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Mastering Will

Page 2

by Amber Kell

  Lindi usually enjoyed the thrill of a power exchange between them, but tonight, he didn’t want to have sex in the playroom; he wanted slow lovemaking in their bed.

  Other than giving him a curious look, Will didn’t object to the change in plans. If his erection was any indication, he was more than happy to go along with whatever Lindi decided.

  They entered the bedroom. Lindi pulled back the covers, then motioned for Will to get onto the bed. Lindi stripped off his clothes in slow, seductive motions, giving his pet a show. He rarely put himself on exhibition, usually preferring to watch Will, but sometimes, a little change kept things fresh. The combination of lust and adoration in Will’s eyes boosted Lindi’s ego.

  “Like what you see?”

  “Always.” Will nodded vigorously.

  Lindi crawled up on the bed, sliding against Will’s warm flesh. Will might only have a fraction of Lindi’s body mass, but he emitted enough heat when they snuggled to make Lindi sweat on a cold winter night.

  Lindi mapped out Will’s chest in slow, sensual sweeps, dragging the tips of his fingers across Will’s smooth skin. Will arched up beneath Lindi’s touch.

  “More,” he pleaded.

  “You’ll get what I choose to give you,” Lindi reminded him. They might be in the bedroom instead of the playroom, but Lindi was still in charge. He tugged at the gold collar around Will’s neck, a silent reminder to Will of whom he belonged to.

  “Yes, Master.” Will relaxed beneath Lindi’s touch, sinking into his submission.

  “That’s right.” Lindi kissed Will. He’d never been much of a kisser before Will, now he couldn’t get enough. Eager and extremely willing, his sub encouraged more touch with tiny movements and soft sounds. Will conveyed desperate need with very few words. Luckily, Lindi spoke Will—fluently.

  “Easy, Pet. I’m not ready for you to come yet.” He wrapped his fingers around the base of Will’s cock.

  Will whimpered.

  “That’s right. Whatever I want. Put your fingers right there.” Lindi guided Will’s hand until Will’s fingers were wrapped tightly around the base of his erection like Lindi had held him a moment ago. “Don’t you dare come, or I won’t let you come again for weeks.”

  “Yes, Master.” Will’s voice, breathy and soft, was barely audible.

  Once he was certain Will would obey, Lindi opened the drawer to their side table and grabbed the lube. They’d abandoned condoms in their second year once it became obvious neither of them would be interested in other lovers. Lindi made the choice for both of them, and made sure it was included in their contract. Although he’d shared lovers in the past, Lindi would never share Will with anyone.

  Snapping open the lube cap, Lindi poured the liquid over his fingers. Will spread his legs, exposing his hole for Lindi touch. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

  Will blushed. How he could still turn that delightful red after years of compliments, Lindi didn’t know, but damn if it didn’t make him harder than diamonds. He pushed one finger inside, sliding in and out until Will’s body spread to accept him without resistance. More lube, another finger, and Lindi carefully loosened Will up. Sometimes, they rushed this part, eager to get to the main event. Tonight, Lindi was taking it slow, needing to cherish and build further on the connection between them.

  Once Will was relaxed and ready, Lindi lined up his erection and pressed inside. “Oh, Pet. You always wrap around me so sweetly.”

  Will whimpered.

  “You can remove your hand, but don’t come,” Lindi ordered.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Lindi flexed his hips. He pulled out only to be sucked back into the warm cavern of Will’s body. “Put your hands above your head and grab the bars.”

  The headboard had a series of slats for easy attachment of handcuffs, or for an eager sub to hold on to while being fucked by his master.

  “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Will hooked his ankles behind Lindi’s back. Stretched long and wrapped around Lindi, Will had never been so gorgeous to Lindi’s eyes. “I could keep you like this forever.”

  “I might cramp,” Will said, crinkling his nose.

  Lindi laughed. “We can’t have that.”

  A tender kiss, then Lindi set about showing Will who he belonged to. He snapped his hips back and forth in short controlled bursts of power. Pegging Will’s prostate with each surge, he captured Will’s cries with his mouth, swallowing the needy sounds from his beloved.

