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The Deputy's Duty

Page 19

by Terri Reed

  Hating to think what that price might be, Meghan asked, “How did you escape from prison?”

  Mouth curling, Christina sneered. “Really? How do you think? Roman broke me out.”

  Of course Roman broke her out. It just seemed so impossible. Unreal. “So he’s your brother.”

  Heaving a beleaguered sigh, Christina nodded. “Yep. Two years older. Genetics. What can you do?”

  Meghan had so many questions. “I guess that also might explain why you killed Burke.”

  A shuttered look came over Christina’s face. “I had no choice but to kill him. When he found out I had killed Olivia, he was going to turn me in. He was going to betray his own wife.”

  Meghan stilled. Surprise siphoned the blood from her brain, making the world tilt. Blinding grief brought tears to Meghan’s eyes. Finally she knew definitively who killed her cousin. “Why did you kill her?”

  “She wanted to take my baby away from me. She said she’d changed her mind and wanted to take sweet Georgina back. I couldn’t let that happen.”

  Christina’s hands fisted. “She fought me. Scratched my arm like a wild cat. Drew blood even. I lost my favorite dolphin charm.”

  She sounded put out about the loss of her jewelry. “When I saw the picture of me wearing the charm on the wall at the Sugar Plum I knew someone would recognize it and connect it to me. Then when the police showed the charm on the television I had to run.”

  The pieces all fell into place. “So that’s when you decided to give Georgina to your brother to sell? Why would you do that?”

  She made a face. “Not the best move. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  Meghan blinked. As opposed to the straight thinking that led her to murder? The woman was certifiable.

  Three loud rapid-fire gunshots split the air. Meghan flinched and ducked her head into the dirt.

  Christina screamed. Roman cursed and hit the ground.

  Frantic, Meghan inched her way farther from the cliff, while the sharp-edged stone tore at the binding. She could feel the tie loosen. Please, God. Help me.

  “Roman!” Christina cried, clutching at him.

  He rose and ran toward Meghan. “To the cliff, hurry!” he yelled. “There’s a rope. Climb down.”

  Christina raced for the bluff. She grabbed a coiled rope tethered to a spike in the ground that Meghan hadn’t seen and tossed it over the side.

  Roman grabbed Meghan’s legs. He dragged her toward the edge. His fingers dug into her skin. Pebbles poked and scraped her back. She screamed, “No!”

  The bindings around her wrists gave. She clawed at him.

  A shot rang out.

  Meghan screamed.

  Roman dropped her legs. His body jerked backward, his feet coming off the ground. He landed faceup with a gaping hole in his chest.

  Meghan struggled to her knees.

  Strong arms lifted her to her feet.

  Fresh fear jolted her system. She fought to be free.

  “Meghan, honey, its me,” a familiar male voice said.


  Relief flooded her. She sagged against him as sobs racked her body. “You’re safe.”

  “I’m safe.” He hugged her tightly. “You’re safe. Roman’s dead. You don’t have to worry about him ever again.”

  She pulled away from him and gazed into his eyes. “But Christina!”

  “Didn’t get far,” he said, gesturing to where his brothers Douglas and Owen were hauling Christina back onto stable ground.

  “Let me go,” Christina screamed.

  “She killed Olivia and Burke.” Meghan hiccuped, her tears slowly drying. Ryan cut the ties at her ankles. “Roman was her brother.”

  Ryan’s eyebrows rose. “Cooper was right. The family’s crazy.”

  “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” She clutched his shoulders. She could hardly believe he was real. “I was so afraid.”

  “I was, too.” His hands spanned her waist. His touch was so tender, so comforting. “When I arrived at your house and saw that someone had broken in, I thought I’d lost you. I don’t ever want to lose you, Meghan. I love you.”

  Delight exploded in her heart. “You do?”

  “I do.” Contrition marred his brow. “Can you ever forgive me for acting like such a jerk?”

  She cupped his face in her hands. She didn’t have to think about it, the answer came readily. “Yes, I can forgive you. I love you, Ryan Fitzgerald. More than I can possibly say.”

  Joy spread across his handsome face. “You don’t know how happy that makes me feel.”

  His lips captured hers. Hope filled her heart and love poured out as she returned the kiss with everything she had and more.

  * * *

  Two days later, rested and recovered from her ordeal, Meghan sat on the porch of her cottage waiting for Ryan. He’d called and told her that he was coming over. He’d sounded excited which made the waiting that much harder. They’d been inseparable for the past forty-eight hours except when he went home to sleep.

  Each night Meghan dreamed of Ryan. Wonderful dreams full of what their life could be like. A house full of kids. Holidays spent together. Each morning she awoke anxious to see him.

  She thanked God every moment for this second chance with Ryan. Only having Georgina in her arms would make her any happier.

  Ryan’s rig rolled down the street.

  Anticipation and pleasure propelled her to her feet. She bounded down the walkway as he parked.

  He stepped out of the driver’s door. His expression brimmed with excitement. She flew into his arms. She would never tire of feeling his heart beat against hers.

