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Topaz Dreams

Page 22

by Marilyn Campbell

  Minutes later Falcon stood in a dark forest and absorbed his surroundings. Holy stars, but it was cold. Steve would have known what climate to expect. She would also have been able to tell him what kind of security systems might be employed to protect the house in the distance.

  Remnants of his earlier panic still floated through his mind, threatening to surface and destroy his control once again. Forcefully, he pushed aside all thoughts of Steve and prayed his distracting emotions stayed away as well. All his faculties would be needed for the job ahead, and he could not afford another moment of mental drifting.

  He had purposely chosen a location outside of the structure to give him a chance to study the area. The hush of night aided his concentration. There were animals around him and a body of water nearby. He was not close enough to the house to define its inhabitants, but there was a darkness within its walls.

  Falcon picked up a subtle vibration coming from the ground. He took a step, then two, and it strengthened. The source seemed to be electrical. Carefully, he moved forward, a step at a time, walking only on those areas where the impulses were weakest. He was certain it was an alarm system, but he had no way of knowing if his zigzagging would prevent his presence from being announced.

  The house was set in a small clearing between the edge of the forest and a large lake. Falcon stopped behind a thick tree and opened his mind to whatever was in the house. There were several life forces inside, but their individuality was smothered by the totally black emanations of one individual. It had to be Underwood. He recalled the aura he had picked up from the man named King. Yes, it was there, also. There were no lights on anywhere. Surely they were all asleep. Was Delphina in there?

  As if in answer to his question, a tall, slender female with reddish-brown hair stepped out onto the front porch and sat down on a chair. She matched the image he had seen of Delphina. He waited. No one else was moving in the house. The evil force remained somewhere in the rear portion of the building.

  Falcon stepped out from behind the tree and approached the house. "Delphina? I am Falcon. I have come to take you back to Innerworld. Are you well?"

  Delphina raised her lashes and smiled sweetly. "I am very well, thank you. I did not know if someone would come, but Gordon said I would return home one day."

  Falcon frowned. Gordon? "Where is he now, Delphina? And who else is in the house?"

  "He is asleep as are King and Nesterman. I cannot sleep and I find it very peaceful out here."

  "We must hurry. I need your help. Underwood has an Innerworld ring, like this one." He held out his hand for her to see it. "Have you seen, it inside?"

  "Gordon has a lot of interesting things. He keeps his favorites in one room. Perhaps it is there."

  She got up and went back in the house. Falcon followed soundlessly through the front room, down a hallway, to a closed door at the end. He would secure the ring and then go after Karl Nesterman for Steve.

  "It is locked," Delphina patiently informed him.

  Falcon placed his hand on the door and stared into the room beyond. He could see several glass display cases, shelves bearing trophies, and plaques adorned the walls. His fingers moved to the lock, and he envisioned the mechanism inside. It was a simple exercise to move the pins into place so that the lock opened for him. He pulled Delphina into the room with him and closed the door.

  His gaze passed over one wall and stopped on a tall glass cabinet filled with trinkets. The ring sat on a small pillow in the midst of numerous other pieces of jewelry. He touched the cabinet door. He felt no impulses as he had outside. Was it possible Underwood would leave the ring with no security other than a lock on the door? It did not seem right.

  "Delphina, do you know anything about this cabinet?"

  "No, Falcon, I do not."

  Falcon hesitated, unable to pinpoint what was bothering him. He feared he did not have time to be any more cautious. His fingers turned the latch on the cabinet. In its glass front he saw a reflection of Delphina raising something to her face at the same instant he swung open the narrow door.

  A puff of blue smoke exploded in his face. He turned to escape the choking fumes, but his knees buckled beneath him. His last sight was a hazy image of Delphina wearing a grotesque mask, slowly backing away from him.

  Steve! his mind screamed out to her.

  * * * *

  "Did you see that, Doctor Yeguli?" the technician asked excitedly.


