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Bought (Scandalous Billionaires Book 1)

Page 6

by Kayla Myles

  “Hello, Miss Elric, I’m Lark Jacobs, Mr. Drake’s secretary. I believe we’ve met before, am I correct?” she asked, and I nodded affirmatively.

  “Yeah, we met at the auction house almost a week ago,” I told her.

  “Ah, I see. Would you please let me escort you up to Mr. Drake’s office?”

  This time it was my turn to look at the receptionist girl with pity.

  I let Lark lead me up the elevator, and I handed her the documents Hunter had asked me to get from his desk. She smiled and thanked me for saving Hunter’s ass, and I couldn’t help but laugh. Despite her somewhat rigid persona, she seemed nice and really good at her job. She also told me Hunter had asked her to get me some new IDs, and help me out with regards to closing my credit card.

  She showed me the way to Hunter’s office, and told me to go in by myself. I nodded and followed her instructions, making sure to knock on the door first just in case.

  I frowned when I didn’t hear Hunter call me in, so I knocked again and waited.

  “Hunter? It’s me. I’m coming in,” I called out before trying the door knob.

  I pushed the door open and peeked in, my mouth falling open in awe.

  “Wow, what an amazing office,” I whispered to myself. But where is he…?

  I went all the way inside and looked around until my eyes landed on a long couch, reminiscent of one a psychologist would have in the movies, with Mr. Drake sleeping on it. His other arm was raised and hanging over the side of the couch, while his head was turned towards me, his mouth opened in a small ‘O’.

  I took another step closer, captivated by the sight of him sleeping. He looked so different with his guard down. His face was relaxed and soft, and he was a lot handsomer than his usual guarded stares and condescending smirks.

  He’s actually a beautiful man.

  As I stared, I realized too late my face was getting closer and closer to his, and I reared back at the last minute, holding my breath so it wouldn’t hit his face and wake him up.

  “He really does look like an angel when he sleeps,” I murmured, my eyes softening the longer I stared at him. The way he looked, it seemed he was used to sleeping on the couch.

  I never thought someone so strong, so charismatic, and so rich like Hunter Drake could ever live a life that’s so...lonely.

  I placed the lunch box on his desk, and sat down on one of the chairs, careful not to make any noise. I didn’t know what else to do since I had completed every item on his list, so I decided to organize the office a bit; just enough quiet cleaning so I wouldn’t disturb him.

  I could go home, to be honest. I had brought his dinner for him so technically, I could do whatever I wanted for the rest of the night. But for some reason I just couldn’t bring myself to go away.

  I couldn’t bring myself to leave…him.

  Chapter 15


  I groaned as I opened my eyes blearily to the fluorescent white light of my office. I fished around blindly for my phone, and cursed when the screen flashed it was already past 9pm. What I had intended to be a 30-minute nap became a 4 full hours of sleep.

  I made a move to get up, but frowned when I felt something fall on my lap. I looked down and saw my coat over me, making me wonder how it got there. I could’ve sworn I hung it over my chair…

  My eyes widened as I spotted Jamie sitting there, her chest rising and falling as she slept peacefully. I noticed something wrapped in a cloth sitting on top of my desk, and I got up from the couch and walked over to it. I unraveled the knot on top, and smiled as I saw the ornate looking bento box, and a little pink note lying on top of the lid. I took the note and flipped it over, smirking at the doodle of me holding out a peace sign on the corner.

  You can heat the whole thing in the microwave if it gets cold! The note said.

  I looked over at Jamie’s sleeping form, and I couldn’t resist walking around my desk so I was standing right in front of her. I reached out to the stray hair that had fallen on her face, and placed it back behind her ear, and then I just watched her sleep.

  Had she been waiting for me to wake up ever since she got here? I looked around and noticed my shelves looked like they’d been dusted, and the papers on my desk were all aligned and put together.

