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Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2]

Page 7

by Lara Santiago

  He'd been reading up on the information collected about Earth since his return. In addition to what Sybille collected from their trips there, Keller added to the knowledge base by sending missives including updated data.

  The memory of Earth lore made him think of the only enticingly attractive woman who could lure him to a dangerous or compromising situation. Her name was Ellie, not Lena.

  "My regrets, but the queen needs to discuss private matters with me.” Actually, Elsbeth didn't state a specific time, but Crag wasn't prepared to expend any carnal energy with Lena. If he ended up at her residence tonight, he'd have to either mouth touch her or prepare to face her wrath. Neither of those two choices were an appealing avenue for his political career.

  The queen would always champion him, but he didn't wish to make an enemy of Lena. She could make his existence miserable in other ways. She might effectively halt his search for his true life mate with a single word.

  "Very unfortunate.” Lena dropped her arms and stepped back. She then crossed them over her chest and assumed a mask of determination. “You aren't considering other females, are you, Crag? You haven't been social with anyone since your return from ... that planet where Keller resides."

  He smiled and crossed his arms as well. It was none of her business what other females he had or had not conversed with since his return.

  "I don't see my partnering ambitions as your concern."

  "I want you to understand my objectives and goals. We would make a powerful couple, and I find you very attractive.” She again glanced at the mark in his hair that signified his status within the Command at Arms. He held the singular title of The Commander. Lena was power hungry. He wondered briefly who else she would try to seduce if he weren't available.

  "You do not hold exclusive rights over me simply because you've set your sights on me. It would be a mistake to assume our goals are the same."

  "Perhaps, but I like to be forthright. We will speak again soon, yes?"

  He gave her a non-committal shrug, but she smiled as if she'd already won the battle.

  "I look forward to our next meeting.” She whirled around and left his office in a regal manner befitting the queen she felt she deserved to be.

  Crag closed his eyes, considering a possible future with Lena as his life partner, but in any scenario involving his mouth, he saw only Ellie.

  Unfortunately, Ellie wasn't a contender for possible life partnership to him.

  * * * *

  "Ellie Granger, is it really you?” Gabrielle hadn't seen her old neighbor in months, not since they'd moved into the sprawling new house near the college campus where Keller taught. Her life was filled with beautiful infant twin daughters and a son who could run a marathon in record time and have energy to spare.

  Today she'd left the girls with a sitter to get away for some alone time with little Craig. They'd recently arrived at the park near the city center square. Craig ran immediately to the ladder of the longest and highest slide. He was fearless, and she suspected his ‘Uncle Crag’ had introduced him to the slide when he was here before.

  "Hi, Gabrielle. It's good to see you.” Ellie's voice registered happy surprise as she closed the distance between them. Ellie carried a large chocolate shake in one hand and a chocolate-covered chocolate donut in the other. Another thing they had in common, she realized. She was also addicted to chocolate. Keller was her best source for it these days.

  Gabrielle remembered the occasion when she'd last thought of Ellie. She'd given Crag advice about mouth touching an earthling. Ellie was the earthling Crag had touched lips with on the very next day he departed for Tiburon, months before he planned.

  Gabrielle suspected he departed because didn't want to test his reserve of strength. She saw the way he looked at Ellie from afar. She also knew he'd never lower himself to life partner with an earthling. He'd never make this planet his home, as Keller had done. Instead, Crag removed himself from the temptation. Gabrielle found admiration at his willpower in this matter, knowing she herself hadn't resisted the opportunity to mouth touch Keller when any occasion presented itself, past or present.

  It was unfortunate Crag held on tight to his prejudiced attitude about Earth because Gabrielle thought he and Ellie made a striking couple. With her height and bearing, she'd also fit in perfectly on Tiburon, unlike Gabrielle who was the very definition of ‘puny alien’ there.

  Ellie could give Lena a healthy competition in the category of princess fit for a queen. Gabrielle smiled at the thought.

