His Forgotten Love (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 4)

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His Forgotten Love (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 4) Page 19

by Donalyn Maurer

  “This is all muscle.” Wilbur defends. Milton throws his head back laughing and Wilbur narrows his eyes on him. “Hey, it’s not like those spaghetti arms of yours.” Wilbur tosses back now laughing.

  “Are you kidding? These big guns catch all the pretty gal’s eyes.” Milton steps away from us and flexes.

  “Oh yeah, sure. You’re the next Mr. Universe.” Wilbur says sarcastically.

  “Oh yeah? Let’s ask one of the pretty ladies around here.” Milton looks around. “Bella, will ya come here for a second, sweetheart?”

  Bella is at the bar talking with Macie and Garrett but slides off the stool when Milton calls her. She smiles as she makes her way over stopping next to me.

  “Yes, sir?” Bella asks.

  “Alright, sweetheart, be honest now, is this or is this not impressive.”

  Milton shocks us all when he goes into a side chest body builder pose. His face is turning red and I’m worried he’s about to pass out from lack of oxygen. I look over at Bella and her eyes are bugging out and she is jaw dropped.

  I turn sideways and giggle loudly when Wilbur slaps Milton on the back and he releases his breath. The red slowly fades from his face and he shakes his head. Wilbur is looking at him like he’s lost his mine while Milton slowly enjoys the oxygen going back into his brain.

  Milton doesn’t give up though. He coughs and looks at Bella awaiting her answer. She stumbles for an answer and another giggle escapes me at her loss of speech. She hears me, turns and narrows her eyes on me but turns back when Milton smiles and prompts again. “Well?”

  Garrett walks up and stands next to Bella while Macie stands next to the bar softly laughing.

  “Gentlemen, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t tempt or flirt with my Bella.” Garrett feigns irritation while chastising them.


  He grabs Bella’s hand, pulls her back to the bar and helps her back onto the barstool. Garrett leans in, gives her a peck on the lips then turns back giving Milton a look that promises retribution if he messes with his woman again.

  His Bella.

  Milton throws his hands up and defense. “Sorry, son. Didn’t know she was taken. I’ll watch myself. But you make sure you watch her too. Now that she’s had a taste, it’s really out of my doing if she comes back for more.” Milton warns.

  A giggle escapes Macie’s lips while Bella gasps.

  Garrett looks back at her and winks before turning back to Milton. “I’ll watch her. Don’t you worry.” he promises.

  Bella is still sitting in shock blinking like an owl. My mom walks over to her and starts talking to her while grinning.

  “Okay, thank God that’s over. You’ve scarred that poor girl for life, Milton.” Wilbur sighs and shakes his head.

  “Just ask her what we came to ask her already.” Milton gestures to me but looks at Wilbur.

  I try to wipe the smile off my face as I raise my eyebrows and tuck my hands in my back pocket and ask. “Ask me what?”

  “How come everyone else got a Holloway’s shirt but the two of us?” Milton blurts out and I see his feelings are genuinely hurt.

  I don’t want to tell them it’s because of their age and possibly insult them even more though I meant it as respect. I’m at a loss for words. I’m about to just admit why when Bella hops back off the barstool and walks over. My mom also walks over carrying to two t-shirts. She hands them each one and smiles and so do they but it’s Bella that really saves the day.

  “I’m sorry, Milton and Wilbur, Allie ordered you both these super cool monogrammed Holloway’s aprons and caps but we haven’t completed the order. I’ll make sure you both have yours before the grand opening. I’m going to call my mom and dad right now and see what the holdup is, but use these in the meantime.” She gestures to the shirts my mom handed them then pulls her phone from her pocket, hits a few buttons before putting the phone to her ear and walking back to bar while taking.

  Sweet Bella, she’s not checking on the order, she's placing the order. I’ll make sure to thank her. Milton and Wilbur like Bella’s explanation and start back to the kitchen.

  As they go Milton informs Wilbur, “Once upon a time, this body was considered a deadly and lethal weapon. I had a license to kill.” Wilbur breaks down in laughter. “What, you don’t believe me?” Milton asks, insulted.

