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Savory Deceits

Page 31

by Heart, Skye

  “Hey, you okay?” I asked, sitting on the bed.

  “Yeah, I’m all right.” Starr said with a half-smile.

  “Hon, if you want to go be with him, go. I’m sure he needs you right now.” I encouraged.

  “Yeah, I know, but he’s with family right now, and I don’t want to intrude.” I nodded, and Starr went back to rocking little Kylee to sleep. “He proposed to me last night.” She then said, looking up at me.

  “What?” I gasped. “What did you say?” I asked her.

  “What do you think I said?” She said with a smile.

  “Oh my God, Starr!” I whispered excitedly.

  “Hey, don’t break out the champagne just yet. He just lost his wife, and I feel awful about that. I have no idea how he’s dealing with that right now.”

  “Then text him,” I suggested, and then rose from the bed, to take Kylee from her. Once I placed my baby back in the clear box, Starr reached for her phone, and began to text Eric. Before she could put the phone down, she got a response back. Whatever he texted back had put a smile on her face. “Go.” I said with a smile, nudging my head towards the door.



  I drove through the gated community of Starr’s apartment complex, and parked in the Guest parking space near the pool. The landscaping done, on the very large acreage, was nothing short of immaculate. Near the onsite kiddy play area, was a walking trail that led out to a gardenlike oasis, revealing a lake, at the far end of the property. I got out of the car, and scanned the area for Tony. Then I finally spotted him, sitting on a bench, near the trail’s entrance. I walked over to him, and sat down. He continued to stare at nothing, so I sat there in silence with him for a while, wondering what was plaguing his conscience.

  “Have you eaten yet?” He finally said.

  “No. I came straight from the hospital.” I replied.

  “C’mon, let’s go.” He said taking my hand, and I followed him to his car. “Get in.” He said, after pushing the unlock button on his keys. I climbed into the passenger seat, and he got behind the wheel. After he started the car, he stopped, and then turned to look at me. I stared back at him in silence. For a moment, I thought I saw love and yearning in his eyes, which was soon replaced by what appeared to be distress. He then turned back towards the wheel, and put the car in reverse. We drove to a popular mom n’ pops diner nearby. When seated by the window, in a booth towards the back, Tony stared off into space again.

  “Hey, want to talk about it?” I asked, putting my hand on top of his. Tony shook his head; not to me, but to whatever it was that was bothering him, and I waited. He looked at me again, as if he was trying to decide whether to trust me. Then, he looked back towards the window, before speaking.

  “I just found out that,” he paused, trying to get the words out. “I just found out that Cynthia, my mother’s aunt; my great aunt; the one who just died, happened to be Alana’s mother.” He said, looking down at his hands. I frowned trying to piece together what he just told me.

  “Wait a minute. Alana? Chris’ Alana is…” I stopped to look at Tony. He just nodded his head, still looking down at his hands. Then, I shook my head in confusion. “If her mother is your great aunt, wouldn’t that make her your…?” My words trailed off, when I realized what I was saying.

  “Cousin,” he said, finishing my sentence for me. Then, my mouth dropped open, and he shook his head.

  “Oh my God!” I said surprised. “And you never knew this until now?” I asked him, still in shock. He shook his head, and I now shook my head too. “How did…well why hadn’t…when you were…” I tried to say, but could never seem to get the right words out, to finish a sentence. My mind was boggled.

  “My response exactly, when I found out,” he said.

  “Oh, Tony, I’m so sorry. You must be…” I started to say, still shocked by his discovery.

  “Sick to my stomach,” he said, finishing my sentence for me again.

  “Oh wow!” I said, disgusted at the situation. “How did you not know this?” I finally asked.