  "Look! The patient's brain activity just leapt from subconscious to alert, then settled in the normal range. And the rapid eye movement. Like a dream. How did you do that?"

  The doctor rechecked the monitors and shook her head. "I didn't cause it. If I hadn't been standing here, I'd say she was spurred by an outside stimulus. Very odd. Well, whatever caused it, she's coming back to us now."

  Chapter Seventeen

  The sweetest joy, the wildest woe is love. —Philip James Bailey

  "Falcon?" Steve thought she had spoken his name, but her voice sounded unfamiliar. Her parched throat begged for a sip of water before trying to emit another word. For a moment she allowed herself to sink back into the blackness where she had felt none of the searing pain coursing through her body. The sore throat was nothing compared to the knife slashing at her stomach and chest. She tried to raise her eyelids, without success, nor could she move her arms or legs.

  Falcon had called her. He needed her... for something. Steve's mind leapt at fleeting memories, but they escaped her grasp. This didn't feel like a dream, yet she couldn't make herself come fully awake. If Falcon needed her enough to call to her, he was in serious trouble. She had to go to him ... somewhere. As her mind started to clear, however, the blackness moved over her again.

  "There," Doctor Yeguli stated to her technician as she adjusted the intensity of the light above the patient's head. "She should now return to a level of unconsciousness where she will not suffer so greatly from the pain, but her recovery will not be hindered."

  "But look at the brain pattern, Doctor. She's still fighting the tranquilizing effects of the light. It's as if her subconscious is working independently to bring her to." The technician touched several dials beside the bed. "This is incredible. The healing rate of the organs has more than doubled from what it was a few minutes ago. I've never seen anything like it."

  "I have—in a felan empath I cared for once. The woman's mental abilities were so great she practically healed herself. I think it's time to speak to the governor about this patient."

  When Romulus and Aster arrived, Romulus briefly filled in Doctor Yeguli. Without benefit of a logical explanation, it had to be assumed that the patient's contact with the empath, Falcon, had somehow bound them together. That being the case, Romulus recommended that the doctor allow Steve to regain consciousness without further interference.

  Two hours later Doctor Yeguli called the governor back to Medical.

  Steve heard hushed voices in the distance. The effort it took to make out specific words acted as a lifeline to drag her out of the dark oblivion. She was certain she had almost awakened before and was determined to succeed this time. Why was she so exhausted? The voices became more distinct, even if the words were still jumbled together.

  "Steve, can you hear me?"

  The question came from a woman, someone who knew her name and sounded genuinely concerned. Steve put all her energy into opening her eyes. She blinked several times before she could focus on the stunning couple standing next to her.

  The silver-haired woman took her hand. "I'm Aster, a friend of Falcon's, and this is my mate, or rather my husband, Romulus."

  Steve wrinkled her forehead and closed her eyes again. She might have guessed the identity of the two people from Falcon's descriptions. When Falcon had related stories about them, she had thought of them as fictional characters existing in a fantasy world. Did having a conversation with them mean they were real, or had she herself become make-believe?

  "Where am I?" Steve fi
nally asked when she reopened her eyes.

  Aster glanced at Romulus and, receiving his nod of approval, she explained, "You are in Innerworld in our medical facility. Technically, you should still be unconscious. Are you in any pain?"

  "Pain?" Steve tried to keep her confusion hidden until her memory started to function again.

  Rom offered her a slight mental prod. "What do you last remember, Steve?"

  The first clear recollection she had was of being in a dark closet with Falcon. She felt her cheeks grow warm and forced her thoughts to continue forward from that point. Suddenly it all came back to her, causing her to bolt upright so quickly that she swayed from dizziness. Aster quickly threw an arm around Steve's shoulder to steady her.