  My stomach started groaning, making me realize just how hungry I am. I winced as I stared at Jamie, hoping that my protesting belly didn’t wake her up. She didn’t even make the slightest stir though.

  I opened the lunch box, and noticed how the rice, egg rolls, sausages and greens were so artfully arranged.

  My mouth watered, and I picked up a piece of the egg roll and popped it into my mouth. It was fucking delicious.

  I stared at the sleeping woman in amazement. Just who is this woman? And why I am letting her get to me?

  I knelt down so my face was level with hers, my eyes roving all around her face. I’ve never had the urge to stare at a woman’s face as much as I wanted to stare at hers. It was both a surprising and frightening feeling for me, but I couldn’t will my eyes to turn away.

  “What is it about you, Jamie Elric? You’re turning my world upside down.” I whispered, knowing she wouldn’t be able to answer me. My heart was beating slowly but strongly, my breath coming out long and deep. I leaned toward her and closed my eyes as my lips touched her forehead, lingering there for a second before pulling away. My heart skipped a beat, and I let out a shaky breath.

  For the first time in my life, I may have let a woman throw a wrench into my emotions.

  And I didn’t have the slightest idea what to do about it.


  “You’re taking me to do what?” Jamie asked, her eyes bulging out of her sockets as I told her what she was going to do today. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

  “Will you refrain from daydreaming when I’m talking to you?” I chided, and she stuck her tongue out at me. My initial irritation evaporated by her childlike antics. “I said I’m taking you with me tomorrow night, so you’ll need something formal to wear.”

  “Why? What’s happening tomorrow night? And why do you need me to go with you?” Jamie asked, lifting her eyebrow curiously.

  “My brother is launching his new line of cars, and I need a date, so you’re going to have to look stunning enough to deserve me,” I answered with a teasing grin while scanning through the racks of gowns in front of me.

  “You have a brother?” she asked, surprised.

  “Out of everything I just said, that was your take-away?” I said, narrowing my eyes at her. She shrugged, unaffected.

  “So, this shindig…”

  “Are you really going to call it that?” I asked her, exasperated.

  “Why do you need me to pretend as your date? I mean, isn’t Lark going with you?” she asked, and I couldn’t help but laugh loudly at her idea. She scowled at me. “What’s so funny?”

  “Lark and I would’ve looked ridiculous going there, arm in arm. Besides, it’s not her thing. She doesn’t like going to these types of gatherings,” I told her.

  “And you do? You don’t seem like the type who likes to mingle with the common people.” She pointed out.

  “I don’t, which is exactly the reason I’m taking you with me. I don’t want to get attacked by packs of women, so you’re going to be my deterrent. Sort of my protective ward to keep the gold-diggers away,” I said with a smile.

  “Gee. Wow. I’ve always wanted to be treated like an amulet,” she said, completely deadpan.

  “You’re welcome,” I teased her. “Have you decided on anything yet? I’m getting hungry.”

  “Settle down, Sir. I’ll just try on a couple of these and we can ring up the one you like better.”

  “Oh, just hurry it up, crazy lady,” I said impatiently.

  “You better pay me overtime for this, you whacko. The Labor Union would have a field day with how much you’re working me to the bone,” she muttered before skittering away to th
e dressing room.

  I hoped she never changes. If she had interrogated me more, then I might’ve blurted out the real reason I wanted to bring her to the party. Mostly so I could just spend more time with her.


  “Wow. Your brother can sure throw a real nice party,” Jamie commented as she looked around at the fancy modern theme. There were multiple spaces lighted up with spotlights, and floor lights directed at a car. It was the model or prototype of the new line my brother was releasing.

  I glanced aside at Jamie, and instantly smiled at how ethereal she looked at my side. Despite my many protests, she had placed her red hair up in a twist, letting small tendrils of hair escape and fall down her delicious-looking neck, making it very hard for me not to lean down and plant a kiss right at the nape. Her long shimmering gown was the color of champagne, and hugged her curves in all the right places while also being modest enough to cover most of her legs, the slit running just an inch above her knee.

