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Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2]

Page 3

by Lara Santiago

  The dark-haired girl—Ellie—bent at the waist and wept mournfully. He understood her sadness. He wanted to cross the distance between them and comfort her, but he remained where he sat. He didn't trust himself to get too close.

  Still bent over in seeming pain, she turned and took a couple of shuffling steps towards the entrance of their apartment building. With her arms hugging her waist and her head directed at her knees, she didn't appear to be watching where she walked.

  Crag expelled the deep breath he'd been holding and silently dismounted from the motor conveyance Keller had loaned him. Keller called the motorcycle a ‘babe magnet.’ Gabrielle wouldn't let Keller ride it anymore because Earth women tried to molest him when he did. Crag didn't know what a babe magnet was, nor did he care to have women try to molest him. He had a barrier, and earth women did nothing to entice his carnal side. Except for the dark-haired girl named Ellie. She continued her stumbling gait forward through the parking lot. She was going to have an accident if she didn't look where she stepped.

  Crag moved slowly toward her, his eyes focused on the object of his fascination. He stepped into the halo of the lamplight and paused to let his presence be known. He didn't want to startle her. She didn't look up at him or notice she wasn't alone. Instead, she tripped over a cement parking barrier and fell to her hands and knees.

  "Damn it,” she said on another sob and remained on hands and knees. Her body shook.

  "Do you need assistance?” Crag stood unmoving.

  She sucked in a breath of surprise and lifted off her hands, turning towards him but still resting on her knees. Crag remained where he stood and offered what he hoped was a non-threatening gaze.

  Ellie caught his look and held it with one of her own. She seemed to relax and recognize him. Her lips shaped into a winsome smile as she gave him a quick look from head to toes. The ‘once over’ was what Keller called it. He'd gotten it a couple of times at an Earth drinking establishment they'd visited to celebrate the birth of Keller's twin daughters. This was the first time he'd enjoyed it.

  Crag took three slow steps in her direction before he squatted down to her level. “Are you hurt?"

  She swallowed and a blush came up in her cheeks. Her eyes scanned him quickly from head to knees once again. Her curious gaze warmed him inside and out.

  "Just my pride,” she said in a soft voice. “Did you hear everything?"

  Crag didn't respond. She didn't need to know he'd heard the conversation. He offered her a smile and his hand instead. “Let me help you up."

  She slipped her hand over Crag's arm and allowed him to pull her to her feet. Her fingers then slid down to caress the back of his hand. Her cool fingertips sizzled across Crag's skin as if she'd struck a match and burned him with her touch.

  Ellie clinched Crag's hand tighter as she stood before him also not moving. The delicious scent of her perfume now wafting through his brain distracted him. He put his other hand on hers, trapping it between his fingers. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “You did the right thing. You deserve to be treated like a queen."

  When he retreated from her, he noticed a slight smile on her beautiful face. She studied his eyes a moment, and then her gaze lowered to his mouth. A stab of lust at her regard made him realized he should move away before he did anything foolish. He would not touch his mouth to hers. But he wanted to.

  Crag released her hand and took a step back to get a grip on his rioting emotions. Ellie stopped him with a hand on his wrist this time. Her touch caressed his arm, sending an arc of electric sensation all the way up to his shoulder. She slipped her fingers through his, and he didn't even make an effort to stop her. For a moment, he had to force himself not to lean in and touch his mouth to hers. Where was his self control?

  Ellie traced her lush lips with the tip of her tongue as his eyes widened. He swallowed hard and pressed his lips together to gain some measure of control. He wanted very much to have the tip of her tongue absolutely anywhere on his body, but not here, and certainly not while standing in the public parking area of their apartment building.

  The sudden erotic picture of Ellie locked in passionate embrace with him, her luscious mouth clinging to his, plunged into his mind and clouded his thoughts with desire, keeping him silent.

  "Thank you,” she whispered. Her fingers were locked in his, and she squeezed tighter as she spoke.

