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White Lies and Other Half Truths

Page 20

by Barbara Tiller Cole

  “I wanted the place we shared our wedding night to be very special. And this place, where we joined as one, seemed a wonderful choice. Are you happy?”

  “I could not be happier, William!” Elizabeth exclaimed. They walked to the door, where the doorman and William’s butler awaited them.

  The Darcys walked into the entryway and were greeted by Mrs. Newsome, Darcy’s chief housekeeper from London. ”Mr. Darcy, sir, Mrs. Darcy, ma’am. I believe all is ready.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Newsome. May I present my bride, Mrs. Darcy, Elizabeth this is Mrs. Newsome. She has been our housekeeper at Darcy House in London for many years, since I was a child. She has been supervising the readying of Stoke for our wedding night,” Darcy said as he introduced them.

  “Mrs. Newsome, I am overwhelmed at all the work that has been done here in such a short period of time!”

  Elizabeth was taking in the view. The house was essentially the same, but it had come alive. There were fresh flowers almost everywhere she looked. All the covers were gone from the tastefully appointed furniture that seemed to suit the entryway, and the parlour she could see to her left. Everything appeared to be so clean it glowed.

  “Mrs. Darcy, I am quite honoured to meet you, and happy for you and Mr. Darcy. We are happy to serve you, Mistress. Mr. Darcy, I have bath water ready whenever you desire. Dinner can be ready within a half hour. We can serve you in the dining room, or bring it up to a lovely sitting room in-between the Master and Mistress’ rooms upstairs. Do you have a preference, or would you rather ring us when you decide?”

  “Mrs. Darcy, do you have a preference?” William asked her.

  “Mr. Darcy, if the sitting area is as lovely as Mrs. Newsome says, it would be nice to eat informally upstairs, and then have our baths after dinner. Would that be all right with you?”

  “Quite fine, my love,” Darcy said and they went upstairs.

  The newly married Darcys had a lovely meal in their sitting room. Neither was very hungry as they were both thinking of the night to come. They chatted and laughed and fed each other, and kissed in between nibbles.

  When she had finished eating, Elizabeth excused herself to ready herself for bed. The Mistress’ chambers had been prepared to exquisite detail as requested by Mr. Darcy. There were roses and lavender flowers arranged in vases throughout the room. The bedchamber was quite large, over twice the size of Elizabeth’s chamber at Longbourn. The walls were covered in a yellow linen embossed wallpaper, with light tapestry drapes of light and medium yellow, cream and lavender covering the windows, pulled back with golden tassels.

  The four-poster bed was the largest Elizabeth had seen, and it was covered in an expensive yellow and lavender patterned silk coverlet and pillows. A settee was at the foot of the bed. Two large armchairs and a chaise were arranged near the fireplace, which currently had a large warm fire in the hearth, and there was a small table between the chairs. There was a large fluffy rug in front of the fireplace. Bedside tables were on each side of the bed. Elizabeth felt it matched her own tastes quite well.

  She went through to her dressing and bathing room. The water was warm, and a maid assisted her in disrobing, and put her favourite lavender oil into the water. There were candles throughout both rooms. The atmosphere was comfortable and very romantic.

  When she had completed her bath, her maid assisted her in putting on a gown her Aunt Gardiner had given her for her wedding. It was the colour of Champagne and made her skin glow. The neckline was quite daring in front and back, and it had very thin straps. She had a matching robe that she put on and tied it in front. “That is all Sarah,” She said.

  “Mistress, do you not wish for me to assist you with your hair? “ Sarah said.

  “No, Sarah I will be fine, thank you, you may retire. I will not need you again tonight. I will ring for you in the morning when I require you. Thank you,” Elizabeth said as she found a lovely new brush and comb set on her vanity table. The handles were made of jade and they were emerald encrusted. The card read, This set reminded me of your exquisite emerald-coloured eyes. I love you Mrs. Darcy, Your William.

  “Mrs. Darcy, if you do not mind me saying, you look quite beautiful. I am sure Mr. Darcy will be quite pleased,” Sarah said as she smiled. “Good night, Mistress.”

