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Sinful (The Sin Duet Book 3)

Page 7

by M. Malone

  This time Noah coughed, and muttered, “Well, this is one of those times I think a little homicidal nature is okay.”

  Gemma met my gaze. “I trust you with my life.”

  The sliding glass door opened, and Ian aggressively stomped his feet on the doormat before stepping in. “If you guys are done with your Kumbaya moment now, I’ve got us a plane to head back. What are we doing?”

  Everyone turned to look at me and I tucked Gemma even closer as I leveled my gaze on Ian. “We’re making a plan to go after the fuckers.”

  Ian nodded. “That’s a plan I can get behind.”

  Noah spoke up. “Unfortunately, we’re flying blind right now. We don’t know what they know. We don’t know if they programmed you to do or say anything else or to send a signal. You said you don’t remember much from the penthouse.”

  I shook my head. “It’s foggy at best. I hopscotched through Midtown and lower Manhattan before I went to the flat. I followed the standard ORUS protocol: double back, all the way around. But I didn’t have any details. Every time I tried to remember too closely, I felt like I’d taken an ice pick to my brain. So I could have done anything.”

  Noah nodded. “Okay. Then in that case, trying to deceive them into thinking that you’re still in the wind is risky and probably won’t work. We need to go direct. Hit them at home base.”

  Ian came forward and poured himself a cup of coffee. “The drive to the port is risky. I can give you all the agents I can spare, but if they’re ready for us, it’ll be a bloodbath.”

  I looked down at Gemma and squeezed her tighter. “Look, the Family went to a lot of trouble to get me. For years, they’d been holding on to their ace in the hole. The wankers didn’t count on the fact that I might fight back. They very likely didn’t count on the fact that I would leave ORUS. They sure as hell didn’t count on the fact that I would come after them. So let’s give them another surprise. Hand me over.”

  Gemma’s head snapped up and she scowled at me. “Over my dead body.”

  God, I loved her. “Hopefully it won’t come to that, love. With enough backup, I say we take the fight to them under the guise of a complete and total peace-offering type of handover. They’ll believe I’m sacrificing myself to protect all of you.”

  Rafe gave me a lopsided smile. “Is this the part where you also add in, ‘Then we kill everybody’?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, this is the part. They’ve caused enough pain. It’s time they paid for their sins.”

  “So exactly what were you doing to get even with the Family? I know Max didn’t want us getting in to it earlier, but we need to know what we’re up against,” Ian said.

  I grinned. “Well, just a few things. I changed their shipment manifests, so their shipping routes went wrong. I funneled money to pirates to steal their cargo and set their human cargo free. I stole a couple of planes. Oh, and I stole 1.3 billion dollars from them.”

  Ian just stared at me, blinking, and then he muttered, “Fuck, I wish you still worked for ORUS.”

  Noah, however, looked completely unsurprised. He just shrugged. Rafe was the one who stared at me. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  I shrugged. “I’m a hacker. I can always find some way to interfere with someone’s life. They were killers. And they left me a lot of open backdoors.”

  Noah’s only question was, “Where’s all that money?”

  I grinned. “I opened up a fund for all the Family’s victims. Everyone who was freed and released, I made sure they got a share, access to somewhere safe to go, and money for their families. That sort of thing. Like we do at Blake Security.”

  Noah nodded. “Yeah, I taught you well, didn’t I?”

  Emotion welled, and it took all my years of training to hold myself together. Despite all the bad things I’d done, Noah had always carried an underlying belief that I would do the right things. Like I was… good at the core. Something that I hadn’t even believed about myself. And here he was again, years later, still being the brother I’d never known I needed. Further proof that blood didn’t make you family.

  He’d shown me what real family was about.

  “Yeah, you definitely did.”


  That dank warehouse smell, it wrapped around me like a wet shadow, cloying, clinging, and sticking to me so I couldn’t shake it off. It held me rooted to the spot, watching the horror play out in front of me because I wasn’t strong anymore. I wasn’t trained. I was just a kid and I couldn’t help but watch in horror as Becca fell before us.

  The scream caught in my throat, the horror manifesting in freezing chills all over my body, bringing out goose bumps. I couldn’t drag my eyes away from her. I wanted to tell her not to do it. I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay. I wanted to tell her that I was sorry she’d even been brought into this place. But I couldn’t do that. All I could do was watch.

  The silence of her fall was probably the worst part. No scream, no crying out. No sounds came out as her body fell through the air. I could only watch her. I’d done nothing to help. I couldn’t erase that from my mind.

  “She was my favorite. Now what are we supposed to do?”

  It was Father and someone else talking. The words filtered into my consciousness as a little boy who had just seen the most horrific thing. I knew what had happened to the girl and where she’d gone. I knew someone would be upset that she’d died, but clearly not this lot.

  “I need to find a new replacement, and quick. Round up all the girls between eight and thirteen. We might just send him a sampling. I’ll pick one or two. The rest we’ll just sell elsewhere.”

  The rest they’d just sell elsewhere. The rest they’d just sell—

  Just like that, I snapped out of it. Eight and thirteen? Jesus bloody Christ. Gigi. I had to get Gigi. Run.

