Book Read Free

The Heart of Fire

Page 48

by Michael J. Ward

  (main hand: spear)

  +2 speed +2 brawn +2 magic

  Ability: vampirism

  You leave the ruins and head back into the jungle, aware that Cernos now knows you are tracking him – and that the demon may have further traps in store for you. Return to the quest map to continue your adventure.


  You swing your legs over the hole and drop onto the stairs. There is a sickening squelch as your boots sink into something wet and slimy. Holding your breath, you descend the stairs into the fetid darkness, the glow from your enchanted weapons providing a weak light to see by.

  At the bottom of the stairs you find yourself in a windowless passage, running parallel with the bridge. The air is heavy with the sour reek of detritus. Avian joins you, the bright radiance from his staff throwing your surroundings into starker detail.

  Bones cover the floor, piled in mounds against the walls. Some hang from the ceiling like grisly mobiles, dangling on cords of green slime. Virgil gives a dissatisfied snort as he reaches the foot of the stairs.

  You advance along the passage, squinting into the shadows that squirm beyond the circle of light. Boots crunch through bone and dust, sending fragments clattering and skittering in the grim silence.

  Avian puts a hand on your arm, bringing you to a halt. You are about to glance his way when your eyes catch on the crooked shape shambling in the dark. A voice whispers, hoarse and rasping, like an old man’s.

  ‘Who’s that trip-tapping on ma bridge?’

  You hear the ring of steel as Virgil draws his weapons.

  ‘I smells yer, little ones. I smells yer tasty blood . . .’

  Avian steps forward, raising his staff. Its brilliance extends out, across the clutter of bones, to the skeletal shape moving towards you. In life, you assume it was once a troll, its elongated skull bristling with curved tusks. But what it is now, you are less sure. Mottled fronds of fungus hang from its shoulders and ribcage, forming a tattered coat of foul-smelling decay. The growth extends along one of its bony arms, thickening into a club-like appendage.

  ‘We’s be hungry, yes . . .’ rasps the creature, snickering with wheezy laughter. ‘Been so long . . .’

  The troll raises his arm, the monstrous club scraping the ceiling of the passage. As the light illuminates the growth’s underside, you give a gasp of horror. The fleshy club is punctuated with hundreds of tiny mouths, all silently opening and closing with needle-like teeth.

  ‘Come ’ere little ones. Ya gonna feed da shiny fings!’ The undead monster swings his club, its many glittering mouths drooling with voracious delight. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Hunger strike: Each time you take health damage from Nergal, his club’s jaws latch onto you – leeching the life force from your body. Roll a die. If you roll a you have broken free of the jaws and the combat round continues as normal. If the result is or more, the club heals Nergal for 4 health. You must then roll again to try and break free – raising your chances by 1 each time. (On the second roll, you would break free on a or result, then a to result, and so on.) Each time you fail the roll Nergal heals 4 health. On the sixth roll, you automatically break free. (Note: this ability cannot take Nergal above his starting health of 100.)

  Unstoppable feast: If you lose a round, you cannot use any combat abilities for the remainder of the round.

  Companions’ courage: Your may add 2 to your damage score for the duration of this fight.

  If you manage to defeat the undead troll, turn to 724.


  The tunnel breaks off into a series of natural shelves, forming a raggedy staircase to the cave below. For now, the skittering sound has stopped, replaced with the grunts and scrapes of the tigris as they pick their way down the slippery ledges.

  The female scout pauses near the bottom, her scowl still evident on her face.

  ‘Smell bad,’ she hisses. ‘Danger.’

  Scar-face nods, extending his claws. ‘Spiders?’

  Scowler shakes her head, sniffing at the air. ‘No, worse.’

  Then, all of a sudden, lights start to wink on one by one – sweeping across the ceiling of the cave like a mantle of stars. It is both beautiful and eerie, the light quickly flooding the cave with a soft, white glow. The tigris glance at one another, looking for answers.

  You cover your eyes, squinting towards the bright lights. Some have started to move, the skittering sound evident once again. It starts as a few points darting around each other, then all of a sudden they move as one, sweeping like a bright wave across the ceiling and down the nearby wall. The sound is almost deafening as the light streams over the rocks, picking out black furry bodies and spider-like legs.

  ‘What are they?’ you shout above the skittering din.

  ‘Trouble,’ growls Grey-hair, putting his back to one of the rock shelves.

  The creatures rush towards you, some clambering over others in their haste. It isn’t until they near that you see that the lights are actually phosphorescent globes, dangling from their stalk-like antennae; perhaps some lure used to capture insects and other animals. However, right now they look like they are after bigger prey. You draw your weapons as the first of the strange creatures springs at you, its entire body yawning open into a fang-filled mouth. You must fight:

  Special abilities

  Snapping frenzy: At the end of each combat round, you must automatically lose 1 health for each skitter that is still alive.

  Pile on!: The skitters do not roll for damage. Instead, each time you lose a combat round, roll a die. If the result is or less a new skitter joins the battle (with the same stats as its companions). If you roll or more nothing happens. (Note: You cannot use avoidance abilities, such as confound, prophecy and vanish, to stop a new skitter entering the battle.)