  Lindi gripped Will’s erection, sliding his lubed hand up and down. “Come.”

  Will gasped, then obediently spurted out his release. The smell of their passion saturated the air. Breathing in the scent of Will’s seed triggered Lindi’s orgasm. He grunted as he poured into his lover. Worn out, Lindi collapsed on Will and sighed.

  He rested his head against Will’s neck as he tried to gather his scrambled brain enough to function. “You broke me.”

  Will laughed. “I think you have that backward.”

  “Hmm. Are you correcting your Master?”

  “Of course not, sir. You are obviously right.” Will grinned.

  Lindi slapped Will’s thigh, then rolled off. “Let’s take a shower, then you can change the sheets.”

  They owned at least a dozen sets of sheets because Will wouldn’t sleep in a bed that had even a single drop of come. His pet had some OCD tendencies. Watching his lover’s fine ass head for the bathroom, Lindi decided his life was going fine after all.

  Chapter Two

  “Hey, Will!”

  Will turned to face the server. After Lindi’s scolding, Ethan had gone out of his way to be nicer to Will and more cautious around Lindi. Ethan was dressed in his usual silver shorts and carrying a tray of drinks.

  “Hi, Ethan.” William smiled.

  “How did you escape your master?”

  “I’m just heading to the bathroom, even Lindi lets me pee alone.”

  Ethan grinned, but the smile didn’t have the joy it should have. “Lucky me.”

  “Why?” Will stepped back. He suddenly didn’t feel so comfortable standing there and talking to the sub. Alarm bells were ringing like a clarion call in the back of his mind.

  “Because you are the only way we can get to Lindi.” Ethan tilted his head and flashed Will another insincere smile. “He’s oddly attached to you.”

  Will turned to run and instead slammed into a large body behind him.

  A stranger with hard brown eyes and big muscles blocked Will’s way. He lifted his jacket to expose a gun tucked in his pants. “If you don’t come with us, I will shoot your man. Trust me, I’m an excellent shot.”

  “O-okay. I’ll come.” Will didn’t dare let this monster near Lindi. Better to let them hold Will captive and look to escape at another time than to have them shoot Lindi in a crowded room and get several people killed.

  The big guy grabbed Will’s arm and pulled him through the crowd. “Act as natural as you can dressed in that outfit.”

  “What’s wrong with my outfit?” Will looked down at his leather pants. They were loose enough he could kneel at Lindi’s feet without cutting off circulation to anything important. His silver mesh shirt covered his chest but discreetly highlighted his muscles.

  “Nothing at all, I guess, if you’re a sub.”

  “Which I am!” Will rolled his eyes. He wasn’t worried about a two-bit forgery group. They were about as scary as Stephen’s bunny slippers. As long as they didn’t have a gun pointed at Lindi, Will wasn’t too concerned about them. They needed Will unharmed if they hoped to influence Lindi. If Will was right, they didn’t want Lindi to disappear; they needed him to claim he was mistaken about their forger’s activity.

  “It’ll be all right, Will,” Ethan said soothingly. “All you have to do is come with us. We just need some leverage on Lindi. Once we have that, we’ll let you go.”

  Will shook his head. He’d heard stories like that one before, generally spoken by one of his brothers. “You’ll
kill me.”

  “Don’t be an idiot, we’re not killers,” Ethan argued. “We’re just a group of art lovers.”

  The sharp prick against his neck was Will’s only warning before he slid into unconsciousness.

  Cold. Will came to awareness in slow, freezing increments.

  Where am I?

  The last time he’d woken up in a strange room, he’d been captured by a Russian mob trying to butt into his father’s territory. He’d been held for a week until his father paid the ransom. Will was tired of people using him as a bargaining chip. At least he didn’t get the feeling the forgery guys were vicious killers. They might accidentally shoot Will, but he had a feeling it would probably be when Will was trying to leave.

  How did he always end up in these situations? Will rubbed his aching head. Dehydration was giving him a headache.

