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His Forgotten Love (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 4)

Page 18

by Donalyn Maurer

  “He’s the only one so far.” I tell them and point to Garrett.

  I watch a sneaky grin form on Jaycee face as she reaches into her purse and pulls out a measuring tape. “Bella, here.” She hands Bella the measuring tape. “You get Garrett’s measurements and then I’ll get Allie’s.” Briefly I wonder why she wants mine when she already has my measurements but then it clicks and I down the same sneaky grin.

  Bella’s eyes bug out at Jaycee and she opens her mouth to say something but Jaycee reaches over to me and yanks me by the hand. “And you said you needed to talk to me about something too, right?”

  “I do?”

  “You do.” she utters under her breath.

  “Oh yeah. I wanted to ask you about this thing I have.” I look around. “It’s behind the bar. Come on.”

  Once we’re behind the bar we pretend to be looking at the water gun. I take it off its hook and I’m pointing to the different buttons while explaining one is for soda, one is for water, but my voice trails off as Bella walks up to Garrett and starts talking to him. He grins shyly at her and then lifts his arms. Bella takes a deep breath and then leans into Garrett and wraps the measuring tape around his chest. She slowly pulls back, tightens the slack from the tape and reads the number then nods. She then repeats the process around his waist only when she leans into Garrett this time, he leans forward into her and smells her hair. Bella freezes and then slowly pulls back and looks up at him.

  He says something and I’m pretty sure it’s close to, “Gee your hair smells terrific. Will you have my babies?” Which I think is an awesome idea and for the record, I thought of it first. Bella smiles and blushes then looks at the measuring tape.

  “Allie.” Jaycee hisses.

  “What?” I hiss back. Then I feel it. I’m spraying water all over our feet. “Shoot! Sorry.” Both Jaycee and I start cracking up.

  “Alright. We better go. We’ll get this one measurement to your mom and get the rest as they come in.” Jaycee says to Bella as she makes her way around the bar all the while shaking the water from her foot and laughing.

  “Okay, yeah. It was nice to see you again, Allie.” Bella says then looks over at Garrett. “It was nice to meet you. I hope I’ll see you around.”

  “I’ll be here,” Garrett replies and smiles.

  Jaycee grabs her purse and walks over to Bella and takes the measuring tape from her and sticks it back in purse. She then pulls out a paper and pen and looks at Bella. “What are his measurements?” she asks.

  Bella groans and walks over to the door, pushes it open but before she walks out I hear her say “I have no idea,” and Jaycee starts laughing.

  After Jaycee and Bella leave Holloway’s, Garrett hung for a long time talking to me while helping me straighten up. I give him a tour and we discuss when he’s available to work which turns out to be anytime. Around dinner time I give Garrett my parents’ address and send him on his way but not before suggesting he stop and have a huge meal first which made him laugh. Garrett being here, it feels right.

  I lock up, get in my car and began the short drive home I love this house that Jesse and are quickly making our home. One of favorite things is the zebra chairs and fuzzy dice footstools in our bedroom. I know I teased Jesse about them but once I found out Callie picked them; I fell in love with them just like I did with her.

  During the drive Mom called and asked if it was okay that she set Garrett up in my old room which of course is fine. Dad and she have turned Patrick’s room into an office/gym and Cody’s room, well, they’re not ready to share that just yet and I don’t blame them. I’m glad they’re not keeping it as some type of shrine though. Even so I’m not sure I’d be okay with someone staying in there either. Not yet anyway.

  Then Jesse called and told me he may have to stay late for work. He explained he’s working on a program for our wounded warriors and he’s finally getting to introduce it and ask for funding from Washington DC. He, along with others is on a panel that is deemed experts and have been developing different programs and going through trials to see if they are effective. They’re going to be taking a conference call and report their progress and ask for funding.

  My husband, working to make a difference.

