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The Science of Loving

Page 15

by Candace Vianna

  I pushed down, pinning her with my cock as I stalled. “Yeah? That super brain of yours and ‘yeah’ is the best you can do?”


  The corners of her mouth twitched as she fought not to smile. I increase my grip, pulling on her hair—oh, sweetness, it’s on now. By the time I’m done with you, you’ll be saying a whole lot more than ‘yeah.'—and fed her a low threatening growl taking her bottom lip between my teeth. Her breath shortened—better—I pulled out slowly, making sure she felt every fucking inch then pushed back in just as slow, circling my hips when our pelvises kissed. “You feeling me?”

  “Yeah.” You little minx.

  “Tell me.”

  My God, this couldn't be real. Gripping my hair and pulling my knee so high my most tender parts were exposed, he ran the entire length of his cock over them again and again; every stroke, a smooth slick glide driving me crazy as I clawed his back, his ass, needing him closer.

  He lifted his hips, sliding lower, positioning himself at my entrance, the condom making the blunt head forcing its way in feel unnaturally smooth as my body resisted—big. God, he feels so big—he stopped, barely entering me—oh no. No, this couldn't be happening—just as I began to panic, he pulled back, adjusted then pushed in again, going a little deeper this time. He kept pumping and adjusting making a slow, inexorable invasion, each stroke a bit easier than the last. When our bodies finally touched, he waited, raining salty drips, breathing harshly, his stubble burning my face and neck. My muscles eased. I'd never felt so full. So full.

  “God, Angie, you feel so fucking good. You okay?”

  “Yeah.” I rock against him—move in me—with a flex of his hips, he pushed me into the mattress.

  “Yeah? That super brain of yours and ‘yeah’ is the best you can do?” He’s teasing me. Well, two can play.

  “Yeah,” I said, trying not to smile.

  He changed abruptly, tensing, readying to pounce; twisting the fist gripping my hair hard, so hard my scalp tingled and I began to pant. His teeth closed around my chin. His chest vibrated with a deep bass I could feel in my bones as a predatory growl trickled against my skin.

  Then he slid out so achingly slow that he felt never ending. When only his crown remained inside, he reversed, pushing back in with that same deliberate pace. “You feeling me?” he whispered, gyrating his hips into me.

  “Yeah.” I wasn’t smiling now. The seducer was back, promising both ecstasy, and regret.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling?”

  “Hot, wet, full… Wanton and wanting.”

  “Good, that’s good.” He began moving in long measured strokes, his balls gently tapping my ass at the end of each thrust. He released my knee. “Wrap your legs around me.” His fingers left my hair, crossing underneath to grip the opposing shoulder while his other arm circled low, lifting my hips. His thrusts intensified, going deeper, forcing out little grunts. Lust had reduced him to pounding flesh and bruising fingers. I fought for breath, a stitch developing in my side as I clung to his powerful body while he lost himself in mine.

  “You close baby?” No, but it’s still glorious.

  “I’m good,” I panted.

  He hesitated, then buried himself deep, his sides heaving as he studied me. He sat back on his heels, dragging me with him, crumpling the sleeping bags. Gripping my thighs, he pumped into me experimentally, repositioning as he watched my face with a look of intense concentration as I gaze back at him—my lover—getting lost in his beauty. His body gleamed, crawling with ink and bulging muscles as sweat ran down his torso like tears and his eyes held nothing but shadows—God, I could never have imagined this—then his cock brushed that spot bringing me back to the moment. It must've shown on my face because he smiled intimately, knowingly, as the blunt head of his cock struck it repeatedly. “How about now sweetness?”

  He was so calm, too calm as a heavy expectancy began coiling inside me. He adjusted his grip, sliding a supporting arm under the small of my back, lifting my hips. He looked down with an evil grin as his other hand moved over my thigh to where our bodies met. A jolt ripped through me. Our eyes met and his grin turned feral. He looked back down to our joined bodies, his arm cording. He began ramming into me with short, jerking thrusts as he rapidly strummed his thumb over my clit. Oh, shit, oh, shit. SHIT.

