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Emma's Story

Page 25

by Mitchel Grace

  “You said whoever you’re with. Don’t you mean me?”

  “You haven’t made the cut just yet, Evan. You’re growing on me, though.”

  In the back, Emma was waiting with her mom. Sam was a nervous wreck, but Emma was completely calm. It was strange because the night before she had been ready to run away.

  “I feel like I’m more nervous about this than you,” Sam said.

  “You should’ve seen me last night then.”

  “That’s what your dad said. I wish I could’ve been the one to talk to you. I feel like you’ve always counted on Nathan a little more for things like that, but I’ve got a few things to share, too.”

  “Mom, I would love to hear any advice you have for me. You’re the best woman I know. If I can keep Jasper half as happy as you have Dad, then I know we’ll make it.”

  “Just be you.”

  “That’s pretty simple advice.”

  “It’s the most obvious thing that everyone misses. Nothing is changing today. Don’t change who you are or what you do for him because the girl you are right now is who he’s in love with. Expect him to keep taking you on dates and growing with you. When people stop growing together or try to change who they are, things fall apart pretty quickly. You’re already the exact woman you’re supposed to be, and if you keep being her, then everything is within your reach. I mean that very broadly, too. You can do anything, Emma. I couldn’t be prouder of you than right now.”

  “Thank you. I love you, Mom,” Emma said and hugged her.

  In another part of the church, Jasper was sitting with his best man who just so happened to be his twin brother. He was hot and nervous, but all Paul was doing was smiling. Jasper didn’t get it at all. Why was he nervous and Paul was the one who looked thrilled? This seemed backward.

  “What do you keep smiling about?” Jasper finally asked.

  “I’ve been watching you for the last hour. I’ve never seen you this nervous. Am I going to have to help you with an escape plan before this day is over?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Just out of curiosity, what would we do if I did want to escape, though?”

  “I can’t believe you’re actually considering it. I was just joking.”

  “I’m not. I love Emma. I’m just nervous, and one of your dumb ideas might be just the thing to get my mind off all the people who are about to be staring at us.”

  “Okay. My plan would be simple. I’m your twin. If you really wanted out of here that badly, we would just switch clothes, and you could go out the back. I would pretend to be you until you got some distance from the place. Then I would . . .”

  “All right, we might look alike, but there’s no way you could pull off a convincing me.”

  “Why? I would just act like a much dorkier version of myself.”

  “Oh, ha-ha. Aren’t you supposed to be building me up today? I am getting married, you know.”

  “So confidence is what you want, huh? I shouldn’t have to give you that.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you’re about to marry your best friend and the prettiest girl we know. If you can pull that one off, then why do you need anyone to tell you everything’s going to be fine? All you’ve got to do is go out there and block out some people for a few minutes, and then a really big part of your life is going to fall into place. It’s simple.”

  “I kept searching for a reason why I made you my best man, but I think I’ve finally found it. Thanks, Paul.”

  “It took you that long to figure out that I’m an awesome best man? I guess you are pretty flawed,” he joked.

  “I guess. Thanks, though. I needed someone to calm me down.”

  “No problem. Now, it’s just about time. What do you say we get out there?”

  While the two brothers took their places, Emma and her dad got set near the back of the church. It was almost time, and Emma noticed that her dad looked fine. That wasn’t something she expected. She had always been his little girl, and he was giving her away. She was happy that he was okay with it, but somehow she thought he would be more emotional.

  “I didn’t expect you to be taking this all in stride, considering you’re giving me away and all,” Emma teased.

  “Oh, I’m not giving you away. This is more like a one-year rental. If I don’t like the way things are going after that, I’ll take you back,” he teased.

  “If I don’t like things after one year, I might just let you. I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too. In one year, there won’t be any need for that, though. I know that. I’m not sad because I know you’re walking toward something good today, and to be honest, no one could ever take you away from me. I’m not giving you away today. I’m just walking you down an isle. No matter what, you’ll always be my little girl. Even a fancy ceremony can’t change that.”

  “Thanks. You might not know it, but you’re the reason I always looked for someone better. You showed me how a woman should be treated. What I’m trying to say is I couldn’t have asked for a better father for the first nineteen years of my life, and I can’t wait to see what else you’re going to teach me after today. I love you.”

  Just after she said that, it was time to walk down the isle. Nathan gave her away at the end of it, and she joined Jasper. It all felt like it went by in a blur for them. They had rehearsed everything beforehand, so it was almost automatic. It wasn’t until they heard the words you may kiss the bride that it became apparent what was really happening there. This wasn’t just a wedding day. This was the day both of them had dreamt of for a lifetime. As Jasper’s lips met hers, it was final, but yet it was really only beginning. They were just beginning the life they had always wanted. It wasn’t an easy road to get there, and they knew it might not be an easy one moving forward, but they were together. Now that they were, there was no way Jasper and Emma were going to let anything tear them apart.