  “Cynthia moved out of Milwaukee a couple years after Alana were born, and we haven’t seen them since.” He explained. “I vaguely remember playing with this little girl when I was about three, maybe four years old. Then one day, she just disappeared, or moved away. I don’t really remember though, because I was too young.” He stopped, and thought for a moment. “I knew there was something familiar about her when we first met on the ship.” He said to himself, shaking his head. I shook my head as well, in disbelief. “By then,” he continued, “she had grown up so much that I didn’t recognize her. Now that I know who she really is, I can see the similarities to the little girl I played with as a boy. Back then, I used to call her Issa, short for Marissa, because I could not pronounce her name. Alana happens to be her middle name.” He finished, shaking his head again.

  “How come your mom never kept in touch with them after they moved? And they never visited?” I asked, shaking my head again.

  “My mom told me that Cynthia was always very secretive. They didn’t even know about Alana, until after she was born. After being M.I.A. for years, Cynthia just showed up with a baby, when she came back into town. Then shortly after that, she took Alana and moved away again, and was gone for nearly twenty years. Mom says the first time she’s seen her since, was when she moved back here two years ago, and she only stayed, because of her new husband. By then, Alana had already graduated high school, and moved to Virginia.” When the server came with our order, we sat there, and ate in silence. Periodically, my phone vibrated on the table, indicating that my battery was low. When I picked it up, I saw that I had seven more missed calls from Chris. Then I frowned, and turned my phone off completely.

  “Everything okay?” Tony asked me.

  “Yes,” I replied, still frowning. “Can I use your phone?” I asked him.

  “Sure.” He said, handing it to me. I took it and dialed Naima’s hospital room number.

  “Hello?” She answered.

  “Hey Nai, it’s me.” I said smiling.

  “Hey girl, aren’t you supposed to be getting some beauty sleep? What are you doing calling me?” She teased, and I smiled again.

  “I just wanted to tell you that my phone died, and if you want to reach me, call me on Tony’s cell, okay?”

  “Really?” Naima asked, pausing. “Well, I would have just called the house, but since you’re going to be with him, I guess I’ll do that.” She said, unable to mask her curiosity, and I smiled again.

  “All right hon, see you later.” I said.

  “Bye. Have fun!” She said in a singsong voice, before hanging up. I shook my head, and then handed Tony back his phone, smiling.

  “I’m glad you two made up.” He said, looking at me.

  “Yeah, me too.” I agreed.

  “You ready?” He asked, getting up from the table.

  “Yes.” I said tossing my napkin on the table. Then, Tony dropped a few twenties on the table, and we both headed for the exit.


  I finally arrived at the penthouse, and let myself in. After dropping my keys on the foyer table, I headed for the bedroom. When I pushed open the door, I found Eric standing in front of the dresser mirror, holding a small bag of ice near his temple. “Babe!” I gasped, when I saw his reflection in the mirror. I rushed to his side, and said, “What happened?” Then I made him turn around, and face me, to get a better look. The black and blue bruises on his face, mixed with a little bit of purple, made my eyes water.

  “I’m all right. Trust me it looks worse than it is. That’s the benefit of being white, we bruise easily.” He joked, but I did not laugh.

  “Who did this to you?” I asked, getting angry, and he turned serious.

  “My very volatile, stepdaughter,” he answered.

  “What? Why?” I said, remembering the annoying girl at the hospital.

  “She was angry that I stayed gone all night. By the time I got to
the room, they were already taking my wife’s body downstairs. When she saw me, she lost it.” Eric explained. I shook my head, taking the bag of ice from him. Then I grabbed his hand, and made him follow me over to the bed bench.

  “Sit.” I ordered, motioning to the cushioned bench that sat at the foot of the California King-sized bed. He sat, and I stood between his legs. Next, I gently pressed the ice bag up near his eye, and then on his lip. “If she wasn’t mourning the loss of her mother right now, I’d kick her ass.” I said angrily.

  “I don’t blame her, really. She was just lashing out. She is grieving, and needed someone to blame.” Eric said, excusing his stepdaughter’s behavior. I shook my head, but said nothing. If I did not love this man so much, I would have slapped him upside the head, with that last statement. Regardless of the circumstances, you should never put your hands on anybody, unless you want your ass beat. As if he could read my mind, Eric put his hands on my hips, and looked up at me.