  In this battle you choose a skitter to attack, rolling against its speed. If you win the round, you must apply your damage to your chosen skitter (or multiple skitters if you have an ability that lets you do so). If you lose a combat round, see the Pile on! special ability above.

  If you manage to defeat the skittering swarm, turn to 655. Otherwise, turn to 640.


  Legendary monster: Garm and Erkil

  You come to an imposing hallway of flame-red stone, lined with pillars etched with runes. Against the far wall a stepped dais leads up to a twin set of thrones, one of pure white marble and the other of black obsidian. The white throne has been shattered, its winged back lying in chunks across the ground. Its darker opposite is perfectly intact and seated on it is a plate-armoured dwarf, his gauntleted fists gripping the arms. He looks up as you approach, his dark visor leaning forward.

  At the base of the dais, reclining on its forepaws, is a giant hellhound. It reminds you of the molten hounds that you encountered on the bridge, with blackened skin and veins of fire. But this one is twice the size, and twice as mean.

  ‘I guard these halls,’ booms a deep voice, made louder by its echoing resonance. ‘I stayed true to my vows. I will not desert my throne.’

  Between the plated armour there is nothing but an eerie, unsettling darkness. You realise that this must be a ghost – a death knight, bound by magic to defend these sacred halls. ‘Garm!’ The dwarf motions to his hound, who stretches lazily before rising. ‘Send these devils back to the shroud!’

  The hound gives a nonchalant yawn, belching a bright stream of fire from between its fanged teeth. Then it advances, powerful muscles bunching and rippling with every stride. It is time to fight:

  Special abilities

  Molten skin: You automatically take 4 damage at the end of each combat round, ignoring armour, from the hound’s flames. If you have fire shield, you can ignore this ability.

  Dogged determination: Once Garm is reduced to 30 health or less, he goes into a frenzy. This raises his speed by 1 and his brawn by 4 for the remainder of the combat.

  Body of flame: Garm is immune to backdraft, fire aura, sear and searing mantle.<
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  If you manage to defeat this slavering brute, restore your health and abilities, then turn to 379.


  When the two maps are placed side by side, they chart a hidden trail, passing through the Grey Mountains to a narrow strip of coastline. You are suddenly reminded of a rumour you heard back on the Emerald Isle, of a secret backpackers’ paradise – of white beaches and sparkling, turquoise waters. Could this be one of the mysterious maps that leads to this fabled location? If you wish to follow the secret trail, turn to 721. Otherwise, make a note of the entry number – you can turn to it at any time during Act 2, to discover the map’s final destination. (You may now return to your previous entry number.)


  Quest: The Abussos

  (NOTE: You must have completed the green quest The bridge of screams before you can start this quest.)

  You lead the way through the opening, emerging in a smooth-lined passageway of black rock. It climbs steeply, curving around into a tight spiral. Virgil draws his inscribed swords, their blades flaring into bands of white light. You flinch back from the sudden glare – your eyes more attuned to the darkness.

  He gives an apologetic shrug. ‘We don’t all have demon blood,’ he says dryly.

  You sense he didn’t mean it as a compliment.

  The tunnel continues to climb. Only a few cracks and fissures mar the perfectly smooth stone. Eventually it levels off, widening into a more-spacious corridor.

  ‘How did the dwarves do this?’ you ask, running a hand along the flat, even walls.

  ‘Geomancy,’ he replies, scowling around the word. ‘Old magic. The dwarves could shape rock and stone, as easily as working clay. The king’s architects have been known to use it, on occasion.’

  You glance back, raising an eyebrow. ‘It can’t be all bad, then?’

  The witchfinder glares at you intently. ‘The rock is sanctified afterwards, inscribed with holy script. The architects are warded from any demon taint. There is a difference . . .’

  As you continue along the corridor you pass a number of side passages and vertical shafts, all blocked by fallen rock. Several have solid webs netted across them, as if the stone had been drawn out of the walls and woven together, forming an impenetrable barrier.

  ‘Someone wanted to cut off their escape,’ states Virgil, peering down one of the closed-off shafts.

  ‘Or stop someone getting in,’ you reply with uncertainty.

  After another hundred metres, the main corridor becomes blocked by sharp-edged boulders. You give one of the slabs a tentative push, but it doesn’t give, weighted down by the debris snagged on top of it. Admitting defeat, you turn back to Virgil. ‘Looks like the main bridge was the only way in . . .’

  ‘Not the only way. Here.’ Virgil has his swords raised, their light illuminating a dwarven rune, etched into the stone. ‘Touch it.’

  ‘Why me?’

  Virgil rolls his eyes, then taps it with the hilt of one of his inscribed swords. It gives an angry hiss, sending sparks trailing into the dusty air. ‘I don’t think it likes me.’ He gestures impatiently towards the rune.

  You reach out with a scaled hand, your claws clinking against the stone as you press your palm into the rune. Its angular lines glow with a sickly-looking yellow light. A second later, a scraping and groaning comes from the wall behind you. You swing around to see a rectangular slab sliding backwards, its edges tracking through the dust and dirt.

