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Kingdom Come (Price of Power Book 1)

Page 12

by Blake Bisciotti

  “Aye, I’m not sure anyone will be able to properly calculate the costs of war,” said Enrik. “I don’t know where we would get the funds to even begin to launch this campaign, nonetheless carry out what could be months of battles.”

  “Perhaps from the wealthy for they should recognize what is at stake and contribute,” replied Victus as he gave a quick pointed look to Enrik, Jordyn and a couple of other men. “It is not a secret that much of the cities wealth resides in this room with you, my fellow councilmen. It is the duty of this council to protect this city, perhaps doing so will require the men on this council to sacrifice for the greater good.”

  “And what would you have us do Victus? Empty our coffers while at the same time sending out the men who work for our business. There are better more constructive things to do with this city’s money,” Shurlos said.

  “And why hasn’t that money been used constructively then? Why haven’t we supported our people? We always seem to demand taxes and tribute, but how and when do we give back?” The Captains voice rose in anger as he stood from his seat. “I have watched men at this table expand on already superfluous wealth. Although at times I have not agreed with decisions made in this room, I have tried to rely on this council’s wisdom and the hope that we can lead fairly and equitably. Now is the time to make the most important decision, to have the few lead the many and protect those who rely on us.”

  “Oh come off it,” Jordyn Kynburl said lowly while defiantly crossing his arms and scrunching his face. Victus gave him a look drenched in disdain.

  There was a moment of silence in the room. Craegan Moorefont poured himself some more water from a nearby pitcher, sipped from his cup and said, “We do indeed face something that has never been faced before. To remain complacent could lead to our demise.” Craegan said as he looked to Victus. “But we can not risk all the men of our city against an unknown foe.” Victus began a rebuttal but was silenced quickly by Craegan “But this council should not be known as the council that allowed for the fall of our great cities. We will vote on three options: Do we send the full army with a couple of hundred men left behind to defend the city? Do we send half the army? Or do we send no one, and keep our men within our city walls.” He stood and looked around the room.

  “Those in favor of sending the whole army with Victus raise your hand.” Three hands rose including Victus’s.

  “Those in favor of sending half the army?” Seven hands rose, including Craegan’s, Enrik’s, and Jordyn’s. This was the majority of the thirteen councilmen, eliminating the need for asking about the remaining option. “It is decided then. For the first time ever, Rogsnelk will march to battle, lead by Captain Victus Antonel.”

  Victus nodded his head in acceptance of the decision. The Captain gave a slight bow and turned to the door. Before he left he shot Jordyn Kynburl a look that could have broken stone. Although he hoped for more support, for more soldiers, the council had voted and the issue was settled. There was plenty of work to do.


  Most of the men had left the chamber, but Shurlos Vinter, Jordyn Kynburl and another council member called Zandel Armson remained behind. They each refilled their cups with wine. It was cool in the council chamber even though it was a hot summer day outside.

  “Well that was one of the more interesting topics at a meeting,” said Zandel. He wore long grey hair back in a ponytail and had a bushy grey mustache.

  Jordyn looked to the entrance as if to make sure everyone else was indeed gone. “Yes, the young captain is bold and reckless.”

  “He does have some valid points and concerns,” Shurlos’s voice sounded old. He preferred to not go into the heat as much as possible. It didn’t afford any benefits with his old age.

  “He’s dramatic.” Jordyn spat and ran a hand through his curly black hair.

  “This could be a good move. The right move.” Said Zandel optimistically as he sipped his wine.

  “Sure. You would say that given that a wave of weapons production will be necessary,” remarked Jordyn as he raised his glass slightly towards Zandel as if to commend him. Zandel Armson made his living running a large mine that worked iron ore from a quarry to the west. An uptick in weapons production would certainly be to his benefit financially.

  “And I don’t suppose you will be providing rations to the army for free?” Zandel asked with a smile.

