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Emma's Story

Page 21

by Mitchel Grace

  “You’re right. Congratulations,” Sam said.

  “I didn’t expect to hear that.”

  “You’re nineteen, and whether I look at you as a woman or not, you are one. If you know you love this boy with all of yourself, then go for it, but Emma, be sure. I love your dad more than anyone, and that’s never changed. It couldn’t. We’ve shared a bond since I was twenty-five that just can’t be replicated with anyone else. Make sure you have that kind of bond with Jasper because forever is a long time.”

  “I’m sure. Thank you. I thought you would yell at me when I told you.”

  “I wanted to at first, but then I realized Nathan will probably do enough of that for both of us. Is Jasper telling him?”

  “Yeah, we should hear Dad yelling in just a few seconds.”

  There was no yelling, but things certainly weren’t going as well in the living room. Jasper had just told him that he wanted to marry his daughter, and Nathan was trying with everything he had not to kick him out. Convincing her father wouldn’t be easy, and Nathan letting go of his little girl would be the ultimate challenge.

  Chapter 22


  “What did you just say?” Nathan asked in disbelief.

  “I said I want to marry Emma,” Jasper said.

  “No. She’s nineteen, and you’re not any older. You’re barely more than kids.”

  There was a short silence in the room. Nathan was struggling not to kick Jasper out. Sure, he liked the kid, but Jasper was talking crazy. Emma’s future was the most important thing to him, and if this kid thought it was in her best interest to get married before she even finished school, then he was crazy. Evan, on the other hand, didn’t know what to think. He had just been talking to his sister about them breaking up. What had changed, and did it matter? His sister was getting married. It seemed sudden, but at the same time, right. He didn’t want to tell his dad that, but if there was ever a guy he trusted to spend his life with Emma, it was Jasper. They had loved each other for years, so how young they were didn’t matter to him.

  “I know how this must seem. We’re young, but we’re in the perfect situation. We can support ourselves, and nothing will change when it comes to school. The only thing that’s going to be different is we’ll be officially together for the rest of our lives. I don’t plan on letting Emma go, no matter what, so nothing’s really changing in that department either. I just want to make it official. I love her, and I don’t need another three years to know that,” Jasper said.

  “Maybe not, but what if she does?” Nathan asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “People change as they get older. You’re both still figuring out who you are. What if she wakes up three years from now and realizes that you grew into totally different people, and you don’t love each other anymore? There won’t be an easy way out then. I know you’re a good kid, but I want a good man for Emma when she’s old enough to make decisions as a woman.”

  “But we are grown. I am that man.”

  “You haven’t experienced enough yet to know that. Things shape you throughout life, and you haven’t gone through any of those things yet. What if they shape you into someone who can’t love my daughter the same way?”

  “They won’t. I don’t know how to explain it, but I’ll try. I’ve loved Emma since I was a child. So many things have changed for me since then. She’s been the one constant for me, and I can’t give you a good reason to believe me, but I’m telling you that me loving her will never change. I pray to God that her love for me will never end either. I need her, and I think she needs me, too. Please, at least think about it. I want your blessing, and I think you know there’s not another guy out there who will ever love her as much as me. I can’t promise to give her everything you have because I don’t have that kind of money. I probably never will, but I can promise to give her all the love and happiness humanly possible. I hope that’s enough.”

  “I hear you. For the record, I know you love her, and I want you in our family one day. I need to talk to my daughter before I approve of anything, though. This is really sudden.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry to spring it on you, but sometimes you have to act. When you find the perfect person, you can’t wait. I’ll get Emma for you,” Jasper said and walked into the kitchen.

  While Emma went to talk to her dad, Jasper was stuck in the kitchen with Sam. That normally wouldn’t have been a bad thing, but she was looking at him in a pretty threatening way.

  “All right. If you want to kill me, then just say it,” Jasper said.

  “I don’t want to do that. Emma is crazy about you, and all of this seems like it shouldn’t work, but it could. I know what you did for her back in the fall, and that’s not the only thing you’ve done for her. Emma’s my first child and a piece of my heart. Since you guys were little, you’ve made her happy in a way that no one else has. Be sure you can be that guy for life, because if you disappoint her, I will be mad enough to kill you.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I promise.”

  “Good. I still think you’re rushing this, but if it’s what she wants, then I’ll stand behind her.”

  “Okay. I feel like everyone hates me now, though. This was supposed to be a celebration. I knew you and Mr. Grey would have some reservations, but I thought you would be happy, too.”

  “First of all, if you’re going to be our son in-law, which sounds very strange just to say, stop calling him Mr. Grey. If you marry our daughter, he’s just Nathan to you. Secondly, I am happy. I’m just cautious, too. I want three things for Emma. The first is for her to always have everything she needs materially. I think Nathan and I have assured that she’ll be fine, and to be honest, we raised her right. Even if she didn’t have a head start, Emma would be able to survive on her own. The next was for her to have a career she loved, which she’s working on now. The last was most important to me. I want her to have a family like mine. No marriage is ever perfect, but I have a man who would love me no matter what changed. That’s the type of love I want for her. If she gets sick or her beauty fades early, I want you to be with her, and not because you have to. I want the man she ends up with to see her as the beautiful and amazing person she is on the inside and to always cherish her, no matter if she’s at her best or worst. You’re nineteen. That doesn’t mean you can’t be that man now. We all mature at a different pace, and maybe you’re ready to truly love her the way she deserves, but as a mother, I’m scared that maybe you just see a pretty face who’s a lot of fun right now. As someone who loves her, I’m excited at the same time. I really think you could be that guy, but I can’t be sure.”

