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Emma's Story

Page 30

by Mitchel Grace

  “Thank you, Mr. Grey.”

  “It’s Nathan, and you’re welcome. Just don’t make me regret trusting you with her.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  As Nathan walked back into his room, he felt strange. In some ways, he was sad that his little girl was growing up so fast, but in another way, he was happy. He really did trust Jasper. That made him nervous, but it was a good thing. Even if it was only temporary, she deserved someone who would treat her like she was the most special girl in the world because in his eyes, that’s exactly what she was.

  Nathan popped his head into Emma’s room and told her something that she had needed to hear for a while.

  “Hey, I’ve never said this about a guy you were seeing, but you could do a lot worse. I don’t think anyone’s ever going to be good enough for you, but that kid might be as close as we can get. You can go out with him tonight, and your mom and I are staying home,” Nathan said.

  “So we’re going with his parents?”

  “No, you’re going with him alone. I trust him, and more importantly, I trust you. I just talked to him and gave him permission to take you out. You should wear something nice. I think he has something you’ll like planned.”

  “Thank you, Daddy. I don’t understand, though. What made you decide he was different?”

  “I don’t know. I think sometimes we can just see through people, and I don’t have any doubts about him. Having said that, please don’t give me a reason to hate this kid. I don’t want to go back to you talking to tattooed dropouts with no future,” he joked.

  “I promise I won’t. Thank you so much again. I love you,” Emma said and gave him a hug.

  It was hours before their date, but Emma was already looking forward to it. What would she wear? For that matter, where were they even going? Was this going to be the date she had wanted all along? She would find out soon enough because the time was going to pass by quickly. Soon she would be on her dream date with what appeared to be her dream guy.

  Chapter 6

  The Perfect Date

  At six, Jasper came by to pick up Emma. She was absolutely gorgeous. They had grown up as childhood friends, so he had seen her in a lot of ways. Most weren’t too flattering, but this look was something totally different. Emma’s black dress screamed of class, and it was clear that she had paid extra attention to her makeup and accessories for the night.

  “Wow. You look really beautiful,” Jasper said without thinking.

  “I agree. She does. You two need to be back here by midnight. Have fun, though,” Sam said, and they walked out.

  Once they were in the elevator, there was an awkward silence. For some reason, they were both nervous. It didn’t make any sense. They had known each other since they were little. What was there to be nervous about? If anything, they should feel more comfortable with each other than they would with someone new. Still, Emma just felt like this whole thing was strange. It was odd in a good way, though. She had never seen Jasper look so serious about anything. It was clear that he had planned the whole night out, even down to his clothes, and his clothes told her a lot about what they would be doing. He was dressed nicely, and she could only assume that this night was going to start off somewhere that matched his clothing.

  “This is a little odd, isn’t it?” Emma asked.

  “Maybe, but it shouldn’t be. What’s so strange about us going out on a proper date anyway?”

  “For starters, I’ve seen you every which way through the years. I’ve never seen you look this serious, though. It’s just odd to think that we could be these people. I’m used to a more playful setting when we’re doing something together. I get the feeling that this is going to be nice. It’s just going to take some getting used to.”

  “I know what you mean. I’m nervous, but it’s just you. We’re friends, and we’ve already established that we like each other. Seeing you look this gorgeous probably should make me nervous, though. I’ve never seen you this way.”

  In that moment, Emma did something that broke all the tension. She reached up and kissed him. It was a tiny step, but it made anything else that could happen throughout the evening seem small. As she pulled away, the elevator doors opened, and they stepped out.

  “I’m glad you think I’m beautiful. I spent a lot of time on my makeup. It’s not easy to look presentable for the perfect date, you know,” she joked.

  “I wasn’t talking about your makeup. You didn’t need any of that. I think your face is perfect just the way it is. That dress is killing me, though. I never thought I would see the Emma Grey I know look so classy.”

  “Hey, what is that supposed to mean? I can be classy.”

  “We both know you’re more of a relaxed kind of girl. You always look nice, but you would rather be on a beach than in a stuffy setting any day. I didn’t even know you owned a dress like that.”

  “I didn’t. My mom and I had to buy it before tonight. Dad seemed to think you had some night planned. I hope you don’t think I’m just a beach bum, though. I really do have a classy side.”

  “I know you do. I’m just glad I got the chance to see you in this light. Having said that, I think I still prefer the old Emma. A bikini beats that dress any day,” Jasper teased.

  “Oh, really? I guess I should have just worn that then,” Emma flirted.

  “I’m pretty sure they would have kicked us out of the place we’re going to if you had. Anyway, we’re here,” he said as he stopped in front of their limo.

  “Where is here?”

  “At the spot where our date begins.”

  “On the sidewalk?” Emma asked in confusion.

  “No, at our ride,” he said while motioning to the limo.

  “You’re telling me you got us a limo? Yeah, right.”

  “You said you wanted it to be special, and that meant our parents couldn’t be here. A cab didn’t seem very private either, so I figured this would be the best option. What do you think?”