  “I will charge no more than is normally charged…and no less. The soldiers should eat well, it is only right.” Jordyn sipped his wine with a slight chuckle. For many decades the Kynburl family has owned some of the most fertile land near Rogsnelk. He stood to make a fortune selling food to the army.

  “Sounds like taxes may have to go up. War time taxes?” Old Shurlos asked.

  “Well, the city has to pay for Zandel’s iron ore some how.” Jordyn raised his glass again towards the man with a smile.

  “And your crops as well!” Zandel snapped back. They all drank their wine.

  “What will the losses be for our city? If there is war, there are losses. We can potentially lose many men.” The serious tone of Shurlos’s question caused a moment of silence and thought.

  “I’m all for it.” All eyes turned to Jordyn. “It is good to trim the fat sometimes. There are too many people looking for handouts. Many in our city think we can just provide support for them as soon as they come whining. As if we should support their welfare. Enough. Let a few hundred perish so they can stop with the demands. The damned poor should be on the front line,” hissed Jordyn, an angry look crossing his tanned face. “And as far as I’m concerned, the bold captain Victus Antonel can be one of the losses as well.” He rose and finished his wine and began towards the exit.

  “Let’s not go too far Jordyn.” Shurlos sipped his wine as he eyed the man walking away.

  “Trim the fat,” Jordyn said loudly and didn’t look back as he departed.

  Chapter 11

  The infant waved his small hand in the air. His big light brown eyes glimmered as he looked up from his crib. The little hand found an adult thumb and latched on to it. The child let out a noise that sounded like a chuckle and then shook the thumb up and down. Baby Eugello Antonel kept staring into the eyes of his father. Victus stared back. He would normally be smiling down at his son, but Victus could not do so now. He looked at his boy, the greatest joy he has ever known, but could not smile.

  It was the day before he would lead his army to the unknown nation of Faletonia. A duty he felt the responsibility to carry out for the sake of his people. He would go and take on the threat that grew to the north. He did not know the extent of the danger that he would face or how powerful the enemy was. Scouts had given him a brief report but it basically just confirmed the existence of the danger with little other detail.

  Eugello could grow up with no father. Victus thought of how important his father was to him. It was his father who taught him to fight, who introduced him to the army and his contacts in the city. What if there was no one to show Eugello how to be a man?

  Infant chatter filled the air some more. How beautiful his son was, his hair dark and his eyes round and filled with life. He will grow up to be a strong, brave, intelligent man. He will respect his mother and honor his father. If it came to it, he would be the man of the house. The thought pained The Captain. Eugello flashed a smile that showed one small tooth and Victus couldn’t help but smile back.

  The Captain then closed his eyes and his face twisted with anger. No…he cannot think in such a way. Yes, he could fall in battle; he could take an axe to the neck and bleed out, leaving Eugello with no father. But that risk was worth in order to do what is right. What if he did nothing and Eugello grew up a slave to Faletonian orcs or found himself murdered by a goblin’s spear? Yes…they were monsters and it was up to him to eradicate the threat. For thousands and thousands of years orcs, goblins ogres and the like have lived their lives tribally and treacherously, vile nomads wandering the lands, preying on humans or whomever they could. No
w they were uniting, and once they were powerful enough, they would seek conquest and power. They would search for slaves and women to rape as they did in years past when they were less powerful. The men and women of the South Sea had been safe in their populated cities because their numbers were their sanctity. Tribal orcs and occasionally goblins would attack travelers, traders and farmers, but they would never attack the cities because they simply did not have the numbers. But soon they may. From all reports, Faletonia was growing stronger and stronger by the day. It seemed inevitable that the beasts would become confident enough to plan to conquer the cities and their inhabitants. No, this would not be the fate of Eugello. Victus rubbed the back of his fingers down the child’s soft cheek. Victus and his army will ensure that all the sons and daughters of the three cities will be safe. He smiled again and put his finger gently on the tip Eugello’s little nose.

  “We will miss you and worry and pray every minute until you return.” His wife’s voice turned The Captain’s attention from his son to the woman who stood just behind him. She was his love. His strength. She stood in just underwear, her long dirty blonde hair hanging over her shoulders onto her bare breasts. She looked beautiful, but unnerved.

