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A Christmas Star

Page 17

by Judith Keim

Inside her bedroom, Noelle walked over to the mirror. The person who gazed back at her with eyes full of wonder looked like an entirely new Noelle North. One she hadn’t seen before. It was an image she liked a lot.


  Penny Patterson, an older woman with blond hair styled in a bob, met them in the driveway of a large, white-stucco house. She gazed with interest at Noelle as she shook hands with Jake.

  “And who is this?” Penny asked politely.

  “Noelle North, a special friend of mine,” Jake answered. “She’s agreed to take a look at the house with me and make notes of any changes I might like.”

  “Welcome, both of you. As you will see, Noelle, Jake has made a fine choice of a house for him and his son. It’s a lovely property, and Jake was wise to move so quickly to buy it. A number of disappointed people have agreed to be on a waiting list for it, should he change his mind.”

  “I’m eager to see it,” Noelle said, taking note of how quickly he was making the purchase happen.

  The exterior of the sprawling, one-story house was attractive, clean, and well maintained. A gray tile roof capped the structure, and the landscaping around it was lovely.

  Noelle stood in the living room looking out at the screened lanai, charmed by the sight of the turquoise water of the splash pool and spa outside offset by colorful flowers and palms in planters strategically placed to give privacy to the space. As they walked through the house, Noelle discovered the lanai served as the center of the house and was easily accessed through sliding doors from the living room, the master suite in one wing of the house, and one bedroom and the family room in the other wing. The house had five bedrooms and four and a half baths, making it perfect for family and guests.

  “What do you think?” asked Jake, standing in the middle of the large, modern kitchen and gazing around.

  “It’s a beautiful house,” Noelle said. “I can see why people are willing to be placed on a waiting list.”

  “Yes, but what work does it need before I move in?”

  “Okay. You asked. Here’s what I’d do. I’d have the tile floors throughout cleaned and resealed, the bedroom suite at the far end repainted and carpeted for Dora, and the carpeting replaced in the master suite. Other than that, it looks great. Someone has taken care of this place.”

  Jake studied their surroundings and nodded. “They might not have had a black lab and a seven-year-old boy to mess things up.”

  “It’s a great house for Silas and Duke. You have enough room for Dora and to add to your family.”

  Penny walked into the kitchen. “What do you think, Noelle? And, Jake, every item on the home inspection list has been done to our satisfaction. Right?”

  “Yes, I’ve gone over it and checked things out on my own,” Jake said, “but Noelle has some suggestions, and I’m wondering if you can give me the name of a reliable company to refinish the tile flooring.”

  “Not a problem. I’ve got a great guy in mind. It’s on a list I’ve made with all the service people you might need.” Penny turned to Noelle. “It’s a lovely home, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, yes.” Noelle indicated the space with a wide sweep of her arm. “Any family would be lucky to live here.”

  “You’re a special friend?” Penny asked, studying her.

  Jake wrapped his arm around Noelle’s shoulder. “More than a friend, I hope.”

  “I thought so,” said Penny. “Noelle, do you have a house that will need to be sold?”

  Amused by her aggressiveness, Noelle said, “I’m just a visitor here, but thank you.”

  Penny checked her watch. “I have another appointment. But, if you like, you may stay to take measurements or to make more notes. Just leave the key in the lockbox. You have the code for it.”

  After she left, Jake turned to Noelle. “Can you see yourself living here? With Silas and me?”

  She knew he was asking much more than that and smiled at him. “Yes.”

  He drew her into his arms. “I can’t wait for that to happen. I know you want to go slowly, and I’ll try to do that for you.” But when he kissed her, she knew right away how hard it would be for him to do that.

  When they pulled apart, he took her hand. “Let’s sit by the pool for a while and talk. I want to know everything about you. And though you probably know a lot more about me, you can ask me anything.”

  “Anything?” she teased.

  “Yup. If we’re going to make this work, we need to know the good, the bad, and the ugly about one another.”

