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Forced to Cooperate

Page 25

by Piper Stone

  I allowed the words to sink in.

  “That’s crazy,” Robert insisted, his face flushing.

  “Hmmm... Unfortunately, you didn’t realize that Peter was truly... unstable, his initial upbringing quite different than the Solntsevskayas led anyone to believe. That’s because he grew up in an orphanage, a damaged child, one who was adopted by a loving set of parents and brought to America.”

  I leaned over the desk. “You thought it would be easy except for one thing. Willow. She wasn’t supposed to be in the picture. Oh, Peter did try and push her away. The finest schools, the most expensive college, but she kept coming back. So, in his sick mind, he chose not to get rid of her but to use her.”

  “You just... You don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  I allowed a bitter laugh. “I have all the evidence I need on your business transactions with Peter and the Russians, including aspects of espionage from legitimate companies. Blackmail. Murder. Peter wasn’t stupid. He kept full account of every conversation, email, and business dealings, including names and dates. In a sense, he was also used.”

  Robert wiped his eyes, his hand shaking. “What the hell do you want? I’m having the charges dropped against your father. If that pinhead Trent Willowby had kept his end of the bargain, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

  “So you had him killed because he was afraid I was getting too close. He knew I’d already met Willow and since she didn’t pull the trigger, ending my life, he was worried that she and I were working together to find the truth.”

  His lower lip quivered and I noticed his right hand had lowered to his desk drawer.

  I casually unbuttoned my jacket, making certain he noticed the Glock positioned in my holster. “I don’t intend on killing you, Robert. In fact, I don’t have to, but you do have a choice. You can turn yourself in. You might be protected from the true monsters, Russians who have no conscience and who don’t like to be double crossed.”

  He said nothing, his face paling.

  I smiled and grabbed the photograph. “I’ll keep this just in case. There are other deals that I can offer.” I headed for the door, keeping my steps slow and steady.

  “Why are you doing this?” he asked.

  “Why?” I thought about his question. “Because I’m an honorable man.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  “How in the hell did you manage to get the damn police commissioner to turn himself in?”

  I stood at the oversized window, staring out at the ocean water, feeling more relaxed than I had in years. I could see Lorenzo’s reflection, his ample grin giving me a chuckle. “I have certain methods that are proven to work.” Robert had only taken a few hours before doing exactly as I’d recommended, sending another shockwave into the city.

  “The man is good at what he does,” Dominick said half under his breath as he lifted his glass. “Our shipments are secure and order restored.”

  “Ours as well,” Lorenzo added. “You did good work, Russian.”

  I turned to face them, raising my glass toward theirs. I still had another secret to reveal, one I had held back probably for far too long. Maksim’s digging had certainly provided detailed information on Willow’s parents, including the wretched life they’d been forced to live before escaping to the States. My mind was heavy even though my heart was full.

  “How’s your father?” Michael asked.

  I stole another glance out the window, knowing he was somewhere on the beach or by the pool, enjoying his freedom. “Happy to be a grandfather today and resigned with everything that’s occurred.”

  “And your consigliere?” Lorenzo kept the question light.

  I’d heard the news about Jonas from Maksim, although the details were sketchy. He’d been found easily, forced to face my father’s wrath. My father had made good on what he considered his responsibility to deal with. I was certain Jonas’ demise had been... lengthy. “He will no longer be an issue.”

  “That is good to hear,” Dominick muttered. “I’m sorry for the betrayal.”

  Every man had his price.

  I couldn’t get the words out of my head.

  I had mixed feelings about the situation, but business was business. Traitors weren’t allowed.

  The doors were pushed open, Miguel walking in. “I’m sorry I’m late. Some unexpected business.”

  “Trouble in paradise?” Dominick asked, grinning.

  “More like rounding up the last of Peter Church’s men. You were right in your assumptions, Aleksei. The Russians confiscated the ship bound for my ports. Sadly, that’s the only information I have.” Miguel walked closer, holding out his hand. “I think we all owe you a solid thank you.”

  “Nah. You know how those Russians are. It’ll go to his head.” Lorenzo’s voice boomed in the expansive room.

  I couldn’t help but smile, glad we had a sort of kinship.

  I heard the light tapping on the door and immediately my heart raced. “Willow.”

  “Am I interrupting?” she asked, lifting her eyebrow as she studied each man. I hadn’t told her about the alliance, nor had I mentioned it to my father. The invitations had been spur of the moment, but worth whatever anger our various fathers might impose. In an odd sense, the four men had become extended family.

  “We were just...” I had no idea how to finish the sentence.

  “Being boys,” she finished.

  “Ohh!” the four men said together.

  “She’s a feisty one,” Miguel said, lifting his glass once again.

  “And very beautiful,” Michael added.

  “And she’s all mine,” I said then grinned.

  “Let’s leave the lovebirds alone,” Dominick stated.

  “I’m not trying to interrupt,” she insisted.

  “Nonsense. The boys can amuse themselves,” I said in a dark and husky tone.

