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White Lies and Other Half Truths

Page 10

by Barbara Tiller Cole

  Darcy reached out and ran the back of his fingers along her jaw line, "I believe you are attempting to change the subject, my love. I will have you to tell me, you know."

  But he did not press the point. He pulled her to him and gave her a chaste kiss, wrapped her hand around his arm and led her out of the stable.

  They talked a little about what they had accomplished that day, agreed that had missed each other, and planned another breakfast picnic for the following day as they approached the house.

  But just before they entered the house, Darcy drew her close and whispered in her ear, "While I do not claim to resemble your horse, my love, I do believe that you have selected your lesson for the morning."

  And with that he entered the house, leaving behind a blushing fiancée with a gaping mouth.


  Darcy sat at the Longbourn dinner table, determined to present himself in the best light. It was his desire to avoid focusing on Elizabeth’s mother and her younger sisters, as he was determined not to concentrate on any behaviour that might be less than proper. If he saw things that would once have shocked him in the past, this night he would allow them to divert him. He had spent enough time amongst the Bennets to know that while Mrs. Bennet and Elizabeth’s sisters were not always sensible, they all loved each other. He knew this was not always true in families. He also knew that Mr. Bennet was now planning on sending the youngest two girls to school.

  During the afternoon, the Gardiners had arrived from London. Darcy had met them upon returning to the house with his fiancée, and he found them to be quite sensible individuals. It was also obvious they had a deep love for Elizabeth. Darcy remembered Mr. Bennet had mentioned their involvement in Elizabeth and Jane’s education in London.

  “Mr. Darcy, do you not think our Elizabeth looks quite beautiful tonight? She is wearing one of her new gowns. I helped her pick it out from the Modesto for her trousseau!” Mrs. Bennet exclaimed over dinner.

  Darcy gazed at Elizabeth who was sitting opposite from him, “Yes, madam, very beautiful indeed.” And then he smiled.

  Everyone at the table, with the exception of Elizabeth and Mr. Bennet, were intrigued as they had never seen Mr. Darcy smile. In return, they all smiled back at him.

  Darcy had a wonderful conversation with the Gardiners. Mrs. Gardiner had grown up in Lambton, not five miles from Pemberley. They had much in common as they spoke of their memories of Derbyshire. As Mr. Bennet had suggested, Mr. Gardiner appeared to be a very shrewd businessman. As they discussed a new business venture, Darcy found he was quite interested in making an investment.

  “Mr. Darcy, you have such a handsome smile. You should smile more often!” Lydia exclaimed, and Darcy blushed.

  Mrs. Bennet continued to talk to him, “Well, I have been doing my best to make sure Elizabeth is prepared to be your wife. We have ordered her clothing to insure she will be warm enough for the Derbyshire winters. I have been talking with Elizabeth about proper behaviour for a married woman. She is to be Mistress of Pemberley, no less, so I have continued to remind her she must not continue to wander about the countryside. Why only yesterday she missed breakfast and was gone almost the entire morning. I assure you, sir, I am attempting to curtail such behaviour in her. It will not be appropriate once she has become your wife. She cannot continue to run wild,” Mrs. Bennet said shrilly. Elizabeth blushed and looked at the table. Darcy frowned slightly. Mr. Bennet glanced at Elizabeth with a slight smile, as he had a feeling that such behaviour was part of what attracted Darcy to his Lizzy in the first place.

  Darcy’s improper thoughts briefly focused on the words ‘running wild’ for just a moment, and knew he would encourage her wildness. Oh, it is not a time to think of this! I cannot go to the window during dinner. Thank heavens for the tablecloth! Darcy decided he must re-attend to the conversation.

  Mr. Bennet interrupted his wife, “My dear, Elizabeth was with Mr. Darcy yesterday morning. I believe they went for a walk and a picnic. I am certain that Elizabeth will continue to walk quite frequently, as I am sure there are many lovely paths to explore around Pemberley.”