  Noelle shot him a playful smile. “Can I start with the good?”

  He laughed. “I don’t know. We might never get to the bad.”

  With the sound of the waterfall from the spa into the pool in the background, Noelle and Jake started their conversation. A while later, Noelle went to get them a glass of water with the paper cups the real estate agent had left on the counter, and they continued talking.

  Two hours later, Noelle realized she knew more about Jake than she’d ever really known about Alex. She liked that Jake was so open and wondered if his visits with Dr. Heard had helped him become this way. She, in turn, was able to be honest about herself and found that he was a sympathetic listener.

  By the time they left the house that might one day be hers, Noelle was comfortable with her growing relationship with Jake. When he’d asked her to stay in Florida to give their relationship a chance to survive, her answer was easy to give. After making a foolish mistake, she wanted to go forward. He was the kind of man she’d been waiting for all her life.


  When Jake and Noelle walked into Althea’s house, Jake’s mother was sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch.

  “There you are,” Stephanie said. “I’ve been hoping to see you. What’s all this talk about kissing and making babies and a Christmas star that Silas is talking about?”

  Noelle and Jake glanced at one another and exchanged smiles.

  “Silas saw me kissing Noelle last night.”

  Stephanie waved them both to chairs at the kitchen table. “Sit. Both of you. And tell me exactly what’s going on.”

  Noelle and Jake each responded to the command in her voice.

  She studied them both. “Is it true? There’s really something happening between the two of you? If so, I couldn’t be more delighted. But if there’s a baby on the way, we’d better talk about a wedding sooner rather than later.”

  Jake chuckled. “Wait until you hear the story behind Silas’s remark.” By the time Jake finished, all three of them were laughing.

  “Even though there’s no baby, don’t wait too long, Jake,” said Stephanie. “Noelle is a treasure. Brett adores her too.”

  “You’ve been talking about us?” Jake said, arching his eyebrow at his mother.

  “Absolutely. I saw how you were with her last night and needed to find out more. Your brother wasn’t happy that I called and woke him up this morning, but he was very cooperative.” She reached over and patted Noelle’s hand. “You see what it’s like trying to get information from men?”

  Noelle nodded. “Oh, yes, I know all about it. I have three older brothers.”

  “That’s why she’s so bossy,” Jake said grinning at Noelle.

  “She, my son, is what is needed in this family as I get older.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Jake replied, serious now.

  Stephanie rose to her feet with a little grunt of pain and bent down to give Noelle a kiss on her cheek. “I hope everything works out between the two of you. I’d love to welcome you as my daughter. In the meantime, I promised my grandson I’d watch a movie with him this afternoon.”

  Jake got up from his chair and walked his mother out of the room.

  Minutes later Silas burst into the kitchen. “Hi, Noelle. My dad says he wants to marry you.”

  “Silas,” she said calmly. “That’s what we hope, but we have to wait and see.”

  “I know,” Silas said. “I made a secret wish, and if
we find the perfect Christmas star, I know it’ll come true.”

  Silas ran out of the room before Noelle could say anything more.

  Dora walked into the kitchen carrying a tray from Althea’s room.

  “How is she today?” Noelle asked.

  “Not doing as well as other days. I got her to eat a little food, but I’m concerned. She has no appetite. She’s on the porch in her wheelchair if you want to speak to her.”

  Noelle got to her feet. “Thanks, I’ll go check on her.”

  Outside, Noelle pulled up a chair next to Althea’s wheelchair and took hold of her hand. “How are you today, Althea? It’s a nice, bright day.”

  Wrapped in a warm blanket, Althea squinted her eyes. “You’re not Claire.”

  “No,” said Noelle. “I’m not. I’m Noelle. I came here to help you.”

  Althea’s eyes brightened and a moment of recognition filled them. “Yes. You saved me.” The light in her eyes faded. “Nice day.” Humming, she stared out at the beach and the water beyond.

