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Reawakening the Dragon

Page 19

by Jessie Donovan

  Kai interjected, “But arson itself isn’t that bad of a crime, compared to others.”

  “That’s true, but two of the injured died the next day and it became a homicide case.”

  “Right, so what did you leave out and why does it still linger with you?”

  Her brows furrowed. “How did you know that?”

  “Jane, it’s my job to notice changes in behavior. Ever since you got the idea to tell me about this story, you’ve lost most of your confidence. That tells me something happened and it left a lasting impression on you. So tell me what it is.”

  When she didn’t even try to argue back, Kai knew he was right. “Well, I mentioned Tom knowing the suspects and driving them to the train station. However, I didn’t quite mention that he had no idea what was going on. My conscience ate at me and I forced a correction two days later. But by then, the damage had been done. Everyone accused Tom of being a part of the crime. He lost his part-time job and eventually dropped out of uni. He couldn’t take the stares and accusations.”

  Kai frowned. “No one bothered to read the retraction, I take it. But the bigger question is whether he ever was convicted or not.”

  “Tom was deemed not guilty and cleared of any charges. However, it was all because of me that Tom’s life went off track. I tried to hunt him down, talk to his employer, and make things right. But while I was trying to do that, Tom committed suicide.”


  Jane rolled off him and sat up. Hugging her chest, she continued, “It took me years to get past that, but I vowed that I would never misdirect the public again. With my new work ethic, I switched jobs and worked on fluff pieces again. When my next shot came, I took it. But never again did I not disclose the full truth and distort the narrative to fit my goals.”

  Kai wanted to hug his human close, but sensed Jane didn’t want it quite yet. “That’s why you were so upset when I accused you of using the dragon-shifters only to further your career and that you didn’t give a shit.”

  She bobbed her head. “Helping the dragon-shifters was risky, but I knew I could help make a difference. Telling the truth would do all dragon-shifters good. In some small way, I thought it might help make up for ruining someone else’s life.”

  Kai sat up slowly and reached out a hand to touch her bicep. “You have helped.”

  “Not nearly enough.”

  He grunted. “I agree. You need to do more.”

  Jane unfolded her arms and leaned forward. “If you’re ordering me to work harder, that’s not what I need right now.”

  “Wrong. It’s exactly what you need.” Kai cupped Jane’s cheek firmly and leaned closer. “I think your podcast idea from earlier is brilliant and only you can pull it off.” He pressed his forehead against Jane’s. “So you’d better stick around long enough to see it through.”

  Jane raised an eyebrow. “So you can make those decisions now, huh, instead of Bram about who gets to stay or not?”

  He shrugged his good shoulder, knowing it might stir her fire even more. He’d do anything to keep her from doubting herself again. “If I recommend you, then Bram won’t think twice about letting you stay.”

  There was a question in Jane’s eyes. Instead of asking it, she scooted over to Kai and leaned against his chest. “We’ll see. I think my first real test will be luring the Dragon Knights to a specific location so you can deal with them. The combined Lochguard and DDA attack last month helped to thin out their numbers, but one more major takedown should do it. At least, in the UK. I wish there was a way to help the other clans around the world, too.”

  He laid his head on top of Jane’s. “Clans are territorial. Hell, I can’t remember the last time we even talked with any of the clans on the Continent, let alone America.”

  “That’s going to change, I think.”

  He snorted. “Oh, really? Are you a psychic now, too?”

  She pulled back and looked up at him. “I would almost think you’re teasing me.”

  The corner of his mouth ticked up. “Kai Sutherland doesn’t have a sense of humor. That’s what everyone says.”

  “I think he does. It’s just a bit rusty.”

  She tickled his good side and a bark of laughter escaped before he could stop it. Jane removed her hand and grinned. “That laugh sounded pretty rusty, too. I’m going to have to coax it out of you some more.”

  “I have a better idea.”

  He flipped Jane onto her back and tickled her side. As her laughter rang out, he couldn’t help smiling.

