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Custodian (Elemental Paladins Book 5)

Page 13

by Montana Ash

  For every face he recognised, there was one he didn’t. So many of the Orders who had been recalled or who had shown up were unfamiliar to him. There were so many bodies now that people were forced to stand outside the main room and observe through the open doors to the recreation area. As the chatter became louder and the pointed looks longer, Darius wondered if the husband and wife duo were even going to show.

  “They’ll show,” Max murmured from in front of him.

  She sounded very sure, he thought.

  “That’s because I am. They’re here,” she informed them, “and being accompanied by a Ranger Unit. A Ranger Unit that is not Nikolai’s.” Max revealed, even though they hadn’t stepped foot inside the door yet.

  Not even five seconds later, Garrett and his wife walked through the parted masses, a group of five robed and hooded figures at their sides. Seven paladins also followed closely behind, being the bound knights in the couple’s Orders. They both had their trademark welcoming smiles and seemed to be in good spirits with no hint of worry. However, the fact they had no less than a dozen trained warriors with them, told a different story.

  Murmuring increased as the crowd no doubt noticed the same thing. It was not normal to see so many paladins accompanying the council members. It was even less common to see them all heavily armed. The sight of five sickles and seven scythes, so blatantly displayed had Darius itching to reach under his shirt and draw his own weapon. But he knew that would be asking for trouble. Well, more trouble, he amended. At Max’s insistence, they were there to talk – not fight. He only hoped it stayed that way.

  The five sinister cloaked figures were clearly news to Ivy. She was shocked enough to lose her steadfast composure, her mouth opening and brow furrowing with concern. She turned looked at Lark who promptly queried;

  “Max …?”

  “He’s okay. Pissed,” Max clarified, “but okay. They all are.”

  Darius knew without being told that Max was referring to Nikolai and Ivy’s Ranger Unit. He knew Ivy and the Commander of the Rangers were close and her immediate concern for her friend made him appreciate the reserved woman even more. Darius saw the subtle look Lark quickly gave Ivy. It was such a small change in expression but Ivy clearly understood it because she immediately resumed her stoic, relaxed posture. It just went to show how quickly the two had become a unit.

  He knew many people would think the two were an odd couple with no hope of making it long-term. But Darius had no such reservations. He thought the two were perfect for each other and he was happy his fellow paladin had found love with Ivy. It seemed to be catching, now that he thought about it, and wondered if Max was some kind of love pied piper. More than half of them were now blissfully in love, with only Beyden and Axel still single. He really hoped his friends would join them in the relationship ranks very soon. But first, Darius reminded himself, they had to deal with a traitorous villain.

  “Well, it’s quite the turn-out. Welcome. I see a lot of familiar but not-often-seen faces here today. The IDC is grateful you could all make it,” Garrett began, as soon as he took his seat.

  His easy words caused the room to relax a little. Wardens took their seats and paladins found places to lean casually against walls or chairs close to their lieges. Darius was grateful to a certain extent – they needed calm and rational minds to prevail. But he was also worried because it was clear the entire room – with the exception of a handful of individuals – trusted Garrett and took their cues from him. He knew the others were thinking the same thing and despite the need to remain professional, Ryker filled the two-inch space between himself and Max, placing a hand on her shoulder. Darius couldn’t blame his Captain; he wanted to snatch their liege up and make a run for it too. He also wanted to get a good hold on Diana and have her stay close to his side.

  The feelings of protectiveness, loyalty, and love he felt for both his woman and his liege, hadn’t yet proven to be an issue within the Order or to his duties. The dual loyalties still played on his mind. It was hard to let go of a thousand years of thinking. His ideas and values surrounding his duties as a paladin were somewhat old-fashioned. But he felt like they had all managed to find a functional compromise. As such, his anal-retentive tendencies were satisfied. Still, he didn’t touch Diana like he yearned to. Max clearly had no such reservations because she easily placed her hand over Ryker’s, linking their fingers and bringing their hands down by her side.