  “Absolutely,” Miguel said with exuberance, ushering them out, winking before walking away

  She inched closer, looking even more beautiful than when I’d left her earlier that morning. “Business today?”

  “Just catching up.”

  “Uh-huh. Interesting how the five princes, sons of the infamous mafia leaders have developed a friendship. Something I might use to blackmail you.” Laughing, she stepped just out of my reach.

  I was surprised but only to a point. She was one observant and beautiful lady.

  My woman.

  All mine.

  “And you know I’ll turn you over my knee.” It was good to laugh.

  “Not a chance,” she whispered, her expression mischievous as she gazed down the length of me.

  Dear God, my cock was aching, longing to be inside of her. “Come here, my sweet.”

  “What was so important you needed to see me now? I’m supposed to be getting married in thirty minutes. This brooding Russian I’m marrying is very impatient.”

  I finally eased my drink onto the desk, moving closer until I was able to hold her arms. “Do you remember we talked about having no secrets?”


  “Then you need to read something before the ceremony.”

  Her brows furrowed as she looked at me. “O-kay. You make me nervous.”

  “This is important.”

  She nodded and glanced at what was in my hands, taking a deep breath.

  The envelope was similar to the one I’d given her before, but inside held a completely new finding. She took her time peeling the flap and pulling out the papers. After a few seconds, she walked toward the window, flipping the pages several times then folding the paperwork. When she remained quiet, I had no idea what to think.

  “Peter knew all along,” she half whispered. “The asshole.”

  “Yes, as well as Wallace Greenbriar. When your parents were killed, everything changed, Peter making it very easy for the attorney to lose his honor. Mr. Greenbriar was the one who switched the adoption papers, making it look like you were the one who’d
been adopted instead of Peter.”

  She shook her head then let out a deep sigh. “I think I always knew, but there’d been no way to prove it. While I feel a certain level of pity for Peter, he had every opportunity to change his life, not to follow such a destructive path.”

  “Yes. While he had a difficult life before coming here, one he simply couldn’t get over, he had much more than most have in this country. I will never forgive him, Willow.”

  “I’m not asking you to.” I could see a hint of sadness in her eyes, but the emotion quickly dissipated. She was so strong, so damn brave. “And neither will I.”

  “When you were born, he thought for certain that you’d take his place. From what I understand, your father always wanted Peter to be involved with his company, just not in the way it turned out. Your parents were honorable and wanted the best for both of you.”

  “What’s going to happen to Peter now?”

  “A lengthy prison term is likely.” I wasn’t going to tell her that Peter had already received death threats. While I’d vowed to try to protect him, Bratvas always had a way of finding their mark and eliminating a threat. The czar couldn’t allow his indiscretions to go unpunished.

  Personally, after what he’d done to Willow, I didn’t give a shit about what happened to him.

  “And what about the export company?” She walked closer, searching my eyes.

  “It’s all yours now to do with what you’d like, including a hefty portion of its worth.” In truth, she was a very wealthy woman.

  “I want the business to go back to what my parents intended.”

  I cupped her face, brushing my thumb across her cheek. “That’s your decision, not mine, and there will be no interference.”

  She leaned against me, squeezing my arm. “I do love you. I hope you know that. I also love Dimitri.”

  I had difficulty finding the right words. “You’re going to make a beautiful mother.”

  She tipped back her head, exhaling once again. “What if I can’t have children? I just...”

  “Then we’ll adopt. If that’s what you’d like. I adore you for who you are, Willow.”

  Her smile was all I needed.

  I heard a rustling noise and sighed, the interruption expected but irritating.

  Maksim cleared his throat, remaining outside the door. “It’s time.”

  “We’ll be right there.” I gave him an appreciative nod.

  He grinned before walking away, obvious happiness on his face. My Capo had never seen me so joyful.

  I took her hand, fingering the diamond and ruby ring I’d only presented a few days before. “You’re certain you want to do this?”

  “Moy lyubyashchly muzh,” she stated with conviction.

  My loving husband. The words meant more to me than she could understand. “More like your dominating husband. Are you wearing your plug?”

  Her face flushed a bright crimson, words sputtering from her mouth. “I... I mean, I thought... Well, things have been strange and...”

  I reached around her, smacking her twice on the bottom. “I think we’ll have to deal with your infraction later.”

  She blushed all over again, the color highlighting her eyes. “Yes, sir.”

  I pulled her close, kissing the top of her head. “I might have to find a perfect cage while we’re here for some additional training.”

  “No!” She smacked her fists against my chest, moaning softly. “I’ll be good.”

  “I know you will.” I eased back, taking her hands into mine. “There’s one more thing I need to tell you, a gift of sorts.”

  “Another gift? You’ve given me so much.” She rose onto her tiptoes, pressing her lips against mine.

  All I could think about was devouring her right here and now. The thought alone kept my cock at full attention, aching from my raging desire. “Peter kept another secret from you.”

  “I don’t know if I can handle anything else.” She attempted to pull away.