  Noelle continued to hold her hand. It seemed like months had passed not just weeks since she’d first encountered the Bellingham family. Now she might end up being part of it.

  Jake stepped onto the porch and smiled at her. “Dora said you might be here.”

  “The water is soothing to her. I’m glad she has this spot where she can relax.”

  “Mom and Dad are going to move in here for a while, instead of moving back to either of their places in New York or Miami.”

  “That will be easier for them.”

  “Yes, they want to be able to keep Nana here as long as possible, and it will be great for Silas to have them close by.”

  He held out his hand. “Care to take a walk?”

  “Sure. Want to head up to the cottage? I forgot my phone.”

  They called to Dora to tell her they were leaving, and then went out to the beach. Though the air was cool, the sun was warm on Noelle’s face as she lifted it to the sun. Her mind spun with the idea of living with Jake and Silas in a house along the Gulf Coast of Florida.

  Waves rolled in and kissed the shore, their frothy edges lining the beach in a pretty pattern. A trio of pelicans skimmed the surface of the water, like pilots flying in formation in an air show. The cries of seagulls swirled in the air like the birds themselves. It would be a totally different lifestyle for her here, but one she couldn’t wait to try.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Jake move with fluid, long strides. He was a man who could easily oversee big business operations and handle being in charge of hundreds of people. But, now, she knew how little that mattered compared to the family he had and the one he hoped to create with her.

  It seemed incredible that they could fall in love so quickly and deeply in such a short time. But she, like Jake, knew their growing relationship was something precious to each of them and they’d vowed not to hurt each other. That meant a lot to her. Without that commitment to trust, she might continue to hold back. Now, she couldn’t wait to let him know her real feelings toward him.


  At the cottage, she found her phone where she’d left it in the kitchen. Checking for messages, she smiled. Hazel Vogel had called. No doubt she and her three friends had gathered around her phone to check on her.

  “Anything important?” Jake said.

  “The ladies at New Life are checking up on me again,” she responded, smiling.

  “Where is New Life? Someplace west of Boston, right?”

  “Yes. Not far from Newton, where my parents live.”

  Jake came up behind her and nuzzled her neck. “Maybe the day will come when you have a lot for those women to talk about. Huh?”

  She turned around and went into his arms. “Maybe some things I won’t talk about.”

  He laughed. “You make me happy, Noelle.”

  She let out a sigh of satisfaction and snuggled up against him.


  When Noelle and Jake returned to Althea’s house, Silas was in the living room playing with his collection of dragons, and Stephanie and Willis were taking late afternoon naps. Silas jumped to his feet when he saw them and ran over to Noelle.

  “Can we look for our Christmas star?”

  “It’s getting dark, but we have a little time to look. C’mon. I’ll walk you down to the beach.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Silas went to grab his jacket.

  “The idea of the perfect Christmas star is taking on more meaning than I think is healthy,” said Noelle. “But after all the work we’ve done on the rest of the tree, I think it’s important to follow through.”

  “I agree,” said Jake. “I’m going to cook dinner for the family. Want to help?”

  “Later. Dora is due her night off, and the night nurse won’t be here for another two hours. Silas and I won’t be gone long.”

  “Okay. I’ll check in with Dora.”


  On the beach, Silas took Noelle’s hand and looked up at her. “What does a Christmas star look like?”

  “We can use anything we want for our Christmas star. When we find something unique, you can decide if that’s what you want.”

  “I’m going to look for the perfect thing,” announced Silas. “And when we put it on top of the tree, you’ll find my secret message. Poppy helped me put your shell right near the top. You can’t read my message until we find our star.”

  “Okay, I promise I won’t touch it.”

  Silas moved ahead, walking slowly, his face to the ground.

  When it grew too dark to continue looking, they went back to the house. Stephanie and Willis were sitting together on the living room couch, enjoying a cocktail.

