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Just One Embrace [The Tiburon Duet, Book 2]

Page 15

by Lara Santiago

  The man actually blushed. “As you wish.” A slight smile appeared on his face as he adjourned the Council of Elders to get dressed in his official robes for the life partner ceremony.

  Crag stepped down from the witness box, turned to Ellie, and said, “I hope it's all right with you that we take care of this immediately."

  She nodded. He took her hands into his and brought them to his lips one at a time. His face remained pointed downward as was proper etiquette. Still holding her hands tenderly, he spoke in a soft whisper. “Ellie, please, would you do me the honor of becoming my life partner?"

  She paused and didn't respond right away. Crag looked up wondering if she'd changed her mind. She smiled and whispered, “Yes."

  They were partnered before they left the Elder's chambers. Kern agreed to act as the couple's guardian and stand with them during the ceremony. He had already contacted Crag's three sisters who arrived en masse to witness the ceremony. Kern had enticed Crag's three sisters to the sudden ceremony by announcing he wasn't sure who would end up life partnered. Crag was relieved it turned out to be he and Ellie instead of Kern and Lena.

  Crag whispered everything Ellie needed to know as they proceeded through a shortened version of the Tiburon ceremonial vita-parcere union.

  In the final component of the ceremony, Crag and Ellie faced each other, hands up and palms pressed together. Kern tied an ornate, dark purple-tasseled silk rope around their wrists as Senior Elder Forte chanted the final words joining them together forever in partnership.

  They each repeated vows of loyalty, honor, respect, and devotion to the union, ending with their combined response to each other of, “I vow fidelity and freely give myself to my vita-paracere."

  Crag added a silent mental vow to Ellie. I vow and give myself freely to my true vita-matia. My one and only life mate.

  Those present were invited to the queen's chambers for refreshments. Crag's sister, Tessa, was life partnered with Keller's brother Kyle, who was the new future king of Tiburon. Ellie was introduced to Crag's sisters. He was pleased she was so happy to meet his family. She told him she always wanted to have sisters.

  "I'm pleased you have joined our family, Ellie. I've no doubt you can make my son happy,” Kern said after several toasts. He mingled with his family, but soon took his leave mentioning something about soaking in a relaxing spa to mend his aching body.

  "Being The Commander is definitely better suited for the young,” he said to Crag as he ambled out of the queen's residence.

  Crag spent a moment with the queen to request some time off. She agreed to his request. He handed her a personal missive he'd carried from Keller with a request. Crag hoped the queen would seriously consider it.

  No one stopped them when they retreated to Crag's private quarters to celebrate alone.

  "Now, you're all mine to do with as I wish."

  "And what will you do?” She raised her eyebrows in question.

  "I have asked the queen for a few days off to acquaint you with Tiburon."

  "Good news,” she said, wandering towards his bedroom.

  "She informed me Lena will be taking an extended off-world recreational journey, so we won't have to cross paths with her for awhile."

  "Better news,” she said as she reached the door to his bedroom and paused. She gave him a saucy smile over one shoulder.

  "I'd like to mouth touch you until you cry out repeatedly."

  "Best news of all.” She smiled and entered his bedroom, beckoning him with her hand. She then blew a kiss in his direction. He promptly returned it. He stalked after to bind Ellie to him fully by consummating their official union.

  "Your sister, Tessa, asked me what she termed a secret question earlier, but I didn't have an answer for her."

  "That sounds like Tessa. What did she ask you?” Crag closed the door to the bedroom.

  "She wanted to know whether or not we used the optimal position for impregnation during our ... um ... liaison back on Earth."


  "That's what I said.” Ellie laughed. “Will you show me this optimal position for impregnation, or do I already know what it is?"

  "I can't believe my sister asked you such a thing."

  "I think she wants to get pregnant. She wanted to know if the position worked, or if we used another to conceive a child. Will you show me this position or not?"

  Crag smiled. “Well, it would be a complete waste since you're already impregnated, but if you insist, I'll show you later on."