  Even though a crowd had started to gather, I found my way, winding through the people coming to see what happened to that poor girl. I ran in the opposite direction. I had to see Gigi. I had to get Gigi. Quickly, quickly, my legs moved underneath me. I shook off that dank smell that clung to me, that followed everywhere. Maybe I could outrun that. Maybe I could outrun the horror that was waiting for my friend.

  Just run. Keep running. One step in front of the other. I had to save her. I had to get to her.

  I barged into the room. “Gigi, we have to go.”

  But this time, they already had her. Her small body wriggled in the hands of the much larger adults. The kind of people that were supposed to protect her, to keep her safe. Just like you.

  Just like me. I’d promised to keep her safe, but I hadn’t. I’d failed. I’d failed her. Again.

  And you’ll keep failing her. You’re not fast enough.

  A hand pressed my chest hard. Someone was yelling at me, shouting at me. A grown-up. Someone who should be on my side, but I was still small and tired. Tired of fighting. More pressure was on my chest. More anger.

  It wasn’t until my eyelids opened and the darkness surrounded me that I understood. A dream. It had been a dream, reminding me of what had happened. Reminding me of all the ways I’d failed Gigi.

  No. Not Gigi. Gemma.

  “Matthias! Matthias, Goddamn it, if you’re not going to wake up, I’m going to get Noah and Rafe in here.”

  I groaned and tried to push myself into a sitting position, only to discover that my T-shirt was soaked through. Shit. I reached behind my head and dragged it off before tossing it into the corner.

  Gemma’s hands were warm and dry against my skin, and I relished her heat. “I was dreaming about that day when we almost escaped. It seemed so real.” I told her the events leading up to when I’d come to grab her. All the things I couldn’t tell her at the time when she was too young to know.

  She shook her head and ran her hands through my hair. “Shh, we’re safe now. We’ve been safe for a very long time. No one is going to hurt us ever again.”

  I hadn’t even realized that I’d made noise until Rafe and Noah
came running into the room, guns drawn at the ready. When I lifted my gaze, Noah immediately lowered his weapon. Rafe’s gaze went directly to Gemma and asked, “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine. He had a nightmare.”

  Noah addressed me directly. “Kid?”

  The icy wash of shame splashed into me. I hated that they had to be afraid of what I could do in my sleep. “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake anyone. I wasn’t aware I was screaming.”

  Rafe and Noah exchanged glances, but then they both nodded at us and left. I shoved myself out of the bed then padded over to the wardrobe to grab another T-shirt. When I climbed back into bed, Gemma wrapped herself around me. “You don’t have to be scared anymore. You’re safe. I am safe. All of that was a different lifetime, and you and I are too strong. You heard what the doctor said… after everything they did to you, you were stronger than their programming. We’re all right. Okay?”

  I wished I could believe her. Were we safe? Would I do something to put her in danger again?

  “I can see your wheels spinning. I remember everything that you did for me. I can imagine the kind of guilt you’ve walked around with all these years. I survived because of you. Because you got me out of there. Because of you, I had a fighting shot. Even though our escape didn’t work out the way you planned, the stars were still aligned to save my life that day. Because if you hadn’t come back to get me, I would have ended up just like that girl.”

  I shook my head. “Please don't say that.”

  “I have to. You have to know. I attribute my whole life to you. I have hope now, thanks to you. I got out. And, so you know, it wasn’t your responsibility. You were a kid too.”

  “I promised to protect you. Fat lot of good I did.”

  “You were a kid. We were both kids. But now, we’re not children anymore. And we can fight back. They will never know what hit them. You and I, brick by brick, are going to dismantle them. Do you understand me?”

  Her voice was firm, strong, and completely utterly unwavering. When I turned my gaze to her, I could see the strength in her beautiful eyes. Her resolve. I knew that if I ever turned back, she’d be right there with me. I wanted to be that for her. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  “Oh well, you know. You were just you.”

  I held her close, inhaling the scent of her shampoo. I loved her. Together, we were going to take down the Family and reclaim our lives.



  Coming back to New York should have felt like a victory. But for me it was bittersweet. Our time in the cabin had seemed like an oasis outside of time, just the two of us alone for hours on end.

  I hadn’t wanted it to end.

  Just thinking about the hours we’d spent in bed, licking and sucking each other, made my skin hot. It had felt like he wanted to eat me alive, to devour my pleasure until he was sated. But if his appetite was anything like mine it would never happen. I could gorge on him forever and never have enough.

  Now we had to go back to the real world and all its problems.

  It was going to be strange to stay at the penthouse where so much had happened. But Matthias was determined that I would be protected. Even stepping foot inside to drop off our gear had felt odd. Somehow out of time and space.

  “I don’t have much,” I reminded him as we parked in the lot in front of the hourly motel where my things were stored. The wind blew softly, a white grocery bag dancing over the gravel lot and landing near the front office. There were only two other cars parked nearby, one right in front of the office that I assumed belonged to the manager and a rusted green sedan that looked like it didn’t even work.

  The owner had been more than happy to hold my room for the month when I’d presented him with a fat stack of bills, so I wasn’t concerned about my things being disturbed. Not that I’d left much here anyway, just clothes and toiletries. A little money. Nothing identifiable.