  “Then let me prove it.”


  “Words do nothing. I can tell you I’ll love her forever, no matter what changes, and I will, but those are just words. Trust me to be that guy, and if I let you down, you can do whatever you want to me. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  “I guess we’ll see. You’ve got my blessing, and I believe in my heart you’re the man for her. I just hope the timing is right. Now, how about we stop approaching this like it’s bad? I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know this. My daughter loves you, and she’s engaged. I’m not about to be the reason the day she gets engaged is ruined. We should celebrate. In a way, I really am happy. If you’re the guy I think you are, my daughter has found someone really special.”

  “I wish her dad felt that way.”

  “Give Emma time to talk to him. You would be surprised what she can do to loosen him up.”

  “I’m not so sure it’s going to be that easy for her. He seemed upset, to say the least.”

  “Then I’ll talk to him. Nathan likes you. He just needs time to process this.”

  Before they could say anything else, Emma walked into the room and told Jasper to go back and talk to Nathan. He nervously sat across from him. Jasper noticed that Evan was gone. Nathan had sent him to his room, so they could talk private
ly. Jasper was guessing that wasn’t good. He at least wanted a witness when Emma’s dad murdered him.

  “My daughter brought up some good points. You’ve known each other your whole lives, you were there for her at the worst time of her life, and there’s no reason for anyone to think you would ever hurt her in any way. Emma loves you, and I believe you when you say you love her, too. It’s going to take a while for me to completely wrap my head around this. She’s my baby, and I didn’t expect this so early. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if Emma wants this, then I’m going to support her, and you’re not exactly the worst guy she could end up with. In fact, you’re the guy I would prefer she spent her life with. You’ve got my blessing. Don’t mess this up, though, Jasper.”

  “Thank you. I won’t betray your trust. I promise.”

  “I mean that. Don’t mess things up with her. Emma’s special. You’re not going to find another girl like her. I could do the whole dad thing right now and tell you how much I would hurt you if you broke Emma’s heart, but I’m not going to. If you mess this up, losing her will be punishment enough. Make sure this is what you want, and then be what she needs always.”

  “I will be, and you’re right. I couldn’t be luckier. I’m engaged to my best friend.”

  “Good. How did Sam react to this?”

  “She wasn’t happy at first, but she got on board pretty quickly. You two don’t know it yet, but I’m going to be everything Emma needs. I know we’re young, but you’re going to look back on this as a great day.”

  “I believe that. Let’s get everyone in the same room and talk about this together,” Nathan said.

  Once they were in the room, they talked about Jasper and Emma’s plans. They hadn’t even thought about when they were going to get married. Emma suggested they do a long engagement. She figured her dad would have a heart attack if she said she wanted to do things quickly. Plus, leaving plenty of time to plan seemed like a good idea. Emma wanted a big wedding, and that would take time to plan. Right now, she didn’t want to worry about any of that, though. She just wanted to enjoy the moment with her family and the boy she loved. After they had talked for a while and what was once uncomfortable became a celebration, Emma stepped outside to get some air. Evan followed her. He had barely been able to say anything because everyone else was so busy discussing their plans.

  “Hey, are you sure about this? You were ready to breakup with Jasper this morning,” Evan said.

  “It turns out he was only saying he didn’t want a life with me to throw me off his trail. He was planning to ask me all along.”

  “Okay, but are you sure?”

  “Not you, too! Is everyone going to give me the speech about how young we are?”

  “No. I just want what’s best for my sister. Tell me this is what you really want, and I’ll be behind you all the way.”

  “It is. I love him.”

  “Then I’m on board. Besides, I always liked Jasper. He’s one of my best friends, and I know he loves you. I just can’t believe my big sister is getting married.”

  “I know. I can barely believe it myself. This all feels like a dream. You don’t think I’m getting in over my head, do you?”

  “Emma, we both know you’ve never been over your head with anything. You’re good at everything, and that’s not going to change with marriage. Honestly, you’re basically married to the guy now. You live together, only see each other, and I don’t think either of you would go anywhere even if you weren’t engaged. This is the right thing.”

  “Thanks, Ev. I needed someone to say that.”

  “No problem. What are we doing out here, though? Mom and Dad are finally okay with things, and you’re choosing to be outside rather than with them celebrating your day.”

  “I just needed to catch my breath. It’s been an incredible day. I thought my relationship with him was over. It turns out it’s going to last for the rest of my life, though. I’m relieved. It’s just starting to sink in that I have it all. My family is perfect, I have the only guy I’ve ever loved, and I’m doing really well in college. Do you ever think you don’t deserve everything in your life?”

