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County Sheriffs 3: Conquering Evil (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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by Becca Van

  County Sheriffs 3: Conquering Evil

  FBI agent and profiler Jasmine Urban has come to Cody, Wyoming, for the specific purpose of capturing a serial killer. What she didn’t expect was her attraction to two deputy sheriffs, Cooper Ellis and Tanner Collins.

  Cooper and Tanner are drawn to the feisty profiler from day one, but her sharp tongue and “keep off” signs keep them at arm’s length. However, when Jasmine devises a plan to dye her hair to make herself look more like the one and only woman who managed to escape the psychopath’s clutches, Tanner and Cooper can’t remain in the background any longer.

  There are shadows in Jasmine’s eyes. Both men know they won’t be able to move forward in a relationship with Jasmine until they uncover whatever is haunting her. The killer finally makes his move, and Jasmine is ready for him. She’s a trained agent and a black belt in karate. She’s in the fight for her life and has the upper hand, but then things turn back on her. Will she survive?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 57,721 words



  Becca Van



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2016 by Becca Van

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-676-2

  First E-book Publication: December 2016

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  About the Author






  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  Jasmine knew the second they walked in the door of the Sheriff’s Department. The fine hairs on her body stood on end, her breasts swelled, her nipples hardened, and her sex began to soften and moisten. However, she ignored her body’s response to their proximity, and she would continue to do so. There was no way she would ever get involved with the two deputy sheriffs.

  She pushed them from her mind as she delved into cold cases looking for any similarities to the serial killer on the loose in the Cody area. She hated that she hadn’t been able to get everything from the killer that would lead to his arrest other than an average age and being a Caucasian male. Guilt assailed her each time another woman ended up dead, and though it was hard to push her feelings aside, she had to. Otherwise, she would end up neck-deep in the quagmire, and she wasn’t sure she’d be able to find her way out.

  What had surprised her—and she was rarely surprised anymore—was that Bella hadn’t been killed when the psychopath had managed to kidnap her. The only hypothesis she could come up with was that Misha was the only woman who’d gotten away from him and he’d been using Bella to taunt the other woman. Maybe he thought hurting Bella would draw Misha out.

  A psychopath wouldn’t like that his plans, his kill had escaped. It wasn’t about the emotion. It was more as if the serial killer couldn’t let it go. She thought that maybe Misha had become and obsession. Maybe he’d liked her fighting him. Had the other women tried to fight him off? Jasmine sighed with frustration. She had a feeling that the sick fuck was getting desperate in his bid to get his hands on the two sheriffs’ woman, Misha. Jasmine hoped like hell he was going to slip up and lead her straight to him. She prayed that the men could keep Misha safe.

  She’d spent hour upon hour at the Pahaska Tepee Resort scoping out the staff and trying to see if she could pinpoint the serial killer, but so far, no luck. She’d actually suspected one of the resort’s contractors, but his wife had been a target and lost her life. The poor guy had fallen apart and, after his wife’s funeral, had quit his job. She’d also spent hours with both Misha and Bella questioning them as gently as possible about their time in the hands of the killer. Neither woman could give her anything new other than the psycho wore a grotesque clown mask and kept his hair very short. She was so frustrated that, at times, she wanted to scream, but that wouldn’t achieve anything, so she swallowed the urge back down.

  Jasmine had been running one scenario after another through her mind on how to catch this bastard, and the only solution she could come up with was to use herself as bait. She was approximately the same height and weight as Misha. A good
wig or hair dye would change the color of her hair, and thankfully she wouldn’t need to wear contacts since they both had blue eyes. She wasn’t scared about being bait to lure this sick fuck out. She’d endured enough shit in her life and had learned to push fear aside, or use it to her own advantage. She’d learned to use adrenaline when her flight-or-fight instincts kicked in time and time again. Plus, she had the added benefit of having a black belt in karate, as well as all the training she’d endured to become an FBI agent.