  “Oh, I believe you. I’ve smelled your farts and they are both deadly and lethal.” Milton stands stunned at his insult. He finally blinks then lets out a loud snort and they both break down laughing along with all of us in the main area.

  We all go back to what we were doing but I see Bella walk over and ask Macie something then head over to the table holding all the different types of Holloway’s shirts. She grabs Macie the ones she’s going to need and then walks over and hands them to her. Macie unfolds them and smiles bright when she sees them. That’s makes my heart feel so good. To know Chief’s great granddaughter approves lets me breathe a little easier.

  Everyone is still laughing when the front door opens. I turn around to see who it is and since the sun is setting I don’t have to worry about being blinded by the light. I walk over to the guy and four friends he’s walking in with. “Can I help you?”

  “Nope. Her, that bitch right there is who can help me.” The first guy mutters loudly. I hear him clear as day and gasp. He shoves past me with his buddies right behind him and they all head for Bella.

  Bella is off the bar stool and shaking like a leaf. She’s slowly sliding along the bar backing away. A glass crashes to the ground and Garrett flies over the top of the bar. He stands protectively in front of Bella as Macie walks out from behind the bar holding a bat.

  Where did that come from?

  “Bella, what did I tell you?” the guy demands ignoring Garrett.

  “Go away, Tad.” Her voice is trembling with fear and she starts pulling Garrett backwards with her around the bar.

  Macie is standing back with the bat hanging down along her side with it out of view. “Answer my question, Bella. What did I tell you?” he demands again. He takes a deep breath and releases it slowly while slipping his hands in the front pockets of his blue jeans. His pose looks relaxed but he’s anything but. He’s threatening and he’s getting ready to strike. His friends slowly separate behind him, two heading towards Macie. They’re seem to be waiting for any signal this Tad gives them. I look around and Jaycee and my mom are texting on their phones.

  “You have five seconds to get the fuck out of here!” Garrett growls and steps up to Tad, towering over him. Now there’s only inches separating them. Tad drops his head, laughs as he slowly pulls his hands from his pockets.

  “Bella? Another victim of yours? You spreading your legs wide for this guy? Going to accuse him of trying to rape you too? Going to lead him on then when he tries to give it to you, you going to be the fucking whore and tease you are, back down then play the victim?” He’s speaking to Bella, but his eyes are on Garrett.

  Garrett doesn’t blink when he strikes out and punches Tad in the throat and face. The rings on Garrett’s fingers do serious damage. Tad flies back and falls. Before he even hits the ground Garrett is on him punching him in the face over and over. Tad’s friends move in quick and pull Garrett off and then they attack him.

  The two guys covering Macie are surprised by Garrett taking Tad down. They begin to rush forward to jump on Garrett too, but Macie makes her move. She swings striking one of them in the knee and he falls to the floor moaning. Then she moves on the next guy, knocking him in the lower back and down he goes too.

  Tad struggles back to his feet with a bloody face and holding his throat. Bella runs to help Garrett screaming and begging them to stop but Tad turns on Bella and punches her in the face knocking her out cold. Garrett roars and the last two guys attacking him go flying off and fall on the floor.

  My mom and I make it to Bella and Macie is there next still holding the bat close just in case. Macie tries softly calling Bella but she doesn’t respond.
I grab my phone and call 911. Macie asks me if I’m talking to the police and when I nod yes, she tells me to have them send an ambulance too. I nod and do just that. I relay everything that’s happened while shaking.

  “Bella.” Macie says her voice soft but urgent.

  Garrett is bleeding too and his eyes are locked on Bella. He looks devastated. There’s actual pain in my heart seeing his face like this. He starts taking slow limping steps towards where Bella is holding his stomach. He drops to his knees then touches her cheek that’s red from where Tad hit her.

  I inform the operator we’re going to need more than one ambulance. The 911 operator asks me to stay on the line and wait for the police but when I see a two of the guys make it to their feet and start towards Garrett again I cry for him to watch out.

  Macie starts to get up but stops when Wilbur and Milton rush out of the kitchen.

  Oh, no. They’re going to get hurt.

