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The Deputy's Duty

Page 14

by Terri Reed

  “It did. And we were able to follow the signal to the docks.”

  “Where you rescued me.” She squeezed his hand. “My hero.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and gently kissed each knuckle. “You weren’t exactly a simpering princess waiting to be rescued.”

  “I didn’t stand a chance, though. Those men were going to sell Georgina and the babies.” Her voice shook as she added, “And me. If they didn’t kill me first.”

  Ryan’s expression darkened. “When that goon had his hands wrapped around your throat…I went a little crazy.”

  “You did.” She shuddered as the moment replayed itself in her mind. “It was a little scary.”

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lost control like that. I can’t stand to see anyone, especially a woman, abused.”

  “I would imagine you see it a lot in your line of work,” she said.

  “Not that much in Fitzgerald Bay, thankfully. But in college—” He broke off, his lips pressing together.

  “In college?” she prompted. “What happened while you were in college?”

  His expression darkened, his gaze taking on a faraway glaze. “I witnessed my best friend beat up his girlfriend.”

  She winced with empathy. “Was she okay?”

  “In time,” he said. “I stopped him, but not before he’d busted a few of her facial bones.”

  Meghan cringed, knowing the pain firsthand. “That’s painful.”

  “Yeah, she had to have reconstructive surgery.” He shook his head. “But she wouldn’t press charges. So I did.”

  “You did?” She stared at this man. How could she have ever doubted him? His sense of justice, of right and wrong, defined him, made him the man he was. A man full of integrity and honor.

  A man worth loving.

  She swallowed hard on that last thought. She’d never thought she’d find a man like him. Wasn’t sure they even existed. Maybe in fairy tales. But not in real life. Not her life.

  He nodded. “I sent my best friend to jail because she wouldn’t.”

  This she understood, too. “She was too afraid he’d do worse the next time if she filed a complaint.”

  Ryan searched her face. “You’re right, she was afraid. How did you know that?”

  Averting her gaze, she watched Georgina play with the buttons on her blouse. Her pulse kicked up as she confessed, “Because that was what kept me from reporting my husband.”

  When he didn’t respond, she glanced up to see stunned anger on his face.

  “Your husband beat you?”

  “My ex-husband,” she said with emphasis. “I finally found the courage to divorce him.”

  “I knew you’d been married and divorced, but I had no idea…”

  She frowned at the self-recrimination in his tone. He took so much responsibility onto himself. Responsibilities that weren’t his to bear. It didn’t surprise her in the least that he’d run a background check on her. He was thorough that way. “There were no police reports filed, so how could you have known? And what would knowing have changed?”

  He blinked. “I don’t know.” His expression turned puzzled. “You’re so brave and strong willed, I can’t imagine you letting anyone take advantage of you.”

  She shrugged. “I was young and weak then.” She wasn’t that person anymore. “But the pain and suffering toughened me up. That and a nurse named Justine. She helped me get to a shelter. Helped me find my way back to God.”

  “Praise God for that,” he said, his gaze soft and tender.

  “Yes. Praise God.” Affection for this wonderful man made her smile. “I’ve never had someone fight for me before.”

  “I’ll always fight for you,” he said quietly.

  Her heart jumped. She wanted to believe him. But she’d had promises made to her before. Promises that were broken in the worst possible way. “I hope there’s never a need for that again.”

  Ryan slipped an arm around her and drew her to his side. “You’re safe now.” He chucked a wide-eyed Georgina under the chin. “So are you, little one.”

  Georgina ducked her head and buried her face in Meghan’s shoulder. Meghan gently patted her back in a soothing rhythm as yearning and care filled her.

  “Did they capture Roman?” she asked with a shiver of dread, thinking about the soulless man who’d made it clear she’d earned his wrath.

  “No. Unfortunately, the leader, Roman Wykoski, escaped. He’s wanted by the FBI as well as Interpol.” Ryan tightened his hold on her.

  “He was very angry that I’d messed up his plans.” The threat of his wrath hung over her like a dark cloud.

  Ryan frowned. “Don’t worry. He’ll be captured. He won’t bother you ever again.”

  She wanted to believe that but a tight knot of apprehension formed in her chest. She wouldn’t truly feel safe until the man was caught. Thankful for Ryan’s steady presence, she leaned her head on Ryan’s shoulder. She even didn’t mind his damp shirt or odor from his swim in the river. She was glad he was there.

  She didn’t know what the future held, but for this moment, she would take the comfort he offered.

  “Meghan, honey,” Ryan’s voice held a new note of tension.

  She sat up abruptly, fear jolting through her system. “What is it?”

  He nodded toward another sedan that had roared to a halt a few feet away. “Child Protective Services.”

  Frowning she watched a man and women emerge from the car. Panic twisted in her stomach. She turned to face Ryan. “Please, don’t let them take Georgina from me.”

  The sad and resigned expression on his face didn’t bode well. “They have to. It’s protocol. I’ve broken enough rules today that I won’t have any sway.”

  “But Olivia wanted me to have Georgina,” she insisted. “Christina’s in jail. Georgina has no one else.”

