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Side Order of Love

Page 26

by Tracey Richardson

  “Maybe I was testing you to see if you really would.”

  “I’m a woman of my word, Grace.”

  “So I see.” Grace’s smile faded and she looked earnestly at Torrie. “I shouldn’t have had such little faith in you before.”

  “I shouldn’t have had such little faith in you, Grace. In us.” Torrie sighed heavily, feeling ashamed again. She hadn’t entirely forgiven herself for thinking Grace had wanted to get back with her ex.

  “All right,” Grace said with authority. “Let’s agree to stop beating ourselves up about what happened. Tonight is a fresh start.”

  Torrie sat up and reached for their wineglasses, handing one to Grace. She topped them both with the wine that was no longer chilled. “It’s more than just a fresh start. Tonight is about the rest of our lives.”

  Grace clinked her glass with Torrie’s. “I’ll drink to that, sweetheart.”

  Later, when the bottle was nearly empty and the time on the digital clock slipped into the new day, Grace told Torrie that she was scaling back her work. She explained how both she and Trish had come to the conclusion that they wanted time for other things in their lives, so they were nixing the Manhattan plans, and once they’d taped all their television show episodes, they could close the chapter on that too.

  “Grace,” Torrie said solemnly, knowing she was about to make an equally big sacrifice. “I can quit the Tour.”

  Grace looked unsure. “Do you want to?”

  “I want to be with you.”

  “That’s not what I asked.”

  Oh, crap. Torrie wanted nothing more than to spend her time with Grace, being alternately lazy and doing things together. Grace was her priority now, but she still felt the undeniable pull of her career. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” Torrie wanted only honesty between them. “I do still want to golf, but I don’t want it to consume my life like it did before. I don’t want that life again. That life without you.”

  “What will make you happy, Torrie?”

  “You make me happy.”

  “What else?”

  “Having you in my life but still golfing for a few more years, anyway.”

  “You are rather young to retire.”

  “I don’t feel young. I feel like one of the old vets on the Tour.”

  Grace laughed. “I forget that in the world of sports, you’re old at thirty.”

  “Grace,” Torrie said, feeling a little scared that she might be asking too much. “I don’t want to do anything that’s going to jeopardize us.”

  “You won’t.” Grace began tracing a finger along Torrie’s jawline, and it was both tender and sexy. “I’ll support you in whatever you want to do, Torrie.”

  “What if I cut my schedule in half? Just do a dozen tournaments a year?”

  “Will that be enough?”

  Torrie knew with certainty that it would be. “Yes.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  Grace kissed the smile from her face. “I love you, Torrie.”

  “I love you, Grace.” Torrie feigned seriousness. “There is one more thing.”


  Torrie stretched, arching her feet. “Do we ever have to get out of this bed?”

  Grace purred against her throat. “God, I wish we didn’t have to. But I think Remy might have something to say about that.”

  As if on cue, the chocolate Lab bounded into the room and leapt onto the bed, causing Grace and Torrie to immediately protect their vulnerable areas from the big paws and the exuberant body they were attached to.

  “Poor boy.” Grace laughed. “Are you feeling ignored?”

  Torrie swung her legs over the side of the bed. “Come on, Remy. Do you have to go out for a pee?”

  “Already, you’re leaving me for another,” Grace clucked.

  “Only temporarily, sweetheart. Will you keep the bed warm?”

  “Need you ask?”


  Grace carried the breakfast tray to the bedroom, nudging the door open with her foot. She stood for a long moment, balancing the dishes, while she admired the sight of her sleeping lover. Streaks of sun slashed across Torrie’s sprawled nude body, the sheet scattered across her waist. It was the body of a beautiful young, hard warrior, although battle-scarred. She knew Torrie’s bad shoulder still ached on damp days.

  Torrie stirred as Grace set the clattering tray onto the bed.

  “Good morning,” Grace said eagerly, bending to kiss Torrie. They’d barely seen each other last night. Torrie had flown in late and gone straight to sleep. Grace had felt her body next to hers in the night, but that was about it.

  “Yes, it is a good morning.” Torrie smiled sleepily. “The best morning in the last eleven days, now that I’m here with you.”

  Grace raised an eyebrow. “I see you were counting our days apart.”

  “Days? I was counting the hours, honey.” Torrie sat up, her compact, firm breasts and muscular shoulders exposed, and Grace had to restrain herself from moving the tray to the floor and throwing herself on the bed. It would be a wonderful way to celebrate Valentine’s Day, except Grace had other things on her mind. Or one other thing, at least.

  “Are you hungry?”

  “Starving.” Torrie grinned provocatively at her. “But not for food. Come here.”

  “Not yet,” Grace answered coyly. She nodded at the scrambled eggs with their fresh ground mint, fine chopped tomatoes and goat cheese, the bacon that was quickly cooling, and the toast with blueberry jam. “I want you to get your strength up first.”

  Torrie looked from Grace to the food and back, and Grace laughed at the torment she’d forced on Torrie, making her choose between sex and food.

  “Well, okay,” Torrie said reluctantly. “First this wonderful breakfast.” She winked at Grace, and Grace felt a shiver of excitement. “And then I’m going to ravage you.”

  “God, I hope so.” Grace kissed Torrie again, slower and deeper this time, then set the tray between them on the bed.

  “This looks awesome,”Torrie said, her eyes already devouring the food.

  “Hope you don’t mind me letting you sleep while I worked in the kitchen.”

  “Mind? I love you for it!”