  “No. I’m pretty awesome. I think I deserve it all, and you’ll never hear me say this after today, but you’re even better than me. You deserve this. You’re smart, caring, and beautiful. There’s a reason Jasper loves you and so many good things are happening. Sometimes good people should have a good life. Don’t question it. Just enjoy it.”

  “You’re right. Let’s go back inside. Thanks for being the best brother I could ask for,” Emma said as they walked back into the house.

  As a family, they celebrated the engagement that afternoon. When it was time to meet with Sadie, Jasper and Emma left, though. It had been a great day, and almost all of the obstacles in front of them had been avoided. Jasper still had to tell his family, however. While they were on the way to Sadie’s, he called his mom. He wanted to wait to tell them when they arrived, but he figured Nathan and Sam would let it slip before then. It was tell them now or let them hear it secondhand. Jasper knew what he had to do.

  “Hello,” Chloe said.

  Jasper explained everything to his mom, and she reacted as expected. Chloe thought he was crazy. Sure, she figured her son might end up with Emma, and that was good, but in her eyes, he was still a kid. After talking about it all the way to Sadie’s house, Jasper finally had to let his mom go.

  “Can we just talk about this when you get here? We’re supposed to be celebrating our engagement right now. I love you, Mom, and I value your opinion, but I’m sure about Emma,” Jasper said.

  “Fine. We’ll talk later. I love you. I just don’t want to see you make a big mistake.”

  “I don’t either. That’s why I asked her to marry me.”

  Chloe sighed. She knew this wasn’t a big mistake, but it was still complicated. For lack of a better option, she let Jasper get off the phone. She had a lot to talk to Jason about.

  Emma went inside and got Sadie to give Jasper a chance to decompress. She could tell things hadn’t gone well. It was weird. She should have been offended that so many people thought they were making a mistake, but Emma kind of expected this reaction. It wasn’t hard to imagine herself having the same reaction if her nineteen year old child wanted to get married. Still, their parents would come around. Hers already had, and her brother was behind them from the start. This wasn’t the time to get discouraged. They would get through this stage together and be better for it.

  “Hey, you guys had me pretty worried this morning,” Sadie said as she got into the car.

  “You think you were worried. I thought Emma was done with me. I still can’t believe you broke up with me,” Jasper said with a grin toward Emma.

  “You told me you never wanted a life with me! What was I supposed to do? I gave you several weeks to change your mind.”

  “I can’t believe you ever bought that I didn’t want to marry you some day.”

  “Me either. This guy has been whipped from the first day I met him. You never had anything to worry about,” Sadie joked.

  “Hey, I’ve never been whipped by anyone,” Jasper said in offense.

  “Please! When you look up whipped in the dictionary, there’s a picture of you in it,” she teased.

  “All right, I’ve got to put my foot down. You can’t talk to my very whipped boyfriend that way,” Emma said with a smile.

  “Not you, too,” Jasper said and rolled his eyes.

  “We’re just messing around. Stop looking so sad. This is a night for celebration. Drinks are on me,” Sadie said.

  That was music to their ears. If anyone reacted like they wanted, it was Sadie. They had the night of their lives together, and at the end of it, they dropped Sadie back off and went home. Emma immediately went to her bed and lay back as soon as they walked through the door. Jasper joined her. He was mentally tired, but it was a good kind of tired. They had plenty of problems and disapproving people, but he wanted those
problems, if it meant he got to spend his life with the girl lying next to him.

  “How do you think life’s going to change when we’re married?” Emma asked.

  “What do you mean? Does it have to change at all? We’ll still be in this house, working the same jobs as before, and going to the same school. The only real differences will be us promising to be together for life and the people at your church not looking at me like I’m the boy who completely corrupted their innocent church girl.”

  “They don’t think that. Besides, I was never very innocent.”

  “No, you definitely were. That’s okay, though, because so was I. We learned most things together. I guess that’s the way it should be. What do you think could change after we get married?”

  “I don’t know. I know I’m not going to be one of those wives who gets really possessive and has to know where her husband is all the time.”

  “Are you sure? I hear people start getting incredibly jealous of every little thing after they get married. It’ll start simple. First, I won’t be able to hang out with Sadie alone anymore, and then you’ll be scheduling as many classes with me as possible to keep an eye on me. Yeah . . . you’re definitely going to turn into a stalker,” Jasper joked.

  “Shut up. You know I’m not that way. Maybe we should worry about some things, though. I hear after you get married, the sex almost completely stops. That’s going to be a bummer for you,” Emma teased.

  “Well, we’ll just make up for that before we get married then. We could start now,” Jasper said and kissed her.

  The day had started with a breakup, and it was ending just as it should - with Jasper making love to the girl he always knew would be his wife some day.

  Chapter 23

  An Unexpected Romance

  Three Days Later

  It had been three great days of Jasper and Emma celebrating their engagement, but there was a problem. Jasper was about to leave to pick up his parents. He already knew his mom disapproved, and he couldn’t imagine his dad would react any better. Before he could walk out, however, Emma stopped him.


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