  “I’m sure the authorities will take Olivia’s wish into account as well as Christina’s role in the human trafficking.” He glanced away, his jaw tightening.

  She knew what he was thinking—making Olivia’s revealing letter public would hurt his father and his reputation. Empathy twisted in her chest, but she forced it down. His father had lied and covered up his part in her cousin’s death. Christina Hennessy had bought Georgina illegally and now sat in jail, accused of killing her husband and suspected of killing Olivia. Meghan was Georgina’s last living relative.

  The only way she stood a chance at gaining custody of Georgina was to reveal the truth in a court of law.

  She would do what she had to do. No matter the price she would pay.

  “They’re coming,” Ryan said.

  She made a distressed sound and hugged Georgina to her chest.

  “You have to do what’s best for Georgina,” he stated gently, “and right now it’s going with CPS. They will care for her until we can get her back.”

  We. She hoped he meant that.

  Meghan’s eyes filled with tears. “I want to adopt her. And the other babies if their parents can’t be found.” They needed her. She needed them. She’d always wanted a family of her own. When she’d been married she’d longed to have a child, but her ex had refused. Then after the divorce she’d resigned herself to a lonely, solitary existence. But now she had a chance to be a mother.

  She stared into Ryan’s blue eyes. He brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “You’ll make a great mom. I’m sure a judge will see that.”

  His praise sent pleasure gliding through her. If only he thought she’d make a good wife…but she didn’t even know how he felt about her. And after her article hit the front page… She didn’t want to even think about that yet.

  The car door opened and a man leaned down. “Deputy Chief, I’m Ala
n Lancore with CPS. We need to take the child into custody.”

  Meghan tightened her hold on Georgina. “Can we have just another few moments?”

  Lancore nodded. He gestured toward the sedan he’d arrived in. “I’ll be waiting over there.”

  Meghan showered kisses on Georgina, causing the little girl to giggle with glee. “You’re going to be okay, sweetie,” she said. “I’ll do everything in my power to make sure we’re together.”

  Even if that meant destroying the reputation of Aiden Fitzgerald.

  And costing her the chance of having Ryan in her life.

  But what choice did she have?

  * * *

  By the time they’d returned to Fitzgerald Bay, the moon had risen and cast silvery shadows over the dunes, creating a picturesque scene of light and dark that Meghan never tired of seeing.

  Ryan walked Meghan to the door of her cottage. The quaint little beach house, with its white picket fence and beautiful stonework, sat back off the beach sheltered by gently rolling sand dunes.

  The rumble of the ocean waves crashing on the shore echoed the thunderous beating of her heart. Mist blowing in from the water dampened her hair, making her shiver.

  “Cold?” Ryan asked, rubbing her arms.

  Cold, overwrought and heartsick at having to be away from Georgina. “I miss her already,” she whispered, tears clogging her throat.

  He pulled her close. They’d both showered and changed after their ordeal, using the NYPD’s locker rooms. She wore a borrowed tracksuit from a female officer. He wore sweats, a fresh T-shirt and a pair of flip-flops, replacing his ruined shoes. The faint scent of soap clung to his skin. She wrapped her arms around him, aware of every point of contact. She tilted her head back. Their gazes locked.

  He dipped his head and captured her lips, in a kiss filled with pent-up fear, hope and words that needed to be said. She reveled in the sensations coursing through her, in the emotions rising to the surface. She never wanted the kiss to end. When he eased away his mouth, she nearly cried out at the loss of contact.

  Breathing hard, he touched his forehead to hers. “Wow.”

  She smiled. “Yeah. Wow.”

  For a long moment they remained still and quiet. Hoping they could talk and figure out what was going on between them, she asked softly, “Would you like to come in? I could make us some tea.”

  He drew back but kept his arms snuggly around her. Shadows played across his features, hiding his thoughts. “I need to write up my report. I’m sure the chief will have questions.”

  The chief of police. His father. The subject of the article she planned to write. Unease slithered down her spine. As much as she hoped the piece would not only bring justice to her cousin’s memory and advance her career, she didn’t want to hurt Ryan.

  “Can’t you do that in the morning?” she asked, hoping to stave off reality for a bit longer. She didn’t want to think about how her article would affect him or his feelings for her.

  “I could,” he admitted softly. But she heard the but in his voice. “We’re both wiped out and need some rest. Some time to think coherently.”

  Her heart pinched at his words. He was right of course. There was no denying the physical attraction was strong between them. But the emotional attachment, the expanding feelings sprouting roots in her heart, made moving in any direction treacherous.

  She had no idea how he felt. Maybe this was his way of letting her know he wasn’t interested in pursuing a relationship with her. The thought depressed her nearly as much as being away from Georgina did.

  “You’ll keep me apprised of the case?” she asked, not willing to break their bond yet.

  “I will,” he promised, seeming in no hurry to let go his hold on her.

  “Monday I’ll be hiring an attorney to fight for custody of Georgina,” she told him. “He may need to talk to you.”

