His Forgotten Love (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 4)

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His Forgotten Love (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 4) Page 20

by Donalyn Maurer

  “Why did he go back? What will they do?” Macie voice shaken.

  “I don’t know. We’re just going to go get him. Make sure he’s okay.” Johnny shares.

  I look at Jesse when his hand tightens on mine. His jaw is ticking and his knuckles gripping the steering wheel are white.

  “What aren’t you telling me, Jesse?” I murmur.

  He looks over at me and sighs.

  “We’re going in to get him in the middle of a Klan rally.”

  Both Macie and I gasp.

  “No!” I exclaim. “Call the police if you think something might happen to him.”

  “Baby, listen. We can’t. I mean we could but it wouldn’t matter.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The Klan is the police, honey.” Johnny admits and fear envelops me.

  “Baby, listen. Johnny is the police and the rest of us are soldiers. We’re not going to have a problem facing these assholes wearing fucking sheets.” Jesse seethes.

  “Plus, we’re just going in to get Garrett’s dad out. Not to rage war.” Johnny adds, reaching across the seat and squeezing my shoulder.

  “So why are we going to Bella’s, Allie and I?” Macie inquiries.

  Now Johnny growls. “Because Tad Kearny is most likely going to be released very soon. I don’t know what that little fuck will do. Shit went down at Holloway’s and you took out two of his guys. We’re not going to risk leaving you alone in case he decides to retaliate. Everyone will stay at Bella’s with a few of Patrick’s guys till we get back.”

  Macie and I let out a collective sigh.

  What else could happen?

  We pull up at Bella’s and go inside. So many people are here. My mom, Dad, Patrick and Jenny. Bella came out for a few minutes but her face is bruised up and she tired. She’s gone back to sleep from the pain medication.

  The room reminds of a war room, like in the movies. People are talking on phones and there’s maps laid about. Jesse comes and checks on me every few minutes. I’m trying to be brave but the thought of my husband leaving and walking into an entire town of hate has me freaking out inside.

  “Let’s go.” Bella’s dad, Case calls out.

  The men grab their things while Patrick’s security guards stand guard outside. Men from the police and sheriff’s department are here too. They’re going to stand guard and make sure while our men are gone nothing happens here. Divor is outside their jurisdiction and from what Garrett told Jesse, they want Tad badly and almost want him to try something.

  Jesse walks over, pulls me aside and pulls me close. “It’s going to be fine. I promise.” He tries to assure me. “Jesse, you better keep that promise.”

  “Baby, I will. We’re going to head to Houston, make sure Raleigh, Garrett’s sister is okay and get her back here. Then the rest will go on to Divor.”

  “Jesse, are you going on?” Tears threaten to fall so I take a deep breath.

  “Baby, listen. I’m a scout. I’m not saying this because I think I’m a badass. I’m saying this because I have special training on recon.”

  “Are you telling me you’re going in first? Are you going in alone?”

  Things just got worse.

  “Baby, I’ll be fine. They need my skills. Allie, I won’t break my promise. I’ll be back.” He stares directly into my eyes conveying his resolve to keep his word. I don’t want him to go but I know he’s needed. I’ve come to love Garrett and if he has a sister in trouble, we need to help. He’d do it for Cody. He’d do it for me. I take a deep breath and put on my best wobbly smile. Jesse groans and smirks at my lame attempt then leans in and kisses me. When he tries to pull back I reach around, wrapping my arms around his neck and hold him to for a few more precious moments.

  As the men load up in their cars, trucks and straddle their bikes, the women stand watching from Bella’s front window. I hear tiny murmurs and whispers. We’re all sending up prayers to our Lord to please bring them back safely.

  Over the next few hours we find out Raleigh was found safe and sound and Nash, Patrick and Johnny are bringing her here. That is good news. The bad news, the rest went into Divor, in the middle of a Klan rally. My heart hurts and I feel sick. Bradley and Connor come over and have been trying to distract all of us with facials and manicures, well Bradley is. Connor is just standing around watching him and looking beautiful. Connor doesn’t talk too much, happily giving Bradley the spotlight. When Bella just couldn’t be consoled he went over and talked with her. I didn’t catch the entire story but I did the end. Bradley and Connor have a beautiful love story.

