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Forced to Cooperate

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by Piper Stone

  Forced to Cooperate


  Piper Stone

  Copyright © 2019 by Stormy Night Publications and Piper Stone

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Stormy Night Publications and Design, LLC.

  Stone, Piper

  Forced to Cooperate

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Image by Shutterstock/A StockStudio

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  More Stormy Night Books by Piper Stone

  Piper Stone Links

  Chapter One


  “But when I dominate a woman, I own her. Break her. One day you’re going to belong to me.”

  The man’s demanding and dangerous words reverberated in my mind. And I believed every word. Asshole.

  I shivered, the memory of his touch far too exhilarating. My nipples ached, longing for his rough touch, his hot breath skating across my skin. I was insane to hunger for my enemy, a man capable of heinous crimes.

  Including murder.

  I closed my eyes briefly, remembering the feel of his cock buried inside my pussy, the hard thrusts as he shoved me straight into a moment of pure rapture. I remained wet and hot, my thighs sticky from his cum. He’d managed to unravel me in those few moments, crashing through every barrier I’d carefully placed around me.

  “Do you crave a dominating man, cherie?”

  I pressed my fingers across my lips, savoring the heated kiss. His scent lingered on my skin, musky and exotic. The butterflies in my tummy were a reminder that he was everything I couldn’t stand, yet all that I yearned for, and I was humiliated from the realization.

  No. No. I couldn’t think this way. I had a job to do and I refused to fall prey to my own wicked desires.

  Experts say that fear is only in your mind. What about danger? What about death?

  I was prepared to kill my enemy.

  Even eager to do so.

  Within the hour, Aleksei Petrov would be dead.

  I am a killer, a trained assassin. And I love my job the majority of the time.

  I had to wonder what those experts would say about my utter excitement regarding my chosen profession. I’d be labeled a freak, a dangerous criminal. The thought gave me a sinful series of shivers.

  I glanced out the window, satisfied. I was in position, ready to make my move.

  The parking lot was dark, the only exception the single light from a streetlamp highlighting the far corner leading toward the street. I was parked next to a bank of trees, obstructed from the building by an oversized dumpster enclosure. Being close to midnight, I was the only car in the lot, all the minions having gone home for the weekend. If only they knew the kind of monster who towered above them, waiting to suck the life out of anyone who got in his way.

  I stared up at the all glass building, contemplating just how delicious putting a bullet in the Russian’s head would be. This was considered an honor, taking out one of the most powerful men on the East coast. For me, this was personal. Even the local cops, at least those who weren’t on Petrov’s payroll, would likely give me a medal for performing a duty they hadn’t been capable of. Chuckling, I shifted into the backseat, struggling to unzip the garish dress I’d worn for the banquet and celebration. I certainly wasn’t going to do my job in sleek attire and high heels.

  The thought was revealing about my personality. I hated the concept of being a girly girl. I shimmied out of the slick material, dumping it onto the floor. The black jeans and long-sleeve shirt would provide much better coverage, just in case my compatriots hadn’t been able to shut down the security system. I pulled my long hair into a ponytail in an effort to hide as much of my identity as possible. After tying the thick leather boots, I crawled back into the driver’s seat, yanking the small briefcase from the passenger floor.

  Inside? My prized Glock, the perfect weapon for the job.

  I stole a glance at my watch before double checking to make certain I didn’t have any unwanted visitors. I could have had security with me, beefy men hired to protect my ass, but assassinations I liked to handle on my own.

  My way.

  I was exactly on schedule. Any longer and I’d risk his arrival. Any less and I’d be forced to wait. I wasn’t good at being the kid in the candy store, my wants and needs always fulfilled when I decided. Tonight, I had a bottle of merlot already opened and waiting for victory.

  Besides, I had zero patience or tolerance for bullshit.

  I started my stopwatch then grabbed my gloves. A girl could never be too careful. The mask was next, the scratchy material irritating as hell, but necessary in a world of espionage and murder. I rolled my eyes, thinking about all my girlfriends, who had no idea I was a paid hitman, making more money than they’d ever dreamed about in their lives.

  After exiting the vehicle, I made certain it couldn’t be seen easily. While the target would certainly park his Mercedes in the executive parking lot, right in front of the building, I didn’t want to cause any suspicions. Aleksei was also a careful man, having survived several assassination attempts over the years.

  I shoved the weapon in my pocket and moved closer to the building, pulling out the card key I’d been provided. Now the moment of truth. The green light allowed a sigh of relief. So far, so good. The elevator was also locked down, the card coming in useful once again. I exited two floors below the top floor, moving up the stairs two at a time.

  The small foyer was the only other space on this floor, the entire thirty thousand square feet taken up by Petrov Holdings, a dummy company for one of the most dangerous and notorious crime syndicates in the United States. What I was about to do would rock the entire world of the mafia.