  She smiled at him, her love and devotion plain to see to all who bothered to look. And a lot of people bothered if the whispers were any indication. Committed relationships between a liege and their paladin were still strictly taboo within the general populace. The IDC had gasped and exclaimed about it at first but had then adopted a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy where Max was concerned. The same had also been the case with Max binding them all and their very odd sleeve-length heraldries.

  Too easy, he thought, shaking his head. Lark had been right; it had all been too easy. And now they knew why. Garrett had an ulterior motive, a secret agenda for keeping Max happy and close. The thought had his guts twisting. As did the warm look Garrett threw Max right at that moment.

  “A member of the council has requested this emergency meeting today. And as it was seconded by another member,” he tipped his head in Mordecai’s direction, “we are all more than willing to interrupt our busy schedules to be here.”

  Darius gritted his teeth; had the man always been so passive aggressive? Had he and the others been oblivious? Or was Garrett’s mocking attitude new? How could they have been so blind, so stupid?

  “Stop it, Darius. He fooled all of us,” Max’s reproach was soft but firm. “I mean, fuck! I can see into someone’s soul and I didn’t have an inkling.”

  “That’s because you didn’t look – didn’t know to look,” Cali pointed out. “None of us did. Why would we suspect the man who has been running our society for a thousand years?”

  The question was rhetorical on Cali’s part, but Darius still felt the self-flagellation throughout the Order link. They all felt guilty about their ignorance and likely would until the day they died. Who knew how much damage this one man had done to their species?

  “Let’s find out, shall we?” Max asked, a second before she stood and narrowed her oceanic eyes on the man in question.

  “Subtle, Max. Tread carefully, remember?” Darius quickly reminded his liege before she could open her mouth.

  “Chill, Dare. I got this,” Max assured him, and he barely managed to suppress his groan.

  Max cocked her head to one side, “Garrett, how long have you been plotting to destroy your own species and therefore, the whole world?”

  Darius simply let his chin drop to his chest as the whole room erupted.


  The noise that followed had Max’s ears twitching in annoyance but she only had eyes for Garrett and his wife. They both wore placid looks of congeniality but now that Max knew what to look for, she could see the devils buried beneath.

  “Max, what are you talking about? You’ve had some strange ideas in the past, but this is just ridiculous,” Garrett responded, looking perplexed with the perfect amount of concern.

  Taking a deep breath, she stood up, effectively silencing the room, “I’m sorry to everyone for what you are about to hear and witness. I wish you didn’t have to. I wish you were not all victims of the lies and betrayals of people you hold in high esteem. But I’ve come to you all today, asking you to listen and to look, and really see what’s been going on beneath the surface for years. Garrett and Autumn are not what they seem. They have been conspiring against their people and their domains, and are the reason why so many of you are going missing or becoming chades.”

  Chaos erupted again and this time caustic comments and threats were hurled her way. She felt her knights move closer but she wasn’t worried. She knew this wouldn’t be a scene of violence. No, the final battle was yet to come.

  “Silence!” Blu’s voice bo
omed out, immediately rendering the room mute. His clear blue eyes pinned her in place and he shook his head, “Max, what are you talking about? You know I’ve always supported you. But this …?”

  Max felt her nerves returning over Blu’s lack of faith. He had been a very good friend to her and a staunch supporter. She hated to hurt him. “Blu, look around you, so many wardens and paladins, new and old. Why has Garrett asked them all to come here? Why now? Think; when was the last time so many Orders were in the same place? And by whose command?”

  Blu frowned, as did Cinder, Ares, and Ravyn, but Max couldn’t tell if it was in thought or because they were all pissed off.

  “Are you implying Garrett has ulterior motives for requesting our international Orders attend us here?” Cinder asked, face stern.

  “Hell yes, that’s what I am implying. Just like I am implying that Garrett coincidentally recalled hundreds of wardens back to this area right before the Great Massacre fifty years ago,” Max tried not to sound exasperated and sarcastic but wasn’t sure she pulled it off. Patience, she lectured herself.