  Sarah had taken Elizabeth’s hair down, but Elizabeth preferred to brush it herself as it calmed her. She did not see Darcy enter the room, but sensed him shortly before he came up behind her. As he lifted the brush from her hand he said, “Allow me, Mrs. Darcy.”

  In truth, Darcy had longed for the freedom to do this. He loved her lush, brown hair. It had auburn lights in it, and was full and wavy, always smelling of lavender.

  As Darcy brushed her hair, Elizabeth leaned her head to one side and then the other to give him easier access. She was unsurprised when he placed kisses along one side of her neck, and then the other, in between strokes of the brush. When he finished, he turned her towards him on the stool to admire his handiwork, and gazed at his lovely bride. His fingers ran into her hair near her cheekbones as he kneeled, and through her locks to the end. He brought his hands back up to her cheeks, and put his hands into her hair, but held them there, pulling her slightly closer to him and gazing deeply into her eyes.

  His thumbs rubbed the corners of her mouth and she smiled, her lips slightly opened in anticipation before he moved closer and kissed her long and deep. Her legs naturally opened for him as he continued to kneel at her feet, pulling into her body as the apex of her sex was on the edge of the stool. His hands dropped to her waist and down to her bottom, pulling her into his body as his tongue began to duel with hers.

  He pulled back to look at her tenderly, “Mrs. Darcy, are you ready for bed, my love?” Darcy asked as he rose, but neither William nor Lizzy calculated their longing for each other. As he lifted her to her feet, she moved automatically into his arms, and their kisses became more urgent. Stumbling, they found themselves flush with the wall, and William pressed hard against her torso as his tongue continued its tango with her own.

  Elizabeth could do little but moan. Her thoughts had already ceased, and her hands were not idle as they moved to his buttocks. She pulled him into her apex, as they were both quickly reaching a feverous state. Darcy stopped long enough to remove the robe that had opened and to move the straps off her shoulder until the gown pooled at her feel. Her lush naked flesh was pressed against him and she managed to remove his robe and help slip his nightshirt over his head.

  Now naked flesh to flesh, her hands resumed their journey. Elizabeth moved them over Darcy’s flat nipples and leaned in to tweak them with her tongue lightly as Darcy felt his manhood slip back and forth along her warm folds.

  He stilled her and moved to capture her warm, firm nipple in his mouth; suckling hard and releasing, until she was moaning louder every time he suckled.

  He picked her up in his arms and moved her towards the bed. “Oh, my wife, I fear I cannot wait any longer,” Darcy groaned. He placed her on the edge of the bed. Her apex he tested with his fingers and found her dripping with wetness, such was her arousal. Standing, he replaced his fingers with his manhood, entering her easily the first time, unsure whether she had any pain remaining from their previous encounter. He moved slowly and cautiously.

  “Oh, God, William! Please, please my love, I need you. Do not hold back, I will not break,” Elizabeth begged.

  That was it. William lost conscious thought. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He plunged hard and deep into her wetness. In and out, he pressed. He lifted her legs to wrap around his body. His movements were kinetic, faster and faster. Elizabeth meet his pace, moving forward each time he plunged into her. There was nothing but the two of them, and their bodies uniting.

  Like a stallion, Darcy was a magnificent beast. Taking her, possessing her, plunging into her again and again; building, swelling harder than he ever remembered. He was a champion, and he was racing toward the finish line. He had to win! He had to cross
the finish line along with her. He felt her pleasure began to crest, and although neither thought it possible, their pace increased to chaotic frenzy.

  Elizabeth crossed the finish line just two seconds ahead of him. She screamed his name in her ecstasy, and he finished with her, erupting into her depths and screaming her name…”L-l-l-l-i-i-i-z-z-z-z-z-y-y-y-y.” He collapsed upon her in exhaustion, then falling to his knees on the floor.

  When he had slightly recovered, he lifted her to the head of the bed and joined her there; pulling the covers over them and cuddling her close to his side, they fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.