  “That’s right baby. I want to feel you come on my fucking cock.” He relentlessly took ownership of my body, pleasure flowing outward as he brutally clutched my ass, surging into me while I convulsed, whipping me with his thumb. His thrusts became frantic, his movements losing their rhythm. He ground into me as his cock pulsed. His body briefly locked in vein popping rigor before he collapsed next to me.

  After several seconds, a shaking hand snaked onto my belly. “You still alive?”

  Wow… That was… Oh wow… wow… I gave him a weak thumbs up, the power of speech still beyond me. The mattress shifted. I had no idea what he was up to since my eyes weren’t cooperating.

  “No… no… too hot.” I kicked spastically at the sleeping bag.

  He chuckled next to me. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “Mmmm… Transcendent,” I muttered, with what was probably the stupidest grin of my life plastered on my face.

  “Go to sleep Ange.” My eyelids went dark. He must've finally turned off the lantern.


  All Good Things Come to an End

  I woke next to a sleeping angel. Her lips pursed as her eyes shuttled back and forth beneath her eyelids—that had better be me she was kissing in her dreams—her hair was a disarming mess, sticking out in some spots, dried sweat gluing it flat in others; her creamy skin patched with beard burn. I liked her wearing my marks, but the idea of other guys seeing them didn’t sit well with me. Last thing I wanted was some tool seeing how fuckable she was, or worse, looking down on her because he thought she was easy. She was mine and I wasn’t sharing.

  Shit, my bladder was ready to explode, but there was no way I was letting her wake up alone, not after yesterday morning’s freak-out. Grinning, I tickled her nose, her lips, making them twitch until she rolled over, burying her face in her pillow. Left with no choice, I went looking for other things to tickle, starting with her shoulders. I began tracing little circles over her skin.

  “Mmmmm…” She stretched sleepily, rolling into me. My cock jumped when her leg slid over me, the duct tape bands scratching my skin. She stopped breathing, her body no longer relaxed. I guess she noticed.

  “Morning, sweetness.”

  “Morning,” she mumbled, shyly burrowing into me.

  “Much as I would love wiling away the morning in your arms, nature’s been calling me for a while.” Flipping the sleeping bag open, I took a moment to admire my properly fucked woman. I fingered the band on her wrist. “I really hate removing these, but they might raise a few eyebrows, not to mention some really uncomfortable questions.” I crawled over her, returning with my penknife. “Wrist.” I slipped the knife under the band, sawing until the tape gave way. I briefly massaged her wrist—I need to find something that doesn’t leave marks—then continued until she was band free.

  “I hear you awake in there.” The tent rattled from Danny’s abuse. Fuck, I hate early risers.

  “Yeah. Yeah… Give us a minute.”

  After tossing Angie her jeans and last night’s tee, I yanked my shorts on and left to thwart any further assaults on our tent.

  “Morning Biggie.” Danny smirked.

  “Morning,” I grumbled. “Where’s Brett.”

  “He went for a walk. He’s been up for a while.”

  “I take it he’s another early riser.”

  “Boy howdy.” The pleased look on her face was warning enough to change the subject.



  “Shit, I’d hoped he’d crawl back under his rock during the night. I guess we’re breaking camp early.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much. Before you leave, w
e should make sure Dad can get the RV closed, just in case, ya know?”

  “Uh huh,” I said, dropping Angie’s shower shoes at her feet when she climbed out of the tent, steadying her while she squiggled her toes under the straps.

  “Morning Brain, nice hair.” Danny grinned at Angie’s bedhead. This was definitely a Kodak moment. Dammit, where’s my phone?

  “Same back at ya, Pinky.” Maybe I should lend her a hat. Naw… This is too funny not to share.

  “Ooh, someone’s feeling feisty this morning. I knew Biggie’d be a good influence.”

  Angie blushed. “I need a shower.”

  “No shit, you guys reek.”

  “Fuck off.” I said after faking a silent laugh. I turned, offering Angie my arm, “Come Angelina, let us ignore this philistine and attend to our morning ablutions.”

  Strutting off with our noses in the air—well, my nose anyway—we ambled through the campground enjoying its unique flavor at the start of the day. The night’s dewy softness had yet to burn off; snores and groaning, hung-over murmurs drifted on the shifting breeze, mixing with notes of smoke, trees and mold, along with occasional dashes of vomit and latrine.