  She looked absolutely stunning, and the rest of the guests were starting to notice it.

  The women saw her first, their gazes going wide, and then reproachful, like they couldn’t stand being outshined and outclassed. They started moving their mouths like the gaggle of gossips that they were, and they weren’t even trying to keep their voices down. I was about to go over and tell them where exactly they should run their mouths, when I felt Jamie squeeze my hand tightly, and I looked over at her with concern. She merely shook her head and squeezed my hand again.

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind it. Their opinions don’t matter to me,” she said reassuringly, and just like that, my anger was gone and I nodded at her, following her lead.

  It didn’t stop me from fixing those women with a glare, though, and to my satisfaction, they shut up really quick after that.

  “It ticks me off how fast people judge others without even taking the time to get to know the person,” I said, sullenly.

  “Don’t we all judge a person first before getting to know them? I mean, the first time we met, you thought I was a crazy maid, and I thought you were a pervert,” she said, and I had to snicker at her example.

  “Well, I wasn’t that far off, was I?” I teased, and she rolled her eyes at me. “And you know what; you’re actually pretty smart…for a crazy person.” I joked.

  “I was totally off the mark with my first impression of you,” she said. “I thought you were a pervert when really, you’re just an asshole.”

  I laughed so loudly at her statement that it attracted the attention of a few people talking over by the other side of the garden, including my brother. He said something to the rest of them before walking over to us with a smile. I rubbed my thumb against Jamie’s back to get her attention.

  “Hello, Brother. Thank you for coming,” Logan said, his eyes crinkling as he smiled at me. He looked towards Jamie and his eyes widened. “And who is this beautiful lady?

  I suddenly felt a surge of possessiveness spread through me, making me pull Jamie closer to my side. She felt me stiffen up against her, and she sneaked a glance at me before smiling up at Logan.

  “Hi, I’m Jamie. It’s nice to meet you,” she said, extending her hand out to my brother. He blinked out of his daze, and held her hand a little too eagerly for my liking.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Jamie. I’m Logan, the inestimably more hotter and smarter Drake brother,” he said, making me raise my eyebrow at his introduction.

  “Wow, Log. The party has barely started and you’re already drunk? You should lay off the alcohol, man,” I quipped. He shook his head and slapped me on the arm.

  “Nah, I’m just kidding, brother. The dance floor will be opening in a few minutes, so help yourself to some appetizers while you wait. And Jamie,” he said, his eyes sparkling. I really did not like the way he was looking at her at all. “Save me a dance later, okay?”

  “I’m not very good at dancing, but okay,” Jamie said brightly.

  “Alright then. Catch you two later,” he said, waving goodbye, and then walking over to the rest of the guests. I watched him walk away, and I felt Jamie squeeze my arm, making me look down on her.

  “Your brother is very nice,” she noted, and I shrugged.

  “Nah, he’s just as much of a scoundrel as I am,” I told her.

  “You like to tease, but it’s obvious to me how much you care about him.”

  I stared at her, wondering how she figured that out.

  “It’s just that your exchange earlier didn’t have any sort of malice against each other. You were playful, and your voice had a certain warmth that you only reserve for Mrs. Blossom, whom I know you care a lot about,” she explained. “So, why are you trying to convince me that you don’t?”

  I stopped breathing for a moment, not used to the sudden vulnerability I felt. I never met someone who could read through my act, or see through me the way Jamie had spoken. I’ve been keeping my guard up all this time, and here was this girl, obliterating my defenses with that enthusiastic smile, and a determined glint in her eyes.

  Should I let her in? Should I tell her what’s been holding me back all this time?

  I heard the lilting notes from the piano before I heard the announcement. The dance floor was open, and there were people partnering up and dancing to the beat of the music. Stiffening my lip, I tugged on Jamie’s hand, and led her to the dance floor.

