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Attack on Phoenix

Page 9

by Megg Jensen

  "I adore your hair. Is that how they are wearing it on Phoenix these days?" Yasmin ran a hand over Rell's hair.

  Rell resisted the instinct to knock the woman's hand away. "Yes, I suppose it is the style. I only recently had my hair cut. Until very early this morning, my hair reached the floor."

  “You are one of them." Yasmin’s smile softened.

  "I don't understand." Torsten looked from his mother to Rell. "What does she mean?"

  Rell straightened her shoulders. "I suppose she's referring to the length of my hair. She knows what it means. Your mother know I am an acolyte of the Menelewen Dored. I would like to know how she got here, if she isn't one. I brought us here through the power of faith." She spread her arms out. "We are among the stars, Torsten. The gods brought us here."

  "Do you believe, Torsten?" His mother looked at him with accusing eyes.

  Torsten threw his arms in the air, then sat down on the bench. "I honestly have no idea what is going on. Last night I was told I was being sent on a mission to find the Key. Then I ended up underground with Rell. The ground began to shake. She pulled me into a room. The next thing I knew, my world was spinning. Now I'm here."

  Not only had Rell kept Torsten and his friends away from the Key. Now she had been rewarded. Of course her gods lived among the stars, and soon she would meet them.

  "The two of you must be exhausted. I'll take you to your room, and we can talk in the morning. Come with me." Yasmin exited the room.

  Torsten stood, shrugging, and motioned to Rell.

  Eager to meet her gods, Rell followed. Maybe she wouldn't see them before sleeping, but surely tomorrow she would be granted an audience. She had prepared her whole life for this.

  Heart fluttering in her chest, Rell followed Torsten's mother through the silver hallway. Rell ran her fingers along the cool surface, surprised at how smooth it was. They had nothing like this underground. Their metal was worked in a forge, and though it was strong and often sharp, it was never without imperfections.

  "It's xorium," Torsten whispered over her shoulder. "It's one of the strongest metals available in space. Part of the original mission the humans had before they crashed on Phoenix was to find untapped xorium mines. The dragzhi must have it on their home world.”

  Home world? Rell wanted to snort. The gods had no home world. All worlds were theirs. It was clear Torsten knew very little about the Menelewen Dored. He would learn quickly. Perhaps the gods hadn't just sent her to stop him, but also to teach him.

  She looked over her shoulder at the tall man, his stubble even darker than it had been in the morning. He had a goofy smile on his strong face. Rell wondered if other girls found him attractive.

  She forced her gaze to his mother's back. Those thoughts weren't just foolish, they were dangerous. She was only permitted to look at another that way if the gods demanded it, just as they had with her parents. Even then, her parents hadn't loved each other. They had done their duty by conceiving Rell, and she often thought her father loved her more than he loved her mother. They had been close. He had worried even more about his daughter than his gods. The night he'd taken her outside to the see the stars was the last time she'd seen him. Only moments before she committed her greatest sin.

  "Here we are." Yasmin stopped. Lost in her own thoughts, Rell nearly ran into her. The woman with the auburn hair waved a hand over the wall, and the wall parted. "This is your room."

  Rell stepped inside. There was a small bed, a single blanket, and nothing else. It reminded Rell of her pod underground. "Thank you. This is perfect." She bowed her head to Torsten's mother. "You will come for me in the morning?"

  "I will come for both of you. For now, you must remain in here." She motioned for Torsten to follow Rell inside.

  "In there?" Torsten asked, pointing into Rell's room. "Me?"

  Yasmin nodded, her curls falling over her shoulders. "Get in. Hurry." She looked over her shoulder. "Before they come. Get in."

  She gave Torsten a little push, and he staggered in next to Rell. Before she could object, the door hissed closed behind him.

  "This is unacceptable." Rell brushed past Torsten. She waved her hand in front of the wall just like his mother had. Running her palms over the smooth wall, she began to panic. Nothing was happening. The door wasn't opening.

  "Let me try." Torsten waited for her to move to the side and took over searching the wall. He repeated some of the same things she'd done, adding in a few strange hand gestures she didn't understand. He stopped, then turned around. "I think we're stuck in here for the night."