  "What if you forget? Show me now. I promise it won't be a waste."

  "It's a ceremonial union to create a child. The focus is not on the pleasurable aspects of the act."

  "Perhaps we could make it pleasurable. I'm willing to try. Tell me what to do.” Her eyes were a combination of eagerness and intent. Crag knew he'd deny her nothing. Perhaps she was right and they could turn the impregnation ceremony into something satisfying.

  "As you wish.” Crag motioned her closer. “First, we must undress."

  She stood by his bed and began shedding her clothing quickly, gazing at him with love. He pulled his uniform off with the speed born of a man who'd waited far too long for his deserved reward.

  He approached her stealthily. Reverently. Was she really here or was he dreaming? When he pressed his skin against hers and felt her arms circle his neck, he was almost convinced she was real.

  Her hand slid between his legs to stroke him as he thickened his cock for her pleasure. He brushed fingertips along her shoulders then dipped to cover her breasts. Cupping one in each hand, he flicked his thumb across her nipples as her fingers wrapped around his erection and squeezed.

  One of his hands trailed down to her belly and skimmed a path to her core. He slid two fingers inside her slick opening and ran his thumb across her clit. She sucked in a breath and clenched his cock tighter in response.

  "I need to lie down,” she whispered. Crag removed his fingers from her and danced them to the edge of the bed.

  "Lie on your back,” he whispered. She fell to the surface, her dark silky hair fanning around her head.

  "Now what?"

  "Bend your knees and put your heels against your butt. Spread your legs apart.” Crag joined her on the bed. He knelt before her. “Now, lift your hips in the air."

  "I took a Yoga class on Earth, and this position is called a bridge.” Ellie lifted her hips up until it was lined up to receive his cock.

  "After I join with you, and once I spill my seed deeply inside your body, you must hold this position for as long as you can. I will hold your hips up against me to assist you."

  "How long do we have to stay that way?"

  "Hours and hours."

  "Are you kidding?” Ellie rose to her elbows, and her eyes were wide with panic.

  "Yes,” he chuckled at the stunned face she made. “The length of time in the position is a variable the couple can decide on. And as I said before, we don't really need to do this since you are already gestating my child. Besides, I don't believe this is exactly a scientific procedure."

  "Well, we can try it out at least since we're already in the position."

  Crag smiled and nodded. He moved closer until his thighs brushed hers and grabbed his cock. He placed the tip of his shaft between her legs, and he thrust inside as deeply as he could. A sensation he never imagined would be so satisfying zipped through his body. He placed his hands firmly on her raised hips, withdrew his cock almost all the way out of her body, and plunged inside again to the hilt. Ellie gasped in pleasure.

  Crag continued to thrust his cock inside her slick folds. His only regret was that his face was too far away from hers. He preferred to be closer so he could dip down to taste her mouth when the fervent desire came over him. Her breathing came in gasps, and her legs gripped his hips as the rhythm of his thrusts increased.

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him. She placed her hands on his and slowly lowered her hips back to the bed.

  "What are you doi
ng?” He panted. Her intent became immediately clear.

  Ellie looped a hand around his neck, pulled his face close to her, and placed her lips on his in tender care. Crag lowered his barrier and drank her in all at once. The sizzle of the contact forced him to inhale suddenly, and the scent of her overwhelmed him. He would never feel this magnificent with anyone else.

  Ellie moaned and writhed beneath him, clutching him closer as they merged together. He continued to thrust his cock inside her warm body. His climax came over him in a rush of emotion all the sweeter since she was indeed his life mate. He released his seed with a moan at the moment he came. Ellie stiffened beneath him and clung tighter as her release came on the heels of his. As his tongue slowed so did his thrusts as she sipped his lips. They stayed wrapped around each other, breathing hard, enjoying the rapturous moment of their hard won claim to life partnership.

  A while later still in bed and clinging to each other as if they'd never let go, Crag told her, “I can't believe you're here. I hope I'm not dreaming."