  They celebrated with everyone and had their first dance afterward. It all felt like it went by in a haze, too. It was too good to be true, but yet it was real. When all the celebrations were over, Jasper and Emma drove away. They went back to their house. The next morning they would be leaving on their honeymoon, but for now, they could just relax together in the only place they would ever call home. He carried her into their home, and then they moved to the bedroom.

  “What’s the hurry, Mr. Ellis?” Emma teased as he put her down on the bed.

  “I’ve had to stare at you in that dress for the last several hours when all I wanted to do was get you out of it. I can’t wait another minute,” he said and got on top of her.

  As Jasper kissed her neck, Emma interrupted him, however.

  “How does it feel?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what you mean, but you know, your husband is trying to be super romantic right now, and you don’t seem to be noticing. As a matter of fact, you look really distracted. What’s up?” Jasper asked as he noticed that Emma looked like her mind was somewhere else.

  “Oh, I’m completely into what’s happening. I’m just in shock, too. How does it feel to be married to me?”

  “Like I just won the lottery. I always knew I wanted you, but I never thought this day would come. I get to start and end every day with you for the rest of my life. That’s just about the most incredible thing I can think of. I love you, and I don’t care what we do with the rest of our lives, as long as we do it together.”

  Emma smiled and flipped him over. Then she got on top of Jasper and kissed him. Their wedding night would be every bit as passionate as they hoped, and most importantly, the rest of their lives were going to be even better than they imagined. Jasper and Emma didn’t know it yet, but a lifetime of love, laughter, and so much hope awaited them. It was just the beginning.

  Chapter 27

  New Beginnings

  Four Years Later

  It had been four years since Jasper and Emma got married, and they were celebrating their anniversary in what most might cons
ider an unusual spot. They were at Disney World in Orlando. When they were fourteen, their families took a vacation there. That was the first time Jasper asked Emma out on a date. Back then, Emma had absolutely no expectations for their date. As a matter of fact, she thought it was crazy to think that two friends could ever fall hopelessly in love. That’s exactly what had happened, though. As they walked around the park that day, they thought about everything that had been and might be. Emma was especially thinking hard.

  “And so that’s when I . . .” Jasper said before realizing that Emma was in her own little world.

  “No, don’t listen to the extremely charming man talking to you on our date. Just ignore him,” Jasper joked.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. What were you saying?”

  “It’s not important. What I want to know is how you can be distracted on a weekend that’s supposed to be all about reliving the first time we knew we loved each other.”

  “This weekend is about exactly that, not what I’m thinking about. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, now you have to tell me. Come on. Let’s sit down and get some overpriced food, and you can tell me all about it. I don’t care what day it is or what we’re doing. I always want to know what’s bothering you.”

  Emma didn’t know what to say. She was thinking about something that was pretty heavy. It might just push them apart. Then again, it could be the most natural next step in their relationship. Would he be happy?

  “So what’s on your mind?” Jasper asked as they sat down.

  “Okay, do you remember that time I talked about us getting a dog?”

  “Yeah. We decided not to because I’m allergic, and to be honest, I’m terrible at taking care of any living thing.”

  “You’re not making this conversation any easier.”

  “I don’t get it. What did I say?”

  “You need to get better at taking care of living things pretty quickly because you’re going to be a dad.”

  “Is this a joke? If it is, you really shouldn’t play like that.”

  “I knew it. This is too soon. I’m sorry, but . . .”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t joke about something this big.”

  Jasper simply smiled. Emma was immediately relieved. Over the last four years, she had gotten to know all of his expressions, and his face didn’t show one sign of disappointment.

  “I’m sorry for how I reacted at first. This is the best anniversary present you could’ve gotten me. How long have you known?”

  “Three days.”

  “And you didn’t tell me before now?”

  “I didn’t know how you would feel. It’s not like we planned this.”

  “I know, but I really love you. Why wouldn’t I want to make a new life that was part of both of us?”

  “You’re reacting a lot better than I did, but I’m so happy.”

  “How did you react?”

  “I was scared to death at first. I mean, I just figured out this whole adult thing. We both did. Are we really ready to be parents now?”

  “I don’t know, but we’ve got a few months to get ready. We’ll do that, and we’ll also experience all the other perks of parenthood.”

  “There are perks? From what I read online, our lives are pretty much over.”

  “Nah. They’re just beginning. You get to have an excuse to eat whatever you want over the next nine months, and I’m going to do it, too, even if I don’t have an excuse. After that, we’re going to get the most wonderful person who has a lot of needs, but that child will be ours. How could we not love someone who’s literally a part of us?”

  “You always know the right thing to say, don’t you?”

  “No. I think you just bring out the best in me,” Jasper said and wrapped his arm around her.