  The room he woke up in looked like part of a warehouse. A peek out the interior glass window revealed he was up a set of metal stairs in a large building filled with generic boxes the size of refrigerators. He could make out writing on the cardboard in Chinese, or it could’ve been Japanese; Will couldn’t really tell them apart. At the moment, he didn’t care which they were. He doubted a warehouse of foreign imports would narrow down where he was being kept, there was bound to be more than one. He didn’t spot any other people immediately, but he didn’t let that fool him into thinking there weren’t any around.

  The cot he had slept on wasn’t too uncomfortable, but his mouth tasted like several things had died in it, then were left to dry out. Will swallowed back the bile rising in his throat. Although it had only happened a few times in his life, he knew the effects of being drugged.

  A glass of water sat on a box beside the cot. Will picked it up and took a long drink. Hopefully, they hadn’t contaminated his water. “Nice to have considerate kidnappers.” Footsteps echoed on the metal stairs. Will sat back down on the cot; unfortunately from that spot, he couldn’t see the intruder. It didn’t matter really. He needed more intel about where he was and how many people he was up against before he made any kind of move. His father always taught him to evaluate the situation before acting. He hadn’t needed his old skills since he’d lived with Lindi. His master had no idea about Will’s past, and he had planned to keep it that way.

  Ethan walked in, a gun in his hand. He moved with the confidence of a man who knew how to use the weapon he was holding. He’d changed out of his shiny shorts and into a plain pair of denim pants, a white T-shirt and black biker boots. Ethan’s generic outfit would be hard for a witness to pick out in a crowd. Will’s stomach fluttered with swooping eagles at that sort of forethought. Maybe his kidnappers weren’t such idiots after all.

  “Planning on shooting me?” Will eyed the pistol.

  Ethan smirked. “Not unless you rush me. Your boyfriend has made it difficult for us to continue. He got our forger arrested, so we think he should pay for that. We’re going to sell you to him for the amount we would’ve received on the forgeries. It seems fair enough to me. What do you think?”

  Will sighed. “He’s not going to give you any money unless I talk to him.”

  He didn’t comment on the fairness of the entire thing. If life were fair, Will would be at home and Lindi would be whipping him until he came. Knowing Lindi’s protective streak, he must be going out of his mind. His master wouldn’t take Will’s abduction well.

  Ethan pulled a phone out of his pocket. Balancing it in one hand while clutching his gun in the other, he took several pictures of Will. “That should put his heart at ease. We wouldn’t want him to think we killed you off and decide not to pay.”

  “He might not pay anyway,” Will felt compelled to mention. No plan was foolproof.

  “Oh, he’ll pay for you.” Ethan’s eyes glowed with a maniacal glee. “He’s going to lose his shit when he sees these pictures.”

  Ethan pushed several more buttons until a soft ping told Will the message had been sent. A scant minute passed before Ethan’s phone rang.

  “Ooh, look who’s calling. Your Master wants his pet back. It would be a shame if we had to return him soiled goods.”

  Will bit his lip. He had to balance the urge to beat the crap out of Ethan with making sure he stayed safe for Lindi. He couldn’t take any chances. A stray shot from an inexperienced gunman could kill him just as easily as a bullet from a mobster. He needed to find out how many guys were around.

  “Hello, art dealer,” Ethan purred into the phone.

  Will could hear shouting but couldn’t make out the words. Still, the thought of his lover on the other side of the line had his heart pounding. He had to get back to Lindi—failure wasn’t an option.

  Ethan held the phone out from his ear. “Now, now, let’s not lose our temper over a simple business agreement. We’ll return your boy to you as soon as you wire us five million dollars. We’ll even give you forty-eight hours to come up with the cash before we start sending your pretty thing back to you in pieces.”

  While Ethan taunted Lindi, Will thought over how to get a message to his lover. If Lindi called Will’s father and brothers, they would come help Lindi get Will back. He didn’t want to contemplate the price of their assistance, but unless Lindi wanted to get his Fed friends involved, Will’s family was his only choice.

  “Here, he wants to talk to you. Don’t forget to tell him you love him,” Ethan said in a singsong tone. “I already told him if he called his buddies in the FBI, I would kill you.”