  “Oh, Mr. Bennet, you need not be secretive with your family any more! I know you know all about the paths at Pemberley. In fact, Mr. Darcy, I once spent a holiday at your home when Mr. Bennet and I were first married!” exclaimed Mrs. Bennet. Elizabeth looked at her plate. Mary, Kitty and Lydia looked like they were in shock. Darcy was not sure what to say or where to even look. He ended looking towards Mr. Bennet.

  “Mrs. Bennet, this has not been common knowledge of the family, but you state the truth,” Mr. Bennet said.

  Darcy decided it would be to the best advantage of this situation to encourage talk of Pemberley, rather than point out the impropriety of Mrs. Bennet’s revealing a long held secret. Curiosity seemed to be the way of this day anyway. So he said, “Mr. and Mrs. Bennet why do tell us of your memories of Pemberley.” And then to room in general he said, “Mr. Bennet was telling me just this week that he and my father were very good friends. I would like to hear more of your memories of Pemberley, and the time you had in company with my parents.”

  Mr. Bennet spent some time telling what he remembered of Pemberley. He told them some humerous stories of times with George Darcy. He also spoke of Darcy’s uncle, and the company learned that Lord Matlock would be arriving three days prior to the wedding.

  Mary discussed books with Darcy. She was very interested in the fact that he had met Lord Byron. They also talked about a book discussion group in which he participated. Mary asked if she could come and visit while they were in town in the spring, possibly for the season. Darcy looked to Elizabeth who nodded, and then indicated to Mary that she would be very welcome to come and spend some time with them, if she so desired.

  Mr. Bennet shared over dinner that he was considering sending Lydia and Kitty to a new ladies finishing school near London in the spring. While Lydia and Kitty initially protested, Darcy suggested that they could come and spend any holiday they may be granted at the Darcy townhouse in town. They readily agreed they would look forward to seeing the Darcys while they were in town.

  Darcy shared an amused glance with Mr. Bennet. “Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, and my new sisters to be—it would be my great pleasure, no, I should say our great pleasure if you would come to Pemberley for Christmas and celebrate the holiday with Elizabeth and myself. Please do say you will come?”

  A chorus of agreement emanated from the table. “Will there be dancing while we are there, Mr. Darcy?” Lydia asked hopefully.

  “Why, Miss Lydia, that will be something you must discuss with the new Mistress of Pemberley. What do you think, Miss Elizabeth?” Darcy smiled.

  “Why, Mr. Darcy, I would be happy to plan for dancing at my new home. But only if you will find me handsome enough to tempt you to dance,” Elizabeth coyly teased with love in her eyes; smiling at him.

  Darcy released a deep, hearty laugh. All at the table were amazed. “I would be quite happy to dance with you, my dear Elizabeth,” he said with a wide grin on his face.

  With that, any doubts her family had regarding their upcoming marital felicity melted away. They were very well matched indeed.

  While dinner had been quite nice, Darcy and Elizabeth were struggling to think of anything but finding a way to be able to spend time in each others’ sole company. After dinner the men separated, but prior to returning to the ladies, Mr. Bennet asked Mr. Gardiner to give him a couple minutes to speak alone with Darcy.

  Mr. Bennet spoke with Darcy and they had agreed to a plan of visiting the Great House at Stoke, two days from hence. They rejoined the ladies as soon as propriety would allow, and Darcy asked, “Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, it is such a lovely evening I wonder if you would allow me to escort Miss Elizabeth for a walk in the garden? I wish to speak with her about something.”

  “Yes, Mr. Darcy. Lizzy, my dear, go have a lovely walk. You have been in our company quite long enough this evening,” Mr. Bennet answ
ered with a light chuckle.

  As Darcy and Elizabeth left the parlour for the garden, Darcy took Elizabeth’s hand, kissed it and tucked it under his arm, “Oh, my Lizzy, you look quite lovely in the moonlight. J’aime la façon dont le clair de lune brille dans tes yeux verts, leur faisant ressembler à des diamants rares. (I love how the moonlight shines in your emerald eyes, making them look like rare diamonds.)

  Elizabeth followed with, “And the moonlight makes your eyes look like deep ebony pools, William.” She smiled into his eyes.

  “You speak French, my Lizzy?”