  Wilbur runs over and starts looking at Bella and I watch as he examined her. “I was a medic in the service. Let me see if I can help too,” He gently turns her face towards him frowns then looks at Macie. She glances over at Garrett and Wilbur’s eyes follow hers. He nods, stands and makes his way to him. He checks Garrett over but Garrett doesn’t react. He’s in a trance looking at Bella.

  A loud crash behind me has we turning around in panic. I forgot about them, but all four guys are now on the floor and Milton has Tad in a headlock that causes him to pass out. At least I think he’s passed out and not dead. Although I’m thinking this guy probably isn’t someone that should be walking around this earth alive.

  “What the hell is going on?” Jesse roars rushing through the door. Blue, Johnny and our dads are right behind him. That must have been who Jaycee and my mom were texting. Jesse rushes over to me. “What the hell happened? Are you okay, baby?”

  “I’m fine. It’s Bella and Garrett.” I explain and my lips begin to tremble.

  Johnny makes his way to Milton while looking around at the guys littered around the floor. “You do this?” Johnny asks shocked. Milton nods and Johnny shakes his head. “Police on the way?” Johnny asks and walks over to Jesse and me.

  “Yes, I called them. It happened so fast. Then Macie knocked two out with the bat and Milton? I’m not sure. I turned and…" I don’t finish when sirens sound in the distance coming closer and closer.

  “Macie? Bat?” Johnny asks and I point to Macie and the bat.

  Johnny looks down at Macie kneeling next to Bella and becomes transfixed. He shudders after a moment, walks over and says something to her. She nods, picks up the bat and hands it to him then points to the bar. He walks off, storing it back behind the bar.

  I wrap my arms around Jesse while giving my attention back to Bella and Garrett. Garrett begins talk softly to my mom and Macie but we can all hear him. “He assaulted her a few months ago. Bruised her arms up real bad. She got away before he did more than that. She’s pressing charges and he’s been trying to get her to stop. His mom, she’s a politician so he thinks he’s going to get away with hurting her. If the law doesn’t take care of him, I will.” He vows his voice deep and menacing.

  The doors open and in rush the police. After taking a few statements the police cuff two of Tad’s friend’s and lead them out the door as the paramedics come in and stabilize Bella and load her up before heading out to load her into the ambulance. After a few minutes of Garrett arguing with the paramedics that he was okay and wasn’t leaving Bella’s side the paramedics concede and allowed him to ride along but only when he agreed to get checked when they arrived. The two of Tad’s friends that Macie nailed with the bat were the next to make the way to the hospital.

  Macie has a mean swing.

  When the sheriff asks who took all the guys down Milton proudly steps forward. “I have a license to kill. My hands are registered as deadly weapons but as you can see they’re all alive, therefore, I did not use deadly force. So if you want to arrest me, let’s do this.”

  Holy moly. I thought he was joking.

  “That won’t be necessary, Milton. They came in here looking for trouble and they found it. And of course, as you said, you did leave them alive. Thanks, I guess.” The sheriff obviously perturbed turns and watches the deputies dragging out the last of the guys.

  “I demand to call my mom right now,” Tad whines.

  “Oh, you want your mommy?” The deputy yanks him towards the door. “You can use your one phone call after we get you booked and behind bars. You’re a pretty boy. Gotta get a picture of you first. Oh, and your fingerprints for our memory folder.” he taunts while laughing.

  I’m not sure how pretty Tad looks right now. His face is covered with blood and his eye is almost swollen shut.

  “Guess I got to run him by the hospital and get him checked out too. Sounds like a whiner.” The sheriff sighs and walks off.

  After locking up we head to our car. We’ve all decided to go to the hospital and wait to hear news. My mom called Bella’s parents and they’re rushing over to the hospital. We load into our cars but I can’t stop shaking. Bella never responded and she got hit so hard. I sigh and lay my head back against the headrest. I hear voices and raise my head and look over. Macie is standing with Johnny and they’re talking. He takes her by her hand and leads her over to his motorcycle. Johnny takes off his jacket, puts it on her before giving her his helmet too. He throws a leg over his bike and starts it then reaches for Macie and helps her on. Blue hollers out to Johnny to hang on, walks around to his trunk and pulls out another jacket and helmet then gives them to Johnny.