  "I remember now. I was shot! Oh, my God!" Her gaze darted back and forth between the two strangers. "Where's Falcon? I told him to get away. I really am in Innerworld, aren't I?" She did not need their confirmation to know it was true. "How did he bring me here? He told me he wasn't supposed to use his ring. Where is he?" Her hand moved to her abdomen. "There was awful pain and then nothing. But I'm not injured now. How much time has passed?" Steve finished in a shaky whisper, not at all certain she wanted to hear any of the answers.

  Aster continued to brace Steve as Romulus relayed the story Falcon had told them about four hours ago. A few days ago she would have refused to believe such an incredible tale. She had been dead and restored in a futuristic world in the center of the Earth. Now she accepted what she was being told without a single doubt.

  "You should have remained asleep under the light for about another ten hours, but, somehow, your mind took over your healing process."

  Abruptly, Steve pulled away from Aster and was about to scoot off the bed when she realized she was naked. "May I have something to wear please? I have to go."

  Aster touched her hand and smiled. "Wherever you need to go, you will have to wait for Falcon to return for you."

  Steve couldn't understand it, but she was filled with anxiety about Falcon. "No, I can't. He called me. I heard him the same way I could hear him when we mind-talked." Steve stopped as she caught the shocked expressions on both their faces.

  "You could communicate mentally?" Aster asked slowly. When Steve didn't answer, she reassured her. "There's nothing wrong with that. We're just surprised that Falcon would have formed such a bond with a..." Aster paused and turned to her mate. "Darling, would you mind giving us a few minutes alone?"

  "Certainly. I need to go over the medical report with Doctor Yeguli anyway." Rom touched Aster's cheek, then sent her a thought. Ten minutes. We have some decisions to make that can't wait.

  As soon as Governor Romulus left, Steve came to Falcon's defense. "Falcon tried to keep his identity a secret from me. If he has broken any of your laws, it was my fault. I really didn't give him much choice."

  Aster laughed. "Hmmm. You say it was your fault, and he says your death was his fault. I suspect you're both to blame, but more than likely neither one of you could have changed a thing."

  "I'm afraid I don't get the joke."

  Aster grew serious again. "Falcon said he told you about this world. Are you aware that I'm from the United States like you?" Steve nodded. "At first I remained here because I had no choice. Later I was given an opportunity to return to the United States, but by that time I was desperately in love with Romulus and felt at home in his world. Nothing I had left behind could compare to the new life I'd been given here.

  "But there was more to it than simple choices for me. Romulus was forbidden by law to fraternize with any Terran. What that law didn't take into account was the remote possibility that he would be drawn to me by a force stronger than the Ruling Tribunal of Norona." At Steve's look of confusion. Aster laughed again. "Sorry. I seem to have forgotten that where we come from Norona and its leaders are still unheard of. Never mind. There really is a point to all this digression.

  "Norpnians are human, but there are some major differences between our races. One major example is how they select their mates, who are more than spouses as we know them. It's not merely a matter of emotions or personal likes and dislikes. A man and woman may care deeply for each other and yet not be destined to be mates. For Noronians, the term 'soul mate' has a very literal definition. The uncontrollable attraction of the souls of the couple is the determining factor in finding one's true mate. There is a physiological symptom, referred to as the mating fever, which can't be denied, no matter how hard the two people try. And believe me, Romulus and I had extremely strong reasons to fight it. The only cure is for the couple to join, which is a mating of their souls and minds, as well as their bodies.

  "The kind of mental bond that you and Falcon have formed sounds like what Romulus and I share, and yet he spoke of returning you to Outerworld. From the look on your face, I gather you are aware that you will be separated from him."

  "There's no way he could stay out there. It would cause him too many problems."

  "Did you perform a ritual or ceremony of any kind before you were able to communicate telepathically?"

  Steve wrinkled her brow. "A ritual? No. He was just suddenly able to put thoughts right into my head. It was right after..." Her blush finished the sentence for her. "Anyway, it doesn't work both ways. I can only send him thoughts when my emotions are running high or when he touches my temple."