  Garrett held his hand up for order and smiled gently down at her, “Max, you are a true blessing to us all. What with what you’ve been able to achieve with the warden once known as Charlemagne. Curing his curse? It’s extraordinary. We on the council believe such achievements should be acknowledged. That is all. Every citizen has the right to meet a custodian as well as the newly appointed eighth member of the council.”

  Max just shook her head. “You’re lying, Garrett. You’re building an army and herding all the outsiders together so you can exterminate them in one go.”

  “An army? Extermination? My dear, where do you get your ideas from? Is it a by-product of your time spent on the streets? Or is it that author’s brain of yours? Such an imagination,” Autumn laughed.

  Several members of the room joined in Autumn’s amusement. But not all. Max could see some curious and confused faces and she let out a small breath; people were listening. As for Max, she did her best to ignore the jab about her childhood.

  “I think if anyone should be worried about an army, it should be us. What of the army you yourself are amassing?” Ares questioned, hotly.

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Max assured him, calmly. If Garrett and Autumn were going to insist on lying, Max was more than happy to beat them at their own game – to a certain extent. She didn’t want to lie to the warden community – that would make her no better than the arseholes sitting in front of her. But she knew she had to time her revelations perfectly.

  Ares scoffed, eyes filled with loathing and Max knew he was already lost to Garrett and Autumn’s whims. “The mass of chades, currently taking up residence at the rear of a derelict bar run by a human.” The way Ares said human let them all know he felt the word was synonymous with shit. “It seems to me,” Ares continued, “that you are the one accumulating chades – not Garrett.”

  “Firstly, I never said Garrett was accumulating chades. Do you know something I don’t? Second,” she pressed on, not allowing him time for a rebuttal, “they are not chades. They are chadens.”

  “Chadens? What in the world is a chaden?” Ravyn yelled, looking very red-faced and aggravated.

  “Chadens,” Max chirped, grinning for the first time since Garrett and Autumn walked into the room. “Are half chade and half warden. They have been made whole again, the stain on their souls made clean, and are therefore no longer chades. However, time cannot be reversed and they will never again be wardens either. We can’t keep calling them ex-chades or redeemable chades. So … chaden.”

  Max thought she had explained the whole thing rather well, but if the incredulous silence in the room was anything to go by, she was clearly mistaken. “Not a fan?” Max guessed, “How about wade?” More silence. “No?” Damn, those were my best names! She whined, internally.

  “I like chaden,” Dex spoke up, breaking the disbelieving hush of the room.

  “You do?” Max asked him, excitedly.

  Dex smiled at her. He picked up her hand and kissed the back of it, “I do. I would be proud to be a Chaden.”

  Max grinned, “Yay! Chaden it is!”

  Blu cleared his throat, “Nomenclature aside, you make it sound as though you have healed more than just Dex.”

  “Oh I have,” Max nodded her head. “Dozens of them, in fact. But I’m not building an army for my own gain – I swear. It’s only to counterbalance the one Emmanuel has been building with his own fucked-up chades.”

  “Emmanuel? Are you referring to Garrett’s deceased son?” Blu asked, obviously endeavouring to keep up with the conversation.

  “I am,” she spoke with surety. “Only, he’s not deceased.”

  “Not deceased? Garrett, Autumn, what is she talking about?” Blu turned to his fellow council members.

  “I have no idea,” Garrett’s voice was level but Max could make out lines of strain around his eyes; the man was getting pissed.

  Beside her, Ryker scoffed, disdain dripping from his every word as he said; “Really? You’re going to deny your own son? Even Mordecai didn’t deny his child and we all know how big of a prick he is.”

  Max felt Ryker cringe inside her mind along with a very quick and very sincere apology. Max squeezed his hand in reassurance. She knew he hadn’t said the words deliberately or even to oust her relationship with the death warden. But his temper ran hot and he often said things without thinking. She could hardly chastise him for it when she was so often guilty of the same thing.