  It wasn’t so much Ethan’s tone but the joy in his eyes that worried Will. Ethan might not be a professional killer, but his expression told Will he wouldn’t mind killing him if he thought he was justified. Will wasn’t confident he’d be the first person Ethan had ever killed, either.

  Will’s hand shook as he accepted the phone. “Master, I’m fine. Please don’t be mad at me. Don’t make me sleep in my bed alone, not when you just started letting me sleep with you. Just pay them, and we can be together.” He infused more fear into his voice than he was feeling. He knew most kidnap victims wouldn’t be calm, but most of them weren’t raised by mobsters either.

  “Calm down, Pet. I’m coming for you.” Lindi’s deep voice eased Will’s minor anxiety.

  “I’ll be fine. Just remember what I said. I love you.”

  There was a long pause, and Will knew Lindi was trying to decipher his words. “I love you too.”

  Ethan snatched the phone back and glared at Will. “Pathetic. You shouldn’t give him that much control over you. He’s just a guy who likes to belittle others to make himself feel like a god. It’s disgusting.”

  Will shrugged. He didn’t care about Ethan’s opinion; he just needed Lindi to get his message. Ethan didn’t have to approve of Will’s lifestyle as long as he didn’t shoot him because of it.

  “Now let me tell you my terms.”

  Was Ethan the mastermind behind the forgeries? Will had thought it was the guy who’d stopped him at the club, but the biggest guy didn’t have to be the one in charge.

  “I’ll call you with details for Will’s return when you have the cash,” Ethan said, then hung up. “Don’t worry, pretty pet. We’ll get you returned to your Master soon. How about we just think of you as a mongrel who strayed too far from his owner. Maybe the worst thing you’ll get from your Master is a whack on your nose with a newspaper.”

  Throwing his head back, Ethan laughed at his own joke.

  Will silently planned Ethan’s death as he smiled back.

  Chapter Three

  Lindi stood from the table.

  “What’s going on?” Carlyle asked. Carlyle and Victor were sitting at Lindi’s dining table. They’d followed him home from the club after Lindi had been certain Will had gone missing. Ralph kept calling and apologizing for not being at the door. Apparently, the second of Will’s abductors was the club’s new bouncer. Greg had also called and apologized for hiring members from the forger ring. Lindi didn’t hold him accountable. If they could forge art, it w
ould be nothing to fake references. Greg couldn’t have known.

  “They said I have forty-eight hours to produce five million dollars,” Lindi confessed.

  Victor leaned back in his chair. “Maybe it’s time to talk to your agent friends.”

  “No. If I fall in with the Feds, they will kill him.” Lindi paced back and forth. “I think Will was trying to send me a message.”

  “Why do you say that?” Carlyle asked.

  “He kept saying he didn’t want to be sent back to his room.”

  Victor shrugged. “So? Don’t you usually send him there to think on his misbehavior or something?”

  “First of all, Will doesn’t misbehave. He’s the most obedient sub I’ve ever met. Secondly, he hasn’t slept in his bed since almost the third night we were together. I’ve never banished him from my bed.”

  Lindi enjoyed Will wrapped around him too much to kick him out of their joined room.

  Victor stood. “Will’s smart. He’d know you wouldn’t blame him for his abduction. I think you’re right; he’s trying to tell you something. Let’s go check out his room.”

  Victor and Carlyle followed Lindi into Will’s room. The bedroom had the air of disuse—not dust, because his baby wouldn’t allow that sort of mess, but the feeling of being abandoned from regular usage.

  “What were you trying to tell me, Pet?” Lindi mused, looking around the bare space.

  “He doesn’t have any personal things at all?” Victor asked, glancing at the empty desktop and blank walls. “Even Stephen has some crap he throws in his room.”

  “Your sub is a nester. Mine is a minimalist,” Lindi said.

  “Or he’s looking for a quick escape route,” Carlyle said. “I’ve seen motel rooms with more decoration.”

  Victor snorted. “And you’ve seen a lot of motel rooms.”

  Carlyle smacked Victor in the back of the head. “Not recently.”

  He knew they were trying to make him feel better, but Lindi’s heart still ached for his missing sub. “Will kept mentioning his bed.”


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