  Crag nodded not trusting himself to speak and took a half a step away. She stepped closer as if to follow him, but when her foot came down, she cried out, “Ouch! My ankle,” and promptly fell into him. He caught her before she slid to the ground and hauled her against his chest. The soft warmth of her body caressed him.

  He leaned down and slipped a hand beneath her knees, lifting her into his arms.

  "Oh, you don't have to carry me.” But she put her arms around his neck and held on tight, snuggling close. Her head rested on his shoulder. When he turned his face towards hers, the scent from her hair wafted into his being. He gripped her tighter, resisting the urge to put his lips against the errant lock of hair at her temple.

  What was he doing? He should not be holding her this way. He should not even be touching her. He took a deep breath, remembering she was injured. He justified his actions with the knowledge he couldn't desert her with a wounded ankle.

  "I'll take you to your apartment.” Crag turned and headed to the door of their building, ignoring the soft curves of her body he now embraced.

  "Thanks. I live on the second floor, apartment number seven.” Her muffled voice came from near the collar of his motorcycle jacket. He took a deep lungful of air to calm himself and carried her inside. The magnificent scent of her skin traveled to his brain with every inhalation he took.

  He didn't speak, nor did she. He already knew she lived on the second floor since he'd been avoiding her for these past several weeks. He continued past his apartment, up the double set of stairs, and on to the next landing.

  Once in front of her door, he lowered her to the ground. She put her weight on one foot but still leaned into him heavily. One of her arms still looped around his neck as she rifled through her purse, which hung from one shoulder. Her head brushed against his jaw as she retrieved her keys with a jingle and unlocked her apartment door. He turned his face and allowed the soft rich curls to brush across his lips a few times before she leaned away to open the door.

  She turned towards him with a distant smile. Her utterly delectable fragrance invaded him. His stomach tensed along with the majority of his muscles in an effort to keep from clasping her against his chest and touching his mouth to hers until they were both satisfied.

  She looked sad for a moment before brightening. “Thank you for carrying me up. I know I weigh a ton."

  Her sultry voice caressed him. He managed to whisper, “It was my pleasure, and you do not weigh very much."

  She laughed. “You're very kind."

  Crag cleared his throat, trying in earnest to get hold of himself. His kindness would be in question if he dropped his barrier and planted his mouth on hers as he desired to do. He should excuse himself and run away and hide from her. She was irresistible. His resolve was nonexistent in her immediate presence.

  "Could I impose upon you to carry me inside?"

  No, if I enter your apartment, I'll be powerless to stop mouth touching you ... over and over and ... “Of course,” he said with far too much eagerness and swept her back into his arms.

  Crag carried her into her apartment. She pushed the door shut on their way through. He noted this because now they were alone in a private domain, and his heart raced with possibilities. He should not be her alone with her. Crag stepped further into the living room space, looking for a place to set her down but found he lacked the desire to release her.

  She pointed to the sofa in front of a small table. “You can put me down there."

  Crag walked slowly to the piece of furniture she indicated, slipping between it and the low wooden table. He carefully pla
ced her in the center of the cushioned sofa and promptly seated himself on the sturdy square table across from her. His knees rested against the sofa. He proceeded to lift her injured ankle onto his knee, stroking her leg as he told himself he merely wished to assess her injury, but he knew the truth. He wanted the opportunity to touch her.

  "I don't believe you've broken it.” Crag held her calf in one hand and stroked his fingertips over the top of her ankle. It wasn't swollen or discolored.

  "I'm sure I'll be fine.” The sultry tone of her voice slammed into his chest. She scooted forward on the sofa. He noticed for the first time that her uninjured leg rested between his knees. The seductive scent of her drifted around him the closer she got.

  By Sultana's fury, he should not be in such close proximity to her.

  Crag lifted his head and was surprised to find her bent forward, her lips moving nearer to his. She put an arm on his shoulder and slipped her hand around his neck. He froze in place unable to move. He wanted her so much. What would be wrong with just a single taste?

  "Thank you,” she said softly and placed her lips against his.