  “Yes, I do my love. Tu es mon plus cher trésor,” Elizabeth sighed. (You are my dearest treasure.)

  “I love you, my treasure, my very accomplished woman. Why you did not let on that you have such language skills when you were at Netherfield? Perhaps it was due to the fact that you have more taste and tact than Miss Bingley? Let us walk out around the back garden path, my dear, as I desire to hold you in my arms without being seen.”

  William maneuvered her behind the garden wall, out of sight of Longbourn and the road. He backed her up against the garden wall and moved in towards her, putting his hands on each side of her head as he leaned in and kissed her. It was a deep and thorough kiss; first--full on the mouth, second--kissing and slightly sucking her lower lip, and then her upper as she opened her lips. He stopped, “Oh, how I have missed you.”

  “Tes lèvres sont délicieuses comme des fraises et rouge comme des rubis,” he said during a brief pause before deepening the kiss. (Your lips are sweet like strawberries and red like rubies.)

  He pressed his body into hers, and moved his hands to pull her hips toward him and said, “Ta peau est comme du velours et ton odeur intoxiquant de lavande.” (Your skin is like velvet, and your intoxicating smell of lavender.)

  She reached around his body, placing her hands on his hips as she pulled him towards her returning his kisses, duelling with his tongue as she instinctively began to rock her hips slightly against his. Breathlessly she said, “J’adore, William. Et j’aime ton parfum épicé, tes lèvres douces et fermes.” (I love you, William. And I love your spicy scent, your firm, soft lips.) Their breathing increased in volume, their heart rates began to rise, and their temperature began to soar.

  He began to kiss down her neck and one of his hands moved from her hip up to slip beneath the edge of her dress to capture her luscious breast, and then onward till he reached the centre where he began to rub the hardening ripe berry that was her nipple, “Tes mamelons fermes se dressent comme des baies mures prêtes à être cueillies.” (Your hard nipples stand like ripe berries for me to pluck.)

  Elizabeth’s reaction to feeling his hand directly upon her breast was feverish. She gasped and said, “Je désire ton contact, mon William, mon amour.” (I long for your touch, my William, my love.)

  They began to kiss at a frenzied pace. He returned his hands to her hips, and took hold of her bottom. Elizabeth found herself rocking her hips forward and back, bringing her closer and closer to the point of no return. Their pace was furious, and it spun out of control as she crested and gasped in her release against him.

  Darcy, never expecting things to spiral out of control so quickly, followed her, breathing her name into her ear, “Ma succulente Lizzy,” as he was unable to control himself and released his seed.

  They held each other tight and whispered words of love to each other. William placed soft kisses in her hair, on her cheeks, eyes, nose and then her mouth. He pulled back to gaze adoringly into her eyes, trying to sense if there was any fear or concern there, as he had not meant for things to go this far. But finding none, he tucked her head into his neck and hugged her tightly again saying, “My luscious Lizzy, Ma succulente, Lizzy.”

  Elizabeth rubbed her hands softly up and down his spine and leaned into him as she attempted to calm herself.

  “Oh, Lizzy, I hope I did not scare you, I… I did not expect that to happen. I am usually in better control of myself… I… I would not wish to dishonour you.”

  “Oh Lord, William, do not worry! I am quite all right. It is just so startling to discover so many intense feelings. This is all so new, yet it feels so right. We are to be married in less than a week. We are already bound together. Do not worry so! It is important for you to know that I love you very much.” She touched his lips as she spoke.

  “I love you very much as well, and it is fitting that it is time for me to return to Netherfield.” They looked into each other’s eyes, touched each others cheeks, resting their foreheads together.

  “Oh, my Luscious Lizzy, you truly know not what you do to me.”

  A short time later, Darcy returned to Netherfield, entering the back door and up the stairs so no one would be alerted to his “accident.” Good God, I have lost all rational thought and judgment. I cannot be married to her fast enough! he thought as he entered his room to retire for the evening.