  I intertwined our fingers together. “Angelo is alive.”

  “What?” She narrowed her eyes, blinking several times. “I don’t understand.”

  “You didn’t kill him. The entire situation was a setup. Maksim did some digging. The entire situation smelled, and I had to learn the truth. Angelo was paid very well for his part in the devious game.”


  “I’m sorry.”

  A moment of fear crossed her face. “Where is he? He’s brutal and horrible. He could come after me.”

  I shook my head. “Shush. That’s not going to happen and he can’t hurt you. He’s in a maximum-security prison, given three life terms. He will never see the light of day. You no longer have to feel guilty.”

  She accepted the news, finally giving me a smile. “Thank you. All those years of worrying. The guilt.”

  I wanted to wrap my hands around Peter’s throat. “This is your day. All the ghosts have been laid to rest.”

  A full minute passed. The last thing I’d wanted to bring to her was any level of unhappiness. I kept my anger in check, all the vile and evil things I wanted to do to Peter furrowing in my mind.

  Her naughty look returned, the look of relief giving me a moment of peace. “It’s our day, husband to be. Do I have to remind you of that?”

  When I tweaked her nipple, she purred before issuing a lilting laugh, so delicate and feminine.

  God, I loved this woman and would do anything to protect her.

  Her laughter remained as we walked out of the house and onto the beach. I’d never planned on getting married again, never believed that I could find some level of peace in my heart or my soul. Without Willow, my darkness would have overtaken me.

  As we stood just off the shore, the island official ready to begin, my emotions were all over the place. I took a moment to glance at our guests, realizing that I was perhaps the luckiest man alive.

  And I would spend the rest of my life making certain this very special woman knew how important she was to me.

  My lover.

  My submissive.

  My salvation.

  My heart...

  * * *

  The ocean breeze was still warm as the waves crested against the shoreline. Everything was magical, including the lights shimmering in the pool and the stars floating high above us. Maybe it was the champagne talking, allowing a moment of real hope or perhaps the beautiful ceremony that had still taken place.

  There would always be danger, enemies attempting to rule my world and my life. My promise to protect and cherish the woman I loved had changed me to some degree. Some would call my adoration a weakness, but I knew otherwise. She was my strength: her intelligence and devotion to my child, her love of all creatures great and small, and her willingness to look past the demons lurking inside me.

  The party continued, even though I was still a cautious man, making certain soldiers remained on duty. However, I had no worries. Peter wasn’t a stupid man. Everyone knew of his betrayal and business had returned to normal in Philadelphia. There would be no attempts made.

  Willow sat with her feet resting on my knees, a glass of bubbly still in her hand. She’d been contemplative since the wedding, laughing with our guests and playing with Dimitri, even though she’d been a thousand miles away.

  “Five bucks for your thoughts,” I said quietly.

  “Hmmm... I offered you ten. Are you saying my thoughts are less valuable than yours, husband?” Her laugh returned as she playfully kicked me.

  “Men are always worth more. You know that,” I teased, moaning when she kicked me again. “Everything is going to be all right.”

  “Everything is all right. I’m content and happy. We’re in a beautiful location, the weather perfect. The ceremony was everything a girl could dream of. Plus, I’m in love with a brooding man. What could be better?”

  “Another man already? I’m gonna kill him,” I growled, leaning forward.

  Dangling her fingers in the glass, she flick
ed some of the liquid in my direction. “Over my dead body. Besides, he’s a formidable and very dangerous man.”

  “Now, I will definitely hunt him down,” I teased. “I’m much more dangerous.”

  She yanked her feet down, crowding close, dragging me even closer. “You are capable of more love than I’ve ever known. You are such an amazing, honorable man, capable of greatness. I’m so happy to be here. You stole my heart.”

  The words were far too beautiful.

  If only I could live up to her expectations.

  If only I could give her what Angelo had stolen from her.

  A child of her own.

  If only...

  “You know. Dimitri is asleep. I think it’s time to retire,” I half growled, rubbing my finger under her chin. “There is one giant anal plug with your name on it.”

  She gave me a pouting look. “That’s not fair.”

  “Who said life was fair? Time for a spanking, my love.”

  Her eyes opened wide, her luscious lips pursing. “But I’ve been so very good.”

  “Depending on what we’re talking about.” I took the glass out of her hand, placing both on the small table and easing her to her feet. As I pulled her into the bedroom, she pretended to struggle, trying her best to get away from me.

  Candles flickered from the wind spilling in through the open door, adding to the sensual ambiance. I’d wanted this entire experience to be nothing but perfect.

  She deserved no less.

  “Bad man.”

  I dragged her against my chest, easing my hand down the softness of her simple dress, her selection as classic as the woman herself. “I am absolutely a bad man. Something you should never forget.” I positioned her over my arm, giving her several swats on her bottom, grinning as she squealed.

  “I won’t. Sir!”

  I couldn’t help but grin as I eased her into a standing position. “Now, you’re going to undress and position the pillows on the bed then wait for my return.”

  “Where are you going?”


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