  “Hunter! Slow down, you’re going to make me trip!” she hissed, trying her best to keep up with me in her high heels. I stopped in the middle of the dance floor, and placed one hand on her waist, while I held her other hand in mine. She looked between the other couples and at our hands nervously. “What do you think you’re doing? I told you I’m not a good dancer!” she cried.

  I smiled encouragingly, pulling her closer to my chest.

  “Just look into my eyes and leave it to me,” I told her. And then we danced, her feet moving on instinct, as I twirled her around the dance floor, Clair de Lune reaching a crescendo. She met me step for step, and soon enough, she was grinning happily at me, her eyes almost closing up in delight.

  “See? I knew you could do it,” I told her, and she nodded, squeezing my shoulder gratefully.

  The both of us were so lost in each other’s eyes that we hadn’t realized we’d stopped dancing. The music was already reaching the end, but I still hadn’t told her the answer to her question. I still wasn’t able to tell her everything about me. I opened my mouth to do just that, when I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned my head and saw Logan standing there with a grin on his face.

  “Hello, brother, Jamie. May I cut in?” he asked. Clair de Lune faded, and the pianist started a more upbeat song. I turned to look at Jamie, hoping she’d shake her head and say no, but she smiled at him and nodded before patting me on the shoulder.

  “Go on. I’m sure you have to talk to some of the businessmen here,” she said, like she was doing me a favor by letting me go.

  “That’s true, but—,” I said, still reluctant to leave.

  “Don’t worry, brother. I’ll take good care of her while you’re away,” Logan said with a wink. He took Jamie’s hand and started leading her into a waltz, and I just stood there staring at them for a few seconds, a painful pang wrenching in my heart.

  Don’t worry, brother. I’ll take good care of her.

  That’s what I’m afraid of.

  Chapter 16


  I couldn’t help but feel a little bad for Hunter when Logan dragged me away for a dance, especially when I saw the expression on his face. He looked so crestfallen that I just wanted to go back and hug him. The worry must have been all over my face, because Logan poked my cheek to get my attention, and I snapped my eyes to him.

  “Worried about my brother?” he asked, hitting the nail on the head on the first try. I sighed and smiled wanly, not bothering to deny it.

  “I just feel like he was going to say something to me
before…,” before you cut in, I was about to say, but he looked like he understood what I was about to say. He hummed thoughtfully as we continued to dance together.

  I looked at Logan fully, taking advantage of his thoughts taking him far away. I couldn’t help but compare his features with his older brother’s, and I found comfort whenever I noticed the similarities. They had the same hazel eyes, except Logan’s was more mischievous, and Hunter’s more guarded and cold. Logan was leaner, like a swimmer’s bod, while Hunter was built like a football player. Hunter was taller, but Logan had better posture. Logan’s nose was straighter, but Hunter’s jaw was angular and more defined.

  “You want to know a little secret?” Logan suddenly asked, and I blinked at him uncertainly. “Big brother has never brought a girl, or a date, to any event where it’s possible he’ll bump into a family member.”

  “Really?” I couldn’t help but ask, and he nodded.

  “Oh yeah. Actually, my brother has never had a girlfriend before, period. So, the fact that he brought you here intrigued me a lot.”

  I blushed under his scrutiny, and lowered my head, not sure what to make of what he said. Instead I looked for a change of topic.

  “Why do you call him ‘Brother’ and not by his name?” I asked him curiously.

  “Well, why shouldn’t I call him that? He is my older brother, after all,” he answered plainly.

  “Yes, but why?”

  “Hm, I guess you could say it’s my way of respecting him,” Logan explained. “Hunter’s been through a lot for me and my brother’s sakes, and I admire a lot about him. He’ll always say I’m the brilliant one among us, and maybe that’s true, but when it comes to who has the most selfless heart? My big brother has that in spades.”

  I smiled at how proud Logan sounded when he talked about his older brother, and it was obvious how much he loved him. My heart warmed especially when he said Hunter had the most selfless heart, because I was starting to think he was right.


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