  "You look great. Any chance you'll share that donut? I could use a chocolate fix,” Gabrielle said with a laugh

  "Sure, we can split it. I've been having the most ferocious cravings lately.” Ellie sat down next to her on the bench, facing the playground, keeping little Craig in sight.

  "Personally, I think chocolate should be considered one of the primary food groups and placed at the top of the food pyramid chart."

  Ellie laughed and handed her the larger half of the donut and a napkin.

  "I'm surprised to see you. I was just thinking of Crag."

  "Well, he's a handful, but we love him.” Gabrielle took the occasion to glance over at her son. He was flying down the slide, wind fluttering in his dark, silky hair. He was the very image of Keller, but he did have her vivid blue eyes.

  "No, I meant Crag. You know, the man who stayed in your apartment after you moved out."

  "Oh, him.” Gabrielle pulled her head together and realized she'd said Crag. Duh.

  "Have you heard from him?” Ellie asked quietly.

  "Crag? No, not really.” Crap. What could she say? She couldn't tell her Crag was presently the Commander of Arms and supreme military leader of an alien planet two galaxies over.

  "I miss him so very much.” Ellie's timid voice wavered. Gabrielle looked over as the other woman lowered her head and sobbed. Gabrielle was shocked. Ellie didn't seem like the type who ever let anything, especially a man, bother her.

  Gabrielle reached out a hand and patted Ellie awkwardly on one shoulder. The other still held her half of the shared donut.

  "I'm sorry, Ellie. I didn't realize you knew him that well.” Gabrielle didn't want to tell her Crag had asked for advice.

  "Well, he kissed me...” She paused and turned her tear-stained eyes on Gabrielle. “He was very good at it."

  Gabrielle nodded as if in complete understanding before she realized what she implied. She'd never kissed Crag, but the men of Tiburon put kissing on an entirely different playing field. The orgasmic one.

  However, Ellie might not be as excited to find out Crag was an alien.

  She continued in a shaky voice, “I compare him to every other man I meet and all of them are ... well, lesser some how. I find them lacking a certain ... something I can't define."

  "Crag is a big guy,” Gabrielle said. It was the only semi-complimentary thing she could think of to say. She and Crag got along for Keller's sake, but she wouldn't call them best buddies.

  "I'm five feet, eleven inches tall. Not only is it difficult to find a man I can look up to, it's surely impossible to expect to find one who makes me...” Her face turned tomato red before she finished, “Well, really satisfied when he kisses me."

  "I see.” Gabrielle nodded and searched her brain for something to say, but she couldn't think of anything, so she remained silent.

  "Do you think he'll be coming back for another visit? Maybe? Someday?"

  "Uh ... no ... I don't believe he's coming back here. I don't know him very well, of course, but I believe he went back to ... uh ... take over his father's business or something.” Damnation. Gabrielle needed to get out of this conversation. It wasn't like Crag could be called back to comfort a neighbor in her time of need.

  "He runs a family business? Where?"

  "Uh ... well ... it's a long way away from here. I don't exactly know where.” Gabrielle said, lying badly and wishing this conversation would end.

  How could she change the subject? />
  "Mommy, mommy, come and swing me.” Whew. Saved by her blessed little boy. He knew when mommy needed a distraction. She watched as he turned from the foot of slide and ran over to the swings. He climbed up into the center seat, waiting patiently for her, a heart-melting grin in place.

  "I'm sorry. I have to go be a swinger.” Gabrielle smiled sympathetically at Ellie's troubled face. There was nothing she could do to help, anyway. It didn't matter whether she knew where he was. Crag wasn't coming back. No way. No how. Not ever.

  "I'm pregnant,” Ellie blurted out and promptly lowered her head in her hand, sobbing hysterically.

  Chapter Seven

  "Crag? This is an unexpected surprise.” Elsbeth, Queen of Tiburon, greeted him as he entered her private chambers. He'd escaped his office and come directly to the queen after Lena departed.

  "What brings you here so late?” she asked and directed him to a small sofa in front of an ornate fireplace.