  I glanced over my shoulder before using the second card key, holding my breath once again. I was thankful I had the best IT guys on the planet working for my brother’s company. If not, I would have already been toast, the police on call. And I was certain the boys in blue who showed would be well paid for protecting the Petrov organization.

  I crept through the impressive reception area, marveling at the expensive art adorning every wall. I did have to say, the man had excellent tastes. I’d studied a layout of the entire floor days before, learning every nuance, every room, including the ones hidden even from the schematics. There wasn’t a place anyone could hide.

  If he tried to run, I would hunt him down.

  I moved toward Aleksei’s office, confident he would follow his own protocol. The man was a machine, organized and savvy, intelligent and highly motivated. He also never changed his methods of operation, what the majority of people would call a weakness. I considered it a gift.

  Who said a girl needed diamonds and furs?

  His office wasn’t locked, which wasn’t necessarily surpris
ing. The man could be trusting. To a point. I eased in, allowing my eyes to get used to the darkness. While there were no blinds on the windows, the limited moonlight only highlighted shadows of his desk and the other various pieces of furniture. I had no doubt the room was opulent. Aleksei was that kind of man.

  He was also brutal and unforgiving, a masterful killer himself.

  I would wait for him in his executive and very private bathroom. I moved in that direction, knowing I had nine minutes and thirty seconds before his arrival.

  The man was always on time.

  Myriad sensations rocketed through me the moment I heard the twist of a switch on a lamp. I’d know the sound anywhere. My reactions were quick, the gun firmly planted in both hands as I swung around to deal with the intruder.


  The understanding burned into the back of my mind. I’d been made a fool of, someone tipping him off. I had no doubt the Russian was going to kill me.

  But not if I struck first.

  My eyes darted to the gun placed exactly in the middle of the desk, several inches away from his massive hands. The distance wasn’t a help. The man was a crack shot and for most, he would be able to place a bullet right between their eyes before they had a chance to react in any manner.

  I wasn’t most people.

  Very slowly he moved his hand to the gun, tapping his long index finger against the cold, hard steel. Within inches was likely his signature drink, the finest scotch imported only for him. He’d been waiting for me. What was positioned next to his gun pissed me off.

  My thong.

  He seemed to notice my gaze, drawing the thin lace to his face and inhaling.


  The smirk on his face was infuriating, but I also noticed a hint of a deeper, darker emotion.

  Unbridled lust.

  I’d never felt so uncomfortable or caught off guard, every inch of my body peppered with goosebumps. I kept the gun planted in both hands, widening my stance. His only acknowledgment was a lift of a single eyebrow. The Russian was without a doubt one of the coolest and most conniving monsters I’d ever come in contact with.

  He was also absolutely stunning; shaggy shoulder-length blond hair that remained unruly even with his polished exterior, a muscular body that screamed of training and self-control, but his eyes were the dead giveaway to his soul. Almost iridescent, the color could only be described as the most beautiful sapphire ever forged deep within the earth.

  To say I was attracted to the man was an understatement, a betrayal of the woman I’d pushed aside in favor of living my life in relative bleakness and solitude. Yet every part of me quivered, my nipples fully aroused from the thought of what he could do to my body.

  Just like what had happened only hours before.

  I’d taken a calculated risk, longing to see what he was made of. Fate had put us together with ease, the moment of intimacy we’d shared more passionate than I cared to admit.

  Damn it.

  My guard had fallen, tossed away in the heat of the moment.

  I’d allowed the man to fuck me or maybe it was the other way around, our attraction far too intense. I could still feel the effects of him, could still smell the scent of his cum slathered across my body.

  “Roxy. So lovely to see you again. Or would you prefer I call you by your given name? Willow Church, sister of the rather nasty creature known as Peter Church.” Aleksei chuckled, the same dark and dangerous tone that I’d heard at the earlier reception. Only then, he’d been pretending, acting as if he was anything but the heinous monster he truly was. His Russian accent was almost as attractive as every other well-endowed feature, the smooth as velvet tone no doubt allowing him the pick of the litter. “I find the name Church to be rather ironic, however. Neither of you are holy in any manner. Then again, I do know you in the biblical sense now. Delicious, I might add.”

  I wanted to claw out his eyes.

  I remained quiet, as if the mask covering my head was enough to hide my true identity. I pointed the gun at his head, shifting back and forth from foot to foot. If he thought he was going to rile me, he was dead wrong.

  He issued another tap on the weapon, followed by a deep sigh. With exaggerated moves, he lifted the gun as he stood, moving around the side of the desk as if we were merely old friends prepared for a basic conversation. When he sat on the edge, crossing his long legs, I realized I was wet, pussy juice soaking my already damp jeans.

  Damn the man.

  “Nicely done,” he offered.

  “I suggest you cut the crap, Aleksei. Your number has been pulled.”