  Then she kicked him in the balls and pain shot through his body. “Bloody hell, woman, are you trying to make me a eunuch?”

  Jane’s eyes were bright and she put on a look of fake innocence. “I can’t control my legs when you tickle me. It’s your own fault.”

  Ignoring the dull pain in his balls, Kai removed his condom, tossed it aside, and then laid on top of Jane. “Then we’ll just have to make sure you’re restrained.”

  “Don’t you dare, Kai.”

  As he tickled her again, he enjoyed the feel of her body wiggling under his. Only because his dick was still soft from Jane’s kick did he not put on another condom and take her again.

  Instead, he switched to caressing her side and nibbling her neck. His female started to relax and he murmured, “You’re going to ride me again as an apology, Jane. But first, I’m going to make you come again.”

  “Kai, you just can’t—“

  He shut her up with a kiss. Jane melted as he devoured the inside of her mouth. Raising his hips, she moved her legs to wrap around his waist.

  The time for talking was over. Kai was ready to play.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ten days later, Jane stood on the edge of one of the dragon landing areas and watched as her dragonman performed a series of dives, twirls, and escape maneuvers in the air. Bram, Dr. Sid, and Aaron, Kai’s second-in-command, were at her side.

  To Jane, Kai looked to be in full fighting-force again. But she wasn’t a dragon-shifter, so she glanced at Bram and Sid. Their faces were unreadable as always, so she looked to Aaron.

  While she was still getting to know the dragonman, Aaron Caruso was one of the more approachable clan members she’d met so far. He always had a smile and liked to tease everyone. Of course, there had to be more to him than he allowed Jane to see.

  Still, Kai trusted Aaron despite the fact the dragonman had only recently returned from living abroad with his mother for a few years. If Kai trusted him, then so would she.

  Before she could ask her question, Aaron looked over at her and raised his brows. “Is it killing you yet, not knowing whether he’s cleared to fly again for missions?”

  Jane frowned. “What do you think?”

  Aaron grinned. “I think you can wonder a bit longer.”

  Bram grunted. “Aaron, what do you think will happen if I tell Kai you’re flirting with his female?”

  Aaron looked innocent. “What are you talking about? I would never do that.”

  Bram murmured, “Remind me to strangle my cousin for bringing you back from Italy. You should’ve stayed there.”

  Aaron shrugged. “Mum said she missed the rain. Not that I understand how that’s possible.”

  Jane knew their stay in Italy had had something to do with Aaron’s mother, but she hadn’t found out what it was just yet.

  Still, her curiosity about Aaron would have to wait. Jane spoke up. “How much longer are we going to watch Kai?”

  Sid answered, “I need to test his stamina. So probably another twenty minutes.”

  Jane resisted a sigh. She had a million things to do for both her and Kai’s plan for the Dragon Knights as well as for her podcast pitch scheduled next week with Bram, Evie, and Melanie.

  Yet as she watched Kai’s golden dragon move through the sky, she knew her place was here, supporting him. Her tasks could wait twenty minutes. She would never be able to concentrate if she walked away anyway.

  She was about to ask anothe
r question when Nikki jogged up to where they were standing. The dragonwoman wasn’t even breathing hard as she said, “Sorry I’m late. The human male was being a pain in my arse again.”

  Bram glanced to Nikki. “Regardless of his arsehole status, how is Rafe’s monitoring going?”

  Nikki shrugged. “Same as before. The former Carlisle-based hunters have settled near Birmingham. Rafe still thinks it’s partly so the hunters can focus on both our clan and Skyhunter’s without stretching their resources too thin.”

  Bram shook his head. “I would try to warn the southern clan, but Skyhunter is unstable right now. Until there’s a new clan leader, I don’t think they’ll listen to anything I have to say, let alone work with us against a common enemy.”

  Nikki nodded. “I know. But at least we’re aware of their general location. Rafe’s working on a more precise set of coordinates. His gut says they’ve split into two or three camps.”