  “Good. That’ll make it easier for us to get in and out. I don’t like being out in the open like this.” Matthias scanned the area around the building, on high alert for any sign of trouble.

  On the flight back to the States, we’d talked a little more about his time with the Family and the threat we posed to them. But I still felt there was more to his story, things he was holding back out of fear or worry about scaring me.

  Or because he doesn’t trust me.

  I sighed and got out of the car, looking around with the same diligence as Matthias. Anyone who attacked us would instantly regret it, but I’d rather avoid bringing that kind of attention. Until we’d figured out exactly how we were going to handle the Family and secure Sabine’s safety, I couldn’t risk any injury. If I was going to pull off a rescue, I needed to be in top form.

  After I unlocked the door, Matthias pushed ahead of me into the room. I shook my head as he moved stealthily toward the bathroom door. A few seconds later he came back out looking slightly more relaxed.

  “Clear. Let’s get you packed up so we can get out of here. Rafe had to get back to the penthouse, so I don’t want to stay here too long without backup.”

  It was a stark reminder since I’d almost forgotten the other man had been trailing us from the airport. Almost. But until things were settled, I’d have to get used to the sensation of being followed. Matthias had determined that I was in greater danger now that I’d joined forces with him. I thought it was a bit soon to determine that. After all, to anyone outside it would just look as though I was cozying up to my target, exactly as I’d promised to do. There was no way the Family could know that I’d switched loyalties. But Matthias wouldn’t be dissuaded.

  Working together, we threw the clothes I’d had draped over the bed into my black duffel bag. I never unpacked while on a job; it didn’t make sense, as I was rarely in one place for too long anyway.

  While stuffing clothes in the bag, my hand encountered the burner phone I used to communicate with the Family. It was low on power. I was surprised it hadn’t died while I was gone, actually. Matthias looked over my shoulder as the screen lit up.

  “Is that her?” His voice was quiet. Reverent.

  I nodded. “Yes. This is Sabine.”

  I tilted the phone slightly so he could see the photo displayed on the lock screen more clearly. It was a picture of me and Sabine taken when we were just hanging out on the couch after dinner one night. We were both smiling brightly, and Sabine had lipstick on her teeth. I had teased her about not looking perfect for once.

  “She’s beautiful,” Matthias commented. “Then again, she always was. Even when we were kids. We’re not going to let her down, Gemma. I promise, we will figure out a way to get her out.”

  It was uncanny how he seemed to always know what I was thinking. But despite all the assurances, I didn’t feel any better. No matter how careful we were, it was inevitable that I’d have to make some hard choices. If it came down to the wire and I had to save Matthias or Sabine, it would destroy me to have to choose.

  When I’d started this journey, everything had seemed so simple. I was willing to do whatever it took, no matter how unethical, to save my friend. But now I couldn’t promise to choose Sabine.

  I’d already failed her.

  “Let’s just go.” I was glad he didn’t say anything else. It was hard enough not to break down. Part of me wanted to throw the stupid phone against the wall and watch it shatter into a million pieces.

  But instead, Matthias just watched me in that quiet, intense way of his.

  “Not yet.” Then he grabbed me and crashed his lips against mine.


  I lifted Gemma into my arms easily, and she giggled. I loved her laugh. It was so unfiltered. She really should do it more often.

  As I kissed her, she locked her legs around me at the ankles and held on to my shoulders tightly. I hissed when her fingernails dug in to my flesh, and my cock throbbed against her heat. Electricity tingled up my spine. Without even trying, she could bring
me to the brink. I didn't want to think about how I’d almost lost her. How we’d almost been torn apart.

  I wanted to hold on to every moment we had together. She was mine, despite everything that had happened. We were meant to be together and I would do everything in my power to keep her. As my tongue slid over hers, my hands cupped her ass as I moved her against me, rocking her heated core against my cock. I couldn't get enough. Blindly, I sought out the bed but had to settle for pushing her up against the wall.

  My hands impatiently shoved aside the fabric of her T-shirt. With a growl, I broke contact with her lips so I could tug it over her head. I heard a rip and couldn’t help but smile against her lips.

  With a series of wiggles and grunts, I had her jeans off, then picked her up again. When my fingers came into contact with the edge of her panties, I could feel her slick heat and moaned against her lips.

  Take. Taste. Come. Now. I had a serious control problem when it came to Gemma. It didn't matter how much I tried to control myself. Once her lips were under mine, it was over. I wasted no time pushing the fabric of her thong aside. I knew her body well enough now to know when I slid my fingers over her it wouldn't take long to have her panting.

  Her lips were so slippery and wet. Sliding my tongue into her eager mouth, I coaxed her tongue into a dance with mine. I wanted her begging and pliant in my arms. Wanted her as desperate as I was. The problem was I was going to explode. The head of my dick pulsed, and I understood why my type of piercing was so popular. Right now, I could come just by thinking about sliding into her, thanks to the stimulation. My hands shook, and my legs trembled, I ached for her so bad. Sliding a finger inside her, I was determined to coax her first orgasm from her.


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