  “Thank you. This is really thoughtful.”

  “I didn’t do it just for you. I did it for me, too. I want us to have an experience we’ll always remember. Now, are you ready to get our evening started?”

  “Very,” she said and gave him a peck on the lips. Then they got into the back.

  As she got comfortable, Emma noticed a song playing in the background and lilies on the seat next to her. It was one of her favorite songs, but Jasper didn’t know that My Only One meant something to her. Just what was going on here?

  “Okay. What’s up with the song and flowers?” Emma asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess the driver likes it, and I thought lilies might be nice for you. Why? Do you like them?”

  “That’s one of the best songs in the world to me and my favorite flower. That can’t be a coincidence. Who helped you plan this out?”

  “All right, you caught me. I asked your dad some questions about you while I was getting his permission to take you out. He might have told me that this song and those flowers meant something to you.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe he helped you plan what has been the perfect date so far. He normally tries with everything he can to keep me from going out. I wonder what makes you so special.”

  “He seemed a little hesitant about you going out with me alone at first. After I explained that I wanted us to have the night you truly deserved, he helped me. Enough about our parents, though. Tonight all I want to concentrate on is you,” Jasper said and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Okay, I can think of something I wouldn’t mind concentrating on.”

  “I’m way ahead of you,” Jasper said and leaned in to kiss her.

  “While that’s nice, I was actually thinking about where you were taking me,” Emma said after she pulled back from the kiss.

  “And now I feel like an idiot,” Jasper said in embarrassment.

  “Don’t. A kiss with you is never a bad thing. I’m just excited to learn what the big night you have planned starts

  “Well, the limo kind of wiped me out. I figured we would just drive around the city aimlessly for the next few hours. I mean, I got a limo. Isn’t that enough?”

  “Oh, come on. Aren’t you going to give me anything?”

  “You’ll find out. Trust me. You’re going to love it.”

  “All right, but at least tell me this. Why are you doing all of this for me? I’ve never done a thing for you, and I know I’m not worth the trouble when we’re not going to be a permanent part of each other’s lives.”

  “You need to learn your value. Every guy you come into contact with should go out of his way to make you feel special because you are. You’re the kindest and most beautiful girl I’ve ever known. Why wouldn’t I want to do whatever I could to make this special?”

  “First of all, I appreciate the compliments, but I’m not very kind or beautiful. I . . .”

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to cut you off right there. What you did for Evan yesterday shows how kind you are, and you do own a mirror, right? You’re beautiful. You know that.”

  “Thank you. I don’t think I am, though.”

  “Then we’ve found your first flaw. You’re clearly blind as a bat. That’s okay, though. I think glasses might just suit you,” he said with a smile.

  “You’re not so bad looking yourself, Mr. Ellis.”

  “Thanks for the compliment, but I’m going to tell you a secret. I actually hate that last name. I have a first name that no one understands and a last one that’s a first name.”

  “I like Ellis. Try having the last name Grey. Everyone I meet ends up asking aren’t you Nathan Grey’s daughter? If they’re not asking that, they’re asking about my mom. Sometimes it would be nice just to be Emma.”

  “So your parents can cast a pretty big shadow? I never really thought of it from that angle. It must be hard.”

  “It’s not really that bad. I have my small gripes like everyone else, though. The truth is that it’s a bigger honor to have well-respected people as my parents than it could ever be a burden, but I’m just saying that I understand what you mean about the last name thing,” Emma said before they felt the limo coming to a stop.

  Jasper opened the door for her, and she got out to discover that they were at an Italian restaurant that looked pretty expensive. She looked back at Jasper and smiled. He truly had planned the perfect date. They walked inside hand in hand, and they were seated immediately because he had made reservations hours before. When they sat down, Emma slid her hand across the table and took his.

  “All right, you’ve definitely got my attention now. What could possibly be better than this place and the way we got here?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to spoil it, but I guess it won’t matter now. The last part of our date is simple. We’re going to that movie you wanted to see before. I think it was called Withered Fang.”

  “Do you actually want to suffer through that? I know it’s not your thing.”

  “It isn’t, but it’s yours, and tonight is all about you. What do you think?”

  “I think I should have looked at you in a different light a long time ago. You’re special, Jasper, and someday I’m going to give you a night that’s all about you. Honestly, what would you want if I was planning a night around you?”

  “This is nice enough.”

  “Just tell me. I know the whole romantic vibe is a girl thing, and there’s no way you want to see that movie. What’s your dream date?”

  “It’s simple, but it can’t happen yet.”

  “Just tell me. What is it?”

  “I would want us to go out and have a nice but practical dinner where you didn’t have to get all dressed up. I could appreciate your beauty in its natural way. Afterward, maybe we could head out to the beach. It would already be night by then, but that would be okay. We would just sit out there talking about anything and everything. In that scenario, our future wouldn’t be so set. I wouldn’t be leaving you in a few days. We could talk about the future and everything we wanted it to be. Afterward, we could go back to my place, and I could just feel you beside me all night. That’s what I really want. I want to get to know you on the most personal levels and feel you next to me for an entire night.”