  “Child? Mordecai, what child?” Cinder asked, looking genuinely confused.

  Even though Max kept her eyes down, she felt the weight of Mordecai’s penetrating green stare. She also heard the unspoken question he posed and she found herself nodding her head. Still, she winced a little when she heard Mordecai’s accented voice, say;

  “Max is my daughter.”

  More chaos predictably followed and Max forced her eyes back up to watch the show. She knew her Order were doing the same thing – observing who already knew. The fake looks of surprise on Ares and Ravyn’s faces confirmed what Beyden had learned from Trent; they were definitely on Team Garrett. Unsurprisingly, Terran and his Order wore knowing smirks, along with Stefan, the new rangers, and at least a dozen other high-ranking wardens. Looks like Garrett had well and truly been planting seeds of doubt, waiting for them to take root in their society.

  “Silence!” Mordecai’s voice boomed out, “The fact that I fathered Max is irrelevant. What is important is what Max and her knights have uncovered in the course of their duties. We have all acknowledged that Max can heal the infection that lives within the chades. But we did not always believe it was a sickness and thus something to cure. As your appointed leader, I apologise for that. We all failed you and you all lost loved ones. But there are some people who refused to accept such losses, instead turning their fight for answers into something twisted and corrupt.”

  Mordecai paused and Max was gratified to see he commanded the attention of the whole room. A quick glance toward Garrett and Autumn showed bland faces as if they didn’t have a care in the world. They had well and truly perfected their acting over the years, and she was worried that even the heartfelt words of one of their oldest and most respected wardens, was not going to be enough to convince the public.

  Mordecai’s green eyes turned shark-cold as he gestured to his once-friend, “Those people are Garrett and Autumn. They were tasked with executing their son, Emmanuel, before the Great Massacre because he had turned into something beyond even a chade. But they did not. Instead, they cultivated the evil being we all had a hand in creating. And in the years since, they have been plotting against us all. They are the reason our numbers are dwindling – because they have been hand-feeding wardens to their abomination. They are the reason chade numbers are increasing – because their son is able to communicate and command them. And they are the reason why chades are making their way here once more – because th
ey are planning another slaughter. Just like the Great Massacre fifty years ago.”

  The stillness in the room was stifling and Max fought the urge to fidget. What the hell was everyone waiting for? Finally, after what seemed like hours but was likely only seconds, Blu once again took control of the conversation;

  “Garrett, Autumn, what do you have to say about these accusations?”

  Garrett smiled at his friend and Max saw Blu blanch. She didn’t know what Blu saw but she was certain the elderly water warden now knew the truth. She didn’t have long to feel sorry for her friend though because Garrett spoke, answering Blu’s question;

  “Not much at all I’m afraid. In fact, I believe we will be leaving now.” He stood up and straightened the collar on his shirt, holding his hand out to his wife, who accepted it with a demure smile.

  The room was silent – too stunned to do anything more than stare at their leader as he made no attempt to deny the serious claims. “Garrett. Autumn. Please don’t do this,” Max wasn’t above pleading if it would save lives.

  Autumn turned to her, her hazel eyes filled with a sick kind of mirth, “My dear, we haven’t done anything – yet.” And with that the pair swept from the room, their paladins and the mysterious Ranger Unit following closely, as the room erupted into pandemonium.

  “Max, are we really just going to let them walk out of here?” Darius asked.

  Max could hear the strain in his voice and understood it. “We don’t have a choice. Garrett hasn’t really admitted to anything. Even if he did, it wouldn’t matter. Look around you,” she urged her Order, gesturing in her mind to the room’s dozens of occupants, “They don’t understand what they’re hearing. They don’t believe what they’re hearing. Because they’re not ready to believe it. If we try to stop them, they will fight for him. Besides, Garrett and Autumn aren’t the real problem. Emmanuel is. And we are no closer to finding him now than when we walked through the door. Let them leave,” she commanded. And hoped she hadn’t just lost her only chance at taking them down.


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