  Nobody would ever be able to hurt her ever again. She wouldn’t let them. She’d been a victim once when she was still in high school, and after all the counseling and tears, she turned that around. Anger had ruled her life for a while after she’d pulled herself together, and she used the gut-churning emotion to heighten her awareness of those around her. Whenever the adrenaline was surging through her veins Jasmine seemed to be more intuitive to others around her. She couldn’t feel the way they did since she wasn’t empathetic, but her gut instincts seemed to be right on the money whenever she was high on the hormone.

  Jasmine never slept well, but she didn’t really need to. She hated sleeping anyway because, every time she slept long enough to go into a REM cycle, she relived the horror of being a helpless teenager. She was stronger than she’d ever been, and catnaps as well as too much caffeine, and the occasional chocolate bar for an added sugar boost, were enough to keep her going.

  Jasmine glanced at the two desks where Cooper Ellis and Tanner Collins were working, glad they weren’t staring at her for once. Deciding it was time to take a stand, she rose and headed to the sheriffs’ office.

  Clay Wilton and Spence Nelson both looked up when she closed the door behind her. Clay was on the phone so she took a seat and waited for him to finish his call, aware of Spence eying her with an intensity that made her uncomfortable. She knew it wasn’t because he was attracted to her because she’d seen how much he loved his and Clay’s fiancée, Misha. When she met his gaze, there was a speculative light in his eyes. The second Clay ended the call Jasmine spoke.

  “I know how we can catch this bastard.”

  Clay leaned forward in his seat and rested his elbows on his desk. Spence settled back in his seat, lifted his arms, and linked his hands behind his head. Those actions let her in on more of their personalities. Clay was more intense than Spence, though she knew Spence could be just as intent and dominant as Clay.

  “Let’s hear it,” Clay said.

  “Use me as bait.” Jasmine held her breath as she waited for a response from both men. They hadn’t changed position or expressions, and while she was usually good at ascertaining what was going through a person’s mind by their body language or expressions, she had no idea what either man was thinking. In fact, she had trouble reading the deputies, too, and that pissed her off to no end. She’d been trained to read every nuance, tick, and gesture, but the sheriffs and their deputies were good. Too damned good if you asked her. She knew they’d all been elite soldiers because she’d used her position to read their files before she even stepped foot in Cody, Wyoming. She even knew why Cooper’s voice sounded gravelly and hoarse when he spoke. The poor man had been jumped from behind while on a mission, and if it hadn’t been for Tanner, he would probably be dead. The enemy had tried to garrote him. Thankfully the asshole had failed. However, there was no way in all that was holy she was ever going to tell them she’d checked into them before arriving.

  Clay nodded and then smiled at her. “Misha and Bella actually suggested that a few weeks back, but I didn’t feel it was right to ask you.”

  “Why the hell not?” Jasmine shoved to her feet, put her hands on her hips, and scowled at both men.

  “We didn’t want to ask you to do something you didn’t want to do,” Spence said.

  “That’s just…insulting. Don’t you think I can handle myself? I’m a trained agent. I have a black belt in martial arts and could probably kill you two with one hand tied behind my back.” Jasmine knew that was an out-and-out lie, but she was exaggerating as she tried to get her point across. She didn’t have a doubt in her mind that she would have a hell of a time taking out one of these men let alone two.

  “No insult was intended, Jasmine. We all know you can handle yourself, but it’s our job to protect those smaller and weaker than we are. It seems to be inherent in our genes, and we don’t care if you’re insulted or not. We aren’t about to change who we are for anyone, including you.”

  “I never expected you to.” She scowled at both men. “You should have come to me earlier. We might have already had that fucker in custody.”

  Clay frowned before combing his fingers through his hair. “You’re right. We shouldn’t have treated you like the other women. You’re a trained agent and can take care of yourself.”

  His apology deflated the wind from her sails, and she sat back down in her seat.

  “I’ll need to dye my hair and borrow some of Misha’s clothes.”

  Spence nodded. “What you’ll need to do is come and live at our place. If this fucker is watching, and after what he told Bella, I have no doubt he is, then you’re going to have to live with us.”