  “Come join us,” said Stephanie. “Willis hasn’t had much of a chance to talk to you, and it’s important.”

  “All right, I will. First, I’ll check on Althea and Jake to make sure I’m not needed there.”

  “Of course, dear,” said Stephanie. She nudged her husband. “See what I mean? She’s her own person. I love that.”

  Willis studied Noelle and nodded.

  Noelle hurried into the kitchen with Silas.

  “Any luck?” Jake asked Silas.

  Silas shook his head. “Not yet.”

  “We’ll look tomorrow morning,” said Noelle. They were running out of time. Christmas was just four days away.

  While Silas stayed in the kitchen with his father, Noelle returned to the living room. As much as she dreaded what she considered to be an interview, she needed to know how Willis felt about her being with his son. Jake had mentioned that Willis was fond of Claire, and she and Claire were nothing alike.

  Noelle sat in a chair next to the couch. “How are both of you feeling? I can’t imagine what you’ve gone through.”

  “Each day is better than the last,” said Willis. “I’m just grateful to be alive.”

  “As everyone is,” agreed Stephanie, giving her husband a pat on the shoulder. “He’s my hero.”

  Noelle smiled. “Jake said the same thing about both of you.”

  “You’re from Boston, I’m told,” said Willis. “What has brought you to Florida for the holidays?”

  “A restlessness for something different, I suppose you could say. I’m the health care supervisor for the New Life Assisted-Living Community, and four of my favorite women there ganged up on me and told me I needed a change. They’re the ones who found Seashell Cottage for rent.”

  “I heard all about how you protected my mother from a caretaker who never should have been allowed to attend her.” Willis’ direct gaze made Noelle shift in her chair. “I want to personally thank you for that. Normally, I’d do something nice in return, something monetary in fact. But I’ve been warned not to offer it to you. Is that correct?”

  “Yes,” said Noelle firmly. “I wouldn’t take it anyway.”

  “Stephanie has been filling me in on your family. Three older brothers.” He chuckled. “That would make any girl strong.�

  “Oh, yes. I learned how to deal with them early on. But I love them. We’re a close family. My mother has always been active in the community, and my father was a professor at Boston College and is now retired. That’s how I was able to attend nursing school there.”

  “How old are you?” Willis asked, leaning forward, waiting for her answer.

  Before she could answer, Stephanie said, “Don’t answer that, Noelle.” She turned to her husband. “Willis, men don’t ask women about their age. I thought I taught you better.”

  Willis gave Noelle an apologetic look. “Guess I’ve been corrected on that score. But I must say, I admire your spunk and willingness to step in and help others. I understand you’ve even helped Jake with an assessment of his new house. I like that.” He smiled at Stephanie and turned back to Noelle. “Steph and I have been married for forty-five years. We were just young kids when we married, but we’ve made it work by being a team, working together and raising our children together. Sounds like our families are similar. I like that.”

  Jake came into the living room carrying a glass of wine. “I thought you might like this, Noelle.” He handed her the glass of wine and turned to his parents. “How’d the job interview go?”

  Willis had the grace to give him a sheepish look. “Sorry, son. I’ve never seen you so happy and wanted to find out more about the woman who’s making you feel that way.”

  Jake put an arm around Noelle’s shoulder. “Don’t you be scaring her away.”

  Willis waved away Jake’s concern. “No worries there, I hope.” He looked to Noelle.

  She smiled. “No, sir.”

  “Just call me Will,” he said. “I hope to be able to welcome you to the family soon.” He looked at the Christmas tree in the corner of the room. “If you don’t find a Christmas star, I’ll make sure you have one.”

  Tears stung Noelle’s eyes. It felt so wonderful to be accepted by Jake’s family. Alex’s family had thought for a time that she was unworthy to become a Cabot.


  Noelle spent the next day looking up job possibilities in the area. It tore at her heart to realize that going forward in a relationship with Jake would mean she’d have to leave her family and her patients at New Life behind.


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