  Then we all exit the gravel parking lot, a convoy of vehicles heading to the hospital to make sure Bella and Garrett are okay.

  When everyone arrives concerned and confused about why this all happened Jaycee shares that Bella told her she had been assaulted while attending college and Tad was the guy that did it. We also find out that Tad’s mom is Senator Alexandria Kearny and from what’s being said in the news she’s in a lot of trouble. Like deep trouble with the FBI.

  Macie and Johnny argued for the first little while at the hospital about her putting herself in harm's way trying to protect Bella and Garrett. Jesse agreed with Johnny as did Blue which caused Jaycee and I to give our men dirty looks and share our own few words.

  Johnny and Macie arguing was funny mostly but that was before she fell asleep on his shoulder. It was the sweetest thing. Johnny turned soft and gentle while she slept. Chief called because he’d heard about what happened, small town gossip spreads fast and I mentioned Macie was with us. He asked to speak with her but I told him she’d fallen asleep which surprised him. He confided she doesn’t sleep well and today they had lost a dear family friend and he knew she’d be hurting. He was glad she was resting and said not to wake her. When he told me this, I had everyone surround her and Johnny, blocking out the rooms activity. We talked softly so she could stay sleeping for a little while. I found myself looking at her often and her beauty keeping my stare. I also noticed I wasn’t the only one. Johnny seems taken by her too.

  About four hours later, Garrett and Bella are given the okay to go home. Bella has a bruised face and Garrett’s ribs are bruised but not broke.

  After the update Jesse and I head back to Holloway’s to make sure everything was locked up, well all of us except for Johnny and a sleeping Macie. He said he was going to give her a few more minutes before waking her.

  After Jesse and I get the mess the fight caused cleaned up we lock up and head to our car. We share a grin when we see Macie’s little sports car still sitting in the parking lot.

  Looks like Garrbella isn’t the only love affair going on.

  Jesse and I are both exhausted and head straight to bed when we get home.

  The phone ringing stirs me. Jesse is lying against my back; he groans, flips over and answers. I sit up and turn on the light when Jesse body goes rock solid.

  “What do you mean IN Divor?” Jesse swings his legs off the bed and stands. “O
kay. Give us a few and we’ll swing by and grab Macie.” He hangs up and begins getting dressed.

  “Baby, I need you to get dressed and hurry.” Jesse orders.


  “I’ll explain when you and Macie are both in the car.”


  “Baby.” He warns.


  I get dressed and on the way to Macie’s Jesse tells me to text her and let her know we’re on the way to get her and to be dressed. We’re both surprised when we pull up and Macie walks out front with Johnny. She locks the door and starts towards us when Johnny says something to her. She points to her car, hisses something angrily at him then turns back to us. She walks to my side of the car and I get out so she can climb in the back seat while Johnny walks over to Jesse side.

  “I got a call too. Drop me by Holloway’s. I’m taking my bike now that the rain has cleared.

  Jesse hops out, Johnny gets in and we’re off.

  “What’s going on?” I turn and ask Jesse.

  “Your dad called. We’re all meeting at Bella’s house.”

  “Why?” I glance between him and Johnny.

  “Did Garrett ever tell you where he’s from?” Johnny looks at Macie and me in question.

  I think back and no he didn’t. I shake my head and Jesse reaches over and takes my hand.

  “He’s from Divor. Not sure about all the details but he has a sister who’s been there all this time. Something went down and their dad got her out and took her to Houston. She’s hid away in a hotel waiting for us to get her."

  “Divor? Why does that sound familiar?” I inquire and Macie let out a stunned gasp.

  “Oh no.” Macie mutters.

  “Divor is full of KKK, baby.” Jesse growls.

  “KKK like the Ku Klux Klan?” Then I remember. A black man was abducted and murdered by members of the KKK. It was a horrendous attack.

  “Garrett’s dad got her out and went back in.” Jesse mutters concerned.

  “She was supposed to marry some asshole in the KKK so her dad ran with her. When they find out, it won’t be good.” Johnny explains.


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