  Jasmine swallowed but nodded. She knew they were right, but the thought of living in a house with the opposite sex set her nerves on edge. It was one thing working with them but a completely different aspect having to live with them, even if she knew they’d never make a move on her. She just hoped she didn’t fall into a deep sleep and have one of her nightmares.

  “We need to get Misha some place safe,” Jasmine said.

  “You’re right,” Spence said. “But how are we going to do that if this asshole’s watching?”

  “Same way we divert his attention to me. Buy her a wig so she looks like me.”

  “That’ll work,” Spence said.

  “No it won’t.” Clay sighed.

  “Why not?” Jasmine asked.

  “Because Misha is going to be pissed and she’ll fight us every step of the way.”

  “She can be pissed all she wants. At least she’ll be alive to feel anger.”

  “Jasmine’s right. She can yell at us all she wants after we have this fucker behind bars,” Spence said in hard voice.

  Clay nodded. “So how do we get you in and her out?”

  “Easy. I’ll hide in your car and you get her out the same way. After she’s out, she can go to my hotel room wearing the red wig and some of my clothes. She needs to walk about to make sure she’s seen, and then she can use my rental. Send Cooper and Tanner with her.”

  “Now, that I know won’t work at all.” Clay smirked.

  Jasmine glared at him before turning her gaze to Spence when he started talking again.

  “Misha’s going to refuse to leave.” Spence sighed.

  Clay nodded in agreement. “Dawson and Kent are due for vacation time. We can get them to take Misha and Bella on a trip.”

  “I’m telling you that they won’t go.” Spence pointed his finger at Clay.

  “You’re right.” Clay scrubbed his fingers through his hair. “We’ll be wasting our breath. Kent and Dawson aren’t going to want to miss this, either. This bastard killed Bella’s sister. Do you honestly think they are going to enjoy some time out while we try and catch this fucker?”

  “What is it with you lot?” Jasmine asked, throwing her hands in the air. “You all have white knight syndrome or something?”

  Clay chuckled and then burst out laughing. Spence joined him. Jasmine crossed her arms beneath her breast and one leg over the other, jiggling her foot impatiently while she waited for them to get control of themselves.

  Spence sobered first. “Pot, kettle.”

  Her lips twitched, but she didn’t laugh even though she wanted to, because he was right. She was driven to get as many bad guys off the street as she could. Especially ones that preyed on women and children. She wasn’t going to stop until she was six feet under.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck do you think�
��s going on in there?” Tanner scowled toward the closed office door down the hall.

  “How the fuck am I supposed to know?” Cooper snarled in his gravelly voice.

  Tanner took a deep breath and tried to get his tense muscles to relax. He’d heard Clay and Spence laughing but not Jasmine. Did that mean she didn’t have a sense of humor, or did she just have better control than their bosses and friends.

  “You think she’ll ever give us the time of day?” Tanner asked the question that had been rolling around in his mind from the first moment he’d set eyes on the sexy FBI profiler. He glanced over at Cooper when his best friend shrugged nonchalantly as if he didn’t care one way or the other. Tanner knew better.

  “What we need to do is concentrate on catching the serial killer.”

  “Yeah.” Tanner sighed and grimaced at the stack of files on his desk before running his eyes over the stack on Cooper’s desk.

  He and Coop had been through the Pahaska Tepee Resort employee files over and over again. He had a feeling they were missing something, but so far, he hadn’t been able to put his finger on what was making the back of his neck itch. He loved his job, but sometimes, times like these, he felt so useless and questioned whether he should have gone into law enforcement after serving in the Rangers. He mentally shook his head because he knew that he, Coop, Kent, Dawson, Spence, and Clay wouldn’t be happy doing anything else. He was glad that he and all his friends had bought the ranch together, because he loved being outdoors riding around their land. It was relaxing, and though sometimes it was hard work, he wouldn’t want to trade places with anyone. Well, most anyway. He was glad that first Clay and Spence and then Dawson and Kent had found women they could love and who loved them right back, but sometimes he was envious of what they had.


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