  “And no moment will go by that I do not think of you,” he replied to his wife, Adeline Antonel, then embraced her and kissed her with the deepest passion. “You will be looked after while I am away…but I will return,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I love you so much Victus, and wish you would not go… but I understand.” She hugged her husband again and began to cry.

  He kissed the side of her head several times and held her tightly, “fear not my love, I will return soon enough to you and Eugello, and we will be together again.” Victus tucked her face against his chest and kissed the top of her head. “Mark my words, these are the last tears that you will have to shed for me anytime soon.” Adeline pulled back from his embrace and looked at him with a stern expression. She sniffled from crying but composed herself.

  “Go unto your honor my love.” And she returned to his arms. The words resonated in The Captain’s head.


  Esrella sat across from her love. She put her hand on his. They sat in silence for a moment while the morning sun shined in from her windows. Her expression was stolid and she could not take her eyes off Elberon, who looked back at her. He looked tired and worried. The news he told her was devastating, but she knew she must understand. She knew her lover would answer the call of his religious order, no matter what he was asked to endeavor.

  “You will be strong and fight bravely in the name of Phelios and all that is good.” A smile creased her face. “The all mighty god of sun will then cast a stronger light on you.” Esrella was not a direct follower of Phelios, but respected the order…and her lover.

  “Your strength and support drives me,” the priest said. She was taking it so well. She knew his scenario and supported him, but he could see the pain in her eyes, hiding behind the stoic guise. He got up and walked to the window, allowing the sun’s rays to shower his face. The cleric did not know what to expect in the near future. He did know he still had to tell his friend Ostinus the news. This would happen an hour or so before meeting his fellow priests and then departing. “It will not be long, we will carry out our task and return quickly.”

  “Quickly and victoriously!” Esrella said with emotion. As Elberon turned to reply he was met by a charging Esrella. She tackled him onto the bed, straddled his body with her strong legs, and took her shirt off. Her hands found the rope that held Elberon’s robe tight. “I will eagerly wait for your return,” she said as she untied the rope. “And if you must be away from me for some time, allow me to make sure it is difficult for the thought of me to leave your wary mind,” the woman said in a sexy voice.

  His robe was cast to the side. The priest certainly loved his woman, and also enjoyed that he belonged to a religious order that allowed him to have a loving physical relationship. Esrella kissed slowly down his chest to his stomach, and then continued further. Yes, he was sympathetic for those men who belonged to orders that were forbidden to feel a woman’s touch.

  Chapter 12

  It was as peculiar sight as any. Six priests of Phelios, two of Tuemis, caring god of the hearth and home, and one priest of free spirited Aya, goddess of air, approached the city of Rogsnelk on horseback. They had come from Lunemire and were prepared for war.

  The ways of the holy orders varied amongst the followers of the different gods. Each order was granted different spells by way of prayer to their respective gods. In addition to differences in divine magic, there were differences in arms and armor as well. Certain order could use sharpened weapons while others could only use dull types. These customs dated back to ancient times. As for armor, priests of Phelios could wear whatever armor they desired. Three of the priests of the sun god wore light studded leather armor under their decorated robes. The other three just had robes; however all wielded their weapons. Followers of could were forbidden have sharp edges of any kind on the weapons. Clerics of Aya were forbidden to wear armor but could carry any weapon they felt comfortable with, including bladed weapons. The sole priest that travelled from Lunemire had a short sword and a navy tunic. Those of the order of Tuemis could not carry bladed weapons, so one had a mace that lugged a heavy circular head, and the other a quarterstaff of a peculiar crimson colored wood. They could, however, wear armor and each wore studded leather.