  Chapter Three

  Crag tried to touch her lips with his quickly and withdraw, but not only did her fingertips sizzle when they touched him, her delicious mouth had the exact same effect.

  He traced his tongue across her parted lips, doing his best to restrain his ardor. He didn't want to frighten her, but his stomach muscles were clenched as tightly as possible to hold back a full on assault of her lips.

  What in the name of Sultana was he doing?

  Using every bit of self-control he possessed, he withdrew and rested his forehead against hers. He took a deep breath and exhaled it, trying to calm his rioting emotions.

  When he opened his eyes, he saw a curious look in hers. She smiled sweetly, but the look in her eyes said she hadn't been affected by touching his mouth on hers. Not like he had been. He didn't understand why for a moment. Then he remembered what Keller told him about the Tiburon body barrier and mouth touching Earth women.

  He'd forgotten his barrier was in place. Ellie wouldn't feel the same sensations he did unless he shut down his barrier.

  No wonder she wasn't impressed. He was a fool anyway. He shouldn't be mouth touching the neighbors. If Gabrielle found out, she'd give him a haughty look of superiority and come after him with that puny grapefruit knife. He deserved it after blatantly ignoring his own restrictions for residing on Earth.

  "I know my kiss didn't move you.” Embarrassment washed over him. He should stop talking. Why would he admit that to her? Why? What was wrong with him? It was her nearness that completely upset his balance.

  He should retreat to his own dwelling. Now.

  "It was still a nice kiss,” she whispered against his lips. Her breath caressed his mouth, and he considered the possibility of lowering his barrier to show her his kiss was anything but nice.

  Crag managed to smile and nod. His brain still wasn't functioning clearly.

  "Would you like to try again?” she asked softly.

  "That would not be a good idea.” Crag closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He should run, not walk, back to his apartment.

  "Why not? It's just a kiss."

  Crag ought to politely excuse himself and take his leave as fast as possible. So naturally, he considered the ramifications of kissing her breathless. He opened his eyes and gave her his best predatory smile. He watched as she smiled in return, obviously unaware of what would happen if he put his mouth on hers without his barrier.

  He leaned closer and in an intimate voice said, “Where I come from, a kiss is sacred. Almost more so than copulation."

  "Really? Where are you from?” Her eyes widened in question.

  Crag's mind went blank. He'd constructed a cover story upon his arrival on Earth to tell the few earthlings who required it. The name completely escaped his mind with her mouth so close and her inquisitive eyes watching him.

  He couldn't very well tell her he was an alien from the Warrior Planet of Tiburon two galaxies away.

  Instead, he lowered his barrier, leaned in and placed his mouth directly on hers.

  Her lips were closed this time, and he licked her. She made a longing sound in her throat and opened for him.

  Like an aphrodisiac to his senses, he couldn't stop himself from going just a little bit further, just a little bit faster. He slipped his tongue past her lips, exploring her slowly and tenderly. She moaned and tangled her tongue with his. He responded with enthusiasm. Soon, they were hungrily kissing each other. Twisting, tasting, wrapping around then retreating, his tongue danced with hers in perfect rhythm.

  Her arms circled his neck. She pressed her body closer to his, pushing her mouth more firmly into his. Her injured leg slipped around his hip and wrapped around the back of his waist. Through the fog of his passion, he tried to lift her onto his lap, but the tight space between the sofa and coffee table prevented it. Crag slipped his hands down her back and under her hips. He stood, bringing her with him as he slid his mouth passionately across her lovely lips. Her legs opened and slipped around his waist, clenching him tighter.

  As they consumed each other, she began to tremble. Crag absorbed every single tremor of her body. Ellie amazed him with her sumptuous lips. He'd never experienced a sensation quite like this before. It was powerful and exhilarating. His climax was moments away. How long had they held this kiss? Minutes? Hours? He didn't know.

  Ellie writhed in his arms. Her hips ground into his pelvis. Crag groaned deep in his throat, holding onto the pleasure as long as possible before allowing himself the release he desperately sought.

