ask.

  “I was informed by Grandma Lila I’m to arrive with you.” He smiles and cups my face.

  “I’m glad.” I turn into his palm. “I guess I should go start getting ready.” I step forward and wrap my arms around him, holding on for just a little while longer.

  “Allie! It’s time to get ready.” Mom calls. Dad and I both glance towards the stairs.

  “Coming.” I call back down and smile at my dad.

  We both start towards the stairs but I pause as we pass Cody’s door. “Go ahead and look around if you want. I just can’t. I haven’t walked in there since the day he passed.” My dad informs me, before starting down the hall.

  “Dad, I need you to be with me.” I whisper.

  “Sweetheart.” he responds likes he’s in pain.

  “Please?” I reply in the same pain.

  He doesn’t say anything but walks back to me. I reach for the knob, slowly turn it and push open the door. My dad and I both stand in the threshold, then take a step inside. Hanging above Cody’s bed is the American Flag and all around his room are things pertaining to the military. On his nightstand is a framed photo of my dad, Patrick and him all in their formal dress at the Army Ball. One year, Dad took us all as his guests. Mom took the picture while I stood next to her and watched them pose. I remember being so proud of them. Those handsome strong men, they were my Dad and brothers. My dad’s chest puffed out with pride as he stood next to his sons. My eyes scan the room and my heart stops when I see Cody’s guitar leaning against the wall. Hesitantly, I walk over and run my fingers along the strings as memories of Cody playing rush through me and I hiccup a breath. It’s still in tune even after all this time. I pick it up and hear a something moving inside. I turn it upside down and look through the sound hole in confusion. A few folded up pieces of paper fall forward and rest against the strings. I glance at my dad and his eyebrows are bunched in confusion like mine. He takes the guitar from me and shakes it until the papers are within reach. One by one, I pull out four folded pieces of paper. As I do, I set them down on the nightstand. Dad sets the guitar back down and we both look at the folded papers. One is marked Mom, another Dad, and then one is for Patrick and I. We pick up the ones that are ours but I don’t open mine. I keep my eyes on my dad until he nods. I unfold my paper start to read the words.

  My precious baby sister,

  I need you to know how much I love you, Allie. You have been the best sister a brother could ever ask for. I know I’ve let you down and I’ll never be able to show you how sorry I am for the choice I’ve made and knowing it’ll hurt you. I need you to know you never let me down. I saw you watching at me. I felt you reaching out to me and most of all, I felt your love. Never doubt for a second that I didn’t know you were trying to help me. I knew. I always knew.

  I really tried, but I can’t get past what is inside my head. Never doubt that my heart stayed true to our family. It’s my head and
mind that are betraying me and I’m just so tired, Allie.

  Please, take care of Mom and Dad for me. I know Dad’s going to blame himself most of all. If anything, his fierce love for me kept me going longer than I ever thought possible. He is the best man I know. Tell him I love him. Our dad. My hero. I love him so much. I respect him as a Sergeant Major and love him as my dad. I couldn’t have been blessed with more amazing parents and brother and sister. Help him and Mom and I hope they help you.

  You’ll always have my love and I’ll be watching over you. I hope you follow through with our dream of opening a bar and dance hall. Maybe, if God lets me, I’ll be there with you sometimes.

  I’ve left something for you with Mom and Dad to help you start that dream. They have my instructions to give it to you after you graduate from college.

  I’m sorry. I hope you will forgive me.

  Remember, I’m always with you and don’t forget my love.

  Your big brother~


  My dad is sitting on the edge of Cody’s bed with tears streaming down his face, shaking. Tears, more than mine, are covering his face. I sit next to him and he hands me his letter and I hand him mine. He stands and walks over to Cody’s window and stares into the distance before reading mine. I lower my head and slowly read my Dad’s.

  Hey Dad,

  I’m writing your letter last because I have so much to say and I know no matter how much I write; I still won’t be able to tell you all that I want you to know.

  Dad, I love you. You have been the best father. I remember growing up and always being in awe of you. Your devotion. Your kindness. Your humor. Your laugh. Your love for us and your love for Mom. I wanted to be just like you and I hope for a few moments in my life, I was.

  I know you wanted me to go to college and have a career that kept me out of harm’s way but I knew since I was four years old and watched you dress in your uniform each morning I wanted to be just like you. Nothing else could have made me happier or prouder than following in your footsteps. Like most boys, I wanted to be just like my dad, but you, you are more than most dads. You are special.

  I know you’re going to blame yourself. I know you’re going to blame the military, our country and the enemy. You’ll probably blame the doctors, too. You’ll blame everyone but the one person you should. Me.

  I don’t blame our country. It was a fucking honor to serve the fucking awesome USA— HOOAH! A fucking honor, Dad. I don’t even blame the enemy. We, both sides, we were doing what we thought we were supposed to be doing. I saw humanity, fear, regret and the internal battle in their eyes. The same I saw in mine when I looked in the mirror and the same I saw in my brothers and sisters. This is what I struggled with most and then I kept losing my brothers. Death, everywhere death. I blame war, Dad. War!!

  Dad, if you would, when you fly the flag in our yard everyday, think of me. I have a foot locker in the attic. It holds a few of my medals, awards and plaques. I’d be honored if you could find a place for them along the walls with yours. But if you feel shame for my choice, I understand you not wanting to display them.

  Tell Mom that every time I was deployed and would lie down to sleep, I could hear the prayers she was sending up for me. I could actually hear her sweet voice asking God to keep me safe. Please tell Mom I prayed too. I always prayed like she taught me.

  I begged God for peace, Dad. I just want my mind to have some rest.

  Know whether I was home or deployed or wherever I am now I will love you always. Even if I don’t make it to Heaven, the devil himself could never stop me from loving you.