  “I’m fine babe, really.” He assured me, but I was not convinced.


  I knocked on Starr’s door harder this time, and still, there was no answer. Then I sighed, and dialed Nena’s number once again. This time it went straight to voicemail. “Fuck!” I yelled angrily, turning away from the door. I went back to my car, and got in. Once inside, and away from prying eyes, I pounded my fist hard on the steering wheel. Frustrated, I rested my head on the wheel, trying to figure out what to do next. I had flown to Wisconsin on a mission, which quickly dissolved, when I heard Nena’s voice. Nothing, or no one in the world, was more important to me than she was. I missed her terribly. Visions of her naked body ran through my mind’s eye. The way she held onto me, while I made love to her, burned in the center of my brain. Now, I felt myself grow hard, thinking about how I touched and caressed, every nook and cranny of her marvelous body, leaving no part undiscovered. Her supple lips that often curved into a smile, every time she saw me, remained in my memory. The feeling of her soft smooth skin, beneath mine, made my dick jump. “Damn, Nena.” I grabbed my throbbing member, trying to contain it.

  “I love you too.” I heard her say in my mind. She had me going crazy. I desperately needed her back in my life.

  “Nena,” I whispered against the steering wheel, letting my tears fall now.

  “Ha Ha Ha! Yeah okay. I know you’re not talking.” I heard someone say from outside my car; a voice that sounded too much like the woman I was yearning for. I slowly looked up to see Nena laughing, walking through the crowded parking lot with a man. Then I squinted, and was surprised to see, that the man she was with was Tony. I watched as Tony’s lips moved, unable to make out what he was saying, which caused Nena to laugh again. My eyes watered even more, and I became enraged, at how happy she seemed with him. What was he doing here? What the fuck was going on? There was no way I was going to lose the love of my life to his stupid ass. No fucking way! I looked on, as Tony put his arm around her, and watched as they disappeared behind the trees. Then my blood began to boil.


  “Oh, stop it! You’re making my stomach hurt.” Nena said laughing, holding her sides. I loved seeing her smile.

  “All right, no more jokes.” I said chuckling. We walked slowly down the trail, watching squirrels scurry out of our way. Then, we reached a bridge that sat high in the air above water, and stopped to look over the lake. The shiny rays of the sun, danced against the slow moving currents below, as the birds sang off in the distance. Although it was the middle of May, it felt like fall, every time the wind blew. We stood there in silence for a while, very close, but not touching. “It’s beautiful out here.” I finally said.

  “Yes it is.” Nena agreed, still looking out at the water. Then, I leaned on the railing of the bridge, resting my elbows on the edge. “What happened to us Tony? We were so happy.” She said, turning to look at me. I briefly looked at her, and then back at the water.

  “Yes we were.” I agreed. Nena shook her head, and stared at the water as well.

  “I’m so sorry for hurting you the way I did.” She said voice a little shaky. I did not move. Instead, I made myself focus on the beautiful sprinkle of light that moved with the water.

  “I’m sorry too.” I said, not wanting to look at her.

  “For what it’s worth, I never stopped loving you.” She said, choking back sobs. “Regardless of how much you hated me, I never stopped.” She said again. Then I stood straight up, and turned to her. Yet, she never took her eyes from the water.

  “Look at me.” I said softly. She slowly turned towards me, hanging her head. I grasped her chin, and forced her to look at me. Then I searched her eyes for a moment, and finally, I saw what I needed to see. I saw who I thought was no longer there. I saw my wife; the woman I fell in love with years ago. “I never hated you. I loved you too much, to hate you.” I said to her. Though I was still very much angry with her, I could never hate her. “Nena, when you told me you slept with Chris, and possibly was pregnant with his kid,” I paused remembering. “A part of me died that night.” I said, feeling that pain all over again. Then, she looked away ashamed. “Look at me!” I demanded. “Yes I was hurt, yes I was angry, but what I realize now, that I didn’t know then, was that no matter what happens,” I paused again, not wanting the tears I tried not to cry for her, to come out. “No matter what we go through, no matter what you do, nothing could ever take away the love that I feel for you right here.” I took her hand, and placed it on my chest, near my heart. “Nothing,” I repeated again.