  "I heard there was a new missive from Keller. How is he?” Crag asked politely. What he wanted to know wouldn't be answered in a missive. Still, he harbored uncontrollable and intimate memories of Ellie whenever news from Earth came by way of Keller. It was likely he wouldn't be sleeping at all for another several days.

  "He's well. As a matter of fact, there is a personal message for you. It holds the name of that alien he's life partnered with,” Elsbeth said stiffly. Crag knew the queen was not a fan of Keller's life mate. He couldn't imagine why Gabrielle would send him a missive. Perhaps she helped little Craig send a message to him. He smiled as the image of Keller's son filled his mind.

  The queen walked over to her writing desk and retrieved a small, silver, rectangular-shaped missive device. Crag accepted it from her and used his thumbprint on the device to open the message. It was indeed from Keller's life mate. How interesting. He pushed a button on the device to play the message aloud. Gabrielle's voice, full of attitude and fury, grabbed his attention immediately. Her face held the same mocking look it did when she was annoyed with him.

  "You are invited to a shot-gun wedding, Crag. Yours! Ellie is pregnant. And in case you've forgotten all your earthling phrases, that means she's carrying a child. She won't say for certain, but her gestational status seemed to begin on or around the time you departed from Earth like your ass was on fire!

  "I can't help but leap to the true motivation for your early exodus,” she continued in mocking formality. “And I'm powerless to stop thinking you jettisoned off the planet so as to avoid any responsibility for your actions. Apparently, you not only mouth touched an earthling before your hasty departure but practiced at least one round of ‘Hey, baby, let me show you my impressive reproductive organs’ with her.

  "You better get your sorry ass back here, Crag, or so help me God, the universe won't be big enough to hold the two of us! I promise you, I'll find a way to make you miserable! Whatever it takes!

  "I haven't told Keller yet, but believe me, I will, so you just better think about that..."

  The queen cleared her throat, forcing Crag's shocked brain away from the message. The message so stunned him that he forgot where he was momentarily. Gabrielle still ranted away on the device, impugning his birth being legitimate and hurling other insults he didn't completely understand. Crag stopped the message in mid shriek and closed his eyes.

  "Is it true? What she said?” Elsbeth inquired stoically. He opened his eyes and couldn't help but notice the queen held a certain look of disappointment on her face. She was his ruler. He would never purposely do anything to garner her displeasure. In fact, Elsbeth had been like a mother to him after his own mother had died in childbirth when he was only ten years old.

  Crag's father held the position of The Commander back then, until his ailing body, wracked with a painful joint disease, wouldn't allow him to lead officially any longer. Crag was the youngest Commander in history to assume the responsibilities from his father. This moment in time had to be the single most embarrassing experience ever shared with the queen in their lifelong history together.

  "Yes, it's true.” Some level of his brain went wild with the possibilities. Was Ellie truly gestating his child? The idea should not appeal to him in the least. However, he found he was elated. Relieved. And he was anxious to arrange a way to make a life with her.

  He didn't realize how deeply he missed her until Gabrielle started yelling at him in the message. Now what would he do? Would the queen allow him to bring Ellie here?

  By Sultana's fury! Ellie thought he was a human. Would she even consider life partnership with him? Would she consent to live on Tiburon?

  "I can see by the emotions flying across your face, you carry an affection for this earthling.” She huffed out an annoyed sound. “I don't understand it. Aren't there any worthy females on Tiburon? Does every male in my life have to become attached to a puny earthling?"

  "She isn't puny. She's taller than Lena.” Crag spoke aloud before calming his tone. He practically barked at his queen, defending Ellie's height. He needed tranquility to consider his options. He was already treading on thin ice in this sensitive matter.

  "Be that as it may, I will not release you from your obligations and allow you to reside on Earth.” The firm set of her face said she wasn't going to budge. She'd have him cast into prison before she let him leave Tiburon permanently. It didn't matter in the least. He'd never dishonor his father by leaving Tiburon anyway.