  “That’s sounds incredible. I think I like your idea better than mine. Don’t think I didn’t notice that our evening ended at your place, though. Trying to get me into bed already, huh? You are a typical guy,” Emma flirted.

  “I know you’re not like that, and I didn’t mean it as anything other than for you to be beside me, but if you’re saying it would be a perfect end to the evening for you, too, then . . .”

  “Amazing. And here I was thinking that you were different. If my parents could hear you right now, I’m pretty sure I would never get to see you again. Having said that, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to spend the night with you. I’m just saying that if I ever decided to, it wouldn’t be a mistake. To be clear, that’s not happening, though.”

  “Hey, I was just talking about sleeping and holding you. You’re the one who made it about us potentially taking things further,” Jasper joked.

  “Hmm . . . maybe you’re right. Maybe I’m the one who wants that. All right, I’ve decided. We’re skipping the movie and finding a room.”

  “What? Really?” Jasper asked in surprise.

  “No! I’m messing with you. I can’t tell if your reaction was one of fear or excitement, though. You really are a typical guy, aren’t you?” Emma asked and smiled.

  “Hey, it’s your fault for wearing the sexy dress,” Jasper joked.

  “Interesting. Blaming the girl for your own perversions. I’m going to have to watch you, Jasper,” Emma flirted and looked at the menu.

  Their dinner would go by well. They were in a romantic place filled with nicely dressed people, but they were still themselves. They laughed, flirted, and joked. Emma realized something that night. A traditional romantic date was great, but it wasn’t about what you did when you were out. It was about who you were with, and in that regard, she felt like she had hit the jackpot.

  When they got to the movies, Emma said something surprising that changed the rest of their evening.

  “I don’t want to see Withered Fang tonight. I have a better idea,” Emma said.

  “What? I thought that was your favorite series.”

  “I don’t know about favorite, but I do like it. I was thinking it might be good to change things up, though. You said that you wanted to see Slasher 3D before. I think we should check it out.”

  “You don’t like scary movies, and tonight is about us having the perfect time.”

  “You do, though, and maybe I want this night to be about both of us. I might not mind if a strong man wrapped his arms around me during the scary movie, too,” she flirted.

  “Fine. I’ll find a strong guy to protect you. I’ve got to tell you as your date that this is a little weird, though.”

  “Very funny. I meant you. What do you say? If I get scared, will you be there for me?”

  “Always,” Jasper said and wrapped his arm around her.

  They went to see Slasher 3D, and it was exactly the opposite of what Emma wanted to watch, but the boy who had his arm wrapped around her seemed to make the whole thing better. She felt safe and at peace with Jasper there. That wasn’t something she could say about boys she had met in the past. Jasper was truly special.

  When the movie was over, they still had a couple of hours before they had to be back at the hotel, so they stopped by the park and walked around for a while. Jasper wanted to know everything about Emma, and he figured this was a good way to just talk and get to know each other more. As they walked, an awkward silence crept its way into their date, however. It seemed like something was wrong, but Jasper didn’t know what it could be. Hadn’t their date gone perfectly? Was the movie too much for her?

  “What are you thinking about?” Jasper asked.

  “You probably don’t want
to talk about it.”

  “Why wouldn’t I want to hear what you’re thinking? That was the whole purpose of coming out here. I wanted to take some time and get to know more about you.”

  “I’m thinking about how fun all of this was and how it has to end in a few days. That makes me sad.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not very happy about it either. I’m going to miss you. Instead of concentrating on that, though, why don’t you tell me how this would ideally end?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, if I were coming back to Hawaii with you or your family was moving to New Jersey, how would things work out for us?”

  “First of all, you would definitely be coming to Hawaii. We would go to school together, and I would introduce you to my friends. I know you would fit in with them. On the weekends, we would take trips to the beach and just grow up together. That’s the simplest thing I can say. I wish we could grow up with each other and slowly fall in love a little more every day. I know what we have here isn’t love because we haven’t even considered ourselves to be dating more than a few days, but it means something to me, and I know it would be the most significant thing I could be a part of if we actually had a lifetime instead of a few days.”

  There was a long silence as Jasper tried to find the right words to say. Emma thought she had said something wrong. She had laid it all out there. She had practically said that she thought she could love him for the rest of their lives if the situation were a little different.

  “I’m sorry. That was a bit much. I shouldn’t have said all that. I’ve just had such a good night, and . . .” Emma managed to say before Jasper interrupted her.

  “I feel the same way except for one minor detail. You said that what we have can’t be considered love, but who says falling in love has to have a timetable? I’ve known I loved you since we were little, and that hasn’t changed. If you love me now, then that’s a good thing.”

  “Okay, then I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I wish we had time, but right now, we don’t. One day, I’ll give us that time. I promise.”


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