  “Don’t take this the wrong way,” Angie said as we approached the bathhouse, “but if we ever sleep together again, I want walls and a door,” If? Oh, sweetheart, we’d abso-fucking-lutely be spending lots of nights together. We might even sleep a little.

  “No worries sweetness, next time there’ll be soundproofed walls because I want to see just how loud and long I can make you scream.” I loved the way her eyes shined when I said shit like that. Her lips parted and I hauled her in for a searing kiss, morning breath be damned. And the dazed way she clung to me by the time I was through with swollen lips and roses in her cheeks, put a little swagger in my step—that’s right baby; I’m your man. “I’m just on the other side of the wall,” I gave her a nudge in the right direction. “If you need me, shout and I’m there.”

  I entered the men’s side, turning the shower on so it could start warming while I pissed—Damn, I so owed Danny. I fucking hated owing Danny. She’d get smug, not to mention the gloating; there’d be gloating, lots and lots of gloating—Finishing, I stepped in the shower and the cold water sucked the breath out of me. Sometimes it took forever for the water to warm up at these places. I heard the girl’s shower turn on then grinned when a girlish squeal came from the other side of the wall, and thinking about her inner freak—aka Nympho Girl—kept that shit-eating grin on my face, making it hard to shave.

  I wandered into the showers not really thinking. Apparently Mat’d found an on/off switch that led directly from my mouth to my brain. Shit! I almost had a heart attack when I spied the dark haired disaster victim walking next to me. I spun, staring at my reflection. Now Danny’s ‘nice hair’ remark made a lot more sense. Frizzy clumps of hair stuck out from my head at odd angles while other spots were smashed flat, making me look something like the Elephant Man—yeah, if he stuck his finger in a light socket—this wasn’t my typical bed-head. I didn't know what this was—Fuckhead. I had fuckhead—shit, Mat’d seen me like this—oh, my God, he let me walk around like this! That asshole.

  I jumped in the shower without thinking, letting out a girly squeal when the frigid water bitch slapped me—Bitch slapped? I’ve been spending way too much time around Danny; my inner voice was beginning to sound like her. If I wasn’t careful, I was going to end up getting intimately pierced and covered in tattoos—I scraped my scalp vigorously then turned to my body, noting more than a few tender spots. I wasn't sore exactly—okay I was sore, but in a good way—and the water burned where it struck raw patches. Muscles unaccustomed to use were tight, and my groin felt deliciously bruised. All in all, I could finally say I'd been well used and thoroughly debauched.

  I was just bundling my dirty clothes in my towel when the fem-bots strolled in. “Hey guys,” I said, not wanting to be rude.

  “Hey.” Suzi grinned. She was by far the nicest, if not too terribly bright. The others’ just ignored me. Like I care.

  Mat was waiting tensely outside. He blinded me with a broad smile when he saw me and I melted—then frowned. Wasn’t I mad about something? But it was impossible to be mad at someone who looked and smelled so yummy. “Hey baby.”

  “Hey.” His eyes roam over me, his smile widening when they reached my curls. Shit, my morning fuckhead. You rat bastard.

  “I should be mad at you.” His smile faltered.

  “Should be? Does that mean I’m forgiven?”

  “Yes, not that you deserve it. Good thing you’re so pretty.” I swiped at him lightly. I couldn't bring myself to beat on him the way Danny did.

  “Care to share what offense my manly charms have overcome?” he said as I made half-hearted attempts to escape his ogre arms.

  “I looked in the mirror.” His smile returned full force then grew so wide his eyes crinkle. “I can’t believe you let me walk around like that. It’s your fault you know. It must've been all that hair pulling last night.” Shit, the fem-bots walked out just as that comment left my mouth. Awkward…

  “But baby, you wear just fucked hair so well,” Mat drawled, tugging one of my curls, earning me another round of nasty looks from the lingering bimbos.

  “That wasn’t just fucked hair. That was rode hard and put away wet hair,” I hissed making him laugh. “Thank God, everyone was still sleeping when we walked over here—oh, shit, Danny… She’s going to tease me for months.”

  “Naw.” The bald headed freak grinned. “Years.” And that damn smile didn’t leave his face the entire walk back. Jerk.