  "Will you allow me to bring her here?” he asked quietly. He lowered his head and directed his gaze at the floor.

  "Perhaps, but only if the child she carries is yours."

  Crag's head snapped up. He used every ounce of willpower at his disposal not to shout. Of course, the child was his, he wanted to scream, but then doubt seeped in. He couldn't be sure of that fact. He'd spent the night with Ellie directly after she broke up with her boyfriend. Perhaps Brandon was the father of her child. The very thought made him want to fall to his knees in unbearable pain. He forced himself to remain upright with every fiber of willpower he possessed.

  "I'll send you back to Earth with a healer. If the child she carries is in fact yours, you may bring her here on a provisional basis. I'll insist on meeting her before allowing her to remain."

  "Thank you, my queen. I'll leave immediately."

  "And Crag ... if it doesn't work out between the two of you, I'll expect you to take a life partner upon your return to duty. You do need to produce an heir for your line."

  "Yes, my queen.” Crag would rather be sent to the blazing center of Tiburon than life partner with someone else. He sincerely hoped Ellie's child was his.

  "Lena wouldn't be a bad choice, you know,” the queen remarked before he could exit. “Politically, it's a perfect match."

  "I don't know that Lena is my first choice for a life partner."

  "If I don't find your earthling acceptable, Lena will be my recommendation for you as a life partner. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, my queen.” Either Ellie made a perfect first impression on Elsbeth, if he could talk her into coming to Tiburon, or Lena would become his future punishment for the damnation of falling in love with an earthling.

  * * * *

  "What do you mean, you think Crag is coming for a visit? How do you know?” Keller groused at Gabrielle. She knew he was annoyed at having to clean up his study, which also substituted for the guest room when overnight guests stayed with them.

  "I have a feeling,” she remarked offhandedly. She hadn't told Keller about Ellie.

  Hands on hips, he narrowed his sultry silver eyes at her. “What message did you send him in the missive package the other day?"

  She put her hands on her hips, too. “I'm not at liberty to say."

  "Gabrielle.” He gave her the tone, suggesting she should not test him, but since when did that ever work?

  "Keller.” She held his gaze, refusing to answer.

  The knock at the door made them both jump. Keller cocked his head to the side as if he suspected
a nefarious plot. Gabrielle merely cocked her head in return. She wasn't talking. Crag could explain himself when he showed up, if he showed up. For all she knew, a girl scout was at the door getting ready to sell them a wagon full of cookies.

  Keller sighed deeply and ambled over to the front door. He looked out the peephole and turned back to her with wide curious eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest meaning she was about to have an attitude if he gave her any crap.

  The visitor waiting outside then pounded on the door, rattling it in its frame. Must not be a girl scout, Gabrielle thought.

  Keller opened the door to an angry Crag and what looked like a healer from Tiburon.

  * * * *

  "What took you so long to answer the door?” Crag entered Keller's house with Barton trailing behind in a wake of fury. His anxiety level was set to maximum.

  The healer was not happy to be traveling to Earth, and Crag hoped Ellie allowed Barton to examine her. He was going to have to beg Gabrielle to help him. He wasn't prepared for her to be anything but caustic in her attitude. Just like the healer wasn't happy. Just like Keller would be angry when he found out the circumstances of this unexpected visit. That was, of course, unless Gabrielle had already tattled on him.

  "I didn't expect guests tonight. What are you doing here?” Keller's face registered a puzzled expression. Then he saw the healer and his face scrunched in utter mystification.

  "I thought you said they would be expecting us, Crag,” Barton whined. “I have come quite a distance for this earthling of yours."

  "You have an earthling?” Keller gave Crag the first understanding look of the evening. He glanced at the healer, and a look of dawning realization washed down his features.

  "Where is Ellie?” Crag asked Gabrielle who stood like an angry warrior ready to strike him down at the first opportunity.

  "Well, she isn't here. You know exactly where she lives. Perhaps you should go have a chat with her alone before subjecting her to the voodoo healer you brought along."


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