  Elberon Per Finn was among the group headed to Rogsnelk. The other eleven priests were to meet them there. Together they were going to march with the army of Captain Victus Antonel and the army of the city furthest to the east, Abellard. Although Lunemire decided to send no troops, the decision for priests to join the battle was not up to the city’s council, but rather the high priests of the orders. The soldiers from Abellard would arrive to Rogsnelk in the morning. There was then to be some organization amongst the commanders of the two armies and then they would depart…to war.

  Elberon’s conversation with Ostinus was a tough one. The warrior immediately said he was joining his friend, but they argued that notion. Elberon and the other priests were meant to travel alone. Their service was unique since they weren’t directed by the city but from the local leaders of their orders. In fact, a few dozen men of Lunemire denied their council and insisted that they would fight for the cause. It was made clear to these men that they could not accompany the priests to Rogsnelk. Religious orders were odd in that sense. No other soldiers marched to represent Lunemire, the council had forbid it. After some back and forth between the friends, it was decided that Ostinus would remain in Lunemire and honor his commitment to the army. They may need him soon. Also, and neither men liked discussing this, but the two friends spoke briefly of how Ostinus would be there for Esrella Meyor, if anything were to happen to Elberon in battle.

  The clerics arrived at the city a few hours past noon. Guards could be seen lining the walls. The standard of the Rogsnelk, a black silhouette of an eagle’s head over a white backdrop, flew from several flags and hung from long tapestries beside the city’s gate. The priests were allowed entry and were then brought to a meeting hall where the eleven other priests joined them. One of the other eleven was actually a female, a priestess of the goddess Aya. She was a beautiful woman with light brown hair, tan skin and bright blue eyes. She wore a skintight blue dress that had an elongated slit up one leg, exposing a muscular thigh. Her breasts were not large, but took perfect form as they were tucked in the top of her dress. On her back was a long thin blade in a scabbard. She drew the attention of all the men who arrived, although reluctantly from the priests of Tuemis, who were forbidden to have any sexual relations.

  Many chairs were scattered about and the group sat and talked as they waited for some senior members of the army to arrive. Their role as priests would need to be discussed since their magical abilities were of great importance and would play a critical function in the army’s strategy. There were p
lenty of seats available but the priests sat in groups based on their order. Introductions were made and the conversations blossomed further and further till the priests all spoke among themselves in intertwining conversations. No real comments were made about their current duties, as if it was being avoided on purpose.

  The chatting would not go on much longer, for the door to the hall swung open and in walked four soldiers, clad in armor with swords sheathed. They parted, two taking steps one way, the other two stepping in the opposite direction, then turned and faced each other, creating a small tunnel. Behind them were three more men who wore no armor but had stern expressions on their faces.

  Captain Victus Antonel was one of those men and he entered eying the clerics. The priests stood from their seats once they realized that the army’s commander was before them. “Welcome, we thank you for coming and also offer our gratitude to your deities, to whom we will give our thanks and respect in a more proper form when this is all over.” The Captain said with a respectful duck of his head. “The compensation will only partially be in gold. We will pay respect and offer tribute in other ways as well. Perhaps with your guidance.” He hesitated and looked to the priests, some nodded in agreement.

  “Please take your seats,” said Victus while extending his hand down towards their chairs. The Captain then sat with the two other men, his officers Andres and Bayloff, sitting to each of his sides. The priests returned to their seats.

  “Your services will be a substantial advantage in the coming days. The gods have been with our cities since they were founded. We will need them more than ever now.” Again he paused and sent a sweeping look across the clerics. “Tomorrow we leave for the southern most city of this supposed nation called Faletonia. In two days we will reach the city. We will then lay siege at once.” He turned his head slightly to glance at his commander Bayloff. Some of the priests fidgeted nervously. “Once we take their city, we will tend to our wounded, with your help of course. We will search and explore their city and hope to gather some information about their society. I know this is new to all of you. It is new to everyone. There is not one soldier in our army that has been involved in a large-scale siege. But fear not, we will be disciplined and act swiftly, strongly, and efficiently. Our officers are more than qualified to lead this attack.” Victus leaned forward and folded his hands. “Please feel free to speak up if you have any thoughts or questions.”


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