  He clutched Ellie hard as a monumental climax wrapped his tongue around hers one last exuberant time. He promptly secreted the product of his bliss past her lips. She screamed into his mouth, sharing his pleasure. As his tongue slowed in sated wonder from his release, hers became more energized. She sucked on him, lapping up the flavor of his release.

  Crag needed to sit. With Ellie wrapped tightly around his body, their lips still connected, he turned and lowered them back down to a small sofa before he fell to the floor. He broke the connection of their lips reluctantly and snuggled her face to his throat, wanting to stay joined to her. The gasps from their labored breathing were the only sounds in the room.

  Ellie stayed nestled in his arms for a long while. When she looked up, her tear-filled eyes surprised him.

  "That was ... I don't ... how did...” She put her face in her hands and began to sob. Drops of moisture fell from her eyes, and she started shaking again.

  Gabrielle did this when she was sad. Crag didn't understand why Ellie was unhappy. He held her close and tried to comfort her.

  "Shh. Don't be sad, Ellie. I'm sorry if I upset you."

  Ellie raised her head, swiped her fingers across her eyes and separated from him. She stood up and backed away, favoring her injured ankle.

  "How did you do that?” she demanded.

  "Do what?” He pretended innocence, but knew exactly what had happened to her.

  "I tasted chocolate when you kissed me, and then I ... I came.” Her whispery voice sounded apprehensive. Frightened.


  "I had an orgasm,” she whispered.

  "Orgasm?” He knew what it was, but he didn't know what to say to her. Should he be sorry? Was it an occurrence so rare as to be unexplainable? He'd forgotten ... Earth women didn't usually have orgasms while touching lips together. Keller had told him the proper procedure for sexual satisfaction, but Crag had blatantly ignored it to pursue her lips for his own gratification.

  He should never have kissed Ellie without the barrier. It was an entirely different experience for her. Not like if she were from Tiburon, but on some level, he'd wanted her to feel the release with him. He didn't want her to think his kiss was less than expected or nice ... or worst of all, unworthy.

  "Don't make me explain an orgasm to you.” She sobbed once, wiping tears from her face.
  "I know what an orgasm is, Ellie. I'm surprised you experienced one.” Then he smiled with satisfaction and maybe a little smugness. “But I won't apologize for it."

  "Something isn't right here. I swear I tasted chocolate right before..."

  The chocolate flavor was trickier to explain. It was a phenomenon Earthlings didn't share in carnal pleasure. At climax, the composition of his saliva changed to a flavor Earth women called chocolate. The chocolate flavor brought them to climax quickly. Keller mentioned it, and Crag only barely paid attention since he hadn't planned any carnal experiences during his sabbatical on Earth. He should have listened more closely. Keller told him what to say if the word chocolate was mentioned. What was that phrase again?

  "I ate a candy bar right before I saw you,” he said.

  Ellie's sharp look said she wasn't convinced.

  He stood up and she stepped back. Was she afraid of him?

  "I would never hurt you, Ellie."

  She remained silent, but her rigid stance relaxed slightly. Crag decided it was long past time for him to leave her.

  "I'm sorry to have upset you. I'd better depart. Good-bye, Ellie.” Crag hated to leave with such tension between them, but didn't know what to do. He needed to call Keller and strategize his options.

  He marched to the door and opened it. He paused in the doorway, but she didn't call him back. He'd overstepped his bounds. He'd never felt this way with Sybille, never enjoyed such intense carnal pleasures as what he'd experienced with Ellie

  Guilt ate at him. He had no business doing what he'd just done. He shouldn't have liked it so much, and he especially shouldn't be thinking about the next opportunity to experience it with her.

  Ellie, his dark-haired earthling, was off limits.

  * * * *

  Ellie Granger was in a tizzy. Tonight, her boyfriend informed her blithely that he was marrying someone in his own class. Apparently, she wasn't good enough for him. At least not good enough to be his wife since he offered her the position of his mistress.


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