  Kai dove down toward them and only pulled up when he was fifteen feet from the ground. The whoosh of the wind sent Jane’s hair every which way. Once Kai was back in the air, Bram stated, “We still have time to find out more information. Rafe, Finn, and I have expanded our reach via our contacts. If there is even a whisper of trouble, I’ll know about it.”

  Aaron answered, “Add in the extra security—both in terms of dragonman- and woman-power and security alarms and cameras—and it’s going to be bloody difficult for anyone to slip through like when they took Evie and little Murray.”

  Bram met Aaron’s gaze. “Let’s hope so. I’m not about to be too cocky. There’s always someone worming their way into one clan or another. Lochguard has the additional threat of clan deserters. If Finn needs our help, he has it.”

  Aaron grunted. “I still need to meet the Scottish bastard.”

  “He has a pregnant mate and is trying to heal the divide in his clan. He has better things to do than challenge you to who can out-alpha and out-charm each other.” Bram looked up to Kai in the air. “For now, I want to take care of the easier threat—the Dragon Knights.”

  Sid spoke up. “I’m not going to rush this, Bram. I need to test Kai’s limits or it could cost Kai his life.”

  “No one’s rushing you, Sid. I just hope he’s ready,” Bram murmured.

  Every one fell silent as they watched the huge golden dragon in the sky test out his wings.


  Kai stretched his wings and beat them faster until he nearly reached the clouds. Then he dove back down and twirled off to the side.

  Normally, he loved flying more than anything. But he had yet to take Jane up into the air. If he was cleared, he would find a time as soon as possible to bring her.

  His dragon spoke up. We’re fine. Not tired, our muscles don’t hurt. I don’t know why Sid makes such a fuss.

  It’s her job to make a fuss. How many times have we had to pester younger Protectors until they admit the full truth of their injuries?

  Maybe. But we’re different. If we lie, then we could put the whole clan in danger.

  Just a little longer. Think of Jane. She’s watching us and I know you want to impress her.

  Jane. Yes, she must see how skilled we are.

  As his beast concentrated on impressing their female, it gave Kai time to remember the way she looked when she woke up with her hair mussed and her eyes heavy with sleep. Or, how her lips parted when she came before screaming his name.

  But his favorite was when fire flashed in her eyes as she argued with him.

  The past week and a half had been a blur of planning, talking, and fucking. He’d told his female more about his mother and little sister, Delia, than anyone else alive. He knew she wanted to meet them, but Jane hadn’t pressed the issue yet.

  She would eventually. Family was important to Jane and she thought he should visit his mum and Delia more often.

  His dragon pulled them up from another roll maneuver just before they would hit one of the mountains. Kai grunted. That was close. You’re acting like a reckless teenager.

  The difference is that I know what I’m doing.

  His beast had just started to ascend when Bram gave the signal for Kai to land.

  Even as his dragon began their descent, he grumbled, I have so many more moves to show Jane.

  We have plenty of time for that later.

  She still hasn’t said if she’s staying or not.

  Jane wants to prove herself first. Give it time.

  His beast growled. I don’t want to risk losing her.

  Kai paused and then replied, I don’t, either. But she needs to do this. Be patient.

  With a huff, his dragon concentrated on slowing down their speed and gently landing on the ground. As soon as his wings stopped beating, Jane raced straight for him.

  She stopped just in front of him and raised her brows. “Well? Aren’t you going to give me a dragon cuddle?”

  Only because dragons couldn’t roll their eyes did Kai not do it.

  Still, he lowered his head and Jane hugged his snout as he wrapped his tail gently around his human.

  His dragon chimed in. I love dragon cuddles.

  You would think she’d choose a different name.

  Why? It’s to the point.

  Because it’s “cute” and not very dragon-like.

  I’m the dragon half and I say it is dragon-like. We should make it an official term

  Thankfully, Jane lifted her head and patted his snout, which shut up his beast. She demanded, “That wasn’t so hard, was it?” He huffed and her hair blew out behind her. Jane grinned. “I’m going to interpret that as you want another one.”