  Please, don’t forget me~


  When I hear commotion by the door I look over and see Jaycee and Abigail standing there. Jaycee makes her way to me and kneels down in front of me.

  “Are you okay, Allie?” She tries wiping my tears away but there’s too many. Abigail appears with some tissue and kneels next to Jaycee.

  Before I know it, the room is full. Everyone, Jesse’s family, my mom and Jenny are looking at between us with worry.

  Mom walks over to my dad and touches his arm. “Jackson?” Her voice is full of fear. "What’s wrong?”

  He leans down and kisses her, before grabbing her letter from the nightstand and handing it to her. “Read this. I have something to do.” He looks at me. “Allie, get ready. It’s almost time.” He grabs Patrick’s letter and tucks it in his pocket. “We’ll take it to him.” I nod and he starts for my bedroom door.

  “Where are you going, Jackson?” Mom asks.

  “I’ll be right back. Get ready.” He says softly before leaving. A few seconds later, I hear his hurried steps on the stairs.

  Mom begins reading her letter and in seconds is in tears.

  “He heard me praying for him.” she whispers. I nod. She clutches the letter to her chest and looks back out the window. Her hands fly to mouth and she gasps. I walk over and look out the window and down to the front yard to see what’s going on.

  There, my dad stands raising the American Flag up the flagpole. After he has it secured, he stands for a few moments watching it blow in the wind. He says something then walks back in the house. I didn’t need to hear him to know what he said. He promised Cody he’ll never forget him.

  My Mom takes my hand and pulls me close to her. “You okay?” I nod.

  “Um—” I look around at Jesse's family. “Maybe we should wait for another day. My parents—” I’m interrupted when my dad comes back.

  “I’ve laid out all your bags in the master bedroom. You all have just over an hour to get ready before we have to leave.”

  “Okay, then. Let’s go.” Mom takes my hand and we all make our way to their bedroom.

  Something compels me to share my letter with Jesse’s family. I think it’s because I know they’re worried, but also because they’re now family or will be in an hour. Jaycee reads it aloud but stops because she gets too emotional and hands it to Abigail. Eventually everyone reads a part because they can’t get past the emotion in Cody’s words. Hugs are exchanged and I take the letter and tuck it away in my purse.

  After we dress, we stand around the mirror in my parent’s room. I’m staring at everyone else in their beautiful dresses, like Callie’s and mine, they’re all shades of ivory or tans, only mine is long.

  I decided on light makeup with a frosty lips gloss. Abigail pulls my hair up into a loose bun with a few tendrils hanging loose. My mom hands me some ivory pearl teardrop earrings and Paige helps me put them in.

  “You all look so beautiful.” I sigh and smile. Callie comes and stands in front of me and tilts her head back and looks at me.

  “You look like an angel.” She reaches out and touches my dress, feeling the soft lace. “Thank you, Callie. So do you.” I lean down and kiss her head then turn to the others. “Um, don’t you think we’re a bit much for a courthouse wedding?” Nerves and doubt begin to set in.

  I’m starting to feel like I’m wearing a cocktail dress to a barbeque.

  “It’s your wedding and you can do whatever you want. Dress up or show up in cutoff shorts. There are no rules.” Paige responds.

  Dad pops his head in the door. “Everyone ready?”

  “Yes, we’re ready. Just waiting on one more thing but let’s make our way out. Grab what you need. It should be here by the time we get to the cars.” Savannah says.

  I have no idea what she’s talking about, but I grab my things and we all make our way outside to the cars.

  I walk outside and my dad is leaning against his truck in one of his suits. He looks so handsome, he’s so big that all his suits have to be tailor made. He’s wearing a dark brown, almost black, perfectly fitted suit with an ivory shirt and tan tie. He sees my mom, his eyes widen and he stands up and walks over to her smiling. She looks just as beautiful in her long sleeved ivory sheath dress that’s clinging to her curves with a thin gold belt around her waist. She’s wearing open toed leopard print pumps and carrying a gold wrap ac
ross her arm. She stops when her heel catches on something causing her to stumble and her shoe comes off. She hops on one leg to the patio’s banister and leans against it.

  Reaching down, she grabs her shoe and positions it to slip it back on but stops when Dad walks over to her. He takes the shoe and kneels down in front of her. She puts her hands on his shoulders to keep steady while he checks the heel then slips it back on her foot. Her eyes haven’t left him once even as he stands up. She reaches one arm behind his neck and pulls him down for a kiss. He moves in closer, wraps his arms around her waist, lifts her off the ground and deepens the kiss. I guess I'm supposed to be grossed out because my parents are making out in front of all of us, but instead I feel my heart warm and grow. Over the last twenty-four hours, since I met Jesse, my heart is finally coming alive again. Everyone is watching them and smiling. I’m about to say something about having to head out, but I don’t need to because I hear a high pitched horn honk and then a silver crossfire whips around the corner and into our driveway.

  “Oh, thank God.” Bradley calls out as he hops out of the car. He rushes to the tiny trunk while talking loudly. “Part of me is glad you're still here and part of me is wondering why the hell you haven’t left yet. Let’s go, ladies.” He hurries towards us holding several bouquets and a basket. “And sir.” He gestures to my dad. “Connor, hurry up. Honey bee, take care of the parents. I’ll get the rest.” Bradley hands Callie a basket of flower petals. “Here, sweetheart.” Callie’s smiles up at Bradley, takes the basket, then follows him as he hands everyone bouquets.

  “Good God, Bradley, honey bee?” Connor mumbles while shaking his head. He hands my mom, and Violet, along with Grandma Lila a corsage before pinning a boutonniere to my dad's lapel.


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