  She squeezed him for assurance. “I'm so happy to be here."

  "I was surprised to understand that you're related to the equivalent of a high council member. You have perhaps lowered yourself to life partner with me,” he said, still wrapped in her arms after several rounds of mouth touching that left him spent but also energized about his future.

  "Believe me, you can't be more surprised than I am at the events surrounding my unknown family. Besides, Barton is the true hero. He's the one who noticed the commonality of my reading to that of the Governor. I still can't believe the Governor and I have the same father. It wasn't what we were searching for, but it saved the day."

  "Are you upset at finding out the true identity of your father?"

  "No, my biological father turned out to be a man who mourned the recent loss of his wife near the end of his son's first campaign as councilman. He made a mistake with my mother who was only a few years younger than his own son. But I believed him when he said how deeply distraught he was as the loss of his wife."

  "I think he was a fool to not make an effort to get to know you,” Crag murmured. “He looked regretful when he learned your identity."


  "My father was completely distraught when he lost my mother."

  "My mother resembled his wife in her youth, and one thing led to another, as the old Earth saying goes. For all her shortcomings, I do believe my mother cared for him. She protected him all these years. He probably should have taken responsibility for what he did, but my mother was over eighteen, so it wasn't a crime. He didn't want to disgrace his son's campaign, so he sent checks instead."

  "Are you upset about leaving Earth and never seeing your mother again?"

  "No, she and I do much better apart, writing to each other. I want to be with you and have your child. You are my family now. The only family I want."

  He smiled at her. “The queen said you might be interested in being curator of our museum. I would support you if you wished to have a career on Tiburon."

  "I might consider a position at the museum, but for now, I only want to plan our future."

  "We have forever to do so, my life mate,” Crag said, gazing into her eyes.

  * * * *

  "I'm so glad everything worked out for Crag and Ellie and that they're happy on Tiburon,” Gabrielle said as she strolled the twins to the park. Keller walked next to her, carrying little Craig who squirmed in excitement, knowing they were headed to the playground.

  "Well, I know you liked Ellie, but I find it hard to believe you care whether or not Crag is happy,” he remarked with a smile.

  "I care. He isn't awful all the time. He adored little Craig. He won my respect when he left his position to come and marry Ellie. I believe he would have stayed on Earth for her, if that had been his only option."

  "It was a huge sacrifice for him. Crag always wanted to be The Commander since we were children. I, on the other hand, was not thrilled with my future as King. It was expected of me, though. I always wanted to explore, instead."

  "Well, when we get back home, I'll let you explore me,” she said with a scandalous smile.

  "It's a date. I'm so glad you are my life mate. I believe I dodged a bullet marrying you instead of Lena."

  "Poor Lena,” Gabrielle said with a spiteful laugh.

  "Oh, now I know you don't feel sorry for Lena,” he said, laughing along with her.

  "Okay, you've got me there. I think she should be sent away where she can't mess with anyone else. Why don't they drug the Viper Princess and put her on a blue light special to another planet? She's a menace."

  "I agree,” said an imperious voice behind them.

  They both turned quickly in surprise, and he almost dropped little Craig. “Mother?” he asked incredulously.

  "Yes, it's me.” Queen Elsbeth, the iron fisted ruler of Tiburon, was dressed in an earth-styled business suit. Keller wouldn't have recognized his mother if she hadn't already spoken.

  "What are you doing here?” he asked, his mouth hanging open in shock.

  "I came to visit my grandchildren, dear. It's become clear to me you won't travel to Tiburon. It occurred to me, after speaking with Ellie at length, that perhaps it's because the children are too small for such a long journey.” She took a tentative step closer.

  Keller tilted his head in utter shock at her appearance. He wanted to snap a surly response about her taking so long to visit, but Gabrielle rescued him. She put her hand on his arm and gave him a warning look that said, “Don't pick a fight. Just be nice for now.” She so rarely gave him that look he decided he'd better listen. Then found he was at a loss for words if he couldn't say what was really on his mind. He stared dumbly at his mother, wondering what would happen next.