  I pull up, hit the garage door opener and pull in. As the door comes down I exit the car and look around taking the empty third space. I asked Jesse about it and he shared he does plan to buy a boat eventually to fill the space. He’s shared stories of his childhood when his family would go to Marble Falls for the summer and stay in their cabin. He and his brothers love skiing. Hilarious stories of Jaycees’ wipe outs had me doubled over in laughter. Warm summer nights his grandpa would pile everyone in the truck and drive into town and get ice cream from Dairy Queen. He misses those times and we’ve planned to drive up and have lunch at the Blue Bonnet Cafe then driving down to the shore soon. The cabin is still there but other than maintaining the property, no one has been up since their Grandpa’s passing but he wants to take me by to see it.

  I walk into my beautiful home, grab a bottle of water from the fridge and walk out the back door. Jesse and I bought some outdoor Texas themed furniture not long ago and I love it. Its rot iron and super cool. The weather has been humid lately so I’ve been living in shorts, tank tops and flip flops. After burning my legs against one of the chairs compliments of the scorching Texas sun beaming down on them, I added black and silver cushions to the chairs. The colors are a shout out to my favorite team of anything ever, the San Antonio Spurs. When football season starts, I’ll switch the cushions to a navy and silver for the Dallas Cowboys. I lay back, kick off my flip flops and close my eyes as I push myself back and forth with my toes. The pool is shining its deep blue and with the sound of the water cascading from the tiny waterfall over the small grotto I fall asleep.

  I stir to soft lips pressing against mine and I smile. I know these lips and I love them so I raise my arms and wrap them around Jesse’s neck and pull him closer and deepen the kiss. His tongue invades my mouth with a hunger and I whimper. I gently nip his bottom lip; he groans, lifts me from the chair and heads back in the house. We only break our kiss when he leans down so I can open the door. Jesse kicks the door closed with his combat booted foot and turns down the hallway leading to our bedroom. We kiss again, bumping into walls as he takes us to the bed. Jesse tosses me on the bed surprising me and a tiny yelp flies free. I bounce a couple of times before I settle giggling.

  “How was your day, Jesse?” I watch him unbutton his ACU blouse, pull it off and toss it one of the zebra chairs.

  Oh boy. He’s on a mission.

  “Got the funding for my project.” He shares with a huge smirk.

  “Oh, my God, Jesse, that’s awesome.” I jump up; kneel on the bed and knee walk over to him. “I’m so happy for you.” I pull his undershirt off then go for his belt. I lean in; kiss his chest while pulling it from its loops. “I’m so proud of you.” I whisper between my kisses.

  “Thanks, baby.” His reply is bashful and sweet. He pulls my shirt over my head then reached to unfasten the clasp on my bra. I try to hold back my laugh because this bra has front clasp and Jesse hasn’t figured this out yet. I’m kissing, licking a biting Jesse’s neck distracting him as his hand traveling across my back becomes frantic.

  “What the fuck?” he growls. I start laughing, reach up and undo the front hook. I slide the straps down my arms and let it fall down onto the bed. “Fuck yeah.” He nods his approval as his mouth travels down to kiss my breasts. “Next time, give me a heads up though, okay? Wasted time. Could have been doing this sooner.” He sucks my nipple hard into his warm wet mouth and gently bites down causing me to cry out.

  “Kay.” Is all I get out as his mouth travels to my other breasts and begins tormenting that nipple. “Jesse.” I whisper his name but it’s a plea.

  “Got you, baby. I always got you.” He lays me back, unbuttons my shorts, pulls them and my panties down my legs and drops to the floor.

sp; I completely naked looking at my husband who is still half dressed. He raises my legs and rests my feet against his chest running his hands up and down. My knees bend and widen when he comes forward. “Baby, you’re so wet,” He tells me something I already know as he looks down at me. He runs his fingers up and down me with one hand while the other works at undoing the buttons on his pants. When he pushes his pants down and releases himself, I squirm.

  He’s so beautiful.

  I guess there’s no time for Jesse to completely undress because he yanks me to the side of the bed positions himself at my entrance and it one long thrust he’s in me.

  God, I love when he does that. Now I’m complete.