  “Interesting choice of words, but I must tell you that you’re wrong. You are well aware of my capabilities and if those weren’t enough, with the simple wave of my hand at that camera in the corner you obviously missed, this building will be surrounded within forty-five seconds. Since you are very calculated and organized, I’m certain you’ve already done the math as to how long it would take you to get down thirty flights of stairs.”

  A cold shiver trickled down my spine as I looked quickly at the camera in question. Goddamn the man. I had missed the obvious security. I was slipping. “Or?”

  “Let me think about this. We do have a connection, you and I.”

  “A connection.”

  “Yes. I can smell your desire from here, just like I could at the celebration. Besides, the kiss and the hard fuck we shared at the celebration was... extraordinary.” Aleksei took a deep breath and held it for a full five seconds.

  I took a step closer until he lifted his eyebrows, his demeanor shifting entirely.

  “All right, Willow, we can play this one of two ways. You can simply surrender to me, handing over your weapon and allowing me to dole out punishment for the length of time I determine in ways that I decide.” He seemed so certain of himself, as if I wasn’t a trained assassin who could kill him with a single shot.

  I had nothing to say, my mind calculating the exact time it would take me to fire off the kill shot.

  He tilted his head, allowing his gaze to fall toward my scuffed boots, forcing another round of nerves sliding down my spine. Reaching for his drink, he took several sips, oh-so relaxed in every mannerism. He had no fear of me. After swallowing in an exaggerated manner, he stood once again, the thick glass still in his hand as he swaggered closer.

  “Or...” Aleksei allowed the word to linger, the same husky voice spinning me almost out of control, “I can merely eliminate another enemy and no one will be the wiser, but of course I won’t stop there. Your death will just be the beginning. While I admire your tenacity, as you can imagine, I can’t allow you to walk out of here. I do have certain protocol that must be followed. It would be a shame to ruin such incredible beauty; however, I wouldn’t mind breaking you.”

  The bastard.

  The words hung in the air, leaving frigid air shifting around me like a whirlwind and a huge pit in the middle of my stomach. I’d handled assholes before, brutes who believed they could best a woman in every manner, but this man was... impenetrable.

  However, my extensive training and fortitude refused to allow me to give in. What he’d mastered in strength, I’d perfected in speed. I had one shot at this and I took it. The lunge I could tell he hadn’t expected.

  Then again, I hadn’t anticipated his.

  I heard the single blast and somewhere in my mind I knew my gun had gone off. Not the way I wanted and certainly not hitting the target I’d intended. The dull thud as the bullet hit the thick plate glass window was a reminder that the Russian was always prepared for anything.

  Including an assassination attempt.

  Everything seemed in slow motion as the drink was expelled from his hand, the glass dropping then skipping several feet until the single loud crack.

  Within two seconds, his arm was wrapped around my throat, dragging me against the heat of his body. Gasping, I struggled even as I heard his deep and very hoarse laugh. In an almost ceremonious fashion, he reached down,
prying the gun from my fingers.

  “Didn’t your father ever teach you not to play violent games with a dangerous opponent?” His question was meant to taunt me, a quick and easy reminder of the predicament I was in. His fingers wrapped around the mask, ripping it off. “I don’t think you need this any longer. Do you? I will say, I preferred you in the luscious dress you were wearing earlier this evening, without your panties of course. Black simply isn’t your color.”

  “Fuck. You.” I was lucky to manage the two words as pulsing lights danced in front of my eyes, my air supply nearly cut off. I shifted just enough to allow me to slam my foot against his leg.

  The brawny, muscular man didn’t move an inch, unfazed by my tactics.

  Aleksei growled, one hand brushing down the right side of me, the move more provocative than any lover I’d had in years. “Such nasty words for a nice little girl. Or are you simply a bad operative?”

  I wanted to lash out, scratching his eyes out. This wasn’t my normal response. I was trained, my skills honed yet I was acting like a rebuked prom date.

  The bastard even stroked my hair, taking his time to tangle his fingers in the strands that had fallen from the mangled ponytail.

  “You are definitely a woman who needs a lesson in obedience as well as an understanding of danger. You did say you enjoyed a controlling man. You found the right one.”

  “Get. Off. Me.” While I knew my words were futile, there were still two guns within close proximity. I planned on using one if not both.

  He crowded closer until his entire body was pressed next to mine. I could swear his cock was hard, throbbing. I was sickened at the realization.

  And at my body’s almost instant reaction. I was actually attracted to the man. Memories of the passionate kisses we’d shared entered my mind, an ugliness that I never wanted to think about again. I’d allowed my guard to fall, prey to his suave mannerisms and stunning good looks. That went against everything I stood for.

  Suddenly, the barrel of the gun was placed against my temple. “You may think of me as a fool, Willow, but I assure you, I am your worst nightmare. If you choose number two of my very generous offer, you will not go easily or quickly. In the end, you’ll beg to die.”


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