  "Welcome to Earth,” Gabrielle said. She leaned down and lifted one of their precious twin girls out of the stroller. She took three steps to his mother and expertly placed his daughter in his mother's arms. “This is Elizabeth. We named her for you ... using the Earth translation, that is."

  The look on his mother's face as she accepted the child was a look he'd never seen from her. She looked as if she held something awe-inspiring. “Well, isn't she just the sweetest little thing,” his mother responded.

  "Daddy, daddy, the slide, I want to go to the slide,” little Craig said. He wiggled some more as if in hyper squirm mode.

  Keller, shaken from his trance, said, “Okay, son, but first, you should meet your grandmother."

  Craig nodded his head, seeming to understand. Probably he understood he wasn't getting on the slide until he met the new adult. “Hi, Gamma,” Craig said and waved his little hand at the Queen of Tiburon. His mother's face looked as thought it might crumble into a million pieces at the gesture. Keller had never seen her so emotional before. Small children had a way of changing emotions even in the most stubborn of people.

  "Hello, Craig, my sweet boy. Tell your father to let you go play on the slide."

  "Okay, daddy, let's go,” little Craig said and wiggled ferociously to be put down.

  Keller found he was still so stunned by his mother's visit that he needed some distance to cope with the surprise. He let Craig down and followed quickly when he took off running for the slide.

  Half way to the playground, Keller turned, realizing he'd left his mother alone with his life partner, and they were not on the best of terms. Surprisingly though, when he turned back, both Gabrielle and his mother each held a baby. Both of them smiled as if they were, in fact, old friends. Remarkable.

  Gabrielle led his mother to a bench facing the playground. Elsbeth, the iron-fisted ruler of Tiburon, leaned in and said something to her as they watched little Craig on the slide. To his utter amazement, Gabrielle threw her head back and laughed in sincere amusement. Her gaze found his right then, and she winked at him. She shifted the baby in her arms to blow him a kiss. He returned the gesture to her immediately and saw his mother smile at their intimate exchange.
br />   "Daddy, it's time to go to the swings.” Little Craig again took off at a dead run for the swing set.

  Keller took a deep breath and reveled in the fact his life was now perfect.


  "It's time,” Ellie said, waking Crag out of a sound slumber. Her hand on his shoulder shook him to partial awareness.

  "Time for what?” He tried to get his eyes to open and to stay that way.

  "Time to be parents,” she said and put her hand on her burgeoning stomach.

  "Time to...” By Sultana's fury! The meaning of her words finally sunk in, and he leapt from their bed. It wasn't supposed to be time.

  "Are you in pain?” he asked, pulling clothing on as quickly as he could. His anxiety level jumped to maximum. Her gestation had been difficult, and though she visited Barton regularly, Crag found he was terrified of what today would bring. The visual of his mother rested clearly in his fertile mind.

  "Yes, it hurts, so call Barton. I don't know if we'll make it to the medical station. I may have this baby right here."

  "No, I'll carry you there.” He wouldn't let her die on the floor of their bedroom like ... he refused to complete the thought. It wouldn't happen. He wouldn't allow it. She would be fine.

  A scant hour later, Crag paced a hole in the waiting room floor. He waited for word on Ellie. Barton came in shortly after they arrived and whisked her off to a private room. Crag believed he'd be allowed to enter once she was settled, but Barton sent word via a caregiver there were complications. He was told to remain out in the waiting room. Word would be sent.

  The information sent a chill down to his disheartened soul. Ellie had to live. His father Kern arrived soon after the difficult news to stay with him. Without the distraction, he would have gone mad and stormed the delivery room, shouting Ellie's name. Word was not being sent fast enough, in Crag's opinion.

  Instead, he spent several agonizing hours pacing the floor of the waiting room. His father watched, probably in agonized memory of the last time they were together in such a manner. When his mother had ... no, he wouldn't finish the thought. Ellie simply had to live. She had to. She would be fine.


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