  “Baby, we’re still not using protection.” He thrusts in me hard again. “You know sooner or later, it’s going to happen.” He thrusts into me hard again. “Boy or girl?”

  “Both.” I pull him down on top of me then wrap him up in my arms and legs. “Three or four of each.” I murmur softly against his ear and his hips start thrusting in me faster. “How many do you want, Jesse?”

  “As many as you want to give me.” He brings his lips to mine. “One or fifty,” He admits through our kisses. He stills on top of me, leans up on his elbows and cups my face in his palms. “Whatever my beautiful wife wants and can give me, I’ll take. I can’t wait to see what our love will make. I know they’ll be beautiful and amazing, just like you.”

  Jesse’s words get me all choked up but also makes me want him more. I start moving my hips. With my face between his palms he begins moving again. His lips travel down my cheek, and then he turns my face and kisses near my lips and continues trailing kisses from my nose to my forehead before coming back to my lips. I want more but Jesse keeps his slow rhythm and my orgasm hits out of the blue. “Jesse.” I whimper as he holds my face between his palms.

  “Find it again.” He orders me softly.

  “Jesse.” I moan and dig my nails in his back. I need him to move faster but at the same time I keep in locked in my embrace so he can’t. When I find it again, he doesn’t hold back any longer he groans and his hands tighten on my face all the while we never break eye contact as we fly over the edge together.

  He drops down on top of me and after we both calm our breathing I release Jesse and he lifts back up on his elbows.

  “Want to go for a swim?”

  December was like a warm autumn but January and February here in southwest Texas, the weather brought in cold fronts, one after another. It was too cold to use the pool until last week and since then both Jesse and I have been spending time in there. We go skinny dip while making out and even made love behind the small waterfall in the grotto a couple of times but mostly we just float around and share what happened during our day.

  I nod and after a quick trip to the restroom to clean up, I grab two large bath towels and head back to the bedroom. Jesse has changed from his uniform to a pair of basketball shorts. I walk over and grab his undershirt off the floor and slip it over my head before we make our way outside. I drop the towels on one of the chairs, pull off the shirt and start down the steps of the pool. It’s perfectly warm so I submerge myself up to my shoulders and wait for Jesse. He pushes down his shorts and walks down the steps into the water. He makes his way to me and wraps me in his arms. “Tell me about your day?”

  I spend the next little while telling Jesse about my dad and me singing, that I think I want to keep the chicken wire which makes him laugh. He then goes on to explain that it was his brother's and cousin’s way of insinuating that if he takes the stage to sing, the crowd will throw food and bottles at him. I hadn’t realized that and start laughing. Then I go on and tell him about Garrett. When I get to the part about Garrett blaming himself for Cody and Michael's death and how I’m worried, Jesse promises to talk to him which makes me feel better. Then I go on to tell him about what happened with Bella and Garrett and how Jaycee and I are now referring to them as Gerrbella, he starts laughing. He can laugh but I have big plans for them.

  Now I want to know about his day. Jesse rarely shares his success, problems or talents with anyone. He’s more comfortable praising or helping others. Just like with his singing, he’s modest about it. He has a beautiful voice but only sings around me. The only thing he’s ever really flaunted is his smirk and boy am I glad about that.

  “Now, husband, tell me about your day.” He shrugs his shoulders.

  “It’s no big deal.” He responds dismissively.

  “Um, yes it is. From the moment you walked in you’ve been dying to tell someone.” I laugh and accuse.

  Jesse laughs then turns a little red in embarrassment before he says. “No, I wasn’t. I was dying to tell you.”

  My heart and stomach do a flip. “Then tell me. What program did you get approved,” I whisper, touched that he’s been wanting to share what happened with me.

  He looks down a little shy but mostly it’s because he’s humble. He looks back up and takes a breath. “Today I asked a committee for thirty-five million dollars.” My eyes bug out and Jesse graces me with a small smile and soft chuckle.

  “Thirty-five million, Jesse?”