  “Come on,” he said, tugging her around to the passenger side. He opened the door and flipped up the seat. Secured in a booster seat in the rear passenger seat was Georgina. Smiling, Georgina kicked her feet and raised her arms for Meghan.

  Meghan let out a cry of pure joy. She hurriedly unbuckled the toddler and scooped her into her arms. Georgina clung to her. Meghan kissed her sweet blond head and chubby cheeks as tears of happiness ran down her face. Meghan turned her teary-eyed gaze to Ryan. “How?”

  “Dad. He pulled some strings.”

  The hardness she had harbored toward Aiden softened. His kindness made her so happy.

  “Is this just a visit?” she asked, barely daring to hope for more.

  “Nope.” The tender look in his eyes curled her toes. “You’ve been awarded temporary custody until permanent and full custody can be awarded.”

  Elated, Meghan held out her arm. Ryan stepped into her embrace. The three hugged in a tight clinch. They were a family. A bond that Meghan knew would never be broken.


  Five months later

  The back room at Connolly’s Catch restaurant overflowed with excitement. Aiden Fitzgerald had been sworn in as mayor. The town had embraced Aiden, flaws and all. Just as she and Ryan had learned to do.

  Ryan’s arms went around Meghan and he planted a kiss on her lips. This was an important moment for Ryan, as well. He would be sworn in as chief of police in a few days.

  She knew this was his dream, everything he wanted. Now if only her dreams could come true.

  Outside the first of the season’s nor’easters brought rain and wind to batter the windows. Enclosed inside the glass walls of the private room, Meghan held Ryan’s hand tightly. She was so happy for Aiden. Over the past few months, she’d gotten to know Ryan’s dad. He wasn’t a bad man, just one who’d made mistakes. Like everyone else did at times. In fact, she’d found herself liking him. He was kind, and so loving to Georgina.

  Georgina ran up and hugged her legs before taking off again to chase one of the other many young co
usins. Meghan watched the toddler weave her way through the crowd totally comfortable with everyone. Affection and love made Meghan feel all gooey inside. She’d been awarded full custody of Georgina.

  She and Georgina were gloriously happy living in the cottage on the beach. Ryan visited every day. Her relationship with him was deepening and growing. Meghan hoped that one day they’d make their own little family unit.

  “This is so exciting,” Merry said, placing her hand on her pregnant belly. “Even this little one is antsy tonight. Kicking up a storm.”

  Douglas put his arm around his wife. “He’ll be a soccer player.”

  Merry arched an eyebrow. “Or she.”

  “Someone take these crab cakes,” Keira said, holding the plate away from her recently wedded husband. “Nick doesn’t need another one.”

  “Pass them this way.” Charles reached for the plate.

  “Hey, I’m not done with those,” Nick protested with a mock pout.

  Keira laughed and kissed her husband. “You gotta keep your girly figure.”

  “Ryan, rematch!” called Jamie Fitzgerald, setting his elbow on the edge of another table.

  “Go on,” Meghan urged. “Give the guy a break.”

  Ryan sauntered over, all swag and confidence, to arm wrestle his cousin. Meghan laughed.

  “You’re good for him,” Fiona Fitzgerald said as she stepped up next to Meghan. Her engagement ring sparkled on her left hand. Meghan liked Ryan’s red-haired sister. She was down-to-earth and had been a big help over the past few months when Meghan had parenting questions.

  “I think we’re good for each other,” Meghan said, letting the revealing words slip out but knowing she was safe to do so with Fiona.

  They shared a smile. Meghan hoped one day she’d be able to call this woman “sister.”

  The sound of metal against glass brought everyone’s attention to the front of the room. Owen stood with his arms around Victoria and their daughter, Paige.

  “Dad, as the newly elected mayor, would you perform your first official act and marry us?” Owen asked.

  Cheers and sighs and clapping broke out. Aiden went to his youngest son and hugged him close. “Of course, son. If Victoria wants this.”

  “Sir, I’ve waited my whole life for this,” Victoria replied with a wide smile.

  Someone provided a Bible. Aiden officiated their marriage, pronouncing the couple man and wife to the cheers of the family.

  The election celebration turned into a wedding reception. Soon tables were moved aside and Aiden stood in for Victoria’s deceased father and swirled her around the dance floor.

  Georgina tugged at the hem of Meghan’s sweater. She raised her chubby little arms indicting she wanted to be picked up. Meghan lifted her easily and set her on her hip. Georgina laid her head on Meghan’s shoulder. Her eyelids drooped and she yawned, tired from playing with the other Fitzgerald and Connolly children.

  “I’m going to take her home,” she whispered to Ryan.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  “You can stay,” she said, not wanting to keep him from the celebration. “It’s your family.”

  The look he gave had her pulse skittering. “This is our family.”

  She loved the sound of that.

  “And they’ll be fine without us,” he said, guiding her toward the door.

  When they returned to Meghan’s cottage, Ryan followed her into the nursery where she laid Georgina on the gift Aiden had surprised her with one day—the toddler bed that had once belonged to Ryan and his siblings.