  Longbourn, later that night

  Tom Bennet stood looking out of the window at Longbourn. His favourite daughter, his Lizzy, his jewel, was married to his godson. He smiled as he thought of the joy he saw in their eyes as they looked upon each other. They truly loved each other, of that he was sure.

  What irony that his child was now married to the son of the only woman he had ever loved. His Anne. He still carried the pain with him to this day. Edward had asked him to try and let it go. Encouraged him to accept William, a part of Anne, to help heal this pain and find peace.

  Could he do it? Tom was not sure. But he was beginning to realize that he had never even allowed himself to try. Fear of abandoning the love he had felt for her and falling into a useless void, was what had kept him from letting go of the pain.

  Anne had been gone over ten years now. Tom had a wife and five children, one married to Anne’s only son. Could he allow himself to rejoice? Could he just celebrate having her son in his family?

  Tom knew that it was time to try. He needed to do it for his family.

  Chapter 20

  Several hours later, Elizabeth Darcy woke to the marvellous feeling of flesh upon flesh. Her new husband of just hours was spooning her naked body from behind, his hand resting in sleep upon her breast. She could hear and feel his soft breath, as well as the rise and fall of his chest against her back. She noted that her breath matched his. How curious! Did it happen as they slept? Were they now so connected as one flesh that they even breathed in sync? It made her warm all over.

  Elizabeth realized there was something else pressing into her lower body. She smiled, as even in William’s sleep, he wanted her. She could arouse him in his dreams. She contemplated their conjugal bliss of several hours previous, the ferocious nature of their coupling. In addition to the feel of his arousal pressed into her, she longed again for his touch. Her body was responding by creating liquid pleasure, preparing itself for William.

  Elizabeth was ever the eager student and wished again to practice. Her hips began to undulate, pressing back against Darcy and his erection. The movement of her warm flesh brought Darcy slightly back from the edge of sleep. He said nothing, but began to caress her breast with his hand. His hips began to move back and forth, pressing into her loins. He moved his hand down and lifted her leg up and back over his hip and leg, opening her folds for him, wide open, allowing easy entry from the rear. He pressed forward and moved to place his manhood into her envelope of pleasure, beginning in *tempo largo.

  He advanced until he was fully within her depths. He kissed her neck, then alternated nibbling her earlobe and circled his tongue around her outer ear. Each time he plumbed her depths, he squeezed the ripe bud of her nipple when he reached her apex, and as he pulled back he released her.

  Elizabeth luxuriated in his arms as her body came alive yet again. She could do little as he was behind her. But her hips kept tempo with William, moving back and forth in time with his advancement into her hot, wet folds.

  They took their time, a rhythm as old as mankind, yet the pace was a sleepy *adagio; slow, easy and graceful. As their excitement began to build, he moved his hand to the center of her pleasure; rubbing *andante, andante, flowing and graceful. He nipped at her earlobe and then suckled it hard into his lush mouth as his manhood swelled within her, and his pace began to amplify *allegro, lively and brisk, pressing harder into her depths with each plunge. She kept to his rhythm, his *glissando, moving at yet a faster rate, *vivace. He then began to punctuate his movements by holding when he reached her depths, and then a quick retreat and return, *rubato.

  The mood and spirit of their composition of love was *con amore, con spirito, con fuoco, con moto and oh, so dolce. The vocalizations of their passion rose to such heights that their moans and gasps were *fortissimo, accentuated by *sforzando strokes, and as Darcy’s plunges into her depths reached *prestissimo tempo, they reached their ultimate *crescendo and triumphed in the last bars of their musical union.

  A little while later as they luxuriated in each other’s arms, Elizabeth said, “William, how did you come to love me? When did you know?”

  Her husband thought carefully before making his answer. “Lizzy, it came on so gradually. I was halfway there before I even knew I had begun. But I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I loved you the night of the ball at Netherfield. And you, how did you come to love me?”