  “Yes, although they only approved a little more than half of what I asked for but I’ll make it work.”

  "What’s your program?” I slide my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He cups me on my behind and takes me further into the deep end.

  “Our veterans come home with injuries and scars. Some are injured on their bodies, some in their minds but some suffer with both. Because of location, injury or diagnosis, they don’t, won’t or can’t drive. They have problems getting from point A to point B because they don’t have transportation. This stops them from making any progress. They literally can’t get out of the starting gate to get on with their lives and move forward. The program I submitted will give a monthly transportation allotment to those they can’t do it themselves. They can use it for a cab, the train or bus, gas for a buddy. Whatever they need. They can get to their doctor’s appointments or school, training or…” Jesse voice trails off as I stare at him. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to go on and on.” he apologizes and I finally blink.

  My husband is amazing.

  I never considered our veterans having to deal with this problem. “Jesse, that’s amazing. You’re wonderful. Thank you for doing that for them.” I praise.

  “It’s no big deal.” he mutters and looks away.

  “Jesse, it’s a huge deal.” I pull his face back up so I can see his eyes. “They may never know who you are or what you did for them, but I do. For all of them, thank you.”

  Jesse drops his head again and squeezes me tight.

  “Thank you, Allie. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Jesse.”

  Friday Holloway’s will open for business to make sure everything’s running smooth before the grand opening which is soon. I’ve spent the day with my mom and Jesse’s aunts, grandma and stepmom interviewing people for the remaining waitress, waiter and bartender positions. We’ve just finished the last two interviews which ended in me hiring Bella and Chief’s great-granddaughter, Macie.

  Macie is a nurse that does home visits mostly in rural areas around here during the week. Before Chief closed down she worked weekends helping him out here. She’s beautiful with long wavy chestnut hair and emerald green eyes. When I first saw her I was struck silent by her beauty. She’s got a banging body to go with her amazing face. I know she’s going to look great in the Holloway’s t-shirts and betting she gets some seriously large tips.

  Bella was hired before she applied. I already had a plan to get her to come in and help anyway. Garrett and Bella or as Jaycee and I refer to them, GarrBella, have been spending a lot of time together. Jaycee and I set them up one afternoon and it was a huge success. Since then they’re almost always together.

  Bella, Garrett and Macie are busy getting the bar set up. Every time I glance over GarrBella are sneaking looks at one another. My eyes glance over at Ma
cie and she’s watching them too. She catches my eyes, winks and returns to unloading the bottles. Garrett is stocking the glasses with the Holloway’s logo on the shelf behind the bar while Macie unloads the liquor bottles that will line the shelves.

  Jesse and Connor made a glass and wooden case with the Holloway’s logo branded on the side for t-shirts and glasses that Jaycee talked me into selling. Jesse added a side compartment to the case that’s all glass and we placed Cody’s guitar on display in there. The case sits at front entrance with the memory wall and those will be the first thing people will see when they enter. The wall that now holds more photos. Some of Jesse and me, our families and alongside those are some of Chief, his family and the locals. I’ve invited them all to hang pictures. The wall now sits almost fully covered and we haven’t even officially opened. I walk over; scan all the photos and my heart warms.

  My thoughts are broken when Milton and Wilbur, Chief’s friends that I hired as cooks walk into the room arguing. I turn around and smile as they walk up to me.

  Milton is tall, thin and what little hair he has, is white. Wilbur is exactly the opposite. He’s short, round and has a full head of crazy salt and pepper hair. Both men are Vietnam Veterans and have been best friends since before they were drafted into service. They grew up across the street from each other and ended up side by side in the jungle. They’ve shared stories about their time together deep in the jungle. They spin from the dreads of war norm to a hilarious story that has everyone cracking up. Apparently these are also the two that were constantly breaking into Chief’s store room. I giggle when Milton pushes Wilbur at me but instead Milton goes back a few steps.

  “Damn, Wilbur, you need to work on that problem of yours.” Milton complains and points at Wilbur’s stomach.


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