  ‘You’re right, we don’t all have demon blood,’ you grin.

  Ignoring the witchfinder’s glare, you step into the newly-discovered tunnel. It rises sharply towards a narrow doorway, smooth walls reflecting the shifting light from the chamber beyond. Turn to 801.


  You search through the grisly remains of the golem, wondering if there is anything of value that can be salvaged. Amongst the charred bones and magic-imbued flesh, you find one of the following special rewards:

  Blood thorn

  Mesh of sinew

  Gore mask

  (left hand: dagger)



  +2 speed +5 brawn

  +2 speed +4 brawn

  +2 speed +3 brawn

  Ability: gouge

  Ability: dark pact

  Ability: mangle

  When you have updated your hero sheet, turn to 877.


  The hat and gloves float off towards the back of the shop. They disappear through a small doorway, returning a few minutes later with two large leather cases. The ghost places them on the dusty counter, then flips them open. Secured inside are a number of jars and bottles.

  You may purchase any of the following for 40 gold crowns each:

  Flask of healing

  Elixir of swiftness

  Pot of cleansing

  (1 use)

  (1 use)

  (1 use)




  Use any time in combat to restore 10 health

  Increase your speed by 4 for one combat round

  Use any time to remove the hexed curse from your hero(*)

  (*) If hexed is removed, you will be unable to use or equip any items that have a hexed requirement. Any items already equipped must be removed from your hero sheet.

  If you wish to make further purchases, return to 557. Otherwise, you thank the ghostly proprietor and resume your journey.


  A blazing comet of purple light streaks overhead. It slams into the giant’s chest, sending fire and shadow rippling across the island. You blink, trying to adjust your eyes to the glaring inferno. There is something at its centre – the silhouette of a man. Weapons flash and spark, runes igniting in angry ribbons of light. Then the stranger is back-flipping away, moving with a startling grace and poise, the air swelling and flowing around his body.

  He lands next to you, his cloak and armour still steaming with sulphur. Purple sigils flash along his arm, forming an intricate pattern of entwined serpents. The sudden glow illuminates the stranger’s face. Lorcan. The thin, bald-headed librarian from Durnhollow.

  ‘You really did grow a pair,’ he grins, peering over your shoulders.

  Before you can reply a dark shadow passes overhead – the rock giant lurches forward, its massive feet crunching through the stone. Lorcan narrows his eyes, seemingly unfazed by the size of his opponent.

  ‘Time to dance, my friend.’ He springs forward, matching the giant’s roar with one of his own. You must now fight the following team battle alongside a hero from The Legion of Shadow:

  Special abilities

  Molten flares: At the end of each combat round, each hero must take damage equal to Krakatoa’s current magic score. This damage ignores armour. (NOTE: You can use abilities such as confound and disrupt to lower Krakatoa’s magic.)

  Krakka’s KO: If a hero takes health damage from Krakatoa’s damage score, they are stunned and cannot attack in the next round of combat. If they are the only hero remaining, then the combat is automatically lost.

  If you manage to reduce Krakatoa to zero health, then you may enter phase two of this combat. Keep a note of your remaining health and abilities, then turn to 793.


  The room’s features are relatively intact, the only signs of damage being some smashed stone tablets lying across the ground. The main feature of the room is a marble slab, with square depressions carved into its surface. Hanging above the marble is a metal cross-piece, supporting a row of grooved shelves. A simple chain system allows the cross to be lowered onto the marble.

  ‘Strange looking torture device,’ you comment grimly.

  Virgil has moved over to a small table, covered in blank sheets of parchment. ‘Hardly. It’s a printing press.’ He holds up a sheet of paper, turning it over in the light from one of his blades. ‘Dwarves recorded their lore onto stone or clay. The Lamuri must have taught them this craft.’

  You notice a set of sh
elves, stacked with rectangular plates of bronze. You pull one out, seeing that its surface is covered in raised dwarven script. Bottles of ink are lined up along one of the lower shelves.

  Virgil opens his hand, letting the paper flutter to the ground. ‘Alas, we’re not here to print books. We should keep moving.’ He crosses the room to a pair of black iron doors. They stand open, revealing a plain corridor leading through into another chamber.

  If you have the mind’s eye equipped, turn to 895. Otherwise, you find little of interest in the room, so decide to leave. Turn to 866.


  Yootha crouches down beside the chest. Removing a pin from her hair, she places it inside the lock. After a series of quick prods and twists, the chains fall away onto the floor. ‘Come round and have a look, lovey,’ she says, flipping open the lid. ‘These aren’t the fakes you’d pay a fortune for back home; these are straight from the Lamuri city itself. Means you can pay me a fortune instead.’ She titters to herself, then playfully flicks her wrist at you. ‘Just a little Yootha joke. I said I’d do you a deal. Three hundred gold each – and that’s just giving them away.’

  You peruse the objects: a feathered spear with a bronze head, a cloak of coarse black hair and a collection of dried, crusty parchment bound in crocodile skin. You may purchase any of the following for 300 gold crowns:




  (main hand: spear)


  (main hand: spell book)

  +2 speed +2 brawn

  +1 speed +2 health

  +2 speed +2 magic


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