  They were going to be a family. In that moment, he realized something. To him, his life began when he flew to Hawaii to chase the girl of his dreams. That’s not where it really started, though. Life is a collection of beginnings, and everything he had done led him to this place where he could have the family he had always dreamed of. His mother and father had taught him who to be and how to treat the woman he ultimately went chasing after, and she gave him a reason to stick around through all the good and bad. This was a new beginning for them all over again. They were going to be a family.

  “Okay, you’re the one spacing out now. What are you thinking about?” Emma asked.

  “Just the first time I knew I loved you and everything that it led us to. Thank you for loving me back, and thank you for this,” he said and laid his hand on her stomach. Then Jasper kissed her.

  In the place where love first blossomed, new life began. Jasper and Emma’s story was just beginning, and for as long as they both drew breath, they would always end each day together.


  Through the years, so much changed for everyone. They were all good changes, though. Emma and Jasper were the first ones to find love, but they wouldn’t be the last. One year after Evan finished college, he married Sadie. Their relationship moved incredibly slow, but for them, that was the best way it worked. Over time, Evan got to know every little detail of the woman he grew to love, and she learned that there was nothing she couldn’t trust him with. She had found someone she was safe with, and Evan had simply found a woman who understood him like no one else could. A marriage and three kids later, and you would have never known that Evan or Sadie had any problems committing to each other.

  Paul and Lily got back together, and it worked for a while. Then, like most of Paul’s relationships did, it fell apart. They kept coming back to each other, though. Their relationship became a strong friendship over the years, and they made a pact. If they weren’t married by thirty, they were going to marry each other. It would turn out that thirty didn’t feel old enough to hold each other to a desperate deal like that, but it did get them dating again. Three years later, Lily got pregnant. It wouldn’t have exactly been the most ideal situation for most people, and they panicked at first, but somehow it worked for them. Paul became closer than ever to the mother of his child, and less than a year later, they got married. It took that responsibility for him to completely grow up, but once he did, they found a life together.

  Finally, there are Jasper and Emma. Their son was born in August. They called him Jeremy, and he became the most important person in their lives. Less than two years later, they had a little girl named Hannah who became the person Jasper tried to protect most in life. Suddenly, they found themselves in the role of their parents, and it didn’t feel natural at first, but they learned together. Before they knew it, their family and everything in their lives seemed like it should have always been that way. Most people think that getting old is the hardest part of life, but for Jasper, the hardest part was being young. Back then, he didn’t know if he was going to end up with the person he loved or have a family with her. Now, they could enjoy the ride down. For him, that’s what it was. Every day spent with Emma was another adventure that he was so glad he got the chance to have. She was the one constant in his life. Long after their parents had passed away and the kids had moved out, there was still her - the love of his life. It was hard to believe that he deserved her, but he had come to realize something over the years. Deserving had nothing to do with it. This woman loved him in the same unconditional way he loved her.

  Sometimes you just know who the person you’re meant to be with is. It’s like it’s written in the stars, and everywhere you look, you can’t help but see her. For Jasper, that’s how it was growing up. There were doubters, and there were people who thought he was completely crazy when he moved across an ocean for one shot with a girl that he honestly believed would change his life. She did, though, and Emma knew without a doubt that he had forever changed hers. Love begins with a simple move, and Jasper would always be grateful for his greatest quality. He was a dreamer who truly believed that wanting someone bad enough might make it so with just a little ef
fort. He wasn’t wrong, and a life of love, passion, and completeness awaited him when he was finally able to take his place by her side.


  Okay, everyone. I really loved writing this story. It was a sweet romance that I’ve been dying to write for about two years now. It was actually inspired by a short story that I wrote a long time ago called Wrong Time Right Guy. You might have noticed in this book that I mention how Emma and Jasper knew each other before he moved to Hawaii. That makes sense because their parents were great friends, but I never showed you how they first fell in love when they were fourteen. That’s because it was in the short story I’m about to show you. This is Wrong Time Right Guy, and I hope you enjoy this little bonus that should leave you with a new appreciation for Emma and Jasper’s past.

  Wrong Time Right Guy

  Chapter 1

  First Taste Of Love

  School was finally over, and Emma and her family had made the trip to Orlando for their yearly vacation with Jason and Chloe’s family. After her boyfriend had cheated on her, her parents had inexplicably risked their lives to help Dan, and finals had taken all the mental power she had left, Emma was ready for a vacation. They arrived late and got checked in to their hotel rooms. The adults didn’t want to rush off to theme parks on the very first day, but sitting around and doing nothing sounded pretty boring to most of the teenagers, including Emma. The hotel where they were staying just happened to have a shuttle that went to Disney World, though. All the parents were a little hesitant to agree to it, but Emma made a suggestion. She, Evan, Jasper, and Paul would ride the shuttle the next morning and explore the park for a while on their own. The parents knew that their kids were young, but it was time to let go. Emma was closer to being fifteen than fourteen, and Jason and Chloe’s sons were around the same age as her. It wouldn’t hurt to let them do a little exploring, as long as they stayed within the park.


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