  Nash, Johnny and Patrick came back a little while later with Raleigh and her dog, Hans, a huge German Shepherd. My heart absolutely dropped when I saw how terrified she was for not herself but for Garrett and their dad. She’s taken to Nash but his reactions to her are odd. One moment he’s all but ordering her to him so he can comfort her but the entire time his jaw is ticking like it’s driving him crazy. Then it hits me. Ooooooo. Nash may have a little crush on Raleigh. She is beautiful with almost black hair and blue eyes and freckles. She looks so much like Garrett.

  Jesse called a few minutes ago. He told me they are about to go in and that he loves me. I was so choked up I just told him and loved him and begged him to be careful.

  Nash, Johnny and Patrick explained the plan to all of us. “In and out.” They will not be engaging with the Klan.

  They did exactly what they said. Not an hour later Jesse called back and told me they got him. I was happy but that was short lived when I really took in the tone of Jesse voice.

  “What’s happened, Jesse?”

  “They got to him first.” he groans. “We’re at the hospital now near the Louisiana border. They say he’ll be okay but some other stuff is going down too. The FBI is here. Don’t know anything else. But Allie, I won’t get the images out my head for a long time. I can’t talk about it. I’ve seen some stuff but this, so fucked up.”

  “My God.” I mutter knowing if it’s affected Jesse like this, it was bad. “How’s Garrett?”

  “Messed up. I’m staying close, though.”

  Not too long after that Sheriff Cullens' came in and told us Tad had been bailed out. He reassured us that he was being watched though I didn’t want us to worry.

  That was upsetting but I knew we were protected. I also know eventually Tad will get what’s coming to him. I’m exhausted only sleeping a few minutes before the phone call came in and we left to come here. I’ve received a facial and pedicure from Bradley and our mom’s have been cooking and putting at snacks for everyone. But I just want Jesse. And right when I just know it cannot possibly get any worse, it does. The sheriff comes back in and tells us Tad ran. He skipped not only town but the country and they can’t find him.

  I want to call Jesse. I need to tell him. Before I can call, he calls me.

  “Hey, I have a minute. You still doing okay?” he probes.

  “Well, I have more bad news.” I sigh.

  “Jesus, what?” He groans.

  “Tad got away. Skipped the country.” I disclose.

  “What the fuck? I thought they were supposed to have a tail on him.” he yells.

  I look up and see everyone is beginning to gather their things. With Tad far away and Raleigh and Johnny’s dad safe, everyone looks to be going home.

  “I don’t know, but everyone is beginning to go home. I’ll probably leave with my mom soon. Maybe hang out with her till you all get back. Patrick and Jenny will be there too.”

  “Sure baby. That’s a good idea. Try to get some sleep. I’ll be home soon. Just need to find out what’s going to happen here.”

  “Okay. I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Mom, Jenny and I leave for home. I’ve just laid my head down on the couch when my phone rings. It’s Jesse. I hope he’s close to home.


  “Hey, baby. You okay?”

  “I’m fine. Are you okay? Where are you now?”

  “Beaumont. The FBI has arranged to transport Garrett’s dad to a hospital in San Antonio. Garrett and I are riding back on a helicopter so I’ll be back soon. The other’s left a while ago. Hopefully they’ll be there when we arrive.

  I sit up and look around for my purse and shoes.

  “Which hospital?”


  “I’m on my way.”

  “Baby, I can’t wait to see you but don’t leave yet. It’s still going to be a bit. I’ll call you before we go. As a matter of fact the helicopter just landed. It’s about an hour and a half flight, okay?”

  “Okay. I’ll wait about a little bit before I leave. I love you so much.”

  “Allie, I just want to hold you. I need you to hold me.” He confesses softly.

  “Jesse, I will. Okay. I’ll be waiting.”

  And I will. Whatever Jesse saw to shake him up, I’ll help him to heal and hopefully forget.