  Rell sank down on the bed. "I don't understand. We came here to see the gods. They saved us from the earthquake. We could have died. Why would they save us only to place us in this prison?"

  Torsten sat next to her, careful not to touch her. At least he was holding up his promise. Even though, for just a brief moment, she wanted him to hold her until her heart calmed.

  "Rell, the gods didn't save us. We obviously stepped into some kind of portal. I've read about them. Humans had that tech before we left Earth and were stranded on Phoenix. It wasn't your gods." Torsten looked at her with an expression she couldn't decipher.

  Sympathy? Pity? She didn't want either. They had been saved by the gods, and one day he would understand.

  "Believe as you wish. You'll see in the morning." Rell tried, unsuccessfully, to stifle a yawn. She leaned against the wall. It was just as cool as the walls in the hallway. She shivered.

  Torsten sprang up, pulling the blanket off the part of the bed he'd been sitting on. He lifted it up and placed it gently over Rell’s shoulders. "I'll sleep on the floor."

  She bit her lip. It wasn't fair one of them would have to sleep on the floor. They both could fit on the bed, but she wasn't comfortable being that close to him. Anything could happen while she slept.

  She eyed Torsten as he settled on the floor, one arm bent under his head for a pillow. He'd kept his word where she was concerned. He hadn't tried to kiss her again. And the gods had brought them here, providing this room for them to share. Perhaps they had plans in mind for the two of them as life mates. Rell bit her lip. She couldn't allow herself to think that way. The gods’ plans were theirs alone, and until they made their wishes clear she had to follow their rules.

  I'm sorry, she said in her head to Torsten. She couldn't bring herself to say it out loud, for fear it would encourage him to kiss her again.

  Rell relaxed on the soft mattress, her head swimming. The day had been so long, so exhausting. She couldn't even begin to think of everything that had changed since she'd woken up, excited about serving the council.

  Her eyes closed, shutting out the dim light in the room. She cracked one eye open. Covered in dirt, Torsten rested on the floor as if it were the most comfortable place he’d ever slept. Guilt washed over Rell again. He'd been through just as much as she had that day, if not more.

  She scooted back against the wall, careful to keep the blanket between her body and the cold surface. Torsten shouldn’t have to sleep on the floor. There was perhaps enough room for him to share the bed without touching her.

  Her heart thumped again, just as it had when she had traveled with the gods to this place. It was part fear and part excitement. The gods had brought them together. Perhaps this was what they wanted her to feel. Perhaps it was natural.

  Still, she held her tongue. Instead of inviting him up, she imagined what it would be like to have him there next to her. She contemplated a bit more what all of this meant, but before she could come up with a conclusion, she fell asleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Light bored through Rell's eyelids, forcing them open. She rolled over and stretched her arms off the side of the bed, accidentally punching Torsten in the nose. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

  "Are you trying to break my whole face? I still have the bruise below my eye from yesterday's attack." Torsten rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "I'm okay. Don't worry."

  Rell exhaled wit
h relief. She was worried about him. They'd entered the realm of the gods, been brought through prayer, and he was an unbeliever. It would be hard enough for him to adjust without her constant abuse, even if it was accidental.

  "I hope your mother comes for us soon. I can't wait to start the day. I spent the whole night dreaming about all of the amazing things we would see and do." She clasped her hands to her chest. "Torsten, we're here with the gods."

  "Or with the dragzhi. We don't know yet, Rell." He stood, stretching out his legs and jumping a couple of times in place. "My mother should be able to tell us everything we need to know. I agree, I hope she comes back soon."

  Torsten covered his mouth, stifling a yawn. Rell yawned in response, then laughed. "I guess we're both still a bit tired. Now that we're here, everything will be okay. You can trust in that, Torsten. I do."

  Their door opened. Rell sprang up next to Torsten, a wide smile on her face. This was it. She would meet the gods and bask in their glory. Her heart pattered in anticipation.

  A woman stepped into the room, draped in a silver gown. Her head almost seemed to float in the air because the fabric blended in so well with the metallic walls.

  Torsten stared at the woman, almost as if he knew her. Rell looked at him, but he didn’t say anything.

