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Tales of the Hood

Page 14

by T K Williams-Nelson

  We went to the shopping centre and arranged for the flowers and the food to be delivered earlier on the day so people could start getting the place ready. We chose a green and white colour scheme so the decorations represented peace, which is all we wanted for our day. By the end of it we had spent nearly all our budget and all that was left to buy was my suit and Vanessa’s dress. We split up and looked for them separately. I found a nice fitted white suit in a store that was just what I was looking for. I made arrangements to get it ready and picked up the next day. I tried it on and looked in the mirror, looking at the boss staring back at me. It reminded me of how I had looked when I got my suit for my party. I just knew the day was going to be smooth. I could feel the good vibes already. I bought a small green handkerchief to fit in my breast pocket and that was my outfit sorted. As for Vanessa she didn’t tell me what she had bought because she didn’t want to spoil the surprise, so together we looked for Shakira’s garments; arranged for transport then left for home. It had been a hell of a long day but being with my fiancé and my daughter felt so nice. It was the three of us bonding how a family should.


  Whilst making final arrangements in terms of entertainment for the wedding, the police came to the house. “We have charged Holly for attempted murder,” the PC spoke boldly.

  “But how did you know it was her?” I said surprised.

  “When our team processed your vehicle we found her fingerprints on the brakes. Also when we searched her flat we found the tools used to tamper with the car. We don’t know if she was working alone or with help but that was enough evidence to charge her,” he explained.

  “Oh so how long is she looking to spend in the cell if she’s found guilty?” I questioned eagerly. I wanted to know that she was going to be gone for good.

  “Well depending on the judge she could get seven to twelve years if found guilty however she would only serve half her sentence if circumstances are good,” he added.

  “Good, she deserves every damn minute of it,” said Vanessa coming to sit next to me. I agreed with her completely. Holly tried to kill me and, to make it worse, Shakira got caught up in the silly feud. I felt guilty. If she didn’t go jail and I caught up with her, I would be the one rotting in the cell. I couldn’t understand how she had so much hatred for me. I hadn’t done anything to her besides be honest about her ways. Sometimes the truth hurts. The police finished up their conversation then left. I sat there thinking to myself that justice was done but she was only a puppet: that’s one hater I won’t be seeing for a while but there’s still one left; the one of most significance.


  Everything was set. Catering and decorations were ready and today was the day that I was getting married. I’m not going to lie, on the days leading up to today I did have doubts. I’m young and dedicating my life to one person already. It seemed surreal. I didn’t want to make such a commitment to Vanessa and then end up breaking my vows. I had to pull myself together. I loved her and I knew I wanted to be with her. I pushed those thoughts out my head and left them in the house as I got into the car to go to the church. My heart began to race as we got closer and closer. When I arrived many people were standing outside waving and cheering. I was shaking hands left right and centre as people commented on my suit and Vanessa as my upcoming bride. I saw old family friends; people from my primary school; high school; and even the Crime Scene made the effort. Even fans took time out of their day to see my entrance. Everyone was here to support me. It was a wonderful atmosphere. After a while the priest called everyone in to the church to take their seats and members of my marriage party to take their places. I stood up at the front alone; waiting for my blushing bride to walk through those doors and hoping the day would be a success. I didn’t have a best man because from when I was young I told Maurice that that was his position and he was irreplaceable.

  The soft music started and the doors opened. Vanessa came gracefully down the isle with her granddad on her arm. He’d travelled all the way from Jamaica to be here which I thought was beyond generous. She looked gorgeous; amazing; stunning. There wasn’t just one word that could describe her. Seeing her in that white dress made me proud to be her future husband. When she stood next to me I couldn’t help but beam blissfully.

  “We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Jayden and Vanessa. If anyone knows of a reason why these two should not be married please speak now or forever hold your peace,” he spoke swiftly and clearly. There was a long pause. I waited to here the sound of someone say something but there was nothing but silence. The priest carried on, “Vanessa, do you take Jayden to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and cherish him, be caring and faithful?”

  “I do,” she smiled adoringly.

  “Jayden, do you take Vanessa to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and cherish her, be caring and faithful?”

  “I do,” I said with the same expression.

  “Very well, all here today have rained their blessings on you and we sincerely hope your years to come will be filled with joy and happiness. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” he said, approaching the best part.

  I leaned in slowly and kissed her plush lips. They felt so soft and tasted so sweet. A round of applause and cheers filled the room. I looked in to her eyes. “You’re officially my wife now. You’re the reason I don’t need to keep running with the streets any more,” I smiled and picked up Shakira in my arms. Vanessa was my wife now; exactly the way it should be.


  The reception was live. Everyone was in a good mood. There was no violence around whatsoever and that was my biggest fear for the day. It was the start of a new life with my wife and daughter. The time for people to say their speeches came and everyone gathered around the master table. First Vanessa’s side of the family said what they had to say.