  “I saw you before Mr. Bingley even moved into Netherfield. You were riding across a field on your stallion at top speed, and you were smiling and laughing, racing Mr. Bingley. I was struck by that first glimpse of you. Yet, I did not know for sure that I loved you until I heard those words of love in your marriage proposal.”

  William gazed upon her, sinking deeply into her fine eyes and kissed her long and deep. As the kiss ended, Elizabeth tucked her head into his neck and turned to kiss him on the chest, as she made a decision to ask a question she was concerned might anger him.

  “William, I have another question for you. You may be angry with me for asking again, but you did promise you would tell me when we were married. It is obvious to me that you have some… I will say expertise in the ways of physical love. Have you been with many women?”

  Darcy moved until he could look into her in the eyes, trying to judge the mood from whence the question originated. What he saw was stress and playfulness. “Lizzy, what are you feeling? Why do you ask me this now?”

  Elizabeth reached up to touch his cheek. “William… I can never imagine feeling like I have this night with any other person… and I guess… oh, I do not know how to say this… I am jealous that you have been with other women. Concerned I might not bring you as much pleasure as they did. That they might have been more experienced in the ways of love and have brought you more delight.” She looked away from his eyes as she said this, and moved to her opposite side away from him.

  “Elizabeth… Lizzy… please do not turn away from me. Please look at me!” Elizabeth turned back and shyly looked at him.

  “I have never, do you hear me, never felt such pleasure as I have felt with you. Please know this. I had a physical union before, but I have never made love. I have by no means been united with someone body, mind and soul. I have never experienced love and ecstasy before. I have the skills that come with having had a physical release with another person; this is true. If I had known, if I had had any idea that one day I would live to regret that; if I had known that it might bring my new bride any pain at all, I would not have done it.

  “I have only been with two women in the past. I feel ashamed to tell you this, but they were courtesans, women who were paid for their services. My father took me when I was but fifteen to a courtesan for, as he told me then, education into the ways of love and the ways of restraint. I was with this lady for one weekend. The only other time I was on my Grand Tour, which was seven years ago, Lizzy. I have been with no one, no one but you since that time. I promised you that we would always be honest with each other, and now you know all. I am so, so sorry if it brings you pain.”

  “Truly, William, you have never been with a woman you loved? You have never made love to another besides me?”

  “No, my love, never. Only you. Now, I find that I must have you again, unless you tire of me.”

  “Never will I tire of you William,” Lizzy said as she pulled him to her and their passion flared again.
/>   *~*~*~*~*

  Elizabeth woke the next time from the most exquisite dream she could ever remember experiencing. She was in the midst of experiencing the heights of pleasure when she awoke. She did not immediately see William, but she was experiencing the pleasure she was having in her dreams. She looked down, and Darcy was busy delighting her pleasure center. “Oh God, William. Oh God, I… ah… believe… this is the most delicious way to be awoken.”

  Darcy suckled on her hard nub as two of his fingers explored her folds, moving in and out as he suckled hard and then soft. Elizabeth put her hands into the curls of hair on his head and pulled him harder to her. Her breathing was already at such a state, and her arousal so heightened that it took very little time for her to climb to her heights of pleasure. Yet, William did not stop. He continued to suckle and plumb her wet tunnel, now with three fingers, and she crested over and over until she was exhausted. He finally moved back up to the top of the bed to hold her against his chest. Darcy allowed her to recovery as he softly held her close.

  After her breath returned to normal, Elizabeth said, “William, should we not alight from this bed at some point today? Will not the staff wonder if we are ill if we do not leave this chamber?”

  “The staff knows that this is our honeymoon, my love. I doubt they expect us to leave this chamber.”

  “Well, we will need to eat at some point,” Lizzy cocked her head at him and grinned.

  “What of poetry; is not poetry the food of love? I can quote you some Shakespeare,” Darcy chuckled back at her.

  “Poetry does not fill the stomach, William.”

  Darcy laughed.

  “William… can a woman taste a man like you have tasted me?” Lizzy looked at him, a bit embarrassed, from below her eyelashes.


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