  There was more activity around us now that our fellow campers were emerging from their tents and RVs. Campfires, stirred back to life, turned wisps of smoke into clouds; pots clanked and excited Spanish blared from a radio tuned to a Mexican station. Avery cut a forlorn figure as we approached, huddling dejectedly under the canopy. The men didn’t acknowledge each other. Mat just continued on to the camper’s open door, dragging me in after him, the spicy scent of chorizo immediately making my mouth water.

  “Morning,” Mat said to the others already ensconced at the table then turned into a moaning zombie. “Mmmm… coffee.” Playfully crowding Carmen where she stood at the stove scrambling eggs.

  “Morning mijo,” she said, offering him a cheek, his bulk taking up all the space while he fixed our coffees.

  Even though he’d doctored mine just the way I liked it, guilt ruined my first sip. Here we were getting all cozy, while Avery sat alone outside. “Shouldn’t we let Avery know there’s coffee?”

  “No,” They all spoke at once like a Greek chorus. Uh oh.

  “That shithead started his douchery first thing this morning, complaining how he had to sleep in his car because Biggie’d refused to be his wingman last night. That whole ‘bro’s before ho’s’ bullshit.” I glanced at her folks; I couldn't believe she talked like that in front of them, though come to think of it, Mat spoke pretty freely as well.

  “He just looks so sad out there all alone.”

  “Mija, you have a tender heart. But hearts live in the moment, and a generous heart is easily betrayed. Think about last night, what would’ve happened if Matty’d done what Avery wanted? What state would your heart be in today?” I understood Carmen’s point, but it didn't make me feel any less guilty. I stared moodily into my coffee, my favorite morning ritual ruined; every drink, every meal had only one first sip, one first bite.

  “Honey, we all make choices,” Stewart said, taking up the banner. “Last night Avery chose to behave offensively, showing not only a lack of respect for Mat, his employer, but for you, and your feelings as well. Consequently, we’re choosing not to associate with him.”

  Driving the point home, Mat added. “He expected me to dump you and help him score with those girls. He knew without all this hotness backing him—” Danny snorted when he paused briefly to vogue. “—he didn’t have a snow ball’s chance in hell of getting laid.” Oka
y, maybe he had brought this on himself, but…

  “I know you’re right, but it still feels wrong.”

  “Eat Mija, I’ll bring him some breakfast then we’ll break camp. I’m sure the RV will close up properly, but I’m glad you’re here just in case.”

  Breaking camp was for the most part uneventful. Mat turned into ‘Anal Boy’ as Danny called him, chasing everyone away so he could pack in peace. I helped Carmen secure the RV, which did as it was told and Avery snuck away without saying goodbye.

  Since Brett was on top of Danny’s gear, it didn't take long to get packed once everyone got out of my hair—figuratively speaking—well, shit, I guess I can't fuck with him anymore; I really owed him for last night. Owing Danny’s boyfriends was almost as bad as owing Danny—sucked the fun right out of the relationship. Damn.

  “Come on kids let’s make the rounds before we leave.” This too was part of the James camping ritual: Making the rounds to bid a final farewell to all the new friends made during our stay.

  “Yeah, I know a certain little princess who’d be heartbroken if Shrek here didn’t say goodbye.” Danny grinned.

  “You’re just jealous.” With fists on my hips, I struck my best heroic pose. “Princesses and fair maidens find me irresistible.”

  “Big deal. A disturbing number of them find me irresistible as well.”

  “Yeah, but chat-room posers don’t count. You realize, most of them are forty-year-old-tweaker-parolees, sporting government jewelry living with their moms; right?”

  “Hey, I met Brett in a chat-room.”

  Shaking my head at Brett, I motioned towards Danny. “See what lurking on-line gets you?”

  “Six feet of awesome?” Nice sucking up.

  “Maybe, if by awesome you mean six feet of prison tats and bad attitude.” Danny turned walking backwards long enough to flip me off. “My point exactly, cholla.”

  The first stop was the fem-bots, three sites over. Apparently, they were breaking camp as well. Hopefully, we could just wave and keep going. “Hey girls.” Mom waved. “We just wanted to say goodbye before we head out.” Shit, they were coming over.


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