  She had just hugged his snout again when Bram’s amused voice filled the clearing. “As much as I love watching Kai give you dragon cuddles, we need him to shift back.”

  Jane kept her hand on his snout but turned her body toward Bram’s. “Tell Sid and Nikki to look the other way.”

  Bram was trying hard not to smile. Kai’s dragon chimed in. She is possessive and loves to give cuddles. There is no way I’m letting her go.

  Nikki’s voice rang out, and it sounded as if she were trying not to laugh. “We’ve turned around, Jane.”

  Jane nodded and looked back to Kai. “Now you can shift.”

  He grunted. Sometimes it was hard to be in dragon form and not be able to talk.

  Once Jane was at a safe distance, Kai imagined his talons shrinking into hands and feet, his tail merging into his back, and his snout changing into his human face.

  Before Bram could say anything, Kai strode up to Jane and whispered into her ear, “I’m getting you back later for the dragon cuddles. I thought we’d agreed you wouldn’t say that in front of others.”

  Jane raised an eyebrow. “You stated I wouldn’t do it. I never agreed.”

  He moved his hand to her arse and squeezed. “I’ll deal with your payback later.” Kai looked to Bram. “Well?”

  To his credit, Bram didn’t laugh. “Sid needs to ask you a few questions.” Bram looked to Jane. “Can she come over now?”

  Jane motioned toward Kai. “Give him the blanket.”

  Bram did laugh as he handed Kai an old, woolen blanket. Wrapping it around his waist, the material made him want to itch. “You could’ve brought something nicer.”

  Bram grinned. “And miss you scratching yourself? I think not.”

  Jane ignored them and shouted, “Dr. Sid, would you come over?”

  As the doctor made her way over, Kai tried holding the material away from his body, but it didn’t help. He gave a glance to Jane indicating that he wanted to speak with her later. His female merely shrugged.

  His dragon laughed. If you haven’t learned by now that your glares don’t work on her, then you’re a lost cause.

  I have to do something.

  Withhold sex. When she starts begging for our cock, then you can negotiate a few things.

  As if you could last, dragon.

  Sid’s voice cut through his conversation with his beast
. “I made my observations, but first I want to hear a report on your flight.”

  Kai shrugged a shoulder. “Everything felt as it should. Nothing was tight or painful. In all honesty, I’ve never felt better.”

  Sid studied him a second before she replied, “Judging from your flight and maneuvers, I think you’re healed. If you’re lying to me, Kai Sutherland, it’ll be your own damn fault that you’re injured again, or worse.”

  “I’m telling the truth, Sid,” Kai stated as he wrapped an arm around Jane.

  Sid glanced to Jane and back to him. “Since getting yourself killed means being separated from your female forever, I think you’re telling the truth.” Sid looked to Bram. “He’s your problem now.”

  “Aye, I know. Thanks, Sid,” Bram answered.

  With a nod, Sid walked off in the direction of her surgery.

  To some the action might seem cold, but Kai knew it was never easy for her to watch a dragon-shifter fly around in dragon form. The sight only reminded Sid of what she could never have again.

  Bram spoke up. “I’ll contact the DDA to let them know the plan is still set for tomorrow. You and Aaron need to ensure our Protectors are ready to go.”

  “And Lochguard?” Kai asked.

  “Aye, they’re ready too. Although Finn’s being a bit paranoid about his pregnant mate and doesn’t want to allow his land to be vulnerable. Still, ten extra dragons will make a difference.”

  Jane chimed in. “Who knows, maybe next time, we can have my brother and a few other humans help us.”

  Hearing Jane say “us” warmed Kai’s heart. “We’ll see.”

  Bram slapped his bicep. “We’ll have one final meeting this evening. But for now, I’ll let you get things in motion and spend a little time with your female. It’ll help calm your dragon for tomorrow.”

  Kai hugged Jane tighter and she leaned more into his side. “Thanks, Bram.”


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