  “Evening to all. I thank you for coming to show your support at my granddaughter’s wedding today. It has been a great pleasure seeing her by the side of this young and successful man, Jayden. I wish you both all the best,” expressed her grandfather fondly.

  Only a small number of my family were present and they didn’t say much; just about a few words here and there. When I got too involved in the game they all acted like they didn’t know me. They always criticised how my mum brought me up; blamed her for the bad behaviour Maurice and I had spread through the blocks. Now they knew I was making a name for myself, those with little shame came to my wedding.

  When it came to my turn to make a speech I wasn’t prepared at all: “I want thank everyone who came to the wedding today. First of all I would like to say that Vanessa is the best thing that has ever happened to me. At first I didn’t know this but as past experiences emerged I realised she was the stability I needed; my backbone. I’m so happy to be married today; I just want to have fun and a good party. Bless.” I felt nourished after that. I had spoken the honest truth and it felt so good. It was Vanessa’s turn to speak and I couldn’t help but let my eyes roll over her radiant body in that dress.

  “I’m very overwhelmed by today. I have just married the love of my life and I have a beautiful daughter that just won’t stop talking. I want to thank you all for coming again and I hope you enjoy yourself. Err There’s not much more to say so let me just sit down before I start talking rubbish,” she laughed.

  Now it was time do get down to the real party. The music began to play and everyone was in the mood to dance. Food was being distributed like clockwork and everyone was having a great time. It was the evening me and Vanessa needed to top off our big day. We had our first dance and all our guests’ eyes were glued on us. Slow and subtle; staring in to each other’s eyes as we made our mark in the centre of the dance floor. Satisfaction prevailed as the hall started to empty and the cleaners started their work. When there was only a few people left me, Shakira and Vanessa got ready to head home. We both had a wonderful day but it had been a really long day and we were tired. Since we had
no car to whisk us away I booked a cab; gave the owner the keys to the venue and drove home.

  “So how does it feel to officially be Mrs Daley?” I asked in amusement.

  “It feels exactly like yesterday. Marriage hasn’t changed anything except that it has set our love in stone,” she replied tenderly.

  Upon approaching the blocks I saw a strong orange light. “Can you see that?” I asked the driver.

  “Yes I don’t know what it is though,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the road. As we came closer we noticed it was a fire but I still couldn’t see where it was coming from. I asked the driver again, did he know anything about this but he didn’t understand much English. When we got nearer to the light I knew what it was and immediately I told the driver to pull over before getting out the car.

  “Jayden where are you going? Listen this hasn’t got anything to do with us so let’s just keep out of it,” urged Vanessa.

  “Vanessa you know this is my old house. There are new people living there so how could there be a fire so soon after they’ve moved in? Put two and two together, this was no accident,” I replied, convinced that Jamal had something to do with it.

  I ran up closer and heard screams coming from the flat. The fire brigade had been called as bystanders waited for them to come. Ten minutes went by and they still hadn’t arrived. The fire was more ferocious than ever now and the screams even more haunting. I couldn’t take it any more and flung off my jacket.

  “Jayden!” shouted Vanessa continuously as people held her back. I felt like I needed to do something. The likelihood of this situation was that Jamal was probably unaware that we had moved and had targeted the wrong place. I felt accountable for any harm done to those who now lived there.

  I walked up to the blaze and shouted, “Where are you!”, I knew that house like the back of my hand so wherever the screams were coming from I believed I could get in and out of there quick enough. There was no reply so I shouted again. Then I saw a boy slam against the kitchen window, banging on the glass.

  “Help I’m here,” he coughed heavily. He looked rough but it was a start. I ran in and heard Vanessa cry out painfully. As much as it hurt me to ignore her I knew if I acknowledged her I would have second thoughts about what I was about to do. I ran into the kitchen with my sleeve over my mouth. The smoke was harsh but I couldn’t leave him. I saw him huddled on the floor and when he saw my face he stood up as fast as he could before collapsing in my arms. I dragged him through the flaming house and out the front door where we both fell to the ground gasping for breath. If he wasn’t so close to the door it may have been another story. Vanessa and three other men ran to our aid.

  “Don’t ever fucking do that to me again!” she shouted, dragging me into her arms.

  Now the fire brigade decided to make an appearance. When the boy came to his senses he ran up to the blaze and continued to shout. “My mum and dad are in there! You have to help them!” he said hysterically, pounding on the scorching building. I pulled him back and told him to sit down.

  “The fire brigade are here now, they will sort it out okay?” I said, desperately trying to reassure him. I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling at that moment; the shock running through him alongside anticipation for his mum and dad’s survival. He nodded his smoky head and I sat next to him. “So what’s your name?” I asked, trying to cast his mind away from the drama behind us.

  “Cameron,” he replied monotone.

  “And how old are you?”

  “I turned sixteen recently. The whole family are meant to be going on holiday tomorrow and this happens out of nowhere,” he said, finally breaking down. He cried on my shoulder, leaving pale marks on my expensive but already ruined shirt. By this time there were people watching every move made. After a while the fire was put out and the fire crew ran in to search for Cameron’s mum and dad before emerging empty handed. One of the firemen walked towards us and knelt down.