  “Oh Tony, I had no idea. I feel like such a fool. I lost the best thing that ever happened to me. And for what? For something that wasn’t even real.” She said, shaking her head crying. “Can you ever forgive me for what I’ve done?” She begged, looking up at me. I wanted to say yes, but I could not.

  “I don’t know,” I replied truthfully, “I love you, but…” I started to say when she turned away from me again.

  “Please, you don’t have to explain. I understand.” She was embarrassed. I knew her too well. “I can’t take back what I did,” she continued, “no matter how much I want to, I cannot erase the pain that I caused you. I just hope that someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” She said. Then, I turned her towards me again, and took her in my arms. She held onto me, and cried. I cried too. “I’m so sorry.” I heard her say, but I could not say anything back. I had no more words. All I could do was hold her. Even though I still loved her with all my heart, she hurt me so much, that I was not sure I could get past her betrayal, and try our marriage again. Whereas I wanted to, with everything in me, but I just could not get past the pain in my heart. I loved her, but I did not trust her. I couldn’t. She had hurt me too much.

  “Get your hands off my fiancée!” I looked up, and Nena turned around. There he stood, glaring at us.

  “Chris? I don’t believe this!” Nena said, shaking her head.

  “Nena,” he began, his tone softening, coming closer.

  “Stay away from me!” She screamed, pointing her index finger at him. Immediately, I stepped in front of her.

  “You heard her. Now I suggest you leave, before shit gets ugly.” I cocked my head from side to side, ready to fuck his ass up again. He daringly, got even closer. We were mere inches apart now, and my adrenalin was on overdrive. Chris chuckled, and then looked past me, at Nena.

  “Please don’t tell me that you’re gonna go back to this…” he started to say, when I punched him hard in the jaw, sending him to the ground. I heard Nena gasp from behind me, and I did not stop there.

  “Yeah motherfucker, get up!” I said, kicking Chris hard in the face with my boots. He rolled down the bridge a little, and I kicked him hard again in the gut. Infuriated, I wanted to stomp his ass out. Then, I kicked him again, in the mouth this time.

  “Ugh!” He growled at the blow, spatting out blood.

  “Get up, bitch!” I yelled, stomping on his face. Nena’s screams, drowned out by my rage, did not faze me
this time. I waited a long time, to give Chris the royal ass whooping, he deserved. When he managed to get on his hands and knees, trying to get up, I kicked him in the gut again, sending him back to the ground. Then, I stomped his face again so hard, that I heard his jaw crack, and he screamed out in agony.

  “Oh God! Tony stop it!” Nena screamed when she saw Chris’ face covered in blood. Her voice distracted me, and Chris quickly got to his feet, and tackled me. “No!” She screamed again. “Help! Please! Somebody help!” She cried, as she watched us go at it. Chris then got on top of me, and started punching me in the face, when I brought my knee up and kicked him off me. I was back on my feet within seconds, with no intention of letting his ass go. He stumbled back a little, trying to regain his balance, and that is when he reached around his back, and pulled out a gun. Then I stopped, and dropped my hands. He chuckled, and Nena gasped, when she saw the gun.

  “Die motherfucker!” He threatened, cocking the gun.

  “No! Chris, please! Don’t!” Nena screamed. I never took my eyes off him. When Nena started to cry, he looked in her direction, and that is when I went for it. Instinctively, I pushed his arm up, letting a bullet ring into the air, as he and I struggled to get control of the gun. Our bodies went crashing from railing to railing, with the gun still pointed in the air. Then, it went off again, sending another bullet into the sky. Next, I used all my strength, to force Chris against the wooden railing of the bridge, when we both went crashing through it.

  “No!” I heard Nena scream again, and then caught a glimpse of her running towards us, as we fell. We were both airborne, when the gun went off one final time, before we crashed into the water below.


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