  Georgina sighed and rolled over, her arm clutching a teddy bear.

  Ryan took Meghan’s hand. “She’s so precious.”

  “She is,” she agreed, liking the feeling of closeness, of connection she felt with him.

  “Meghan,” he said softly.

  The note in his voice sent her heart pounding. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I don’t want this to ever end.”

  Breathless, she said, “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I want to stay here forever with you. You and Georgina. As a family. The three of us.”

  Tears of joy welled in her eyes. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “Yes, if you’ll have me.”

  She couldn’t have asked for more. “Yes. Oh, yes.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the love and joy filling her heart.

  “I think Georgina needs a sibling or two,” Ryan said against her lips.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” God willing, she wanted six little Fitzgeralds to shower with love.

  * * * * *

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed the final installment of the Fitzgerald Bay continuity series.

  Faith and Family. That’s the motto the Fitzgerald family has lived by for generations. An Irish family with a long history of public service made for a perfect setup for our heroes and heroines. The picturesque coastal fishing village north of Boston may have been fictional, but many times I found myself wishing I could visit and walk along the sandy shores of the bay.

  Wrapping up a continuing suspense story is always challenging and I hope that the ending left you satisfied. The dedication and resolve of Ryan Fitzgerald and the spunk and determination of freelance journalist Meghan Henry, not only solved the murder of Olivia Henry, but also brought down a human-trafficking ring in the process.

  The theme of forgiveness was woven through this story. Both Ryan and Meghan had to find the faith to forgive so they could be free to love. Something I know I struggle with in my life. But knowing that God forgave me helps me find the courage and the power to forgive others. I hope you find that same courage and power in God’s love.

  Coming in fall 2012, look for The Doctor’s Defender, the next Protection Specialists book in my own miniseries.

  Until the next time we meet, may God keep you in His care.

  Terri Reid

  Questions for Discussion

  What made you pick up this book to read? In what ways did it live up to your expectations?

  In what ways were Ryan and Meghan realistic characters? In what ways did their romance build believably?

  If you read the first five books of the series, can you discuss the overarching suspense of Olivia’s murder? Did you guess the culprit?

  As Ryan and Meghan worked together to solve the murder, how did the suspense build?

  What about the setting was clear and appealing? Could you envision Fitzgerald Bay?

  Deputy Chief Ryan Fitzgerald was the eldest of six kids. He had a strong sense of responsibility. What role do you think birth order plays in the development of our personalities?

  When Meghan Henry shed light on Aiden Fitzgerald’s secret, Ryan reacted with anger and hurt and unforgiveness. What does God’s word say about forgiveness?

  Meghan counseled Ryan to forgive his father. What did forgiving his father do for Ryan? Can you tell of a time when you had to forgive someone? How did forgiving impact your life?

  When Meghan Henry’s cousin was murdered, Meghan relentlessly pushed to find the killer. Justice was important to Meghan. Can you discuss why justice is important? What does God’s word say about justice?

  Meghan learned that her cousin had had a child and wanted Meghan to raise her. Meghan faced many dangers, both physical and emotional, to gain custody of Georgina. If you were faced with a similar situation, how would you have proceeded? Was Meghan wise or reckless?

  Ryan realized his own pride was keeping him from forgiving his father. How does pride block us from forgiveness? In what other ways is pride destructive?

  Meghan yearned to belong. In what ways does a sense of belonging fulfi
ll a need?

  Ryan had three brothers and two sisters. Many cousins, aunts and uncles. To say the Fitzgeralds were a large family was an understatement. What size family do you have? In what ways does your family stay connected?

  Did you notice the scripture in the beginning of the book? What do you think God means by these words? What application does the scripture have to your life?

  How did the author’s use of language/writing style make this an enjoyable read?

  What will be your most vivid memories of this book? What lessons about life, love and faith did you learn from this story?

  An Enduring Love

  Jillian Hart


  Angel Falls, Montana Territory, 1882

  “What have you been doing? Lazing about when I have guests coming? My New Year’s Eve ball is not about to wait on you.”

  Lanna Gibson tightened her hold on the scrub brush and crept forward on her knees. Water swished over the inlaid wood floor. Soap bubbled.

  It was best to ignore her boss’s tirade—she had learned that from hard experience. She kept her head down and hoped Mrs. Geneva Wolf, one of Angel Fall’s most prominent citizens, would hurry and finish her criticizing and leave her in peace.

  But Geneva wasn’t done with her. “Explain to me why this room is not finished.” Geneva’s sharp demand echoed in the dining room’s coved ceilings.

  Lanna tucked her pride away and kept scrubbing. She needed this job. “I am almost done.”

  “You should have been done hours ago.” Fancy-heeled shoes rapped across the damp floor, leaving tracks. “This is unacceptable. The kitchen help needs to set up this room and here you are, taking your time like a laze-a-bout! I’ve warned you before, Lanna.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” She held her tongue. Exhaustion burned in her muscles from washing all day long but she kept at it, scouring the perfectly clean floor with deliberate strokes.


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