  They ate the food together, Torrie ravenously, Grace more conservatively. She felt a faint wave of nausea, though not enough to stop her from eating. They caught each other up on their time apart, Torrie having gone down to Florida to spend some time with her swing coach and to practice with her friend Diana to get ready for the Tour’s first tournament of the year in two weeks. Grace smiled at Torrie, knowing she’d probably done her ritual of holding the babies at the hospital down there, but she’d faithfully kept Diana’s secret.

  As much as Grace would have enjoyed spending the eleven days with Torrie, especially in a warm climate, she had stayed behind to putter in her restaurant. Grace had appointments she didn’t want to miss and there had been plans to make. Torrie’s family was flying in to Boston later today.They were gathering for a private dinner at Sheridan’s for Torrie and Grace’s engagement announcement. So far, it had miraculously remained a secret.

  “I can’t wait to see everyone’s faces tonight when we tell them.” Torrie grinned, looking like she might burst from her pride and excitement. “I’ll bet you fifty bucks Aunt Connie’s going to faint.”

  Grace smiled. She knew Aunt Connie would be thrilled to death having her officially join the family, just as Grace was thrilled to be joining it. “I’ll bet you the fifty bucks that I’m going to cry when I ask her to give me away.”

  “Don’t worry. She’ll be bawling too.”

  “Just bring lots of Kleenexes.”

  “Do you think Trish and Catie will agree to stand up for us?”

  “Of course they will. They’d be pissed off if we didn’t ask them.”

  “Yeah. I suppose you’re right.” Torrie looked thoughtful for a moment. “Do you thin
k they’ll make their own announcement one of these days?”

  “Jesus, I hope so. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they announced it at our wedding?”

  “Yeah. If there’s one thing I would allow to steal the spotlight from us for a few minutes, that would be it!”

  “And then we could stand up for them.”

  Torrie cast her an impatient look. “I think we’re getting one wedding ahead of ourselves. And now, sweetheart, since you’ve filled my stomach, I want to fill my hands and my mouth with something else!” She reached out for her.

  Grace set the tray on the night table and crawled into Torrie’s arms. She’d been wanting to tell Torrie her news for two days, but not over the phone. Now she couldn’t wait any longer. A tiny bit of nervousness—the good kind—pricked at her. “You know, honey, there is one more announcement we’re going to have to make tonight.”

  “There is?”

  Grace couldn’t keep the bliss from her voice. “Um. What are you doing in September?”

  “There’s a tournament in Arizona I want to do. Home field advantage and all that.”

  “Hmm. That might just work.”

  “What might work?” Torrie looked puzzled, and Grace softly smoothed the worry lines from her forehead.

  “Having the baby born near your—”

  “What?” Torrie’s eyes were so wide, Grace thought they might pop out of her head. It was like something out of a movie, and Grace had to stifle a giggle. “The baby? You’re…?”

  Grace nodded and watched the emotions stampede across Torrie’s face. Elation quickly pushed aside all else. Torrie was breathless, her chest heaving a little, her cheeks pink with excitement.

  “Holy shit! We’re going to have a baby?”

  Again, Grace nodded, and Torrie wrapped her so tight in a bear hug, Grace thought she might squeeze the tiny embryo right out of her. “Careful, now.”

  “Oh, God, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

  Grace kissed Torrie on the lips. “Yes, I’m fine. I’m great.”

  “Me too. Oh, my God, Grace.” Torrie was shaking her head, looking astonished and pleased. She placed the palm of her hand gently on Grace’s stomach and gazed into her eyes reverently. “You’re having our baby! I can’t believe it worked out so perfectly.”

  “We’ll have to start calling your brother One-Shot Wonder.”

  Torrie laughed. “He’d like that.”

  They’d wanted to start a family, and with Grace turning forty-one in a few months, she hadn’t wanted to wait much longer. Torrie’s youngest brother Dan had quickly agreed to be the donor when they approached him at Thanksgiving. He was the only one of Torrie’s three brothers who was unattached. He was also gay.

  “I hope she has your eyes, Grace.”

  “I hope she has your height. And your athletic ability.”

  Torrie’s hand moved up to Grace’s breast, which she cupped gingerly. She licked her lips.“I guess these are going to get bigger, huh?”

  “Don’t look so happy about it!”

  “Sorry. You know I’m a bit of a boob woman.” She gave another squeeze, more intense this time. “Not that you don’t already have a nice set.”

  “Shut up and kiss me.”

  Torrie was happy to do as she was told. “Is it all right if we… you know?”

  “God, it better be!”

  Torrie giggled against her throat. “How about we do a test run now?”

  Grace laughed and turned into Torrie.“I thought you’d never ask.” She kissed Torrie deeply, reveling in the heat of Torrie’s body, the feel of Torrie’s lips against hers, then the soft, wet tip of Torrie’s tongue brushing her lips. The feel of Torrie, whether it was her skin, her mouth, her lips, her tongue, her hands, electrified Grace beyond measure. “Torrie,” Grace whispered, disengaging and looking into Torrie’s eyes. “You don’t think we’re rushing things, do you?” It all had happened rather quickly, their coming together and then the baby. And while Torrie seemed genuinely pleased and excited by the news, Grace wanted to be sure.

  Torrie smiled at her, traced her finger along Grace’s cheek and down her jaw, then her throat. “Of course we’re rushing it. I want to rush everything with you, Grace. I want our whole life together. Now.”

  Grace melted into Torrie’s embrace and planted little kisses on her neck. “God, I love you, Torrie.”

  “I love you, Grace. And I’m going to love that little baby you’re carrying more than anything else in the world.”

  Grace pulled her head up and kissed Torrie thoroughly. She had it now, finally…the perfect recipe for her life.

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