  “Not a problem. I’ll help you in any way I can.”

  A question rose to the forefront of her mind. Her mouth went dry with a fresh kind of fear. “Do you think your family will petition for custody of Georgina?”

  His silence battered at her, upping her anxiety tenfold.

  Finally, he spoke, his voice low and careful. “I can’t give you a definitive answer until I speak with my dad. I know we’d like to keep this situation ‘in-house’ so to speak.”

  Meaning out of the public purview. Apprehension crunched through her tummy. She had to make him understand that wouldn’t be possible. As a journalist she had an obligation to write the truth. And that truth would be instrumental in her custody case. She doubted very much that the court wouldn’t want to know the full extent of Georgina’s heritage. “Ryan—”

  “Shh.” He pressed his finger to her lips. A part of her wished it could have been his lips touching hers. “Tomorrow will be soon enough to discuss all this. I’m sure my father will want to have a meeting. I’ll talk to him. Then we’ll go from there.”

  “But you need to know—”

  His mouth captured hers once again, cutting off her words. She lifted her arms around his neck and kissed him back, giving in to the bundle of emotions bouncing around her head and heart. When they parted, she was breathless and a little light-headed. All thoughts of a story left her.

  “My brother Charles and Demi are celebrating their engagement tomorrow night,” he said softly, almost hesitantly. “I was hoping you’d come with me.” He swallowed as if finding his words difficult. “As my date.”

  Thrilled by the invitation and the way he was looking at her with such vulnerable expectation, as if he wasn’t sure she’d agree, she smiled wide and nodded. “Of course I’ll go with you. As your date.”

  No shadows could hide the pleased expression on his handsome face. She marveled that she’d ever thought him cold. He wore his emotions right out in the open for the world to see. For her to see. The words I love you hovered on the tip of her tongue. And realization knocked the breath from her lungs.

  But fear of taking that most important step kept her silent.

  They’d been through so much together. Shared their hurts and the triumph of rescuing Georgina. Meghan had to be cautious and not jump into anything too quickly. Every decision she made now would affect her bid to gain custody of Georgina. She had to be smart and take things slowly. With a sigh, she slid her arms from around his neck and placed her palms on his chest over his heart. “What’s the dress code for tomorrow?”

  “Casual. The celebration will be at Aunt Vanessa’s.”

  Vanessa Connolly, Aiden’s sister, ran Connolly’s Catch seafood restaurant with her fisherman husband, Joe Connolly. Meghan had dined there often this past winter for their clam chowder. The best she’d ever had on many a cold blustery day. “Are you sure she won’t mind having me join you last-minute like this?”

  He gave a soft laugh. “No. She won’t mind. She took over the role of hostess for the Fitzgerald family celebrations after Mom died. Aunt Vanessa loves to throw a party and the more guests the better.”

  “What about the rest of your family?” She tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth. “I wouldn’t want to intrude on their celebration.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Don’t worry. You’ll be with me.”

  She liked the sound of that.

  “Your keys?” he asked.

  She handed them over.

  “I don’t like the idea of you being alone here,” he said. “I’ll have a patrol come by hourly until Roman is caught.”

  Dread rose to rob her of the peace she’d been feeling. “Thank you.”

  He opened the door, walked inside and flipped on the lights. The warm glow played across his handsome face as he drew her into his arms once again, tucking her head beneath his chin. She clung to him. A
fter several heartbeats, he let her go. “Call me if you get scared or need anything. I’m just down the beach. I could be here within minutes.”

  His offer warmed her heart. “I will. I promise.”

  “Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She closed the door behind him.

  The click of the lock would keep her safe from the lingering threat of Roman’s retribution, but keep Ryan out, too. For now.

  She released a wistful sigh. She missed him already. Missed his strength, missed his smile, missed him.

  A piece of her heart walked away with him. And she wanted it back. Wanted him back.

  Just as she wanted Georgina back in her arms.

  Tomorrow. The word held such promise.

  Maybe one day soon, she’d have both Ryan and Georgina permanently in her life.


  Ryan slept late on Saturday morning and then headed to his office around noon. He’d kept his phone beside him all night in case Meghan had needed him. She hadn’t called. The patrol reported all was quiet at her house. There was a mountain of paperwork he had to take care of before he could enjoy the evening with Meghan. And his family. A much different event than the last time he’d brought her into their midst.

  A nervous quiver shot through him.

  He’d never felt this way about another woman.

  It scared him and thrilled at the same time.

  A stack of reports and forms full of questions related to the events of the past few days waited on his desk, claiming the next few hours of his concentration. An official reprimand initiated by Captain Gregson for recklessly endangering Ryan’s own life had been added to his employee work file.

  His father was beyond angry with him. The reaming he’d received last night from his dad when he’d checked in had given Ryan a headache. But hadn’t fazed Ryan nearly as deeply as it once would have since he was upset still with his father.

  Ryan had a lot of work to do on the whole forgiveness concept. He was trying, really he was. But every time he thought about how his father’s actions had been the catalyst for the past week’s event, he’d get choked with anger.


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