  Aster was thoughtful for a moment. "It must be his felan heritage that made it possible, and yet... Steve, are you in love with Falcon?"

  The very personal question surprised Steve, but she didn't have to contemplate it to know the answer. Telling herself it was impossible wouldn't change the truth. He was an alien; she had only met him a week ago; he felt nothing but gratitude toward toward her. None of those facts altered her feelings. She hedged. "How could a woman not love Falcon?"

  Hearing the sadness that crept into Steve's voice encouraged Aster to press further. "I know. I love him, too. As a very dear friend," she added when she saw the reaction she was looking for. "I would miss him if he left here, but I would still be whole. I would not feel as if a part of me went with him. Romulus and I risked everything to be joined, because life was not worth living otherwise. We have a very grave decision to make regarding your future. I need to know your true feelings about Falcon before I make my recommendation."

  Steve sighed. Saying it aloud would make no difference. "It's insane. Everything's happened too fast. I love him so much, I don't know how I'll face tomorrow, let alone the rest of my life without him. Is that what you want to hear? Well, it's true. Regardless of my feelings, however, Falcon explained to me how his emotions have just begun to surface. He doesn't know what love is. Even if there was a way for us to be together, he needs time to learn more about this new part of him. I don't want to be around when he realizes that what happened between us was only special to him because it was his first time. Nor would I want to be there when he meets that soul mate you spoke of.

  "None of it really matters anyway. I have to go back to my mother and children, and he has to stay here." After a moment's pause, she added softly, "Maybe someday, if I'm very lucky, I'll get used to living without a heart."

  Aster squeezed Steve's hand then dabbed at the moisture that had accumulated in her own eyes. Where was the happy ending? "Thank you for being honest with me, Steve. I know what you've said about Falcon is true. You're an incredibly strong woman to accept it like you have. I wish I could make it come out better for both of you, but I don't have that kind of power." Aster held back the thought that, although Falcon may need to test his wings with other women, the overwrought man she had spoken to earlier wouldn't find it so easy to dismiss this woman from his life.

  Steve shrugged and offered a weak smile. "There is something you do have the power to help me with. Whether it makes sense or not, Falcon called me. I understand your need to trust me, but I'm worried about him. He said you were familiar with Gordon Underwood and his tactics, so you must realize what danger Falcon might be in. Please
. Help me go to him."

  "Falcon gave us instructions to keep you here until he returned. You may as well know he's past due. We were preparing to send out another tracker to the coordinates he left us."

  "Aster, imagine that it's Romulus out there. I am a trained private investigator, Falcon and I have a mental bond of some kind, and I love him. Who could be a better choice to track him than me?"

  It took some effort on Aster's part to convince Romulus that Steve should be the one to go. Minutes after it was decided, however, Steve was dressed and taken to the transmigrator unit. She knew the danger she risked and chose not to dwell on it as Romulus explained how she would be transported. Nor did she bother to advise him that she had already experienced it without any politely phrased warnings.

  Aster apologized that she had not been free to show her around, but the less Steve witnessed, and the fewer Innerworlders she came in contact with, the safer it was for everyone. Steve shook their hands, and they wished her luck, almost as if they were acquaintances she might run into again someday. But she knew better.

  Being prepared to be transported did not make as much difference as Steve had hoped. The two-minute journey still felt like a roller-coaster ride through the bowels of hell. She didn't open her eyes until she felt the ground beneath her feet, and freezing air blow against her face. She had made it!

  Standing in the quiet forest, she let her eyes adjust to the predawn light. The house in the clearing ahead had to be Underwood's. She recalled the list of detailed expenses involved in its construction. The security systems were state of the art and began with sensors beneath the ground. She had no way of avoiding detection, but at least she knew that if there was anyone in the house, they would be expecting someone by the time she reached it. What had Falcon done when he had stood in this spot? Where was he now? If he had managed to get a mental call through to her all the way in Innerworld, why couldn't she hear him now? Oh God, please let him be all right.


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