  “I’m sorry to have to tell you this but the two adults that were in the house didn’t make it. They must have tried to unlock the bedroom door and dropped the key in the process. They were locked in and we couldn’t access them in time. Again, I’m sorry,” he said, saddened at the reality of the night.

  “No! Go check again!” shouted Cameron as I restrained him.

  “Hey. You know what? We need to get you out of here now. You’ve had a real tough time and this isn’t the place to be. We’ll go back to my house then we’ll talk properly,” I said before letting the authorities know where he would be staying for the night. He didn’t reply. He just sobbed. As we stood up I spotted Jamal’s head bobbing in the crowd. He smiled at me smugly then walked away. It was then I became certain that he was responsible for this. Memories from my childhood came flooding back, I knew it was him.


  When we got back to my house it felt as if a large rain cloud had followed us home. Cameron and I were dirty with minor burns but it was nothing too serious. Vanessa was still moaning about me getting involved. “Imagine if you had lost your life? You couldn’t say nothing then could you? You should have left well alone!”

  “For fuck’s sake, just shut up Vanessa! You think if I didn’t get involved this boy would be alive now? Am not going to sit back and watch a person die at the hands of someone who’s after me. The boy lost his mum and dad tonight and all you’re thinking about is yourself!” I shouted, feeling overwhelmed by everything. I tapped Cameron on the shoulder to follow me upstairs. He shouldn’t have to hear all of this after tonight. It wasn’t the right time or place and Vanessa should have understood that. He had lost his mum and dad at the same time and he was only sixteen. It’s a crisis like this that has the ability to swerve a person’s mind towards the negativities of life.

  I let him go in the shower and gave him some clothes to wear so he could feel a bit more comfortable. Why would Jamal target random people that hadn’t done anything to him? They probably didn’t even know who he was. He had taken this too far beyond a joke. Killing innocent people over a grudge he had over me. I felt responsible for so many things that shouldn’t concern me at all. I sat down with Cameron in my room. I needed to establish some sort of relationship with the kid.

  “There’s no point asking you if you’re all right but is there anything I can do for you?” I asked sympathetically. He didn’t reply. His head faced the floor as I shared his soundless heartache. I thought maybe changing the subject would get me some response. “What do you like to do as a hobby? Maybe it would take your mind off things tomorrow if you had something to do?”

  “I like to DJ but I’ve never had the chance to do it legitimately; only a few gigs here and there. Now it’s unlikely that I’ll ever officially play,” he said slowly before he began to cry again. It was hard watching him cry. He was a stranger; a male; exposing his emotions to me in a way that I could relate to fully.

  “Listen yeah, don’t think that you’re alone. My mum was killed when I was eighteen; in that very same house. I was shattered but I knew I had to go on. Now I have a beautiful daughter and I got married today. Life doesn’t end her for you, trust me,” I replied supportively.

  He looked up and dried his face; soaking his sleeve. “Thank you for saving me and taking me in. You didn’t have to do that with me being at an age where legally I could take care of myself. And am really sorry about your mum,” he said, revealing more of his inner feelings.

  “It’s okay man. Just be cool. We’ll deal with the aftermath tomorrow. You should get some sleep now.” He lay down silently as I went downstairs and sat down.

  “Could you get anymore disrespectful? The boy just lost his mum and dad because Jamal thought I still lived there and you’re telling me I shouldn’t have got involved right in front of his face!” I roared at Vanessa. I was so hurt by her insinuations. I did understand where she was coming from with it being our wedding day and everything being so perfect up to this point, but circumstances change.

  “I’m sorry. It�
�s just that I don’t want to lose you. We have troubles of our own and it seemed like you just wanted to make it worse. We got married today and I didn’t want it to end with you being dead,” she said, sobbing at my anger. I didn’t even want to hear it. Her actions tonight were heartless and it was a side that I’d never seen before. I went upstairs to lie down and think about my next step. It was meant to be the best day of my life: my wedding day and he was still out to break me. I owed Cameron big time. It was my fault what happened to his family and I felt like I needed to do right by him. Take him in.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The next day was weighed down with emotion. When I went downstairs Cameron was already sitting in the living room, looking blankly at the wall. I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling and I wouldn’t want to try. With the immense devastation roaming around his body; exactly the same way I felt discovering my mum the way I did. I went to sit next to him and make conversation.

  “What do you wanna do today?” I asked casually. He shrugged his shoulders in his solemn position. I didn’t want to touch a nerve but I had to ask. “Would you like to go back to your flat? Maybe see what’s going on? It’s completely up to you.”

  He looked at me with broken eyes, “Yeah okay.”

  “You don’t have to if you’re not ready, it was just a suggestion,” I said, making sure he didn’t feel pressured into anything.

  “Yeah but I want to. I have to face it sooner or later for it to indefinitely sink in that they’re gone,” he said, sounding a bit more up-beat.


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