  Later that night at the hospital standing with Jesse the doctor spoke of Garrett’s dad injuries. Jesse isn’t the only one with horrible images in their heads. I think everyone that heard what the doctor said is going to be left with images they can’t shake.

  We’ll all be haunted.

  Stone and his crew from McGinty Construction came and installed the new tin roofs. One sits off the back of Holloway’s covering the patio. He added wood beams across the ceiling to keep it secured. Another piece covers an area in the lot for motorcycles. Another big truck pulled in carrying slats for the privacy fence. Many of the originals were damaged, and I only budgeted to replace the ones I had no choice but to. Stone had them all replaced. I walked outside to protest, he'd already done so much for me and Holloway’s, but before I could speak he twirled his finger and pointed it back at door. I started to say something again and he jabbed his finger and shook his head. I closed my mouth and turned around and walked back inside with a huge smile on my face. After most of Stone’s crew took off, he stayed behind and he and my dad hung strings of big bulb lights along my new back privacy fence and tin roofs.

  That same day, the sign company I hired came to install the Holloway’s sign. It's blue neon with Holloway’s spelled out in cursive and a guitar leaning against it. It sits on the front rooftop. Chief had a tall pole sign with a simple space for changeable letters. We kept that and will use to display band names and such.

  Things are looking up again.

  And Tad, it wasn’t twenty-four hours after he left the country that he was caught and back in custody and now awaiting extradition. Apparently, he and his mom are both deep into the same mess Jesse told me Daniel’s dad, Dr. Davis Jennings was involved in. I hope they all go down.

  I stand looking out one of the back windows with thoughts of the future, and Cody running through my head. I wonder if he would approve of the neon sign or the tin roofs. Is he able to see it from where he is? I smile because I know he would. He’d love it all.

  “He’s here. I feel him.” My dad reassures me as he walks up and pulls me into a hug.

  I nod and smile because he’s right. I feel him too. I wrap my arms around him tight as I keep my eyes looking out the window.

  Holloway’s has been open for almost month but today we’re closed for Family Day. Somehow, despite it being the middle of the week, almost everyone I know and met over the last few months is here at Holloway’s. Even Shane, Birdie and Hank surprised me when they walked through the door. They closed their place and drove down from Lubbock after China and Ronan Callaghan called them and told them about Holloway’s. I think back on how much I learned working at DJ’s and I’ve come to the conclusion that working there wasn’t just a coincidence. Working there, I learned so much. Shane taught me to serve, make drinks, and stock the bars, order inventory and pretty much anything one could think of on how to run a bar. His help for those two years has allowed me do what I’m doing now. Jesse words often ring in my ears “Fate.” Now when in doubt, I wait. I know the reasons why will show themselves one day.

  The children's laughter is ringing loud on this beautiful Texas day. I watch from a table under the tin roof all the children laughing while jumping on the moon bounce.

  There’s a soft ball game going on one side of the parking lot and I watch as Johnny, who’s catcher stands and smiles at Macie as she makes her way onto the makeshift field. She’s wearing an almost shy smile as she makes her way to home plate. Johnny grins at her and then looks at his outfield and yells, “Back out...all the way out!” He gestures for everyone to back up. Macie throws her head back and laughs before she leans into him and gives him a small, sweet kiss which gets a lot of whoops and hollers. After Macie laid Tad’s friends out with a baseball bat I’m thinking she’s probably going to hit a homerun with her mean swing. Luckily, whatever differences they had seemed to be gone. She fought to keep Johnny at arm’s length but he never gave up and keeps pushing until he broke through.

  One afternoon, I decided enough was enough and drove over to her house. Macie had been keeping herself closed off from everyone. I recognized her walls because I at one time had them too. When I arrived, her door was open. Cautiously, I went in calling her name. I found her at her kitchen table crying. She opened up to me that day. She told me Chief was sick and she had just come from the hospital. She was terrified she was going to lose him. We sat and had a heart to heart and I shared what happened with Cody. We bonded that afternoon. Later, all the girls came over and we sat around talking about our men. We shared stories of the good and bad. I saw her walls shaking, wanting to crumble. I know Johnny will break through them, so when our men texted us all saying Johnny was on his way to see her and wanted us cleared out, we left. Now they are inseparable.