  Chapter 11

  6 December 1811

  The next day Darcy and Elizabeth were again in their secluded glen, sharing another breakfast picnic. For today’s lesson the professor sat leaning back against a tree and Elizabeth sat cuddled next to him. They were feeding each other little bites of food, nibbling on fingers and each other’s lips, occasionally taking a break for a longer kiss. While they giggled and chuckled and grinned with one other, both were aware that a “lesson” had been declared for this day.

  Darcy was trying to calm his ardour and his anticipation, as well as wrestling within himself in where he wanted this particular lesson to end. He settled back, and she moved until she was sitting between his legs, leaning against his chest. He had determined what Elizabeth had been trying to do the day before when he happened upon her in the stable, but he could not for the life of him, figure what had possessed her to look at her stallion’s equipment. He found himself chuckling with the memory of it, and as he believed they both had satiated their food hunger, he attempted to hazard a discussion.

  “My love, will you now tell me how you came to be examining your horse,” Darcy asked and was grateful she currently could not look him in the face.

  “I do believe that all of the truly mortifying events of my life have been observed by you, sir,” Elizabeth covered her face and groaned. “I was hoping you had forgotten about that.”

  “Sweet Elizabeth, do not be embarrassed! Have I not told you your curiosity does you credit?” Darcy assured her as his fingers began to trail down her bare arms and back up.

  “Ah, but, dear sir, did not Shakespeare himself say that curiosity killed the cat?”

  “Why did you choose a horse, my dear?” he said somewhat amused.

  “William, please do not make me speak of this!”

  “I know you wish not to speak of it. Torturing you is not my intent, but teaching you has become my most privileged responsibility. I want to hear any thoughts you have had in the last two days regarding our increasing intimacy. Did we not promise each other to be completely honest and open? I dare say that our openness will greatly add to our marital felicity, will it not?”

  “I am mortified,” she almost whispered it.

  “Elizabeth, please my love, I am thrilled at your adventurous nature. Please talk to me. Did you enjoy our picnic here last time?”

  “William, you know that I enjoyed our time here, very well indeed. As well, I enjoyed our manner of parting last evening. I am simply not comfortable with speaking of it. Must I?”

  “Of course. I will never force you to do anything against your will. But is this not lesson time? If the professor is unaware of the concerns of his favourite student, he cannot properly plan for any future teachings, now can he?”

  “All right, William. I know my courage will continue to rise as we talk. What is it that you wish to know?”

  Elizabeth relaxed into his chest as he kissed the top of her head and then her neck.

  Darcy asked, “I want you to tell me what you felt when you found your pleasure, both here in the glen and yest
erday evening before I returned to Netherfield.”

  “William, you call it finding my pleasure? Is that what I am supposed to call it? I did not know.”

  “Elizabeth, have you ever felt such before?”

  “No.” She said the next so quietly that he had to strain to hear her. “I never imagined that I could feel anything so exquisite. I found myself back in my room remembering our time together, and desiring to feel your touch again.”

  “Lizzy, I do not know if this will help you or not. But maybe if I am honest with you, it will make it easier for you to be honest with me. I have often found a release while thinking of you and touching myself.”

  “Can I watch you… so I might learn what pleases you, William?”

  A little overcome by her question, William laughed as he said, “Oh, my dear, your enthusiasm will be my greatest joy, I do believe. But let us not rush our lesson, my Luscious Lizzy. You are distracting me... You have yet to explain the mystery behind the horse.”

  “Oh, but William the two things are related… All right,” she said as she picked up his hand and intertwined fingers with his, “I will tell you, but you may think me very silly indeed.”

  Elizabeth continued, “When I returned to my chambers after our last picnic, my mind wanted to know more. I wanted to understand what I had felt. I wanted to know more about what our coming together will be like and I, well, I…” And she paused...

  “Yes Elizabeth?”

  “I wanted to know what your manhood looked like. So I went down to father’s library to see if he had any books hidden there. I found though that if he has any of those types of books, he keeps them well hidden. The only book I could find was about animal husbandry. Yesterday, I decided I could at least learn something by going to the stable. I thought that my father’s stallion’s size would approximate yours the closest! So that was what I was doing when you came upon me. If you wish to call off the wedding because you will have the silliest of wives, I will understand.”


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