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The Pemberley Chronicles

Page 44

by Rebecca Ann Collins

  Darcy had to read the letter through twice before the full import of the words sank in.

  Watching him, Elizabeth saw expressions of bewilderment, anger, and exasperation chase each other across his countenance. The look of resignation that finally settled upon it suggested that nothing he heard about the Wickhams surprised him any more.

  When he finally handed it back to her, Elizabeth asked, reluctantly, if there was anything that could be done.

  Darcy shrugged his shoulders, and replied, “Probably not, and even if there were, intervention by us may not be welcome. Wickham has always had a degree of arrogance quite out of proportion to his capacity. He may well resent an offer of assistance. In any event, we do not know who his assailant was and how the attack came about.”

  Elizabeth was silent, not knowing how to respond, as he went on, “However, it seems to me your sister Lydia and her children may need some help while he spends the next few weeks in bed!”

  Elizabeth, who over the years had never failed to marvel at Darcy’s generosity to the undeserving and frequently ungrateful Wickhams, wondered aloud how she could help Lydia—especially in view of the celebrations at Pemberley, which would occupy most of her time.

  Darcy was quick to reassure her, “You need not worry about it, Lizzie. I shall send young Hobbs over to Norwich with some money. Perhaps you could write a note in reply to this Mrs Brewerton and one to Lydia, which he could take with him.

  “I shall ask Hobbs to make some discreet enquiries about the circumstances of this assault. Wickham may well have brought it upon himself—he has always had a reckless streak. I cannot believe it was entirely unprovoked.”

  Elizabeth hastened to agree and thanked him for what he proposed to do. “I’m sure you are right. Wickham has probably failed to pay a debt or outraged this man in some way,” she said.

  “Whatever the cause, Lydia and the children cannot be left to the charity of neighbours,” he said and went away to find Hobbs, having both agreed that they would not speak of this matter to anyone but Jane and the Gardiners.

  Later that night, as they prepared for bed, Elizabeth thanked her husband again. “It is truly kind of you to help them, dearest; I am sure they do not deserve it.”

  Darcy sighed, “I know they do not, my dear, but the children are hardly to blame for the stupidity of their parents. Moreover, whatever I do is for you, Lizzie, for your peace of mind; you know that to be true, do you not?”

  “I certainly do, but I know also that your generous heart discounts the hurt that you have suffered at the hands of this wilful, incorrigible couple, and you continue to help them. I am grateful and I, too, worry about her children, I do not deny it; but Darcy, I am so ashamed…” Her voice broke, and she wept.

  He would not let her continue, putting his arms around her. He was very gentle but firm. “My dear Lizzie, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Wickham and Lydia are as far removed from you as they could possibly be. You are not responsible for them and need never apologise on their behalf. I cannot forget that it was my reluctance to speak out and expose his true character that permitted Wickham to present himself to you and all of your acquaintances in Hertfordshire as he did. Had I done what I should have and the truth were known, your sister’s disastrous elopement may never have happened.”

  With her knowledge of Lydia, Elizabeth was not quite so sure, but said nothing as he continued.

  “While I have no desire whatsoever to meet Wickham, and will avoid any dealings with him, I shall do whatever I can to help your sister and her children. I realise that they would be in a parlous state indeed without some help from her family. He appears to remain as wasteful and feckless as he always was, and her lack of understanding compounds their problems.

  “Lizzie, I have spoken of this to your uncle, Mr Gardiner, and he agrees with me. Indeed, he helps Lydia quite regularly,” he said, hoping to comfort and reassure her. As she had often done in the past, she accepted his judgement and was content.

  The following day, on a mild Autumn morning, the Bingleys arrived, early as usual. While the gentlemen were out talking to Darcy’s manager, Mr Grantham, Elizabeth took Jane upstairs and showed her Mrs Brewerton’s letter.

  Jane was even more shocked than her sister had been.

  “Oh! Lizzie, how could he be so reckless, so lacking in self-control?” she cried, even as she agreed that some help had to be sent to Lydia and the children. Jane would, as she had done many times before, send Lydia some money out of her own income.

  When Elizabeth explained what Darcy had done, she praised his generosity. “Lizzie, to think that for a while we actually believed all the vicious lies that Mr Wickham told about Darcy—and yet he is such a good man. We must surely have been blind!”

  Elizabeth had the grace to blush even after all these years.

  “We were—at least I was, Jane, blinded by prejudice and my desire to believe what Wickham, who was flattering me at every turn, was saying about Mr Darcy, who had hurt my vanity. I well recall that you were never so quick to condemn him.”


  The weddings are over,

  the saga begins

  “A lovely complementary novel to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Austen would surely give her smile of approval.” —Beverly Wong, author of PPride & Prejudice Prudence


  he guests (including millions of readers and viewers) wish the two happy couples health and happiness. As the music swells and the credits roll, two things are certain: Jane and Bingley will

  want for nothing, while Elizabeth and Darcy are to be the happiest couple in the world!

  Elizabeth and Darcy’s personal stories of love, marriage, money, and children are woven together with the threads of social and political history of England in the nineteenth century. As changes in industry and agriculture affect the people of Pemberley and the surrounding countryside, the Darcys strive to be progressive and forward-looking while upholding beloved traditions.


  “Those with a taste for the balance and humour of Austen will find a worthy companion volume.”

  —Book News

  Table of Contents

  Part One

  Part Two




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