  Stone and Case, Bella’s dad, have a game of horseshoe going and others are playing corn hole. The smoker has been going all morning filling the air with amazing smells. There’s food everywhere. Wilbur and Milton outdid themselves.

  I take a deep breath and place my hand on my stomach and dream even further into the future. I came down with what I thought was the flu that I couldn’t shake. I’d start to get better only to get sick again. It's really bad. With Jaycee, and Abigail on speakerphone, we tried to self diagnosis me but after several failed attempts, we decided to get a hold of Macie or Connor and ask for advice.

  We did a web search, listed my symptoms and it came back with Ebola as the diagnosis. It said I needed to contact the CDC so I could be quarantined immediately. I call Jesse frantic and in tears. He tries to get me to calm down but I can’t be consoled, seeing I'm most likely on my death bed. Eventually, he gives up trying to calm me, hangs up and calls my mom. He tells her what's going on and asks her to come over until he got home. He then told Jaycee and Abigail to shut off the fucking computer, his words not mine. Soon after that, my mom arrives and when she walks in the room, carrying Sprite, saltine crackers and a pregnancy test. After we argue about pregnancy being a beautiful thing and what was happening to me was absolutely not beautiful, so I can’t be pregnant, she gets me to the bathroom all the while laughing. After throwing up a few more times and begging God to please just let me die, I pee on the little stick. I make it back to my bed and collapse while cradling the small bathroom trash can, while Jaycee laid a cool compress across my head.

  “Leave before I infect you. Save yourself,” I whisper weakly.

  “Allie, look,” my mom softly urges.

  I take the stick, and there it shows a pink plus sign. Tears roll down my face when I see it. Parts of my tears are because I thought pregnancy was supposed to be beautiful and this absolutely sucked and I’d been deceived. But most are because I'm happy. Jaycee and my mom are both smiling, but we all laugh when Abigail’s voice filled the room. “Well? I’m not there, remember? What does it say?”

  “You’re going to be an aunt again, Abigail.” I cheer through a weak giggle.

  “Oh, my God! Congratulations!” she cries out with a whoop.

  Jesse finally makes it home and y
ells my name as he makes his way to the bedroom. Jaycee and my mom, both smiling huge, grab their purses and leave while Abigail makes me promise to call her back and tell her what happens after I tell Jesse.

  Jesse not even noticing Jaycee and my mom left, rushes to me. He lies down on the bed, checking me over while wiping my face with the wet cloth. I look at him through the slits in my eyes and see his face was so full of worry for me. He tells me he was taking me to the hospital and starts to leave the bed. I reach up and take his hand and tug him to back to me. I'm so excited to tell him.

  “Jesse?” I say then roll over with my new best friend, the trash can, and dry heaved a few more times before I plop back on the bed.

  “That’s it, I’m calling an ambulance. You’ve been like this for almost two weeks now. We need to get you to a doctor.” He starts to slide from the bed again.

  “Jesse, wait.” My voice is faint from exhaustion.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Did you have a preference on whether you want a boy or a girl?” I ask.

  “What?” he responds softly while wiping my cheeks with the cloth. It feels so good and the nausea starts to subside so I smile up at him.

  “Names. For our children. Are you favoring girls or boys names?”

  “What?” He's still not following and probably thinking my sickness has me delusional.

  “Because I read a theory that expectant parents somehow favor names of the sex of their baby even before they find out what they’re having."

  He finally gets it and a smile starts forming on his face. He looks down at my tummy before reaching over and laying his hand on it.

  “Well there’s a problem with that theory because I’m thinking Cody.” He leans down and kisses my forehead.

  He’s been thinking of names and came up with Cody. My heart flutters in happiness.

  “Cody is a boy’s name.” I murmur through a happy hiccup sob.

  “Not if we replace the Y with an I. It can be for either.” He leans forward and kisses my cheek.


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