  "I am Fortina. Please follow me." She bowed slightly, turned, and left the room.

  Rell had to force herself to walk delicately and not run after the woman. Torsten pulled up next to her. They walked in tandem down the long, deserted hallway.

  "Where is everyone?" Rell asked. Surely the gods had thousands of acolytes.

  "We are but few," Fortina said. "Just enough to do what needs to be done."

  "What do you do?" Torsten asked. “Where are you from?”

  Fortina came to a stop and faced them. "We do what is asked of us. I am from… another place. I suggest you keep the remainder of your questions to yourself until you are given leave to ask them." She whirled around again, her silver dress dancing in the air for a moment until it settled around her black-booted ankles.

  Rell offered Torsten an encouraging smile, which he didn't return. The grimace on his face only deepened, carving a half moon into his cheeks. "I'm sure we'll see your mother soon."

  "I hope so. I have so many questions. I know you think you've found your paradise, but I'm more confused than ever. None of this makes sense. This is a dragzhi ship, Rell. Our enemy. The aliens who have been trying to kill us for a century. We're not safe here." Torsten moved a few steps ahead of her.

  “Have you seen one dragzhi aboard this ship?” Rell asked.

  Torsten didn’t answer.

  Rell felt bad for him. If only he had faith like she did, maybe he would be more optimistic.

  They passed by a window. Rell paused and reached a hand out, her fingertips splayed over Phoenix. She wanted to soak in every moment. Meanwhile Torsten walked right by, not noticing, or not caring.

  Fortina led them into a room filled with tables and benches. "Please, have a seat. You will break your fast. Later, you will be taken to your destination."

  Rell sat on the cool silver bench, resting her hands in her lap. "Is there a place to wash?" Underground, they always washed before meals. Not just to cleanse their hands of bacteria, but also to prepare themselves to properly thank the gods. Everything they had was courtesy of the gods, and they treated it all with the utmost respect.

  Fortina shook her head. "Water is a luxury we cannot spare for your filthy fingertips. You will be fine." She turned on one heel and walked away.

  "I wonder where the food is," Torsten grumbled. "Why isn't anyone else eating?"

  "Perhaps they already had their food?" Rell offered. She, too, had to admit it was strange. "Maybe they've already gone about their jobs for the day."

  "And where is my mother?" Torsten craned his neck, trying to see through the doorway Fortina had disappeared into. "I thought she'd come for us this morning..." He ran a hand through his hair and sat up straighter.

  "I'm sorry, Torsten. We can't understand how the gods—"

  "Stop. Just stop. Don't mention your gods again until we have the pleasure of meeting them." Torsten dropped his elbows on the table, resting his face in his palms.

  Silent, Rell examined her hands, giving Torsten the space he needed. Despite everything they'd been through, her hands didn't appear to be too dirty. And she was hungry. She hadn't even realized it until Fortina had mentioned food. Rell's stomach growled. Surprised, she rested her hands over her stomach.

  Torsten looked up, his eyes ringed with red, and laughed. "I'm sorry. I know it's childish to laugh at a rumbling belly. I just..."

  "It's okay," Rell said. And she meant it. Torsten's smile brought her joy, too.

  Rell was so busy grinning at Torsten, she didn't even notice Fortina approaching until the steaming bowl of... something... was set in front of her.

  Rell looked at the slimy, writhing... things... in the bowl, then up at Fortina.

  Torsten stuck a hand in the bowl, pulling out a wad of them and shoving it in his mouth. Slime gathered at the corners of his lips as he chewed. "Mmmm. So good. I haven't had krullers in so long." He looked up at Rell. "You're not eating."

  A small tentacle dangled out the side of his mouth. Torsten sucked it in, smacking his lips together.

  "I don't eat living things." It came out in a squeak as Torsten shoved another handful into his mouth. Rell pursed her lips, fearful she'd lose whatever was left in her stomach. She wanted to say something about the gods, and how they respected life too much to allow their followers to eat these krullers. But she'd already upset Torsten enough, and Fortina was glaring at her, as if she were personally insulted by Rell's refusal to eat.

  "Do you have anything else? I'm so sorry, I can't eat this." Rell pushed her bowl to the side with one finger. A kruller shot out of the bowl, nipping her fingertip. Rell screamed, shoving the bowl across the table. It hit Torsten's bowl, knocking a few krullers out. They slithered across the table, leaving a trail of slime in their wake. It took everything Rell had not to cry.

  Fortina herded the little kruller back into Rell's bowl and set it to the side. "It is all we have. We can't grow crops here, so we do with what we harvest from the outside of the ship."

  Rell's eyes grew wide as she imagined people in space gear pulling their breakfast off the dirty hull every morning.

  "It's true," Torsten said between bites. "We ate it in the tower to prepare us for eventual missions in space. Krullers have lots of protein. It's actually fairly healthy."

  "Why don't you kill it and cook it?" Rell asked, horrified.

  "Krullers get hard when they’re cooked. There's no good recipe for it." Torsten reached over to Rell's bowl. "Do you mind? I'm starving."

  Rell closed her eyes, knowing he'd take it even if she didn't give permission. Her stomach tumbled, and she prayed there was something, anything, there for her to eat.

  "Hello, Torsten and Rell!"

  Rell's eyes snapped open.

  Torsten's mother strode across the room, a plate in her hand. "I made a loaf of bread this morning from the emergency store of oats. Want to try it?"

  Rell glared at Fortina. Obviously there was other food on the ship. Rell said a quick prayer of thanks to the gods. "I would love some, thank you, Yasmin."

  "You're welcome. I'm thrilled you two are here." Yasmin sat next to her son. "I trust you slept well?"

  A blush spread over Rell's face as she remembered contemplating sharing the bed with Torsten. “Yes, thank you. Perhaps tonight we could have separate—"

  "Torsten," Yasmin turned to her son, cutting off Rell's request. "I'm sure you are wondering why I'm here."

  Torsten swallowed the last of his krullers. "I saw you die. I was hiding under the bed with Leila. We, or at least I, saw all of it. You were murdered."

  "I can explain what you saw that night. If your father and I had any idea you were hiding under the bed..." She placed a small hand on his
broad shoulder. "It was a setup. I feared you would suffer without us, but to know now you saw everything that happened, I can't apologize enough."

  "Why?" Torsten asked.

  It was a simple question with an endless list of meanings. Rell tore off a piece of bread from the plate Yasmin had set in front of her. The bread practically melted in her mouth. It was so good, Rell almost felt sinful. Luckily this bread was brought to her by the gods. Nothing they offered was sinful. She looked up at Torsten, wondering briefly if he, too, was a gift from the gods. After all, the mission the council bestowed upon her brought them together.

  Yasmin sat silent for a moment. "I don't really know where to start, Torsten. Can I ask you a question first?"

  He nodded. Rell could see the impatience in his eyes. She wondered if his mother saw it, too.

  "How is Leila? How have the two of you been? What happened to you?" Yasmin's hands shook, and she quickly folded them in front of her on the table.

  "Leila and I were sent to the military. We've been trained just like every other defender. Our basic needs were cared for. Leila has a lot of friends." Torsten's voice wavered on the last sentence.

  "And you, my son?" Yasmin asked.

  "I'm fine," Torsten said.

  He wasn't. Even Rell could see that. Couldn't his mother?

  Yasmin smiled. "Good. I knew you'd be okay. You were always such a strong boy." She stood, smoothing out her silver gown. "I need to go, but we'll talk soon."

  "Wait!" Torsten stood, reaching out, but Yasmin had already left the room. He sank down on his bench, dejected.

  Rell's heart ached for him. "I'm sure we'll see her again soon, Torsten. She probably had rituals to perform or tasks to attend to."

  "Rituals?" Torsten asked, confused. He held up a hand. "Don't answer. It's a religious thing, isn't it?"

  Rell nodded, her lips pressed together.

  "My parents weren't religious."

  Rell wanted to tell him people change. He could change.

  "They aren't here because of the Menelewen Dored." Torsten slammed a fist on the table, knocking over the two bowls. Rell was grateful he'd finished eating all of the krullers. She couldn't stomach watching them slither across the table again. "I bet my father is here, too, and I didn't even find out why we're on a dragzhi ship. I have so many questions."


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